Give Me My Chocolate

Finally Found You
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A/N: Finally! A Jaejoong POV!



Jaejoong POV


I had the shock of my life looking at her peep into my class. was slightly ajar and her eyes roamed around. It seemed she was looking for someone but never did I expect her to be studying under me. I was planning on getting her out of my house. Now, I prefer her living at my home. I couldn’t help but glance at that boy check her out when she first entered my class. Once L Joe sets his eyes on a girl, he will stop at nothing until he wins her heart. Once successful, he loses his interest on the girl. I myself have tried to advise him to stop being playful with girls but he says that the girls want him to be a playboy. Well, there is a limit to which us teachers can advise a student. He always surprises me since he studies hard, always in the top 5 in class, but he plays with girls too. I didn’t want Jennifer to fall into the list of girls who have fallen for him.

She isn’t like the other girls I have interacted with. Her presence itself drives me overly conscious of myself. I don’t understand what she does to me. But I feel something happen deep within me whenever she walks past me. She strangely looks familiar but I am sure that I have never met any girl named Jennifer.




Oh! She is one beautiful girl!

I swear I can stare at her the whole day.




Oh god! I’m becoming a creep!

I need to stay away from her!


How could stay away I when I saw her struggle being held by that boy? If it were in the university I would have personally dragged him to the disciplinary council.


I stared at her side profile, her puffed cheeks, her fair fingers gripped the seatbelt like her life depended on it. She’ll look lovelier if she lets her hair loose, showing off her blonde highlights.



Kim Jaejoong….. What is happening to you?


“You know you could have dropped me at the bus stand?”

“And let him ask you out again?” I faced the road.

“I can handle him”

“Oh yeah, you were doing an excellent job of handling him there”

“Sarcastic poker face” She mumbled.

I stepped on the breaks and faced her.

“What did you say right now?”

“Considering you stepping on the breaks in the middle on the road, I’m pretty sure you heard me loud and clear”

I couldn’t help but scoff in shock.


Why did I help her out again?

Unfortunately, I happen to have a conscience.


Since the vehicles here horning, I stepped on the accelerator. We jerked forward and backwards. She gasped but I didn’t bother.

Minutes later, she broke the silence.

“I’m sorry”

“Apology not accepted”

“Sorry prof”

“Apology not accepted”

We welcomed silent again as I drove to the neighborhood.


“Apology not accepted”

"It's my favorite"

"I don't care"


She hurt me. I never expected her to call me that. Yes, my father scolds me for my sarcastic attitude but I can’t help it. I was born this way.

Calling me poker face was just too much.

I’m no poker face!


I stopped at the gate. She got out to open the gates. As I drove inside, I saw her shut them through the mirror.


As I walked to the doorstep, I couldn’t help but frown not sensing her beside me. As I turned around, I saw her walk by the garden to the back of my house.

“Y-y-yy” I tried to call her but I couldn’t. My voice seemed to have magically lost by itself.

Sighing, I stepped in.



“Aren’t you supposed to be w

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[19 March 2023] I'm working on the next chapter!!!


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2034 streak #1
Chapter 38: That ending though!!! Other than that ominous ending, the chapter was kinda cute. Although I don't remember why Yunho is so against Jaejoong but is chummy with Changmin when it comes to his sister, I'm still enjoying it. LoL... Can't wait to read more. Hope to see an update soon ^^
748 streak #2
Chapter 38: Welcome back, hope you’ve been well! This was such a cute chapter - except for the very end. Hopefully, they will be able to keep her safe. It was great to see Yunho being the protective older brother, and the adorable banter between Jaejoong and Jennifer.
2034 streak #3
Chapter 37: TBH, I don't really remember what exactly happened in the previous chapters and I'm kinda lazy to reread them again. So I had continued with where I have stopped last. I understand Hyeri and Jennifer are the same person? But she's scared of Jaejoong now? I wonder why. Also, just by changing lenses people couldn't recognise her? :P jokes aside, why are they both in the hospital now? That's what I'm most curious about. I'll try to come back later to reread them again.
748 streak #4
Chapter 37: Welcome back, I hope you’ve been well. Thank you so much for updating, I thought you’d given up on this story!

I’m glad they all know the truth now, but Yunho thinking Heyri needs protection from Jaejoong is a little worrying. I guess knowing who she is would be a little disconcerting though. I hope it’s not another couple of years before you update again, I can’t wait to see what happens when Jaejoong goes to her room.

Please take care and stay safe.
2034 streak #5
Chapter 36: Oh My My! Just at the beginning of this chapter, I was starting to think Jennifer is Heyri. And I was feeling pretty proud to have made that guess. But lol, you broke it all at the end by revealing Yunho's (step)mother. Anyway, I have finally caught up with the chapters. Now can't wait to read more. Hope to see an update soon ^^
2034 streak #6
Chapter 35: Well, Jaejoong is overly possessive and personally, I don't think it's the right thing. Hopefully, he will eventually realize that's he's being borderline evil and eventually have a nice character development. Will be back later to read more!
2034 streak #7
Chapter 34: I cracked up at the cat fights Jaejoong and Changmin was having in most part of the chapter. They are elementary school kids. Lol XD can't wait to read more. Will be back later ^^
2034 streak #8
Chapter 33: Hahaha thanks for the spam of pics at the end of the chapter. Anyway, I'm surprised that Jaejoong has been up and moving so easily just after coming out of a surgery for a gunshot. Lol XD nonetheless, I will be back later to read more ^^
2034 streak #9
Chapter 32: Whoa! A bounty Hunter?but why Jennifer is her target though? Can't wait to read more. Will be back later ^^
2034 streak #10
Chapter 31: Wait! What's the age difference between Jaejoong and Jennifer? I don't seem to remember. Also can't wait to see how things develop between those two when they are being like cats and dogs. Will be back later ^^