Assurances and Promises

Finally Found You
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Anyways, without further due...




Author POV


Jaejoong took his time to wake up. After all, the medicine he was given was powerful and knocked him down within minutes. The doctors were unhappy with his actions of walking around and therefore decided to dose him with some sleep inducers too. Especially after witnessing the Jung heir himself look into Jaejoong’s well-being, the doctors were in it to do their best to get Jaejoong cured.

Once he did wake up he noticed someone sit by his bed, someone who wasn’t his father. Trying not to pressurize his injured side, Jaejoong carefully began to make his way to sit up, but was aided by the third-party almost immediately.

“Thank you, but may I kno-” His voice died away once he recognized who it was by his side. “Ajumma?!” His disbelief was evident, eyes blinking hard to clear his view so that he could clearly reconfirm.

It’s been years since he last saw her but he remembers her. How could he forget the beautiful lady who cared for him?!

“Ajumma, it’s you right?” He asked once again, reaching his free arm towards her hand. “Ajumma?!”

Her tears answered his questions. Yes, it was her. It was his little Heyri’s dear mom. Yunho’s mother.

“Is Heyri here?!” The question was spat out unconsciously. “Can I meet her?!”

Charlotte bit back her cries, sadden by the sight in front of her. How many times would this family sacrifice themselves to protect her family? How many times would this family ignore their pain and protect the Jungs?!

Oh, Jaejoong was the picture of his mother! And that made her sob harder

“Ajumma wae? Is something wrong with Heyri?!” Jaejoong began to panic. “Did something happen to her that night?!”

“Oh why are you concerned about that little brat when you are injured?” She cried, “Can you stop throwing yourself in front of danger Jaejoong-ah? I can’t bear losing you too!”

“Ani ajumma. I’m fine. This is nothing. Just a flesh wound. But she didn’t wake just yet. I actually should check up on her. But please, tell me where Heyri is. Is she fine? Did she come here? Can I see her?”

Charlotte looked at the panicked boy, feeling so bad for him. “She’s recovering Jaejoong-ah. Don’t panic. They have taken her to a psychiatrist now. Yunho is with her. I sent your father home to freshen up. He needs to rest. I’ll be there with you, arrasseo?”

Confusion was evident in Jaejoong’s face. “Ajumma, who are you speaking about?”

Charlotte wiped her tears and smiled softly at him. “Why don’t you brush your teeth and eat? We’ll then meet Heyri”

Unable to disobey her, Jaejoong slowly got out of the bed and headed to the washroom, Charlotte trailing him and standing by the bathroom door, waiting on standby to help Jaejoong.



Breakfast was served. Once again, Jaejoong quietly obeyed Charlotte’s gentle commands and ate what was given to him, despite every inch of him wanting to scream and shout for Heyri.

But then Jennifer crossed his mind. Suddenly he felt rather conflicted. He wanted to meet Heyri but he had to check on Jennifer first.

“Ajumma, about the girl who went to meet the-”

“Jaejoong, please eat. You need your strength.”

“Come one Ajumma, how can I eat when you are sitting next to me and HIDING Heyri from me?!” He argued, “At least tell me if she is here! Please!”

“Yes, she’s here”

“Good. And where is she? Will she come here?”

“Yes. Else I’ll take you there”

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[19 March 2023] I'm working on the next chapter!!!


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2034 streak #1
Chapter 38: That ending though!!! Other than that ominous ending, the chapter was kinda cute. Although I don't remember why Yunho is so against Jaejoong but is chummy with Changmin when it comes to his sister, I'm still enjoying it. LoL... Can't wait to read more. Hope to see an update soon ^^
749 streak #2
Chapter 38: Welcome back, hope you’ve been well! This was such a cute chapter - except for the very end. Hopefully, they will be able to keep her safe. It was great to see Yunho being the protective older brother, and the adorable banter between Jaejoong and Jennifer.
2034 streak #3
Chapter 37: TBH, I don't really remember what exactly happened in the previous chapters and I'm kinda lazy to reread them again. So I had continued with where I have stopped last. I understand Hyeri and Jennifer are the same person? But she's scared of Jaejoong now? I wonder why. Also, just by changing lenses people couldn't recognise her? :P jokes aside, why are they both in the hospital now? That's what I'm most curious about. I'll try to come back later to reread them again.
749 streak #4
Chapter 37: Welcome back, I hope you’ve been well. Thank you so much for updating, I thought you’d given up on this story!

I’m glad they all know the truth now, but Yunho thinking Heyri needs protection from Jaejoong is a little worrying. I guess knowing who she is would be a little disconcerting though. I hope it’s not another couple of years before you update again, I can’t wait to see what happens when Jaejoong goes to her room.

Please take care and stay safe.
2034 streak #5
Chapter 36: Oh My My! Just at the beginning of this chapter, I was starting to think Jennifer is Heyri. And I was feeling pretty proud to have made that guess. But lol, you broke it all at the end by revealing Yunho's (step)mother. Anyway, I have finally caught up with the chapters. Now can't wait to read more. Hope to see an update soon ^^
2034 streak #6
Chapter 35: Well, Jaejoong is overly possessive and personally, I don't think it's the right thing. Hopefully, he will eventually realize that's he's being borderline evil and eventually have a nice character development. Will be back later to read more!
2034 streak #7
Chapter 34: I cracked up at the cat fights Jaejoong and Changmin was having in most part of the chapter. They are elementary school kids. Lol XD can't wait to read more. Will be back later ^^
2034 streak #8
Chapter 33: Hahaha thanks for the spam of pics at the end of the chapter. Anyway, I'm surprised that Jaejoong has been up and moving so easily just after coming out of a surgery for a gunshot. Lol XD nonetheless, I will be back later to read more ^^
2034 streak #9
Chapter 32: Whoa! A bounty Hunter?but why Jennifer is her target though? Can't wait to read more. Will be back later ^^
2034 streak #10
Chapter 31: Wait! What's the age difference between Jaejoong and Jennifer? I don't seem to remember. Also can't wait to see how things develop between those two when they are being like cats and dogs. Will be back later ^^