"Worth the shot."

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Junhui is bold.
Minghao is italics.
Hansol is underlined.

[July 26, Tuesday]

Xu Minghao, age 18, had a dilemma.

Last night ended on a pretty casual note. He got back home, Junhui finished classes, they texted (flirted, according to Hansol after reading their string of texts, but he wouldn’t admit that) until some point into the night before heading off to sleep. The other boy had an early class again while Minghao’s classes started in the afternoon this time, which led to yet another topic filled with banter about their schools before they called it off with a simple good night and a subtle note that they’ll still talk the next day.

It sounded pretty great if you look at it, but his dilemma was more of an internal one.

Mainly, with how he knew exactly how Junhui looked like while the blonde boy remained blissfully unaware. 

It wasn’t something he wanted to be affected by, at first. Even without knowing Junhui wasn’t kidding about his looks, Minghao already had fun talking to him, anyway. Now, there was the added information that he was also extremely smart along with being good-looking and charming that made Minghao feel like he was definitely reaching into territory that he shouldn’t. In  simpler terms, he was beginning to feel that Junhui was way too good for him. 

When they meet on Saturday—if they do—Junhui might end up sorely disappointed.

“I’m sure he’s fallen for your wit and sarcasm, Minghao,” Hansol had told him when he voiced out his concerns shortly after they had all but gawked at Junhui’s photos, scrolling through the endless sea of selfies and model-like shots. “Plus, if he’s the type to depend solely on the outward appearance of a person, then that’s not someone I would approve of, either.”

“That is, of course, not to say that your visuals don’t match his,” Soonyoung added quickly, looking back and forth from Junhui’s photos to Minghao’s face. 

Jeonghan patted his shoulder, “it’s true, so don’t worry too much. Worrying just means you suffer twice.”

The conversation had ended on that quote from Jeonghan (which definitely wasn’t something he thought of himself), but the topic remained in Minghao’s head for the duration of the day, night, and the following day. He couldn’t help but feel guilty about the whole thing regardless. Maybe worrying over Junhui not liking him was, to an extent, overthinking things, but that didn’t change that he had the upper hand between the two of them. 

(10:34AM) I’m free from the clutches of economics!!!

(10:34AM) Congratulations.

(10:35AM) It would have been bearable if you allow me to text you during class.

(10:34AM) Not happening. 

(10:35AM) What have you been up to? Class isn’t till 2PM, right?

(10:37AM) Yeah, but I’m heading out in a bit. Mom doesn’t want to cook lunch today, so I’m meeting with some friends to eat instead. 

(10:37AM) Isn’t it a bit too early for lunch?

(10:39AM) The place isn’t exactly near my place, nor is it near campus, but my friend swears it’s the best chicken wings he’s ever had and that it’s worth the travel. Plus one of our other friends work there.

(10:39AM) I told him if I end up disappointed then he’s paying for my share.

(10:39AM) He hasn’t tried Mingyu’s chicken wings yet. It’ll blow his mind.

(10:40AM) I believe that completely.

(10:40AM) Now that you mentioned wings though, I kinda wanna eat some, too.

(10:42AM) Is Mingyu cooking today?

(10:42AM) Not today. Wonwoo’s the one heading to his place for the night instead of vice-versa, so I’ll actually be alone.

(10:42AM) Wanna come over? ;)

(10:43AM) That wink doesn’t help.

(10:43AM) Would you have said yes without it?

(10:45AM) No. I’ll pass. I have an exam tomorrow.

(10:45AM) Does that mean if you didn’t have an exam tomorrow you would have agreed?

(10:46AM) It’s still a no, Junhui.

(10:46AM) Worth the shot.

(10:50AM) Anyways, what’s the name of the wings place?

(10:51AM) I don’t actually know. I’m meeting up with my friends at a bus stop.

(10:51AM) Well, you’ve managed to peak my appetite. I think I’ll look for wings around campus, too.

(10:53AM) May your quest be fruitful.

(10:53AM) Thank you. Stay safe on your journey to the beyond, Minghao.

(10:54AM) Update me if you get free wings.

(10:54AM) Sure.


(11:02AM) I’m here, where are you?

(11:02AM) In your heart.


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Chapter 26: This is still the sweetest
Chapter 1: How did i find this storyy JUST NOWWW hhhhhh
Chapter 25: Another very sweet update, thank you! (And RIP Hansol, it was nice to have met him in this fic ^^')
It's cool that Jeonghan and Jisoo also technically met through texting! Also, I think Minghao has the only valid explanation for pouring in milk first before adding cereal...
I hope you're doing well, thank you for the update <3
Chapter 25: Oh my, it's been awhile! Hewwo!!!!
I can't wait till Minghao will willingly shower Junhui with compliments. I bet Junhui would look super cute getting flustered over Hao's words *u* But this happening is like 1 to the 10000000 XD Or Minghao should just get drunk lmao
I caaaaan't, Junhui and Minghao are so adorable together!!! I luv it so so much hehe
Thank you for the update!!!!!
Chapter 24: THEY'RE SO CUTE
Chapter 24: Aww, it was so sweet! Minghao is so soft for Junhui while Junhui is so whipped for Minghao hahah and the way they complement each other! Damn! I luv them so much >u< Thank you for the chapter!
Bubbaboo #7
Chapter 24: (ง˃̀ꄃ˂́)۶ and could only take so much sweetness from these two! Hello authornim! Welcome back!«٩(*´ ꒳ `*)۶»
Chapter 24: Oh my god, you're back!!!!! This was such a pleasant surprise for today <3

This is again such a sweet chapter. Their date at the arcade is so cute~ Though I'm a bit surprised regarding Minghao's (and apparently everyone else's) reaction to Jun's decision for lemon ice cream... I don't know if that's something that changes depending on where you live, but I work in an ice cream parlor in Germany and especially when it's warm, there are actually a lot of people who order lemon (or other citrus fruits) ice cream...
But anyways, this was so sweet. I feel a bit bad for Minghao that Jun took the pictures despite the protest, but the description of the picture Jun got is so cute! Also, poor them for having to part ways faster than planned, though it was nevertheless an amazing few hours for them! And Jun saying that he 'ordered Mingyu' for dinner :D I'm glad that Minghao gave the only logical answer to that!

Thank you so much for this update~
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