
One in a Trillion




There was definitely a lot of shuffling going on.


But Irene’s only response was flipping to the other side of her bed, ignoring the sound of the little feet that seems to get louder and louder. It’s a Saturday, would it be too much to ask if she could sleep longer than four hours?


It continues, and all Irene is willing to do is groan and bury her head on her pillows. Now the shuffling turned into patting, patting on her head to be more specific.


She recognizes that mischievous little hand even with her eyes close. She was about to turn to her daughter, but the second she flutters her eyes, her heart immediately jumped into when out pop a cute little mischief screaming with all her might,






Her five year old cocked a triumphant half smirk seeing the dramatic reaction from her mama Irene. Jisoo picked well on who to harass first between her mommies.


“Babe?” Wendy bounced up so high; it will put Tigger to shame. “What’s going on?”


“It’s Jisoo- She’s-“ Irene sits up on her bed, peeking at her side and swears to God she’s not losing her mind. She did just saw her eldest daughter standing next to her side of the bed.




“Pooong!!!” Jisoo just jumps on her parent’s bed with her little fists pumped up in the air, as if she just conquered Mt. Everest.




Jisoo and Chaeyoung are close to being orphans when their parents almost suffered a heart attack. The smirk on Jisoo’s face just widens to a whole new level as she sees the reaction from both her mommies. What a time to definitely be alive.


“Jisoo- don’t do that again, you hear me?” Irene warned her baby version, who’s now busy crawling out of bed.


But then they heard cute giggles as their youngest finally woke up to the silly stunts of her amazing unnie.


“Chichoo unnie is so funny!”


“Jisoo, can mommy Wendy get a hug?”


“In the afternoon,” Jisoo said before waddling around her parent’s room.


Wendy and Irene exchanged surprised glances, waiting for their heartbeat to get down to normal before bursting out in soft chuckles.


“Happy Anniversary, beautiful.”


Irene turns back at her wife, blinking in confusion.




“Happy eighth year anniversary, well technically it’s our 11th year but if we're counting just our marriage then yeah, eight years.”


How could she forget? They have been planning this day for days even weeks on end. Elevenyears of being married to this dramatic, obsessive-compulsive, too organized for her own good but still the best wife and mother in the entire world.


And Irene couldn’t wish for anyone else.


Irene leaned in and gave her wife of eight years a sweet kiss on the lips.


“Happy anniversary.”


“What’s a versary?” Chaeyoung asked.


“Ahhh,” Wendy pulls their baby into her lap. “That means eight years ago, mama Irene made mommy Wendy very happy by marrying her.”


“And made Chichoo!!!”


“We-well…” Wendy steps in, though Jisoo probably didn’t mean anything by it. “After nine months… after nine months.”


Irene jabs her wife on the rib, their daughters probably have no idea what on Earth she’s talking about.


“And Chaeyoungie too?”


“Yes… of course,” Wendy nuzzles on her little girl, making their baby giggle.


Wendy then bent over her side of the bedside counter and dug through her manuals, and parenting books before pulling out a light blue square box.




“Happy anniversary.” Wendy smiles softly while slowly opening the box but to her surprise, “Wait, where’s the other earring?” She looks around their bed, almost flopping the comforters inside out to search for it until her daughter pops out next to her bed with the pricey gift on her nose.


“Chichoo is a bull.”


“Jisoo,” Wendy said in an exasperated tone when her eldest daughter uses her gift for her wife as a nose ring. But Irene must have been in high spirits that morning, chuckling at her daughter before snapping a photo of her daughter.


“Blackmail material.” Irene winks at her wife to which Wendy smiles back before gently taking the earring away from Jisoo.


“I’ll sanitize it,” Wendy sighs.




“What the?!”


Irene and Wendy turn over to their little mischief who now pumps the remote control up in the air in victory.


The two moms exchanged looks of awe and shock. Wendy made sure she kept the remote control hidden and locked somewhere than even her wife doesn’t know where it is.


But obviously, they’re underestimating their tiny opponent.


“No, no, no, no… What’s our rule?! No TV until 10!”


After 11 years this is their life now, mini heart attacks in the morning, sanitizing everything, barely getting any with their youngest sleeping between them. But Irene couldn’t help but still smile because even if their life and especially Saturday mornings start in utter chaos, she couldn’t ask for anything more.






Seulgi gushed as she saw her very own teddy bear splat on her tummy on their living room couch, with her sippy cup on watching something from Disney junior.


It was moments like this where her Jennie is still watching cartoons, still wearing her Sophia the first PJs and still drinking from her sippy cup that Seulgi wished could last forever. Jennie is growing up more and more, and soon Seulgi has to deal with a moody teenager prone to emotional outburst.


It was purely wishful thinking to have her baby just stay a baby. But now that they’re still here, Seulgi is going to relish every millisecond of it.


She gently slipped to the couch next to Jennie, before Jennie pulls her mommy’s arm and have it wrapped around her tiny waist. Seulgi buries her face in her little girl’s hair before her daughter pops the sippy cup off and asks her mom.


“Do you have to go to work today?”


“No,” Seulgi whispers while nuzzling on her daughter’s hair. “I’m staying right here with you. Do you want to go somewhere special today?”


Jennie just shook her head and curled up in her mommy’s embrace.


“I just want to stay home.”


“Okay, we can do that.”


A smile slowly made its way on Seulgi’s lips as a thought of somebody flashes inside her mind.






Seulgi paused for a little bit, chuckling to herself at how ridiculous this all seems to be. She can’t believe how nerve wrecking it is to tell her four year old that she is starting to like someone. It shouldn’t be this quick, right? She shouldn’t be this giddy over someone after one coffee date, but she is and it’s scary and exhilarating at the same time.


After their groceries that Saturday, they decided to grab a quick lunch at a local café that Seulgi frequented. Ms. Jo or should she say Eunae wasn’t much of a talker. The two of them spend the first 20 minutes just looking over the menu, less worried about what to order but more of wondering who will speak up first.


The first thing they talk about was of course about Jennie.


And from that, the conversation flows naturally. Seulgi learned how passionate Eunae is when it comes to her job, her gorgeous eyes have that special twinkle as she chuckles and recalls the crazy things her students did that week. Eunae turned out to be younger than her; she was 25, two years younger than Seulgi. She talked about moving away from home and starting again in a new city. Seulgi didn’t pry on what made Eunae move away, but it was clear that it was something Eunae doesn’t want to talk about as she shies away from the conversation.


Eunae wanted to know more about her too, but Seulgi has no idea where to start. Seulgi doesn’t really think there is anything she could impress someone about her. She was a single mom, living in a one bedroom apartment with her baby girl. She was working as a dance teacher at one of the dance academies. Quite a different world to what she expects herself to be at 27.


It might have sounded more impressive if she was the most sought after choreographers in the entertainment business. It will probably make Eunae gushed if she tells her that she barely had time to sleep in her penthouse suite cause she’s too busy jetting around from city to city, performing on stage with the biggest stars in the world.


But she spared Eunae the story of her what if’s, instead she tells Eunae about the world she lives in now.


The world where she comes home to bedtime stories and having her own teddy to cuddle with at night. The world where she teaches people ranging from 3 years old to 92 years old how to dance. The world where the thing she looks forward to the most was fridates with her daughter.


This world is different. The polar opposite of where she was supposed to be heading. But she loves it, knowing that she’ll trade being a choreographer for being a mom any day.


As she finished telling the world that she lives in, she saw that sparkle in Eunae’s eyes. She saw that smile that looks at awe at the life she lives. She saw the girl that didn’t need the glitz or the glamour, and above all, she saw someone who she knows truly adores her daughter. It was that moment, which made Seulgi think that maybe, maybe it’s okay to start opening up again.


She and Eunae didn’t get a chance to talk about a second date and the only time they could talk is through texts after Jennie is asleep. She learned that Eunae is more open in texts, their conversations ranging from nothing to everything usually lasts until 1 in the morning. They see each other in school and manage just to greet each other with blushing cheeks and shy smiles.


It’s been a whole week already, and Seulgi is wondering if this is the right time to ask her out.


Seulgi presses another kiss on her daughter’s hair.


“Can mommy invite a friend over?”


Jennie turns around, even at four, Jennie’s gaze could already be quite terrifying. Those pretty eyes could turn to heavenly to hellish in a split second.


“Who is this friend? Is it Aunt Yeri?” Jennie asked in disdain.


“No, it’s ummm… someone else.” Seulgi nervously gulps as Jennie doesn’t look like she’s gonna drop this case anytime soon.


“Do I know this friend?”


“Mmmm kinda? Don’t worry about it, babe. Maybe next time.”


Jennie’s eyes narrowed even more, her suspicion growing by the second. Jennie usually has no problem expressing her feelings to her mommy, but if there is one thing that her mommy didn’t know it was her secret with her aunt Joy.


Her aunt Joy told her how her mommy is the nicest and kindest person in the world, but unfortunately, not all people are like that. Some people are going to be mean and will take advantage of her mommy. It already annoyed Jennie just thinking of that, so her aunt Joy told Jennie it’s her job to take care of her mommy and make sure that no one is going to hurt her.


Jennie is still four, but she already takes that promise to heart.


“Do you like her?” Jennie pried for an answer. If this person wants to be her mommy’s friend, she better be worth it.








“Is she gonna be my other mommy?”


“W-what?! N-no…” Seulgi’s voice is reduced to a squeal. “No, right now, it’s you and me. But ummm… I would really like you to meet her.”


Jennie doesn’t look like she’s very interested in meeting anyone. But she loves her mommy too much and wants her to meet her friends. But if this friend tries anything to her mom. She’s gonna get it…






“Okay. But only for lunch,” Jennie says, but that agreement comes with a condition. “She has to go before our naps.”


“Yes! Yes!” Seulgi starts hugging her baby, completely ecstatic.




“Babe, are you ready?”


Wendy expertly multitasks calling her wife while scooping some green beans on her little girl's plate.


“Yeah, I’m here… babe, can you help with this?”


“Yeah sure,” Wendy says nonchalantly, but that nonchalance turned into a breathless gasp when she sees the Goddess standing in front of her.


“Oh wow…”


Wendy dreamily sighed as she sees Irene walking over to her in her little black dress. Irene’s fashion sense nowadays just consists of yanking out clothes from the dresser before going about her day with their kids.


Her wife is a Goddess Wendy knows for sure, but lately, they’re too preoccupied with their little ones and bills that they sometimes forgot just to sit back and appreciate the other.



Their kids… their lives really do revolve around their kids.


But for tonight, their lives will be about each other.


“You look like you’re ready for tonight.” Wendy teased, trying to calm herself down


“Of course, it’s Demarco’s.”


Wendy couldn’t help but shot up with pride as she sees the impressed expression on her wife’s face. Their city is dotted with fancy restaurants, but Demarcos is the fanciest of the fancy. The one where you need a month for reservation and the one where three shrimps and five arugula leaves can cost almost a hundred bucks.


But Demarcos was more special than its pricelist and menu. Demarco’s was more like a running joke between the two of them. When they first started dating, Wendy would joke that someday she’ll take Irene to Demarco’s. But they were broke college students whose dates are consists of movie marathons with instant ramen noodles. They got married right after college and the plans for Demarcos are put to the side for apartment, for the purchase of their first car, and who would have thought to having a child would be so freaking expensive?


Diapers, formulas, and wipes took about half of their budget, and when their girls are finally out of diapers, Wendy made the brave decision to finally buy their own home.


And that dinner for Demarcos? It’s been set aside for mortgage bills, for their cars, for their bills, for their babies expensive private school, their babies toys, their money went to everything else but them.


But tonight, Wendy decided that this is the perfect time to finally take her longtime crush to that promise best date of her life.


Irene cocked a brow, impressed on how her wife is going all out with this. She leans closely to her wife, making sure she’s out of their children (especially Jisoo’s) earshot. “Why Seungwan-nah, are you trying to get lucky tonight?”


“Am I that obvious?”


Irene gives her wife a jab on the rib.


“Alright… alright you two,”


The two turns away from each other to see Joy walking in from the kitchen, instantly grimacing in disgust as she sees the kids plate.


“You expect your kids to eat that?”




There are often a few words that no matter how much you jumble it around, will never ever make sense. One of them is Joy and motherhood.


It wasn’t like Joy was irresponsible, compared to Yeri she’s a hell lot better in watching over the girls. With her, at least Wendy doesn’t have to call every 5 minutes making sure they didn’t set their house on fire or if one of her daughters was rushed to the emergency room.


But motherhood is something that never crossed Joy’s mind. In fact, just the mere thought of spending her Saturdays going to soccer games and children’s birthday parties instead of getting her manipedi is enough to send shivers through her spine.


It probably adds to the fact that Joy was never the touchy feely person. With Jennie she could have an adult conversation, with Jisoo, they’re like bros, highfiving and playing videogames


And then there’s Chaeyoung who greets her with a big hug on her legs (since that’s how far that little baby could reach). She’s still a little chipmunk cheek cutie and is slowly shedding that baby fat, but before she was just like a little ball. Yeri even calls her a baby sumo wrestler and Joy couldn’t help but agree more as she almost tramples Joy down when she gives a hug.


A hug then a conversation with her. Last time it was about unicorns, who knows what goes on in Chaeyoung’s young mind. She wonders what Chaeyoung wants to talk about today.


“So, basically everything should be ready. They could eat dinner in a bit, their pajamas are already set. Jisoo, Chaeyoungie… Look who’s here?”


“The Jikin guy?!”


Wendy grunts embarrassingly at her daughter’s answer.


“No, come here.”


“Aunt Joyie!!!!”


Joy almost got tackled on the ground by the big hugger that is Chaeyoung. Wait… didn’t she just saw these two a week ago? How come Chaeyoung is up to her stomach now?


“Wow… you guys got big.”


Wendy kneels to look at both her babies.


“Me and mama Irene are going out for a bit.”


“Are you going to bring me chicken?”


“Ummm… sure… we will.”


“Jikin. Jikin. Jikin! Byyeeeee!”


But their youngest daughter who’s just a born softie has a different reaction.

“How long are you gonna be gone?” Chaeyoung tilts her head in question.


“We will be back soon. You are gonna have so much fun with Aunt Joy, remember to listen to her, okay Jisoo?”


“You better listen, Jisoo, you know what happens if you don’t listen,” Irene says in a much sterner tone than her wife’s.


“She’ll listen.” Joy reassures them.


“Ack!” Jisoo says as her aunt puts her in a chokehold.


After a couple of kisses and hugs and goodbyes, Wendy and Irene finally step out of the house, leaving the three to stare at the door in wonder. Before Joy says,


“Let’s go get chicken.”




Seulgi didn’t know she had it this bad until she stood there stunned for a good five seconds when she sees Eunae standing in her doorway. And it wasn’t like Eunae was dressed up like she’s heading out for a date. Her daughter’s teacher was just in her skinny jeans and a cardigan shirt, and yet it was enough to make her forget how to speak.


Even her daughter who is hard to impress, gasps out loud when she sees her kindergarten teacher.


“Ms. Jo?! You’re mommy’s friend?!”


“Ummmm yes? Hi Jennie… Hi Seulgi-shii…” She said shyly, and Seulgi didn’t know if that’s good for her heart.


“Oh ummm… hi. Oh, I’m sorry, so sorry, come in… come in.”


Jennie already invited her in, taking her teacher’s hand and leading her inside their cozy one bedroom apartment.


“This is my house!”


“Oh, it’s really nice.”


Seulgi stood there nervously as she sees Eunae scanning her home. When Jennie was taking a bath, Seulgi hurriedly picked up her toys and made sure their home didn’t look like a dumpsite. Eunae bends and hands Jennie the unicorn paper bag.


“I saw this and thought, hmmm… I think Jennie would like it.”


Jennie couldn’t contain her cool and digs inside her bag, gasping with excitement as she sees the Shimmer and Shine coloring book.


“Ms. Jo – you didn’t have too.”


“Yes, she does.” Jennie says.


“Jennie…” Seulgi says sternly, but she softens up when she sees the amused smile on Eunae’s lips. “Jennie, what do you say?”


Jennie gives her teacher a big hug before looking through her coloring book.


“You can date my mommy now.” Jennie gives her sign of approval.


“Jennie! No!” Seulgi could only squeal in embarrassment. “You’re supposed to say thank you.”


But Jennie is already far too gone as she went to her little pink corner in their living room and started coloring.


“I-I-I’m sorry bout that.”


“N-no,” Eunae waved her off and reassured her with a pretty smile. “Don’t worry about that.”


“Thank you… that’s her latest obsession now, Shimmer and Shine.”


“Yup. I have to stay in the know with these things. I got you ummm… something too…”


“What? You shouldn’t have.”


“No… I should. I mean you’re nice enough to invite me over. I don’t usually go out.”


“Well, thank you.” Seulgi got the paper bag and sees the hot chocolate that Eunae brought her. It wasn’t just some regular Swiss Miss but base on the packaging and the name that Seulgi can’t sound out, it’s some fancy hot chocolate that Eunae probably got from those organic stores.


“I notice it’s what you ordered last time, so I thought you might want some, especially since the weather is getting chilly.”


Seulgi’s heart just beats much harder.


“You remembered…”


“I ahhhh… yeah?”


Seulgi looks away from the hot chocolate and over to Eunae, who has that cute blush on her cheeks.


“We should try it out.”


And when Seulgi saw the pretty smile on Eunae’s face, she’s wondering if she’s blushing just as hard too.


“We should.”




“Aunt Joy! Aunt Joy! Aunt Joy! Aunt Joy!”


“Yes… yes, yes, yes… yes. I heard you the first million times Chaeyoung.”


Chaeyoung who’s always the cuter but very lost one, just flashes a smile not realizing the sarcasm behind Joy’s words.


“What is it, Chaeyoung?”


“Can I read you a story, aunt Joy?”


“You know how to read?”


“She makes up stories.” Jisoo points out her mind still deep in the game.


“Okay… In a minute,” Joy said as she tries to outrace Jisoo in Mario Kart. This is something Joy couldn’t let go, to have a five year old just beats her in a video game.


1, 2, 3, 4,5…


“Is it a minute now?” Chaeyoung asked after 5 seconds.


“Not yet… hold on…”


After 20 seconds…






After 23. 6 seconds passed.


“How about no-“


“Fine! Fine… you could read me this story.” Joy sighs in defeat, putting the joystick aside as the little cutie quickly clambered on her lap.


“Okay, once upon a time there’s a princess that has a step mommy and step sisters that are not nice…” Chaeyoung said her cute face scrunched into a pout before flipping to a couple of pages ahead. Someone needs to teach Chaeyoung the proper way to read books.


Joy in a deep breath as she’s getting ready to listen to this tale. She might be 20 years older than the girls, but every woman in this world knows this fairy tale by heart.


“Then, one day they put her in a biiiiiiiiiggggg tower that has a beast in it!” Chaeyoung says, her tiny arms up in the air to show how huge the beast is.


“Wait…” This is not the Cinderella story that Joy is familiar with. “Hold on… There’s a beast in the tower?” It takes something to wow Joy, but this version of Cinderella made her jaw dropped.




“And then what happened?”


“She grew a fishy tail…”


Joy could only answer with a raised brow. “A fishy tail?”


“Yes! Like Ariel!”


“Oh God…”


“And the beast put her in an aquarium!”


“Then, what happened?”


“The Beast turned her into sushi!” Jisoo added her own twist to the fairy tale.


GASSSSSPPPPPPPPPPPPSSSSSS!!!! Chaeyoung gasps loudly.


“Oh hush, Jisoo!” Sooyoung could clearly see the blood relations between Jisoo and Yeri. But Chaeyoung, she’s a lost cause. “Chaeyoung what is this? Like a remix version of the Disney princess stories?”


“What’s remix?” Chaeyoung blinks confusedly. “Can I eat it?”


“Well no… Okay, so is your story finish?”


“No. She ate an apple that made her go night night…”


“Waiiitt… hold on now. The mermaid ate an apple and it made her sleep?”


“And the only way for her to wake up is…”


“Let me guess, true love’s kiss?”


Chaeyoung’s eyes glows in amazement. “How did you know?”


Lucky guess…




Thank you for tonight.”


If Seulgi was into deep earlier, right now she felt like she’s almost drowning.


They didn’t even stepped outside the apartment but time flew too quickly. They were in the midst of munching on popcorn and watching Tangled when Eunae politely says that she needed to go, making both Seulgi and Jennie whine for her to stay.


“It’s not safe.” Jennie says in determination. “You can sleep in our bed, we can fit.”


“Oh, Jennie baby no.” She takes a deep breath. “But Jennie is right. It’s a little bit late already. Me and Jennie could sleep in the couch. I’ll just change the sheets and you can sleep in our bed for the night.”


“What? N-no-no. I can’t do that. It’s okay really, it’s pretty safe here.”


“Yeah but still… no please… please stay for the night.”


Eunae looks over at the two, and didn’t know why it was hard to say no to them.


“The couch is just fine for me. I usually just fall asleep in my couch. So, it’s not a big deal at all.”


“Are you sure?”


“I’m positive.” The Kindergarten teacher flashes a sweet smile. “Thank you so much.”


They exchange smiles before the little girl clears .


“It’s my bathtime now, mommy.”


“Oh yeah! Yeah! C’mon my little stinker.”


“Hey, I’m not stinky.” Jennie defended, pouting cutely.


“I don’t know, let me see?” Seulgi lifts her up and starts nuzzling her little girl, tickling Jennie in the process.




“Good night my love,” Seulgi kisses Jennie on her forehead as she tucks her little darling in bed.


“Mommy?” Jennie says sleepily, struggling to keep her eyes open.


“Hmmm baby?”


“Is Ms. Jo your girlfriend now?”


“W-what?” Seulgi’s attention quickly shot outside to the living room, petrified that the teacher could hear anything. She sighs in relief when she saw that she still hasn’t come out from the restroom. “Of course not.”


“Why not?” Jennie pouted in disapproval.


“It’s not that easy.”


“Just tell her you like her. You like her, don’t you?”


“I ummmm… ahhhh…” What’s the point of denying it when her daughter can read her so easily? “Yes. I do.”


“Then, tell her.”


“Jennie, those things happened quickly.”


“So, maybe tomorrow morning?”


“Go to sleep now, baby.”


“Or you could kiss her like the movies.”


Seulgi groans at her daughter’s determination and stubbornness. “Remember what I told you, movies are not real. You can’t just do that.”


“Then, what do you do?”


“Well? You get to know them first…”


“And then you kiss them?”


She kisses her little girl in the forehead. “No… kissing comes later, much later. When you feel like everything is right.”


Jennie pouts thoughtfully. “But you kiss me all the time?”


“That’s because you own my heart.” Seulgi kisses her little girl in her temple as she tucks her inside their sheets. “I love you so much.”


“Like as much as you love Ms. Jo?”


“Go to sleep, babe.”




“No, Ms. Jo you don’t have to do this.” Seulgi takes the pizza box away from the teacher.


“It’s alright, Ms. Kang, it’s the least I could do.” She smiles at Seulgi before taking the stuff to the kitchen. “I had a really good time.”


“Me too… No, I meant ummm… Jennie, she just. She was having such a good time and she just adores you. So, thank you so much for coming. Would you like something to drink?”




Seulgi digs inside her fridge and winces in her ultimate fail as she realizes one thing.


“So, ummm…I don’t really have any ummm… adult drinks? Is orange juice, okay?”


“I don’t really drink, so yes. Orange juice is great.”


“Wait? You’re a teacher and you don’t drink?” Seulgi says in complete shock.


“I’d rather eat my stress away.” The two of them shared a chuckle before Seulgi pours her a cup of orange juice.


“Yeah. I’m so sorry, it’s just that I don’t want Jennie to see that.”


“No… no… it’s okay, really. I love orange juice.”


Seulgi smiles while preparing two glasses of orange juice. She handed one to Eunae before the two of them walk over back to the living room where they got comfortable on the couch.


“Jennie is sleeping now. So, you could just call me Eunae. I have never met a four year old like her. She’s quite amazing.”

Seulgi’s gaze went to the orange juice in her hand, trying to hide the smile on her lips.


“You raise her well.”


“I tried. My bestfriends help me a lot. You have been… just amazing with her. She’s learning so much and she enjoys coming to school. Well, Ms. Han was a good teacher too but you’re just…”


Seulgi felt her heart skip a beat, seeing the soft smile playing on the beautiful teacher’s lips.


You’re amazing,” Seulgi says breathlessly.


“Thank you. Hearing that from a parent really help. Like thank you so much.”


“I don’t know how you do it for a living, one kid already drives me nuts sometimes.”

“Patience, a lot of it. But you’re doing such an awesome job raising Jennie, even better that some parents I know.”


“It’s hard to do it alone, but my friends are always there for me.”


Seulgi looks at Eunae and sees the questioning look on her face, probably wondering about Jennie’s dad but was too polite to ask about it.


“Her dad was never in the picture.”




“He didn’t want anything to do with her, probably forgot that he has a kid.” Her grip on the glass grew tighter. “Would it be selfish of me if I wish that it just stays that way?”


“No. But someday, you have to get your heart ready when Jennie’s older and she’ll wonder about her dad.”


“And what do I say? Your dad never wanted you?”


“That it didn’t work out, that you love him but sometimes it’s not enough.”


Seulgi turns to Eunae and sees Eunae staring out in the distance, as if the words weren’t just for her and Jennie, but from a deep gash that Eunae still hasn’t fully healed from.


“And then, you’ll promise her that your love for her is so much different from her dad, because no matter how tough it is, you’ll figure out how to make it work that you love her that much.”


The young mother sighs, yet keeping those words lock in her memory, just in case someday she would need to say it.


But there is no need for that. Right now, she’ll enjoy these moments with Jennie.


“I’m sorry,” Eunae chuckles embarrassingly. “I just thought that…”


“No, I think it’s a great help. How about you?”


“You mean my story?”


“Ahh yeah, if you don’t mind.”


That twinkle in Eunae’s eyes dimmed a bit before she looks down on her glass, as if trying to unearth a buried memory.


“You don’t have to say it if you don’t want to.”


“No. It’s okay. Well… it’s a bit dramatic.”




“Yeah. I was with someone for ten years, and everyone expects us to get married. We eventually got engaged, he went to a business trip and then I just got a call from him, saying he can’t do it cause he fell in love with someone else.”




“Right.” Eunae smiles. “Like something straight out of the movies.”


“I’m so sorry about that.” Seulgi apologized as the guilt tried to surface.


“Don’t be.” Eunae shook her head, before she can’t say her story without breaking down, now she could finally smile about it. “You see this all the time in the movies, people just falls in love after a few days, but no one really wonders about the girl that got left behind.”


“Nobody does.”


“I just keep on figuring out what I did wrong, but thankfully I was able to get through it. It’s the hardest thing but it’s possible. Like my bestfriend says, someone out there is waiting for you.”


“That’s quite romantic.”


“It is. So, someday.”


“Guys are so ty.”


Eunae chuckles a little too loudly that it surprised and made Seulgi laugh at the same time.


“Tell me about it. Women can be quite ty too, unfortunately.” Eunae says before leaning back on the couch, Seulgi followed suit.


“Yup. We got a few cases of those too.”


“You are quite popular by the way.” Eunae jokes, nudging Seulgi playfully on the shoulders.


“I am?”


“Yup. All the teachers in school has a crush on you.”


Seulgi is never good with receiving praises and could only respond with a blush and an embarrassed laugh.

“That’s ummm… thanks I guess.”


“That’s why I was really surprise when you asked me today. You seem to have a lot of options.”


“I don’t really date, as you can tell, but I… I really wanted to ummm… spend some time with you.”


Seulgi turns to look at Eunae, who was staring at the ceiling but has that smile on her face. Eunae turns to look at her and it was easy to forget where they were.




Like a string that’s just pulling her closer and closer.


That’s how Seulgi felt when she was looking at Eunae.


Seulgi felt drawn in to those gorgeous red lips, like her heart begs to make this breathtaking, amazing girl hers.


And as much as she wants too, as much as she loves too, she was older now and much smarter and knew perfectly that she could wait for the perfect time.


She pulled herself back smiling back at Eunae. She reaches out for Eunae’s hand, intertwining their fingers together.


“I would love to get to know you more, Eunae.”


Eunae’s soft expression of wonder turns into the sweetest smile as she looks at their link hands like it was the most fascinating thing in the world.


“Me too.”


They were just holding hands but for Seulgi it’s more than enough. For once, she doesn’t feel like she’s in a competition. She was older and hopefully much wiser now. And she learned from past mistakes not to rush. Being with someone takes a couple steps, sometimes you breeze to every step, and sometimes you stumble. but you keep going because you know they’re worth, the bruise and the scratch.


Seulgi met a lot of people over six years and truth was she was scared. She wasn’t ready to put her heart out there again, only for it to be ripped into pieces. And it wasn’t her heart that she has to worry now, she has a little girl who depends on her. She wants to be with someone that would love and care for her daughter.


Her daughter is too cautious for someone who’s not even five years old, that’s why it warms her heart to see Jennie just being a kid around Eunae.


Seulgi never realized how amazing it is to have somebody in your life, until she’s with Eunae. There is so much more she wants to know and she wants to do. And maybe if she’s lucky, Eunae would feel that way too.


And judging by their intertwined hands, it’s probably safe to say that Eunae feels the same way she does.


And hopefully someday, feel even more.




“Aunt Joy, Aunt Joy, Aunt Joy?”


Joy hurriedly switched off the Walking Dead on TV as she heard her name for the millionth time in the last five hours. She turns at the cutiepie in her PJ’s clutching tightly on her Teddy Bear standing by the staircase.


“Yes? Yes? Yes Chaeyoungie? Why are you still awake?”


“Where is my mommy?”


Chaeyoung’s lower lip started to quiver and those soft, brown eyes getting all teary eyed. Her mommies told her that she’ll have fun with her aunt Joy and she did, but her mommies are taking longer than she expected.


She was missing her mommies so much.


“They just text me and said they’ll be here soon.”


They didn’t and Joy thinks the two are too “busy” to even shot her a text.


“Can you tell them to kiss me good night?”


“Yes, I will.”


“Thank you,” Chaeyoung whimpers before she turns around.




“Yes ma’am?”


“Come here. We could wait for your mommies together.” Joy pats the spot next to her, and Chaeyoung quickly clambers on, nestling her head on her Aunt Joy’s lap.


“I miss my mommies so much.” Chaeyoung says as she curls next to Joy. “Do you have a baby, Aunt Joy?”




“Nope. Just you guys.”


“You should be a mommy.”


Joy snorts in response. “Oh yeah? Why?”


“Because you’re really nice.”


“You think I’m really nice?”


“Yes… you bought Chichoo unnie jikin and you like my stories, so you’re really nice.”


Joy scoffs amusingly after hearing that. Yes, Chaeyoung is a bit lost sometimes and tells the most bizarre version of Disney fairy tales and yes, she’s too innocent for her own good. But this girl is already showing Joy how much someone can just see the good in everybody. It’s kind of fascinating how someone so young be this loving.


“So, what does your mommies do to help you sleep?”


“They sing me a song.”


“Oh…” Joy don’t think she has any age appropriate song worthy of a lullaby.


Ppalgan mat ggumguemhae honey


Chaeyoung looks up from her comfortable nook and blinks surprisingly at her auntie’s choice of song. Joy just chuckles, pressing a kiss on Chaeyoung’s forehead before Chaeyoung snuggles deeper in her hug.


kkaemulmyeon jeomjeom nogadeun
Strawberry geu mat
Corner candy shop chaja bwa Baby
naega jeil joahaneun geon yeoreum geu mat

yajanamu geuneul arae jolgo shipgo


Joy is still convinced that she’s not or will ever be ready to be a mom. But after tonight, maybe just maybe if her future kids is just as sweet and adorable as Chaeyoung, then maybe just maybe, it wouldn’t be as bad as she thought.


And if someday, she’ll have a baby like Chaeyoung, Joy knows she’s going to be the luckiest mom alive.




Thank you guys for reading this fic even though the update at the most random days. Next Update is a background on Wenrene and Diggy more Diggy.


PS Sonamoo is coming back on November 6, let's support these beautiful, talented and definitely underrated girls. 



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Chapter 7: This story is my favorite if I'm in the mood to read Wenrene's family
love this fic! time to re-read it
Chapter 1: I can't believe I finally found this fanfic 😭
Chapter 1: what a cute beginning for this story. :) i will try to finish this in maybe 4 days? story is super cute. XD
Chapter 3: Kenapa rene takut ya anakmu tumbuh besar
Chapter 2: Apasih gini aja gw ngakak
Chapter 1: Cerita yang lucu
Ini sepertinya cerita lucu
Saw a very cute chaennie pic today so here I am hahaha I might re-read this later :p
Chapter 15: Wow the end!!!!
Thanks for the story author-nim, well done