I love you until...

One in a Trillion



Say the name Son Wendy, and you'll hear words like sweet, talented, and biceps that could rock your world that's being thrown around. But to her bestfriends, say the name Wendy and you'll most likely hear the word motherly attached. She was often teased or, on Joy and Yeri's part, ridiculed for being such a mom sometimes (most of the time).


But as much as their friends gave her hell about it, they all knew they wouldn't survive college without Wendy. Wendy was the one who took care of their drunk asses. She's the one who made sure they don't end up with a heart attack from all the ramen noodles they ate. And Wendy is the one who stayed up until the wee hours of the morning for late-night cramming sessions.


It worried Wendy at first that her longtime crush Bae Irene would find her motherly trait to be a turn off. What if Irene prefers those cold and mysterious admirers over her lame cringeworthy lines and actions?


They were friends first, and Wendy had always been some sort of a chicken regarding her feelings. She was a romantic but at the same time a realist. She is unbelievably and utterly in love with Irene but often thinks she's undeserving of the Goddess. She knew this, and no matter how painful it was, she told herself she'd be contented loving Irene from afar as long as she knew that Irene was happy.


To her biggest surprise, it was Irene who first made a move. Irene was beautiful but a complete when it came to math. If she finally wants to escape College algebra once and for all, then she needs to pass her finals. Wendy was ready to do anything to help her, but to her surprise, Irene had other plans rather than spend the entire night on equations and numbers.


It was close to 2 AM, and Wendy wondered why Irene had been strangely quiet the whole evening. Wendy asked the older girl if she was okay, and Irene just blurted out loud…


I love you, Wendy Son, I love you then, and I love you now, and I'll love you until… until… until… 




Wendy stole the words straight from Irene's lips as she leaned in and gave the girl of her dreams their first in a trillionth kiss.


After a few seconds, when their heartbeat was back to normal, Irene continued to mumble more stuff. She was saying somewhere along the lines that she's confused the whole time if Wendy even likes her that way. Especially, since she sees how Wendy treats her and all her friends the same, caring motherly way. Wendy was half mumbling and half-speed talking that sounded similar like...


No, no, no, no, no, no, no… it's you; it's always been you. I love you Bae Irene until… until… until…




The word until soon took a whole different meaning for them after that night. It's Wendy who always has a cringeworthy, sappy line but even she had no idea of the limits of their love for each other. And that night, she had no idea what the right word she could use to promise Irene… I love you until… forever? Infinity? What else?


So they left the word until to hang in there. Throughout their college years and up to the time they were supposed to be grown up, the word until continued to linger around. It became an inside joke that only the two of them could giggle about. The word until was often linked to the most bizarre things.


I love you until I finished counting all the stars in the sky.


I love you until Pluto becomes a planet again.


I love you until Joy becomes a nun…


I love you until…


The word until has become their own little thing. The word until continues to grow and grow. And on their wedding day, there it was, engraved on their wedding rings just the word until.


That night that Wendy slipped the wedding ring on Irene's finger has been the happiest moment of her life…






Her number one happiest moment came as a surprise. It was around two years after their marriage, and she just landed a new position in a firm. The demands of her job were both physically and mentally exhausting, but Wendy knew she couldn't earn this much anywhere else. She was coming home from another overtime, seriously contemplating of passing out on the couch.


She assumed Irene had fallen asleep already. Her wife has been tired and cranky lately. But to her surprise, Irene was waiting in their bedroom, welcoming her home with a gorgeous smile and a small, rectangular box in her hands.


Wendy was already shaking and in tears as she saw the box. In her heart, she knew what was going to be inside. She opened the lid with trembling hands and the moment she saw the pregnancy test with the words written inside of the box. That night was the most exciting and yet most terrifying moment of her life.


"I'm excited to meet you, mommy Wendy."


She burst out crying, and Irene had to hold her to calm her down, peppering kisses all over her face while they both said…


I love you, and Oh my God, were going to be moms over and over and over and over again that night.


Ironic how she was crying on the happiest moment of her life.


And everything started making sense from that moment on… The long hours of work, their new apartment, her and Irene, like all those moments were puzzle pieces, and their baby was the complete picture.


She kissed Irene like there was no tomorrow and they made love until…




When the news broke out that Irene was pregnant, everyone assumed that Wenrene (that's what Joy calls them since Wendy and Irene are too long) would have the perfect child. With Irene's beauty and Wendy's talents and intelligence, they will have the world's future queen.


Move over Brangelina, move over Beyonce and JayZ, Son Wendy and Bae Irene are going to have the child that will someday take over the universe.


Wendy didn't waste a single second and downloaded every parenting self-help book on her Nook, her pinterest has pins on every possible motherhood theme, and she watched parenting youtube videos every chance she got. She also made sure Irene listened to nothing else but Mozart and Beethoven, even if Irene threatened to divorce her a couple of times if she didn't shut that damn thing off.


She painted Jisoo's nursery with bright colors because she read somewhere that bright colors stimulate the baby's brain. She also reads and sings to Irene's belly every night.


She studied parenting for all nine months like a doctor studying for their license exam.


Wendy Son is prepared. And maybe that's why they're in this predicament in the first place because she over prepared.


God has a hilarious way of messing with them. It was like you studied all night long for a math test on chapter 1, but the second you sat at the desk, you knew you ed up when the test was all about Chapter 2.


Jisoo was the spitting image of her wife. Gosh, Wendy remembered how she fell in love at first sight with her little girl. She could remember all the nurses and doctors just gushing and cooing over their beautiful baby.


She's so beautiful; she's going to be on TV someday, 


She recalled one nurse saying and to think Jisoo wasn't even a day old then.


Jisoo wasn't just a beautiful face. By age two, she was reading Dr. Seuss books and counting 1-50. But the beauty and the brains came with a price because the way her baby's brain work is something no book has ever taught her.


No one in this world has seen anything like Bae-Son Jisoo.


To put it best, Jisoo is one in a trillion.




Fast forward to five years later, and here's Wendy, still reading the latest parenting article and still watching youtube videos trying to figure out motherhood.


Jisoo hasn't even graduated Kindergarten yet, but she and her wife were called around four times. Every time her phone rings and she sees West Chester Academy flashing on the screen; her heart goes into overdrive. That must be a Kindergarten record, right?


Four times, Jisoo had already clogged up a toilet, made a mural out of her classroom wall, and two times because Jisoo pretty much can't shut up in class.


She was in the midst of a conference call when her secretary told her that the school was calling her, saying it was urgent. She told her to say she'll call back, but God, that was the longest ten minutes of her life. It was hard to fake interest in what her client was talking about when her paranoia was taking over her.


What did her daughter do this time? Did she set the school on fire? Did she set the class pets free? Did she try to balance something that she shouldn't be balancing?






What did she do this time?


As soon as the phone call ended, Wendy grabbed her purse and rushed out of her office. Her paranoia quadruples as she sees her phone screen with her wife's name, and underneath it… it has 35 miscalls.


35 miscalls?!




"Where are you, Wendy?"


… she called her Wendy if that doesn't spell out trouble, she didn't know what is. She called her Wendy, not babe, not love. She calls her Seungwan in bed, but that's a whole different story. Not even Wen… She called her Wendy.


"Babe? I'll be there as soon as I can."


"How soon is that?"


"As soon as I can get out of the traffic on the freeway. I'll be there soon, don't worry."


Wendy scoffs mentally, here she is telling Joohyun not to worry when she's chewing her nails to a pulp from how hard she was nervously biting them. The other line remained quiet that Wendy thought Irene hung up until Joohyun spoke up.


"Just don't rush, Wendy."


Even without seeing her wife's face she could tell how worried Irene was.




"Knowing you, you're probably breaking speed limits right now, it's going to be okay, Wen."


Almost a decade together and here is Irene reading her like a favorite book.


"I just don't know what happened, and it's driving me nuts right now," Wendy finally confesses. "We know she's naughty, and she does these crazy little things, but that's our baby girl. She doesn't mean any harm."


"I know, I know. And it's going to be okay, babe. It will. It's probably no big deal."


"They wouldn't call us if it's no big deal." Wendy answers.


"We pay college tuition for one semester; I think they have to make a big deal out of everything."


The pressure inside Wendy's chest started to lessen at Irene's light jabs. It must be the motherly side of Wendy, she guessed, why she often forgets that she doesn't need to take everything alone. That she married Bae Irene, and it's the two of them that's in this marriage together, that she has a wife, a loving wife who is ready to take the load off her.


"Can you stay with me on the line until I get there?" Wendy weakly confesses, her fingers touching her Bluetooth to feel closer to her wife.


It didn't even take Irene more than a millisecond to answer.


"Of course."




It took Wendy a good twenty minutes to get to school, and as soon as she put her SUV on park, she raced out of her vehicle straight into the hallways of her daughter's private school. Her wife is already waiting by the reception area. She was quiet, her expression was serene, but Wendy has been with Irene long enough to know how she's probably a mess deep inside.




"Wen," Irene stood. The two exchanged a quick peck on the lips before Wendy brushed Irene's hair out of her.


"What happened with Jisoo?"


"I don't know. Ms. Kim wants to speak with both of us."


"We meet again Mrs. Bae, Mrs. Son," The school's counselor came out of her office. Her face with a scowl so hard, Wendy and Irene think she's ready to send their daughter to juvie.


"Yup. We're like frequent flyers here; maybe next time we should get miles."


Wendy ended up being the only one who laughed at her joke. This is what she gets for trying to lighten up the mood, a scowl from her wife, and a disappointed look from the guidance counselor. They went inside her office; Wendy's stomach churned as if she was the one who was in heaps of trouble.


"We have an incident with Jisoo today,"


So straight to the point.


"Before anything else," Wendy cuts the guidance counselor. "I would like to apologize for whatever Jisoo did. I want to say that-"


Irene laid her hand on hers, a gentle reminder to shut up, and it worked.


"What did Jisoo do?" Irene says.


The guidance counselor clears before she leans closer as if ready to spill a dirty secret.


"She pinched a friend's bottom today."




The color instantly drained out of Wendy and Irene's faces. Wendy could only turn to her wife, glaring at her for all this. Irene just responded with a cough and a blank expression.


"Oh," Irene answers while Wendy buries her face in her hands, as she dies in embarrassment, but that's not all.


"So, I had to talk to her and ask her why she did it, and she said she saw her mommy Irene doing it."


Irene just looks like she got punched in the face, shaking her head in disbelief.


"R-really? She said that?"


"Yes, and she told me she did it because her mommy Irene loves her mommy Wendy. So, she did it because she loves her friend."


Wendy and Irene couldn't even fake a happy smile anymore.


"I wish we could say something to make everything okay but we can't. All I could do right now is apologize for everything. We are going to talk to Jisoo about this."


"Where is she right now?" Irene said, her voice cold that it sent shivers down Wendy and the guidance counselor's spine.


"She's in her classroom; we could go right now if you would like."


"Ah!" Wendy speaks up before managing a polite smile at the guidance counselor. "Is it okay if I talk to my wife right now?"


The teacher stares at Wendy and Irene before shrugging.


"Sure. You probably know where her classroom is."


"We do, thank you."


As soon as the door shuts behind them, Wendy has a 10,000 words speech ready to throw at her wife. Wendy was fuming and humiliated, but what upsets her even more is Irene looks nonchalant about all this.


"I really don't want to point fingers cause were in this together, but now, I could say that this is mostly your fault," Wendy started her speech.




"You squeeze my in front of the girls all the time! Now Jisoo thinks if you like someone, that's what you do."


"Well, it's not my fault you got a hot ."


Wendy's jaw drops at the nonchalant response she got from her wife.


"See? See? That right there is the reason why were in the office today! Jisoo might be a genius, but her brain is like a sponge that soaked up all these things happening around her."



"Don't babe me right now, I'm so upset," Wendy says. She crosses her arms and huffs furiously at her wife. But it's Irene, and she's Wendy, and from what she knows and what Irene perfectly knows, if there is one constant in their marriage, it's that Wendy will always falter when it comes to Irene.

"Look," Irene pulls out her arm and squeezes her hand. "I'm so sorry about all this. I'll talk to Jisoo, okay?"

"No, Irene, if you mean spanking her, then no," Wendy points out.

"Yes cause your idea of putting her in time out to think about what she did works." Irene rebutted back, and the sarcasm in her tone only aggravated Wendy.

Wendy sighed deeply, refusing to add more fuel to the fire. She loves her wife, but it's contrasting views like this that drives her off the wall. Irene grew up in a household where no means no, while Wendy detests the thought of ever laying a hand on their girls. The first time Irene spanked Jisoo, she didn't speak to her for one day. 

"Fine. I think we should go."

"I'm sorry, Wen."

"I said it's fine. Let's go."

"Are you sure?" Irene was now pulling out all the stops, but Wendy tried her best to remain calm.

"Yes, I am."

"It seems like it's not fine." Irene intertwined their fingers together, pulling Wendy closer to her. "You are a great mom,"

"Then, what are we doing wrong?" Wendy pours out her frustration. 

Irene tilts her face to look at her, giving her a reassuring smile. "Nothing. She's just a kid, Wendy. A very, very naughty kid. It's not like she's trying to beat up a kid or bully anyone. She just... she just pinched someone's today."

"But..." Wendy answers, looking anywhere else but Irene, knowing full well the effects her wife has on her.

"She didn't know that what she was doing was wrong. We will talk to her when we get home. No spanking, and if you think what she needs is a time out to think about what she did, then we'll do that."

"We will talk to her together."

"Okay. I love you."

Irene kisses Wendy's forehead before leading them out of the room.

And Irene didn't look like she was looking for an answer or a reaffirmation. It was as if she perfectly knew that Wendy was head over heels in love with her.

And damn… Wendy hates it when Irene is right.




"Wendy? Unnie?"


They spun around to see Seulgi half running over to them. Dark skinny jeans, a white shirt, and a messy bun that Seulgi can easily pass off as y. If Both Wendy and Irene wear something like that, they will look like two moms on crack but not Seulgi. How could she still manage to look scorching hot despite raising a little girl on her own?


"Seul, they called you in too?"


"Yeah, Ms. Kim texted me to come to school."


"Wait, Seul," Irene raised a brow suspiciously, "Ms. Kim texted you? From her phone?"


"Yes. She's very nice. She sends a good morning text everyday, and she tells me how Jennie's day is going."


Wendy and Irene exchanged looks before shaking their heads. From high school until now, Seulgi has always been oblivious to her effect on people. They, along with Joy have to take on the role of protecting Seulgi from all these thirsty fanboys and girls. Most of the time, Seulgi has been very nonchalant about her admirers. Jennie's dad was the only exception. He was dashing, charismatic and very handsome and Seulgi instantly fell head over heels for him.


They could all tell that the last thing he needs is a relationship, and they tried to subtly, even bluntly tell Seulgi, hoping to spare her from the heartache. But the heart chooses who the heart wants to choose, and Seulgi was a perfect example of that. She was too blinded by love to see and to listen to them.


Wendy was the mom of the group, but Irene had always been their de facto leader and to see her crumbling hurt over Seulgi's heartbreak broke Wendy hard. Wendy knew that Joohyun was the one who took it the hardest when Seulgi was left alone, pregnant, and jobless. At night in the comfort of their bedroom, Irene would ask Wendy a lot of what ifs about Seulgi. What if she got on harder on Seulgi? What if she talked to the guy? What if she was more blunt? Even if she hurts Seulgi at least, she won't be a single mom.


Seulgi who's only mistake was loving the wrong man has to live with the responsibility.


But Seulgi was much stronger than they all assumed. It left all of them shell-shocked to see how Seulgi, one of the most promising choreographers in the industry, walked away from it all just to have her child. Although they all helped out whenever she needed it, all in all, Jennie is all Seulgi's. The moment Jennie was born, she became Seulgi's entire world. There's motherly love, and then there's the way Seulgi loves.


She remembers one time she and Irene had dinner with Joy. Their friend never has any qualms saying what's on her mind, but for once sounded worried and unsure when she asked if Seulgi ever regretted giving up her dream to raise a child.


It left her and Irene stunned because no matter how close they are with Seulgi, that question is something they would never dare ask her. But all it took to figure out their answer was to see their best friend with her little girl. There is a certain glow of pride and undying love whenever Seulgi is with Jennie. They always thought Seulgi's smile after every performance was gorgeous, but it was nothing compared to how beautiful her smile is whenever she looks at Jennie.


And Jennie, the beautiful girl with those gorgeous eyes is so terrifyingly mature at the age of four. Jennie could babysit Jisoo and Chaeyoungie better than Yeri and to think Jisoo is older. But they don't know how much a four-year-old could love until they saw Jennie with her mom.


It was really Jennie and Seulgi, Seulgi and Jennie against the world.


So, before anyone can try anything with Seulgi, they have to go through Jennie first…


And winning over the four year old is easier said than done.


The guidance counselor looks like the world had come to an end for her quickly changed demeanor as soon as she saw who was right there next to them.


"Oh! Ms. Kang, you're here," Her voice hitched into a flirty tone while she daintily brushed her hair out of her face.


Wait? This was the same woman, right? Wendy and Irene look at each other in complete shock as the guidance counselor from hell turn into a blushing schoolgirl at the sight of Seulgi.


"Is everything okay? How's Jennie?" Seulgi asked, utterly oblivious of the teacher throwing herself at her.


"Yes, Ms. Kang." The counselor reassured Seulgi with a squeeze on her arm. "I made sure Jennie is doing okay."


"Ohgreatourdaughterisgonnagetkickedout," Irene whispered at Wendy.


"Behave," Wendy warned her wife. "So, it's Jennie whose she pinched?"


The sweet talking counselor turned back into her evil persona as she faced Wendy and Irene.




"Seul, we are so sorry about this," Wendy apologizes to Seulgi before she shoots another glare at her wife. "We will talk to Jisoo and make sure that it doesn't happen again at all."


"Well, that's not all that happened," The counselor interrupted. "After what Jisoo did, Jennie ummm… she punched Jisoo in the face."


Seulgi's jaw dropped but no word came out, "Wait, she punched-?" Seulgi takes a shaky exhale. "She punched Jisoo in the face? Oh my God! Wendy, I'm so sorry for this."


"Come in. There they are."




The door swings open, and Wendy can only manage a shaky breath in embarrassment as she sees the scene right in front of her. There was Seulgi's little girl, and her fist tightened as she's circling the teacher's desk, ready to serve her own justice.


And then there's their daughter hiding underneath the teacher's desk, whimpering in fear at what Jennie is ready to do to her.


That's their eldest, their pride and joy, the one that Wendy wept buckets when she held her for the first time. Now Wendy is crying for an entirely different reason.


"Jennie baby, are you okay?"


"I am, but Jisoo's not," Seulgi's almond eyes shot wide open at the savagery of her daughter. She pulled her little girl closer to her before Jennie said something else.


Seeing that the coast is clear, Jisoo crawls out of the table as fast as she can. Seeing her nose with a massive plaster on it made everyone gasps in pure horror.


"The school nurse looked at her and said there is no broken bone, and it's not dislocated. It's a little swollen."


"Oh my God, baby!" Wendy says as she pulls Jisoo in her embrace. She and her wife grimaced at their little baby. It was Irene who heaved out a sigh before carefully checking underneath the bandage. 


Geez for a four year old, Jennie's punch could give Mayweather a run for his money.


"Could we ask for an ice pack please?"


"Yes, of course."


"God," Seulgi looks like the world's sins have been placed on her shoulders as she looks at what her little girl did. "I'm so, so sorry for this."


When Jisoo felt that she was now safe, she turned back to her mortal enemy/ bestfriend for life.


"She punched Chichoo in the face!" Jisoo screams through her tears and snot.


"You deserved a kick too!" Jennie retorts back, looking like she's ready to swing her little leg on Jisoo's face.


"Mama!!!!" Jisoo hides behind her moms for protection before Jennie could think of retaliating.


"No, no, no, no. Jennie, this is not okay," Seulgi kneels in front of her daughter, her tone low and serious as she talks to her little girl. "No, Jennie… No," Seulgi says firmly as her daughter tries to gaze at anywhere else but her mom. "No, look at me, look at mommy."


Seulgi tilts her daughter's chin and looks straight into her pouty baby's eyes.


"We talk about this, didn't we? That we need to think first before we do anything?"


"I did think about it!" Jennie reasons out, her eyes were starting to become watery, but even at four, she's trying to be tough enough to stop her tears.


"And is that nice?" Seulgi's voice quivered as if seeing her daughter all teary-eyed weakened her resolve. She wipes a lone tear that fell on Jennie's cheek. Seulgi's serious expression slowly melting. "Would you like it if Jisoo would punch you too?"


"I'll punch her back."


"No, Jennie." Seulgi frowns, but Jennie refuses to break. "And it makes me sad when you say and hurt your friend's feelings like this."


Wendy and Irene looked at the mother and daughter in fascination and awe. They hardly see Seulgi, so grave in her tone, and they rarely or have never seen Jennie looks so pouty.


"Look at what you did!" Jennie snaps at Jisoo after her mom's warning. "You make my mommy sad!"


"Chichoo?!" Jisoo gasps in surprise. "What did Chichoo do?"


"Jennie," Seulgi pulls Jennie away and looks her daughter straight in the eyes. "Remember I told you that if something makes you upset, you use your words, not your hands."


"I used my words and my hands."


Seulgi took a deep breath.


"Unnie, I'm so so sorry about all this. Jennie and I will have a talk at home about this."


Seulgi's little girl didn't look too amused about this, especially since her mommy was taking the pincher's side and not hers.


"Jennie, when we hurt our friends, we have to say sorry."


"I'm sorry," Jennie grumbled. Her tone made it obvious that she was apologizing, not because she was sorry but because Jennie is cornered too.


"You have to say it like you mean it."


"I'm sorry,"


"I can't hear you," Jisoo said in a singsongy voice, which only infuriated Jennie even more.


"I'm sorry," Jennie says more clearly before looking up again, her gaze darkening. "I'm sorry I didn't punch you hard enough."


“WAAAHHH!!!!” Jisoo yelps before hiding behind her moms again.


"Okay, okay, that's enough." Seulgi surrendered before picking up her daughter in her arms again. "Unnie, I'm so sorry. Please tell me what I need to do."


"No, Jisoo has something to say to Jennie too, right, Jisoo?"


"It's not my fault you got a hot ."


Everyone in that room froze that second after hearing those words from this four-year old girl. Wendy could only cover her face, muttering a…


"Oh my God, Oh my God, Oh my God. Kill me now! Kill me now! Kill me now…"


She pulls her hand out of her face and damn! She's still alive.


"Now you're really going to get it!" Jennie was about to lunge at her, but Seulgi caught her and pulled her close.


"Okay, that's enough. No more, baby." Seulgi carries Jennie, gently cooing and rubbing her back, hoping to calm her little girl.


Jennie scoffs before nuzzling on her mom's shoulder. Then she remembers that she's still pissed and looks back up at the whimpering Jisoo with her mommies. As soon as their eyes met, Jennie quickly growled at her which made even Wendy and Irene take a step back.


"Hmmmp, that should keep her away for a bit," Jennie thought before turning into her mommy's teddy bear again as she cuddles her mom.


Jisoo who was now more confident knowing that Jennie couldn't reach her, finally steps out of her hiding ground and sticks her tongue at Jennie.


"Let me take off my belt," Irene finally steps in.


"Irene!" Wendy hissed at her wife, but it quickly worked because even before Irene could touch her belt, Jisoo was already on her knees.


"Sorry, Sorry, Sorry, Sorry, Sorry."


"Jisoo, these are not words that we say in school or even at home. Where did you learn these?" The guidance counselor asked in a reprimanding tone.


"My mo-"


Wendy quickly pulls their eldest towards her, muffling before Jisoo can show what a failed parent she and Irene are.


"We are so, so so sorry about everything and we will definitely talk to her about this. Seulgi, Jennie, we are sorry."


"It's okay, unnie, I'm so sorry too," Seulgi says while rubbing circles on Jennie's back. It looked like it worked because the four-year-old didn't look like smoke is coming out of her ears anymore.


"Jisoo?" Seulgi says softly, but it made Jennie snap her head back and scowl. "We are so sorry for what happened."


"I-I-I-I-I" Jisoo stammers as she sees Jennie growling right there. "It's okay."


"Are you okay now, Jennie?" The teacher lay her hand on Seulgi's arm, and Jennie snapped back and gave the guidance counselor a "why are you touching my mom" look. But the teacher remained oblivious, her focus more on Jennie's mom than her student. "Me and Jennie have like a special bond, Ms. Kang. I'm like a second mom to her, right Jennie?"


"I already have a mom." Jennie shots down her teacher before she even starts anything. Wendy and Irene both exchanges amuse smiles, knowing Jennie would probably be a more efficient bodyguard to Seulgi than all four of them.


"Jennie," Seulgi pats her daughter's head on her shoulder. "Thank you, Ms. Kim. I'm sorry for the trouble."


"Let me walk the both of you out." The guidance counselor said with glee.


"We're sorry," Wendy apologizes to everyone she needs to apologize to. "C'mon Jisoo, let's get your bag and get your sister. We will talk about this when we go home."


They walk over to the bags, Seulgi is about to place Jennie back down, but Jennie ends up wrapping her legs around Seulgi's waist, a clear sign that she's refusing to walk. Seulgi could only sigh in defeat before she placed a kiss on Jennie's hair. While Seulgi takes out Jennie's Herschel lavender polka dot backpack from Jennie's locker, here she is putting Jisoo's chicken bag on her daughter. The backpack where she and Irene asked Jisoo more than twenty times if she was sure that it was the one she wanted. Jisoo have never looked so excited. She puts it on herself and marches to the cashier. She loves the bag so much; that she even wore it in her sleep.


Seulgi said her goodbyes and I'm sorry again before she stepped out of the room.


"What's wrong?" Wendy asks as she sees Jisoo with that crestfallen look on her pretty face as if all the chicken is eradicated from this world.


"Jennie doesn't want to be Chichoo's friend anymore."


Wendy and Irene exchanged sympathetic glances. They both know how extremely fond Jisoo is of Jennie. They were each other's first friend and at the same time first mortal enemy. Jisoo always has a knack of annoying the crap out of Jennie and Jennie always has a knack of beating the crap out of Jisoo. Their parents are so used to it that the big plaster on Jisoo's face doesn't even bother them anymore. What bothered them was seeing their lively Jisoo looks so sad at the thought of losing her bestfriend.


Thank God for her small size, Wendy managed to squeeze into one of the kid's chair, and she tugged on her little girl, placing her mini Irene on her lap. Her wife took on the space next to them, kneeling in front of Jisoo.


"Hey," Irene tilts her baby's face to look at her. "I'm sure Jennie feels bad about hurting you."


"Why? Because she wants to hurt me more?"


"No silly." Wendy presses a kiss on her naughty baby. "I'm sure she doesn't like to see you get hurt, but you really hurt her feelings when you did that. And people even if they're bestfriends, they still fight. Like… ummm… Your aunt Yeri and aunt Joy. They fight a lot, but they're bestfriends."


Their eldest looks back at them in complete confusion.


"B-but… when mommy Irene does that you don't get mad."


"Well, that's because…ummm… you see, baby; sometimes adults do these things."


"So, I can do it when I'm a grown-up?"


"N-n-n-n-no," Wendy tells her straight to the point before Jisoo has any idea. "It's just that everyone has their own silly thing. That's mommy Irene's silly thing."


Irene rolls her eyes at the accusation.


"You and Jennie will find your own silly thing too." Wendy smiles at Jisoo. "Now why don't we pick up baby Chaeyoung and we can make a sorry card for Jennie when we get home?"


"Okay… Are you… are you mad at Chichoo?" Jisoo's lips quivered in worry, her cute face looking more adorable with that cute pout.


"Well, not mad but sad."


"S-sad?" Jisoo's pretty eyes were instantly filled with tears.


"Well, we are sad because Chichoo got hurt and she did something she didn't mean," Irene adds.


"But remember what me and mommy Irene always tell you and Chaeyoungie?"


Jisoo's face instantly brightens up at her mommies promise.


"That you and mommy Irene loves Chichoo and Chaeyoungie so much until…."


"Until?" Wendy teases, tickling Jisoo in the process.


Wendy bobs her brows playfully at Jisoo, watching as their daughter pout thoughtfully at what she could add to finish their sentence.


"Until the chicken becomes fried chicken!"


"Until the chick- Okay… mommy Wendy and Irene loves you until the chicken becomes a fried chicken."


Jisoo giggles as both her mommies kiss her on each cheek.


"C'mon, let's go pick up Chaeyoungie."


She and Irene exchanged glances before smiling as they watched their eldest, with that huge plaster on her nose and a chicken backpack.


This won't probably be the last time they're going to get called in by the guidance counselor.


This probably won't be the last time that Jennie punches their daughter in the face.


And Wendy could probably sift through every nook and cranny of every bookstore finding the perfect parenting book. She could search for every parenting video on youtube, but most probably, she would end up just as clueless.


Their Jisoo, who doesn't just march to her own beat, but has her own band to waltz into.


But as much as Jisoo leaves her and her wife facepalming, they know they're the lucky ones blessed with her. Jisoo is a baby whose beauty, brains, and naughtiness are one in a trillion.


And this won't be the last time that Jisoo would run both of them off the wall, but no matter what happens, no matter how crazy the circumstance, they know they would love their little girl until….


Until.... I update this fic maybe three years from now.  hehehe...


But I hope you guys still enjoy reading and thank you so much for taking the time to read. 

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Chapter 7: This story is my favorite if I'm in the mood to read Wenrene's family
love this fic! time to re-read it
Chapter 1: I can't believe I finally found this fanfic 😭
Chapter 1: what a cute beginning for this story. :) i will try to finish this in maybe 4 days? story is super cute. XD
Chapter 3: Kenapa rene takut ya anakmu tumbuh besar
Chapter 2: Apasih gini aja gw ngakak
Chapter 1: Cerita yang lucu
Ini sepertinya cerita lucu
Saw a very cute chaennie pic today so here I am hahaha I might re-read this later :p
Chapter 15: Wow the end!!!!
Thanks for the story author-nim, well done