"I’m not saying I don’t like it."

Message Sending
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Within the two months it took me to finish this, I opened my file over 15 times, wrote a few things, closed it, and repeat; before binge writing everything in one go since I said I wouldn't end today without updating, although I still stopped multiple times in between. Sorry it took me so long, I really wanted to write a lot more for Minghao's POV, but I'm not sure if this is enough. Lots of words and not enough texts for this one, since they're finally with each other.

Nonetheless, we'll get back to our regular text fic programming soon after!

Junhui is bold.
Minghao is italics.
(Yeah, it's still a text fic after all.)

[GAME DAY, Part Two]


If internal panic could be personified, it would probably be named Xu Minghao. 


There was a lot to be said about his ability to keep that panic in check, though. He mentally gave himself a pat on the back; his jaw didn’t drop upon seeing Junhui, so that was definitely something worth praising himself for. He already knew how the other boy looked—quite early on, too, thanks to Hansol—along with seeing Junhui once before, but the effect of seeing the other boy up close and personally was something else entirely.


Unfortunately, the same couldn’t be said about his more involuntary reactions, like the very obvious blush present on his cheeks that Minghao desperately tried to will away. Thankfully, there was a comfortable silence between them instead as they scoured the sea of people for Minghao’s group of friends. He wasn’t sure if he was supposed to be glad they left the scene earlier or not, since they weren’t exactly subtle about their curiousity towards Junhui.


He soon heard the familiar, loud laughter that could only come from Chan.


Minghao walked over and tapped his friend’s shoulder as he joined them, mentally taking note of how Jeonghan wasn’t among them yet before speaking, “hey, I have someone to introduce to you guys.”


“Hey, Junhui, nice to finally meet you!” Soonyoung said loudly before the other could continue, waving at the blonde who was behind Minghao while the latter wanted to smack his friend for being an embarrassment. He was beginning to think this whole thing was a bad idea after all. Next to Soonyoung, Hansol immediately burst out laughing as he playfully smacked the older boy’s shoulder, followed quickly by Chan. The Chinese boy sighed at the sight.


It didn’t seem to bother Junhui though, who merely laughed along with them, “it’s good to have the chance to meet Minghao’s friends, too.”


“Well, they were my friends, but now I’m having second thoughts,” Minghao said dryly, but he was also filled with relief that Junhui was taking things well, as the latter easily asked for everybody else’s names and did the introductions himself. It wasn’t like Minghao was particularly worried that his friends and Junhui wouldn’t get along, but whatever worry he initially had was now replaced with the thought of them getting along a little too well. He already had a crazy bunch of friends, did he really need another headache?


“We’re heading out for milkshakes and pizza,” Hansol said once the laughter died down, with a grin directed towards Junhui. “You coming with us?”


Junhui nodded, “I’m gonna be a Pledis student for the day and celebrate with you guys.”


“Jeonghan said he’ll catch up with us,” Chan announced, phone out as his fingers danced across the screen, most likely live updating the missing member of their group with what was happening. There wasn’t much to say just yet; Minghao stood next to Junhui, but that was the most they’ve done, since the blonde was quickly swept up by Soonyoung’s questions and Hansol’s random comments. It didn’t seem like Minghao minded as much, though, since he had a rather pleased look on his face as he watched everything unfold.


His friends warmed up to Junhui pretty quickly and vice versa, too.


He couldn’t help but be a little bit happy, in the end.


The group made their way to the nearby retro diner, making small talk the whole way there. If anything, Minghao was admittedly hyperaware of having Junhui around. A part of him still couldn’t believe that something like this could come out of texting a complete stranger. Despite the way Junhui seemed to socialize with the rest, he never left Minghao’s side, not even while they were walking. He would respond to conversation and still keep his steps in line with the other boy. 


Minghao was too caught up in his thoughts that he almost didn’t catch the way his phone vibrated in his pocket.


(6:01PM) Are you normally this quiet?


(6:01PM) Are you normally this talkative?


(6:03PM) You know the answer to that is yes.


(6:03PM) We’re right next to each other, why are you texting?


(6:03PM) It didn’t feel like a topic I could ask out loud.


(6:04PM) Besides, you’re replying.


The brunette rolled his eyes at that, pointedly glancing at Junhui, who was grinning cheekily at him. Thankfully, none of the others noticed the small exchange, still they finally arrived at the diner. Minghao was glad, since he was pretty sure they wouldn’t let him live it down if they caught him texting with Junhui when the other boy was right there. Then again, old habits die hard and all that. He still wasn’t sure how to approach actually talking to Junhui, if he had to be honest.


The small group crowded themselves into a booth; Minghao was almost pretty sure there was still space next to Chan and Soonyoung on the other side of the table, but Hansol had insisted on sitting over on their side instead. The result of that would be the way Junhui ended up pressed against him, elbows touching and knees brushing every so often under the table. Again, Minghao was noticing everything a little too much for his tastes. 


“So, how am I doing?” Junhui asked him quietly, once the other boys were distracted by figuring out what to order.


“Surprisingly well,” the brunette replied, biting on the inside of his mouth to keep himself from grinning too widely. 


It wasn’t like he didn’t want Junhui to see him smile and laugh; Minghao doubted he could keep up that facade for too long, especially now that they were right next to each other. It’s just that he also couldn’t help but tease the other boy too, who immediately pouted at his nonchalant reaction. Junhui was proving to be more surprising the more time they spend with each other—who knew such a handsome face could end up making such a cute expression?


The realization made Minghao flush slightly as he quickly looked away.


Junhui faked a heavy sigh, “as always, you have such little faith in me, Minghao.”


“Yeah, well,” the other boy said with a shrug, facing back only when he was sure the colour of his cheeks returned to normal. “They’re easy to impress, anyway.”


“And you?”


“Getting there,” Minghao teased, earning yet another pout from Junhui before the blonde burst out laughing; even the way he laughed seemed to match his overall bright atmosphere. 


While they were waiting for the food to arrive, Jeonghan showed up, surprisingly alone. He still

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I opened the chat box for Message Sending!! It seemed fit.


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Chapter 26: This is still the sweetest
Chapter 1: How did i find this storyy JUST NOWWW hhhhhh
Chapter 25: Another very sweet update, thank you! (And RIP Hansol, it was nice to have met him in this fic ^^')
It's cool that Jeonghan and Jisoo also technically met through texting! Also, I think Minghao has the only valid explanation for pouring in milk first before adding cereal...
I hope you're doing well, thank you for the update <3
Chapter 25: Oh my, it's been awhile! Hewwo!!!!
I can't wait till Minghao will willingly shower Junhui with compliments. I bet Junhui would look super cute getting flustered over Hao's words *u* But this happening is like 1 to the 10000000 XD Or Minghao should just get drunk lmao
I caaaaan't, Junhui and Minghao are so adorable together!!! I luv it so so much hehe
Thank you for the update!!!!!
Chapter 24: THEY'RE SO CUTE
Chapter 24: Aww, it was so sweet! Minghao is so soft for Junhui while Junhui is so whipped for Minghao hahah and the way they complement each other! Damn! I luv them so much >u< Thank you for the chapter!
Bubbaboo #7
Chapter 24: (ง˃̀ꄃ˂́)۶ and could only take so much sweetness from these two! Hello authornim! Welcome back!«٩(*´ ꒳ `*)۶»
Chapter 24: Oh my god, you're back!!!!! This was such a pleasant surprise for today <3

This is again such a sweet chapter. Their date at the arcade is so cute~ Though I'm a bit surprised regarding Minghao's (and apparently everyone else's) reaction to Jun's decision for lemon ice cream... I don't know if that's something that changes depending on where you live, but I work in an ice cream parlor in Germany and especially when it's warm, there are actually a lot of people who order lemon (or other citrus fruits) ice cream...
But anyways, this was so sweet. I feel a bit bad for Minghao that Jun took the pictures despite the protest, but the description of the picture Jun got is so cute! Also, poor them for having to part ways faster than planned, though it was nevertheless an amazing few hours for them! And Jun saying that he 'ordered Mingyu' for dinner :D I'm glad that Minghao gave the only logical answer to that!

Thank you so much for this update~
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