A Debt to Settle

Always Unsuspecting
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     Yoongi liked his arm-mounted crossbows, Taehyung had helped him modify them to hold poisonous bolts, expelling them without breaking the glass vial attached. Vampires were fast, but werewolves were strong and Yoongi felt like anything to help close the gap on that little disadvantage would be a good thing. Plus, they just looked really ing badass.

     "Looking cool isn't going to do for you," Seokjin frowned.

     "They're fast." Yoongi demonstrated by shooting several bolts into the wall next to Seokjin's head, earning a growl from the cranky hybrid, "Barely time to react."

     "I know the last few years haven't been very exciting for you," Seokjin warned him, "But this isn't a ing game."

     "You think I don't know that?" Yoongi was offended. He pushed Seokjin aside and grabbed the bolts from the wall, "I think all that wolfsbane in your system made you extra grumpy."

     "We should have left hours ago, what is taking every one so ing long to get together?" Seokjin slammed his pack down on the table.

     "Calm down-"

      "This is ridiculous." 

     "We'll get there... prepared, not half-assed," Yoongi set his hand on Seokjin's shoulder and squeezed, "Jacker knows we're coming."

     Seokjin took a large pronounced breath, trying to calm himself. It was not working, his nerves were shot and he was still fighting some of the effects of the wolfsbane in his system, he felt sluggish and he couldn't handle that right now.

     Taehyung walked into the room, adjusting the straps on his backpack, more out of nervousness than necessity, "We're ready to head out."

     "About ing time!" An austere expression washed over Seokjin's face. Clenching his jaws, he flung his pack over his shoulder, "Let's go."

     "How do you feel?" Taehyung asked as he grabbed Seokjin's head to examine his pupils, "You look a little pale still."

     "I'll live." Seokjin pushed him back, "Who's driving?"

     "Stalinski," Yoongi answered, checking his quiver to make sure it had enough cross bolts.

     Taehyung turned to Yoongi, looking him up and down, then back to Seokjin, "I would say something positive like they do in all those movies before some is about to go down, but I just want to ing kill my brother and I don't need a pep talk for that."

     "If you don't, I will," Yoongi assured him.

     "He was going to let me die, not going to let him get a second chance." Taehyung felt the realization of what that meant, he no longer had his lifelong friend to hang out with anymore, no one to confide in about all his conspiracy theories or to throw water balloons at people on bikes with. He was alone. All the childhood memories came flooding back too fast, he looked up at Yoongi, tears welled up in his eyes.

      Seokjin grabbed Taehyung by the shoulders and looked him straight in his eyes, an inch from his face, he spoke softly, "The piece of may have turned his back on you, but you're not alone." Seokjin leaned back up, removing his hands, "We have your back now."

     Taehyung nodded and wiped his eyes with the back of his hand, grateful that Seokjin was not being a jerk for once. Jungkook's influence was apparent, the Seokjin a year ago wouldn't spare him a second glance.

     "Let's go," Taehyung muttered and turned to the door. Seokjin was right, Jimin made his choice. Taehyung could fall apart later after it was all over, but for now, he just needed to concentrate on helping to get Jungkook out of there and giving his brother what he deserved.


     The ride took what seemed like days. Taehyung would glance out the window every few minutes, talking himself up, reminding himself that the Jimin he knew and loved was already gone. The Jimin he knew wouldn't be a coward or turn his back on his pack... or his family. That was the part that hurt the most- they were close, inseparable throughout their whole lives, together against the world. Jimin just threw that all away over some girl's word, some stupid brainwashed girl. He closed his eyes, opening them suddenly when Yoongi grabbed his hand, there was blood running down his knuckles and a cracked window in front of him.

     "Save it for the fight," Yoongi wiped the blood from Taehyung's still balled-up fist and it off his fingers.

     Taehyung drew his hand to his chest and sighed, wiping away the remaining blood, "Just nerves."

     They both looked over at Seokjin, who was sitting with his head back, headphones in, music loud enough that they both could hear it quite clearly.

     "Is he going to be okay?"

     "I honestly don't know." Taehyung understood Seokjin for the first time, ever. How he felt to lose a brother, how much it hurt to think someone you trust and love could turn on you so easily, "I just hope he can beat Jacker, we're all dead otherwise."


     Jungkook paced the floor in Jacker's office, he had been there alone for the last several hours, locked in, not knowing what was going on. He was going crazy being cut off from the world... and Seokjin. He kept peering out the windows, hoping to catch a glimpse of something, anything. He was sure that any minute now Seokjin would burst through the door, displaying Jacker's head in his hand like a trophy.

     The door opened and he spun around, nearly tripping on the rug, it wasn't Seokjin. 

     "Jimin?" Jungkook was confused, "Is Seokjin here? Is Jacker dead?"  No, that would be too easy, he didn't hear any explosions or loud howls of pain, "Did they capture you too?" 

     "Shut the up," Jimin yelled, pacing in front of him. He stopped moving, staring Jungkook in the eyes, his face scrunched up like he had a bad taste in his mouth.

     "What is wrong with you?" Jungkook didn't like the way Jimin was staring at him.

     "You..." He punched Jungkook in the stomach. Jungkook doubled over, gasping and clutching his abdomen. He was caught off guard, not expecting Jimin to hit him.

     "Why..." He coughed and straightened back up, catching his breath, "...did you do that?"

     "Don't ing talk," Jimin pushed him and he fell back, landing on the couch, the thing nearly tipping from the impact. 

     "Where's Taehyung?" Jungkook questioned. He wanted to believe Jimin must be flipping out because something happened to Taehyung and somehow Jimin was blaming him for having to come to his rescue.

     "I suspect he'll be here soon, the ing traitor," Jimin gave him a dirty look.

     "Traitor?" Jungkook was confused, not liking the vibe he was getting from Jimin.

     "He turned his back on his blood," Jimin spat, angry. His claws were dug into his palms, dripping blood onto the carpet, "For you and all the filthy onyx lovers that call itself a pack."

     "What are you talking about?" Jungkook stood, his own balled-up fists at his side.

     "My mother was one of the werewolves your ing kind killed," Jimin griped, his face a jumble of rage and hatred, his eyes formed into slits.

     Jungkook didn't understand any of what was going on, what he did know is that Jimin was not here to break him out or deliver bad news about the battle. Jimin wanted to kill him, but for some reason, probably Jacker, he wasn't allowed to.

     "You're talking nonsense-"

     "Jacker showed me the truth," Jimin hissed, "You and Seokjin must be stopped."

     Jimin's sudden proclamation put things into perspective for Jungkook.

     "It was you, wasn't it? You were the leak..."

     Jimin clenched his jaw, he wasn't going to glorify that with a response, "Just wait, all of you will be dead and the world will be a better place."

     "I don't know what the is wrong with you, but if you think any world with Jacker in it is a better place, than you're an idiot," Jungkook was starting to boil inside. Did Jimin actually turn against his pack? His brother? He had to keep it together, he couldn't lose it now. He still had to convince Jacker that he believed Seokjin was the enemy, he had to concentrate on selling such an insane idea, getting mixed up in Jimin's drama now would just distract him.

     "You hold out hope that Seokjin will actually come for you."

     "I know he will-"

     Jimin laughed, "Let's see how well he fares against surprises, there's a ing ambush up the road." 

     "How the hell did you turn against your own pack... and your brother?" Jungkook glared at him, bewildered. Where was all this resentment coming from?

     "You're too stupid to understand," Jimin pushed him back down on the couch again, "ing pathetic know-nothing kid." Jimin shook his head, "I wouldn't hesitate to kill you right now if I were allowed to."

     "You're disgusting," Jungkook scoffed and looked away, making Jimin even more heated, he was about to grab Jungkook, but Tao walked in and he ceased.

     "What the are you doing in here?" Tao yelled at him, the corners of his mouth forming a scowl Jungkook recognized all too well.

     Jimin just backed away. Without saying a word, he left the room.

     Tao's scowl turned into amusement.

     "He's so easy to manipulate, he thinks Seokjin's grandfather killed his mother," Tao's laugh was maniacal, "It was Jacker that killed his mother." 

     Jungkook got chills, not just from the disturbing sounds emanating from the man in front of him, but the fact that Jimin was fighting a battle based off things that were a lie. How tragic. Ambush. It rung through his ears suddenly and the chills worsened. They're walking into an...


     "Ambush," Namjoon smirked, pointing out about ten men, "Not sly at all, kind of sloppy."

     Seokjin joined Namjoon in a small cluster of trees up the road from where Jacker's crew were waiting, not as hidden as they thought they were.

     "He thinks we're amateurs," Yoongi joined them adjusting his crossbows, followed by Taehyung.

     "Arm mounts, nice design," Namjoon noted, more to himself than anyone.

     "So how are we going to do this?" Hoseok's voice sounded behind them, he was perched in a tree about ten feet above their heads. Seokjin glanced up at him, aware he had been there. 

     "Hoseok?!" Taehyung was surprised, "What are you doing here?"

     Hoseok jumped down from the tree, landing in the dirt next to Seokjin. He hadn't planned to be there, but since he was discovered in the caves, he was feeling useless and bored, his purpose there was to protect the dagger, and with it being gone, there was no point in hanging around an old musty cave.

     "I imagine someone of Jacker's status is quite the hoarder of treasure," Hoseok shrugged, unabashed.

     Taehyung laughed.

     "Not about to denounce your old ways I see," Seokjin rolled his eyes.

     "Acquiring treasure is one of the few things in life that makes it worth living."

     "Tons of treasure in the afterlife, maybe you should finally crossover," Yoongi's mouth twisted into a sardonic smile. He had an obvious beef towards the 'wizard of plunder', that is what he called the low-life, as he saw it. Hoseok knew it was because of a certain trinket that Yoongi fancied, which may or may not have been in his possession and now well hidden. 

     "I live through this and you can have the necklace back." Hoseok didn't really need protecting, but he didn't need enemies either.

     Yoongi ignored him and turned to Namjoon, "Think maybe Seokjin and I can handle the idiots down there, you all push towards the house?"

     Namjoon nodded, "That's the plan."


     Yoongi and Seokjin went into stealth mode, making their way down the hill to the group of guards, planning a little ambuscade of their own. From what they could smell, they were humans. This wasn't the first time they had to take out a bunch of puny human guards together. The supernatural seemed to favor human fighters; they were expendable, easy to recruit, and with the promise of a bite, many people could be convinced to do anything. Yoongi thought of them more as a distraction, a minor one at that.

     "What an abysmal attempt at an ambush," Yoongi yawned. "I'm already bored."

     "You're too modest," Seokjin joked and Yoongi smirked. 

     "Humans, Seokjin," Yoongi pointed out, "This isn't an ambush, it's a diversion, a warning to alert them we're here."

     Seokjin looked up towards the big house, Jungkook was in there somewhere and he had no clue what shape he was in. He took a deep breath, "Let's do this as quietly as we can then."

     "This feels wrong somehow," Yoongi cracked his neck. Taking out a bunch of imbeciles who were mere pawns in Jacker's plans seemed below him.

     "It's obvious, he's mocking us." Seokjin shook his head. 

     "Maybe," Yoongi commented, making a mental note to pick up some chocolate cupcakes on the way home.

    They continued down the hill until they were just feet away from the men, who were standing around brandishing guns and engaging in small talk, unaware they were being stalked. Yoongi

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Love when your writing and AFF decides to freeze, thus not displaying all of what you just wrote...


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Chapter 50: Yeah, I really enjoyed to read your story.

To me, it seems like the work of a professional writer and if you change the name of the characters, maybe you could be published for real ! Thanks again for your amazing work, I'm obviously going to read the bonus parts.
Chapter 34: You're a really great writter author-nim, I haven't finished reading your story yet but I have to say it, this is incredibly good. Wow ! Thank you for sharing your great work with us =)
irenii #3
Chapter 50: I have just finished reading your story. Well i still have to read the bonus chapters but still... i read it in 3 days. I seriously love it. I am a superfan of supernatural things (including the TV show with that name lol) so this was so fun for me. I really really want the story to continue!! I have seen there is a second part and i am sure i will like it as much as this one =)
Haaru1 #4
Chapter 64: That was great . I went through rollercoaster of emotions and to think that I just happen to share same story(Yoongi was the reason I got into bts and Jinkook are just my life) I feel glad. Thankyou for the story.💜
Trngmy #5
Chapter 5: Finally, a side of Jin that is more different than the rest of the fanfiction I have read so far....not vulnerable and shy, but mysterious and manly. So far I love it!
Chapter 64: I realized that I never showed how much I appreciate you and this story this brings a lot of beautiful memories.. On of the best jinkook fan fiction I have ever read..i was introduced to this masterpiece in tenth grade.. I was so obsessed I cried, felt happy, sad and every emotion you could describe.. I bendg reading this as if it was a tv series.. I love the way you write and how you give the story life as if we are living this amazing story.. You are the best and keep on going and continue your thing.. Stay happy ?
AuraC25 #7
Chapter 29: This chapter made me sad and cry like a river ?
AuraC25 #8
Chapter 27: TaeGi ?
AuraC25 #9
Chapter 7: This is so damn exciting ?
Chapter 1: niiiiice.