Number Three: What should I say?

Fall for someone [REVISING]
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I don’t know why I did that. I really don’t know why I kissed Sana, I don’t know why I made this for her. She’ll be confused… I am confused right now! I just can’t handle it. Seeing Sana hurt, hurts me too. When we broke the kiss she looked at me with a confused face, I’m sure she saw my confused face too.


"I’m sorry." I just take two steps behind, looking at the ground. I just can’t explain why I did that, so I hoped she wouldn’t ask, but.


"Why you did that?" Sana asked, her voice low and her gaze directly on me.


"I don’t know." I answered sincerely. "I really don’t know. Isn’t like I love you or something like that, not in a romantic way. But... I just can’t stand here seeing you hurt, Sana. It hurts a lot to see my Sana cry because of someone that I don’t even know if deserves your love, know? It’s difficult." I sighed and ran my hands through my hair, messing a bit. "I was so confused… I’m sorry."


She just giggled and hugged me, sighing and resting her head on my shoulder. I hugged her back, caressing her back and also sighing.


"Mina-chan, you’re a good friend, but kissing me won’t help. I mean, you can’t take my feelings for Dahyun away with this. I know you just want to make me feel happy again, but this isn’t the right way."


I just nodded and let her get away from our hug. Sometimes I don’t think as much as I have to, so I’m really embarrassed now. Sana suddenly took my hand and lead me back to the classroom. When we were walking she whispered, caressing my hand.


"It’s okay. Let’s forget about it, right? Don’t feel guilty or embarrassed."


I nodded again, looking for my shoes and walking back. When we get our classroom, the class had already started, so we waited until the second period while we talked a bit about Dahyun and Sana feelings. I was happy when we did it, because I could understand why Sana likes her.


I was happy.





If I was worried? I was almost in panic with the idea of Sana thinking that Dahyun and I were a couple. My baby Dubs really likes this girl and I’m the only reason for nothing works for they. I know that I don’t have to feel guilty or responsible about this, but, man, Dahyun is my best buddy in the whole world. I love her so much. I can’t even imagine what I would do if she loses her girl because of me. She deserves to be happy. She deserves to have all the best things of the world. She’s… She’s the best part of me, I can’t deal with her sadness. I have to do something. But what? Sana keeps running away from me. I tried to talk to her twice just before our classes end up, but nothing works. So I thought about something that should work, not hurt to try.


I looked at my watch and it was marking 3:55pm. I know her shift starts at 4pm, so I wait her right in the front of employees entrance on the back of the cafe. I was standing there since was 3pm, then I listened to a male voice calling me and I looked to see who is it.


"Hey, what are you doing here, Vernon?"


"Hoshi! Hi, I was waiting for Sana."


"Ah, she won’t came today. Mina said she have to rest a bit. Looks like she wasn’t fine today at school. Don’t you see it?"


"No… She ran away from me. I… Just want to explain her everything." I sighed so hard, I just want to help her and Dubs. They’re made for each other, man…


"She likes you?" Hoshi asked, rubbing his chin with a reflexive expression.


"No! No, no way."


"So, you like her?"


"No either, Hoshi! Geez… She likes D

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Chapter 6: Uwu
Oncexoxo #2
Chapter 6: I was patiently waiting for your comeback!
Fighting ;)
Chapter 6: Yeah. Please do comeback... I'll wait. I've been waiting actually for this.
JViD120 #4
Chapter 5: It’s okay, Author-nim! Good luck in college. :))
Kk16ir #5
Chapter 5: Fighting author nim
Chapter 5: It's understandable. We'll always be waiting for you :) Fighting!
Chapter 4: Hope this will get updated even after a year now. :)
Oncexoxo #8
Where are you author-nim??? TT
Chapter 4: please update