Always will

One in a Trillion


Say the name Son Wendy and you’ll hear descriptions going around like the ultimate fangirl whenever her daughter Chaeyoung performed with her guitar on stage, or the proud mom when her eldest daughter Jisoo gets another academic award.


She was being naïve when she thought parenting is going to get easy as their girls get older. They have already survived the diapers and the sleepless nights, survived the kindergarten years, the freak outs over periods and zits and now they’re here, almost to the last lap, right?




Fast forward to eighteen years and Wendy is still hoarding all the parenting books, diving into it every night to find an answer because as far as she knows, raising teenagers are a whole different ballgame.


Not that she has anything to complain about.


She has been blessed with her daughters. Their two girls never had the teenage angsty phase. There was never the “I hate you, I wish I had better parents.” line thrown around in their house. She perfectly knew why, they’re probably terrified of what her wife is going to do to them if they tried that spiel because after all these years, their mama Irene is still the “boss” in their house.


She still gets the occasional nightmares when the name West Chester Academy starts flashing on her screen. Jisoo might look like a fairy tale princess, but she’s still… for lack of a better term, still Jisoo. Always a few lightyears ahead when it comes to thinking.


But she and her wife are already equipped with the apologies that it shouldn’t unfazed her anymore.


But never say never…


It was a Friday, when she’s finishing up some emails when West Chester Academy started blaring for her attention.




“Hello, this is Ms. Kim from West Chester, can I speak with Ms. Son?”


“This is her. I’m sorry about what Jisoo sai-“ Wendy went straight into autopilot, 80 percent focus on the phonecall and 20 percent on the email she’s typing.


“It’s not Jisoo.”


That went down real quick. Wendy felt her entire world just dropped a few stories.


“Ummm? Excuse me?”


“Yes, Ms. Son, we would like to discuss an incident that happened with Chaeyoung.”


“I-Incident?” Wendy as a mother comes up with the worst case scenario that can make the sinking of Titanic seems irrelevant.


What could have happened to her baby? Okay, Chaeyoung is seventeen now and growth spurt happened and their little fluffball is now a leggy beauty. But that doesn’t change anything at all, Chaeyoung is still their baby princess. Her baby princess is such a soft hearted sweetheart, she will never get herself in trouble.


Bullying. It’s definitely bullying. It’s somebody bullying her baby. How could they do that? Wendy isn’t much of a fighter. No, she’s not a fighter at all, but she’s ready to throw a punch at anyone who messed with her angel.


“Oh my God! Is my baby okay?”


She could hear dead silence on the other line. It’s not until she figured out that she just called her 5’6 high school junior, a baby.


“She is.”


“Is she hurt? Did someone hurt her? Are the other parents involved there?” Because Wendy might be serene, but she’s not a CEO because she’s a sweetheart.


“I think it would be better if you’re here, Ms. Son.”


The guidance counselor doesn’t even have to tell her twice. Wendy was already on her feet, grabbing her purse and ready to zoom out of her office.




If there is one thing that Wendy both admire and at the same is secretly jealous of with her wife, it’s how serene she could be in any situation. Or if Wendy is being more specific, how Irene could look so composed even at the most trying situations.


Because here was Irene sitting in the reception area with that expression on her face, that could quiet the world around her. Not a lot of women their age could say they age gracefully (without the help of botox and a facelift) but not her wife, Irene only seem to grow regal with age.


“Where is Chaeyoung? Is she okay?”


“I haven’t seen her yet.”


“Oh my God, Irene, do you think she’s okay? I can’t believe something like this would happen to her? Our baby… I can’t-”


“Wendy- it’s okay, babe.”


The secretary might have felt that she made them sweat enough and motions for them to come with her.


Even with all the parenting books and youtube videos, nothing could have prepared Wendy from the heartbreaking sight of seeing her daughter cry. Her Chaeyoung is a softie through and through. Irene had always half joke, half truth that it was Wendy’s fault. Not like she could deny it, she still calls Chaeyoung her baby princess and still coos at her, when she gets all teary eyed over simple things.


But getting in trouble? that’s more of Jisoo’s line of expertise, not Chaeyoung’s.


She walks in the principal’s office and there hunched over was her baby and Jennie rubbing circles on her daughter’s heaving back. Jennie, Seulgi’s little girl wasn’t the little grumpy teddy bear anymore (much to Seulgi’s sorrow). Jennie grew up to exceed the expectations being put on her as Seulgi’s baby. A force to be reckoned with, both on stage and in the school hallways. The Queen Bee from what Wendy heard, and rightfully so.


But it’s clear to see that even the queen bee falters sometimes, it’s both cute and amusing to see Jennie just coos on Chaeyoung like this, whispering words that couldn’t help but make her and her wife look at each other curiously.


“Oh no, my baby…” Wendy coos at her 5’6 baby.


“Mom, I’m sorry, I’m so sorry…” Chaeyoung could barely get the words out from between her sobs. “I’m so sorry about all this.”


“What? No.” Wendy plants a kiss on her baby princess’ forehead. “It’s not your fault, it’s not your fault. Okay? Look at me, baby.”


Chaeyoung looks up at her, blinking those teary brown eyes at her.


“Whatever happened, you have to know that it’s not your fault and no matter what they say, me and your mama will always be by your side, okay baby?”


The three looks up and Wendy couldn’t immediately see Chaeyoung stiffened up at the sight of her wife. If Wendy wasn’t so tensed right now, she’ll be amused to see the usual unfazed Jennie clearing when she saw Irene.


“Y-yes.” Chaeyoung could barely force her word out.




Jennie perked up from the familiar voice, seeing her mom walking in the office with her face filled with worry. Although it isn’t obvious from Seulgi’s loose clothes and her still looking like a goddess at almost forty, she’s five months pregnant.


“Mom…” Jennie jumps up from her seat, “What are you doing here? I’m okay, really I am.” Jennie says, her voice and her expression filled with worry.


“No, it’s okay… your baby sister is okay.” Seulgi pats her tiny belly.


But Jennie as cool as she appears to be, might lose her rep when they see how her mom dotes on her.


“I’m so proud of you, my baby.” Seulgi said with that glimmer of pride in those still captivating almond eyes.


“Mom…” Jennie groans with exasperation, but that doesn’t seem to deter Seulgi from cooing at her.


“What? I know you’re going to be a big sister soon, but you’re still my teddy.”


Wendy could swear she sees Chaeyoung swallowing a giggle and Jennie just pursing her lips together when she saw Chaeyoung’s amused reaction.


“Mom, we talk about this.” Jennie warned through her clenched teeth and blushing cheeks.


“Fine. Look, I’m just so proud of you. For everything that happened, you stand your ground and you protect Chaeyoung.”


“Of course, I’ll protect her.”


Jennie’s words seem to be the only cure to Chaeyoung’s endless sniffles.


“Mrs. Son, Mrs. Kang… Principal Kim is ready for you now.”


“Okay, wait- is this it? I mean- shouldn’t the other girl and her parents be involved in this too?”


“Ms. Kang is the other girl involved.”


All the three moms in the room exchanged surprise glances, the two high schoolers could only stare at the floor, trying to avoid their parents gaze.


“Wait… what?”




“So, what happened? What’s going on? The secretary-“


Wendy was already going 0-100 in a few milliseconds, questions about her daughter coming out in rapid successions and only her wife could put on her brakes.






Wendy sits back down, She could imagine the principal heaved a mental sigh in relief.


“I want to go straight to the point. Your daughters were caught-“


“Oh my God. Please don’t let it be drugs.” Seulgi mutters a little too loudly.


Irene and Wendy turns over to Seulgi, who looks back at them surprisingly.




“Were they smoking?”




“Did they skip school?”


“Let Ms. Kim finished.” Irene put it down and both Wendy and Seulgi and maybe even the principal sat ramrod straight at the tone of her voice.


“Well,” the principal leaned over, trying to regain authority in this conversation. “This afternoon around lunchbreak, one of the faculty members caught both Jennie and Chaeyoung in the stairwell… ummm… in an intimate position.”




The sudden high pitch voice from Wendy startled everyone even the principal. Wendy quickly stick her finger in her ears refusing to hear what happened next. If kids think the idea of their parents doing it is gross, it’s just as worse for the parents.


Oh my God… her baby, her fluffball, who she changed diapers for is now being caught making her own baby. In a stairwell too… She couldn’t get it on in a classroom or restroom, they have to do it in a stairway?


“What?” The principal almost jump out of her seat from Wendy’s outburst. “N-n-n-no not .”


“Then how intimate is intimate?” Seulgi asked cautiously, wondering if she’s really ready to hear it.


“No…no… let me rephrase that… they were… they were kissing.”


The three moms all exchanged the most confused looks in all of history.


“Who was kissing?” Irene leans over to clarify.


“Your daughters.”


“Our- our daughters? Jennie and Chaeyoung?”


The three beautiful women still couldn’t believe what they were hearing, kissing? Kissing?


“W-w-wait… you must be mistaken. Our daughters were kissing? Jennie and Chaeyoung?” Wendy asked once again just to make sure.


The principal sighs once again before faking a polite expression.


“I’m guessing from both your reactions that you don’t know they’re dating.”


“Do you know about this, Seul?”


Judging from Seulgi’s lost expression and slow shake of her head that she has no idea about it either.


“I ummm… ahhhh… no… Are you sure it’s our daughters? Are you sure it’s Jennie and Chaeyoung?”


“Yes, Ms. Kang.”


“W-well, they grew up together so maybe it was a you know… a sisterly peck… on the lips?”


Seulgi seems to agree with Wendy’s reasoning, while next to her she can see her wife shaking her head. Kudos to the principal who still has that patient look on her face, ready to break it down to these poor parents word for word.


“They were, if I would borrow the students term, they were making out.”


“Oh my God.” Wendy begs for the heavens above to just smite her right now “Like with tongue?”


“Y-yes…” The principal mumbled almost in embarrassment.

“Oh my goodness.”


And if Wendy ever thought she was ready to hit anything that life throws at her, God sure knew how to throw a curveball.


Her baby princess caught kissing Jennie… who would have known?



“So, you and Jennie, huh?”


Wendy could see Chaeyoung slumping down the car seat as if wishing for it to swallow her whole. She has so many questions to ask her daughter, but her wife seems to beat her to the punch.


Good… let her daughter stir in guilt for this.


“Mom, mama, I could explain.”


“Oh, you are going to- OH MY GOD!” Wendy almost jumps out of her seat when a lanky girl pounces on the hood of her car. “What the he-? Lisa?!”


Lisa who doesn’t seem to be unaffected by the crash, seems to magically pops at the backseat, putting on her seatbelt because safety first.


“SON-BAE CHAEYOUNG YOU OWE ME AN EXPLANATION!” Lisa even at 17, still speaks like a mic is stuck in . “Oh hello, Mrs. BS.”


“Wait… Mrs. BS?”


“Well, Mrs. Bae and Mrs. Son or Mrs. Son-Bae is too long, so I cut it short.” She grinned widely at her clever play of words.


“Seriously, Lisa.” Chaeyoung groans underneath her breath.


“Okay, fine… How about Mrs. SOB?”


“Just stop, Lisa… just stop.”


“You don’t get to tell me to stop. You have some explaining to do, Chaeyoungie. You’re making out with the boss and you didn’t tell me! Your bestfriend for life!”


From the front seat, Wendy and Irene could hear Chaeyoung slap her face and groan.


“Boss , huh?” Irene asked.


“W-w-wait… did I say ?” Lisa mumbles nervously when she realized where she is. “I meant beach like you know… Boracay and all that… Beach… like oh she’s so beachy that means, she’s so cool and ummm… sandy?”


“Lisa just stop please…” Chaeyoung begs her. “Can we talk later? My moms are here.”


“Well, you can whisper it to me…” Lisa leans over to whisper in Chaeyoung’s ear. “How did her lips taste?” She whispered loudly enough both parents can hear from the front seat. “I hope it taste like regret. How could you do this to me?! You know I love her!”


Lisa’s voice boomed inside of Wendy’s car, Wendy and her wife just pursing their lips, trying to fake seriousness when they’re seconds away from laughing.


“When we were three!” Chaeyoung defended.


“Yeah but still!” Lisa pounds her fist in her chest, a little bit too hard that she started coughing. “I mean She was my first love!”


“Okay, I’m so sorry, Lisa.”


“You were just supposed to go get me chocolate milk with Jennie unnie, what happened? Did she just say? You know what I want for lunch? Your lips?”


Both Wendy and Irene had to cast their gaze away to hide their amuse expression but not before seeing how Chaeyoung did another facepalm that felt like the millionth time.


“Lisa, it’s not like that…”


“Then, then… tell me, tell me…”


“I’m not telling you anything…”


“No go on, go on… tell Lisa…” Irene said in a warning tone. “We would like to know too.”


“Mama please…”


Both Wendy and Irene refused to falter to those pleading puppy brown eyes.

“Nope… you waited to tell us now we want to know about it right now.”


“Well, ummm… I don’t know.” Chaeyoung shrinks back, her voice barely audible.


“You don’t know what? You just trip and fell down on Jennie’s lips?”


Lisa starts cracking up at Irene’s sarcastic remark, but Chaeyoung isn’t as amused.


“I ummm… we started dating maybe ummm… a week ago.”


“A week?” Lisa gasps loudly, that the air in the entire car felt like it got out. “Seven days and you didn’t tell me?”


“It just happened…”


“Dating just don’t happen. You plan those things!”


“Well…” Chaeyoung slumps down once again in defeat. “We have been texting and kinda hanging out together lately, I mean as friends.”


“As friends?” Lisa has her full focus now. “Go on, go on…”


“But I… I know how busy she must be lately with school requirements and her college applications so ummm… I didn’t want to bother her, so I kinda stop texting her.”


“Ooooohhh… so that’s why you are all like puppy dog eyes lately…” Her lanky bestfriend pieced it together. “She was all puppy doggish… Mrs. BS.”


Chaeyoung’s parents just groans in agreement.


“So, ummm… last week, after glee club, she was waiting for me…”


“Then, what happened?” Her wife asked, and Wendy couldn’t tell if the higher pitch in her tone was out of curiosity.


“She asked if we could go grab some cake before going home.”


“Ahhhh food, the way to Chaeyoung’s heart.”


Chaeyoung narrows her eyes at her supposedly bestfriend.


“So, ummm yeah, we went out and she asked me why I have been kinda cold to her lately, and I told her that ummm… I… I didn’t want to bother her… and well, she said, it’s bothering her even more that I’m not texting or talking to her. And that everything I do affects her more than anybody else.”




“Then, after… we ummm… I ummm… she ummm… we kissed and ummm… that’s it.”


“Well, well… and then today?”


“I got your chocolate milk, Lisa I promise but ummm… yeah.”


“Oh sure you did,” Lisa narrows her eyes back at her. “I was wondering what was taking you so long, like gee Chaeng, were you milking the cow or something? I guess you were milking something else.”


“Okay… okay that’s enough…” Wendy interrupted, knowing Lisa, it won’t surprise her if she ends up wrestling her daughter on the backseat. “Well, thank you for telling us, Chaeyoung, love… do you want to say anything?”


Wendy glances at her wife from her side, and even if it was barely more than a second, Wendy could tell how her wife feels.


“As long as you’re happy and she takes really good care of you, then…” Irene glances up to meet her daughter’s soft brown eyes on the rearview mirror. Before Irene gently replies with a gentle gaze of her own. “Then, that’s enough for us.”




“I can’t believe she didn’t tell me about it, baby.”


Seulgi was all starfished in their bed, her beautiful wife has her back against the headboard while hunched over some test papers. Seulgi crawled closer to her, plopping her head on Eunae’s lap.


“Hon, it’s okay.” Eunae says, laying her hand on Seulgi’s stomach.


Even after all these years remain still could calm her in just a few words. They were a few years older now, but damn her wife still takes her breath away. The decision she made of proposing to move in together after Jennie graduated Kindergarten will always be the best decision of her life.


“Jennie is eighteen years old. There are maybe some things that she is willing to keep for herself or maybe she’s not ready to tell you just yet.”


“B-but…Me and Jennie…” Seulgi bolted up from her bed so quickly, that Eunae had to set aside the papers she was grading. “We’re supposed to be bestfriends.”


“Oooohhh Seul…”


“I imagine it differently; you know?” Seulgi plops back in the bed in defeat, her wife carding those lean fingers along her dark tresses. It felt so soothing, so addicting and once again Seulgi felt a sense of calm washed over her.


“She had always been so mature, even when she’s still a baby.”


Eunae crane her head to the side, eyes narrowed as she figures out what her wife was saying.


Seulgi chuckles, a little too heavenly if you ask Eunae before adding, “When I come back from work, she would sit there in her swing, but her eyes would be following me around. I would talk to her how my day has been and it’s so adorable because, she would gurgle something back like… like…”


“Like she’s actually talking to you.” Eunae’s lips spread in a soft smile.


Seulgi smiles wistfully, “Like she is actually talking to me. But now… she- she didn’t even tell me that she’s dating… And Chaeyoung too?”


“Well, maybe she’s just waiting for the right time?”


Eunae pulls herself up and Seulgi cranes her head to see what Eunae is up to, until she sees Eunae smiles before pressing a kiss on her round belly.


“I think mommy Seulgi is worrying about your unnie again, baby.” Eunae whispered to their womb, making Seulgi instantly smile.


How lucky can she be? How lucky can their little baby be to be this loved?


She remembers when she surprised Eunae in her office, that the meds work this time that they’re finally going to have their own. She remembers Eunae who usually remains calm just breaks down into tears, falling into her knees and giving their future baby a kiss, telling her of how in love she is with her even before she even gets a chance to see her.


And Seulgi couldn’t help wished that Jennie had this too when she first learned about the news, that instead of doubt and fear, that Jennie was welcomed with love.


But that was then, because the moment she held Jennie, she had never known so much love.

“You think I’m being silly?”


“No… you’re being a great mom as always.” Eunae smiles once again. “But I think you have nothing to worry about, Chaeyoung is a sweetheart.”


“She is… and did you see her legs? It’s like all the fluffiness in her cheeks growing up just went all to her legs. She definitely didn’t get it from Wendy or Irene unnie.”


Eunae chuckles because she couldn’t agree more. It always awed her to see the four little girls growing up, the three pretty much look the same since they were three. Jennie has mastered the resting face to perfection, Jisoo is looking more and more like her Mama Irene and Lisa is still Lisa…


But Chaeyoung?


The super sweet personality is there, still there, which they could blame on her parents and everyone in the family still babying her. But looks wise… everything changed as soon as puberty hits.


The fluffy baby soon turned into this long legged beauty. And with the personality and the looks no wonder Jennie would fall for her.


“But they grew up together… and Chaeyoung… Chaeyoung is like a baby sister to her.”


“Well, maybe she liked her all along, it just now that Jennie realized that there might be more to Chaeyoung than just her childhood friend.”


“How come you still know all the right things to say?”


Eunae just answers her wife with a chuckle and a kiss on her lips.






“So, this is our new home.” Seulgi smiles proudly at Jennie, “What do you think, baby?”


Jennie responded by looking around their new apartment. It was bigger than her old house, and much more brighter with how huge the windows are. She runs to the one of the doors, swinging it wide open to reveal a bedroom. She then runs over to the other door, this time it was a smaller bedroom.


Jennie turns to her mother, “Is this where Ms. Jo is going to sleep?”


Seulgi and Eunae exchanged nervous looks.


“Well, ummm… since you’re going to be six and in first grade, we thought of getting you your own room.”


But Jennie was smart enough to put two and two together.

“Then, where is Ms. Jo going to sleep?”


“Ummm…” Seulgi and Eunae looks at each other again. “Me and Eunae are going to share a room.”


Jennie looks at them, making them both gulp nervously at how intense she was staring.


“In one bed?”


“Ummm y-yes?”


“Oh okay.” Jennie shrugs.


Eunae takes Jennie in her arms, carrying the little girl.


“So, what should we paint your room?”


“Hmmm… purple!”


“Alright got that.”


“Can we get Elena of Avalor sheets?”


“Of course! Remember okay, doesn’t mean you’re in your own room, doesn’t mean I don’t need my teddy bear to sleep.”


“Ms. Jo can be your teddy bear.”




“So, do you like it?”


Eunae wraps her arms around her girlfriend’s shoulders.




“Our new place? I mean I know it’s not so big, but maybe when Jennie gets a little bit older and I have save enough- ”


“It’s perfect, Seul.” Eunae reassured Seulgi with a kiss on the lips “And when we feel like it’s time to get a bigger home then we’ll do it. But right now, this is just perfect for our family.”


Those words were enough to make Seulgi smile.


“Our family.”


Their lips met in another kiss.


“You think she’s already asleep?”


“Why? What are you planning Kang Seulgi?” Eunae asks with a teasing smile playing on her lips.




“Really?” Eunae leans in closer, nuzzling on her girlfriend’s neck. “Nothing?”


“Okay, maybe a little something.”


“Something like?”


Seulgi lets out a low moan as she feels Eunae’s fingers tiptoes inside her shirt.




Seulgi and Eunae looks at each other and smiles in defeat as they heard Jennie calling.


“Mommy?” Jennie starts jiggling the doorknob.


“Hold on baby, mommy is coming.” Seulgi presses a kiss against Eunae’s lips before walking over to open their door.


Seulgi instantly coos as Jennie quickly wraps her arms around her mom.


“What’s wrong with my baby?” Seulgi picks Jennie up. “Are you scared in your new room?”


Jennie the tough little baby, didn’t want to admit it out loud and just nuzzles on her mom’s neck.


“Well, it’s Sunday tomorrow. Do you want to stay up and watch some movies before we go to sleep?”


Jennie looks up from the crook of her mom’s neck before nodding enthusiastically.


“Ms. Jo can you watch with us?”


Eunae smiles before nodding,


“I’ll go pop some popcorn.”


End of flashback…






“Hey mom…”


Seulgi walked inside the room. She hardly venture inside Jennie’s room anymore wanting to give her girl her privacy. It was dim inside other than the soft glow of the bedside lamp but Seulgi always felt her heart break a little when she walks in, her daughters room goes through eras from Sofia the First sheets when they first moved in, to some KPOP artists when she was around 12 and now she’s already about to move out.


“Did you brush your teeth already?” Seulgi asked as she runs her fingers through her daughter’s hair.


Jennie answered with a sleepy moan, finding comfort in her mom’s gentle touch. “I did. Did you?”


Jennie unconsciously moved to the side, creating some space for her mom to squeeze in.


“I did.” Seulgi lays a sweet kiss on Jennie’s hair.


Seulgi was expecting to see a couple photo in Jennie’s screen, but to her surprise it was the words “I love you until…” written in cursive that is plastered on her daughter’s phone screen.


“I just ummm… you know. So, ummm…”


Seulgi took a huge gulp of breath, hoping it would give her the strength to have this conversation. But before she could even start, the question that always plague her mind starts racing in.


Where did time go?


Seulgi always find herself asking this question whenever she looks at her little girl. (Though Jennie refuses for her to call her that anymore.) Didn’t Jennie turned five just a couple of days ago? How come she’s looking at an eighteen year old now, college bound in about a few months?


So, once again she asks, where did time go?


But Seulgi’s bittersweet reminiscing is cut short when Jennie cuts through the chase and laid it out.


“You want to talk about me and Chaeyoung?”




“I’m… I’m sorry, mom.”


Seulgi looks back at Jennie in complete awe, her daughter has never been the type to apologize. Chaeyoung must be so special if it got her daughter apologizing like this.


“For what?”


“That you have to find out about me and Chaeyoung this way. I swear we’re both just waiting for the right time to tell everyone. I’m sorry for making you worry.” Jennie says, before gently her mom’s belly.


“Well, I do ship you both.”


“Mooomm…” Jennie groans in embarrassment though she couldn’t hide her amused smile.


“What? Isn’t that how kids your age say it?”


“Well yeah…” Jennie gazes at a distance and Seulgi could see a soft smile painting on her daughter’s lips. “She’s… she’s amazing.”


“She is… But she had always been like our family’s baby. Even until now… Me and your mommy Eunae were just talking about her legs.”


“What? Are you checking out my girl’s legs?” Jennie gasps mockingly.


“Kang Jennie, I was complimenting your girlfriend. I mean, she is your girlfriend, right? You’re not just kissing her for fun?”


“What? Mom… no… I… yeah, she’s ummm… my girlfriend.”


And when Seulgi saw the soft smile playing on her daughter’s lips, she knew right then and there…


“Well, you got good taste.”


“I got it from you.”






Irene felt the bed creaked as Wendy sat up on their bed, but she’s sure that if she feigns sleep then maybe Wendy would leave this alone.


“How can you sleep through all this? This is like big news.”


“It’s going to be okay, baby. Now go to sleep.”


“So, what do you think of this? Like really think of this?”


Irene finally admitted defeat and turned around to face her wife. Wendy, always the worrier between the two of them just couldn’t bear to let this go. It didn’t surprise Irene though, their bedtime conversations about their girls were always about the funny Jisoo does and how soft Chaeyoung is. They knew this was going to happen, they knew Chaeyoung would be the first one to start dating, but they never anticipated for it to happen this early and with Jennie.


But in a way, they should have known about it. Chaeyoung’s eyes just glows whenever Jennie is around even when they were still kids, who knew that glow could mean something more.


“I’m caught off guard just like you.”


“Jennie… Jennie… Jennie though.”


Irene smiled softly after hearing the worried tone in her wife’s voice. “You were expecting someone different?”

“At first… but now that I think about it, Jennie makes a lot of sense. She kind of reminds me of you.”


Irene narrows her eyes curiously, pondering what her wife is saying.


“You know, the alpha dog type, born leader, take charge, quiet but when you get to know her, she’s sweet and charming.”


It was dim in their room but Irene could still see the sparkle in Wendy’s eyes as she talks, same sparkle that she saw the first time they met.


“But God… I wish she doesn’t have your high drive cause our daughter won’t be walking.”


Irene responded with a weak slap on her wife’s arm.


Do you think they’re already doing it?”


Now it was Irene’s turn to be shock.




“What? Aren’t you curious?!”


“Ye-No… no of course not.”


“I think we need to give Chaeyoung the talk.”


There it is, Son Seungwan’s grand plan all along to do the “talk”. And she’s going to drag her into this…


“Seungwan please…”


“What? It’s better than she learns it from internet… or God forbid from .”


“Wen… nobody has and then say, I’m so glad my parents talk to me about it.”


“I know that, but…”


“Wendy, go to sleep, love.”


Some things never change like Wendy’s determination. In fact, it only grew worse in age.


Wendy stretches her legs and swings out from her side of the bed. “I’m going to give Chaeyoung the talk, and it’s either you’re with or not with me, Bae Joohyun.”


“Okay, sweetheart, enjoy.”


“Wait… really? You’re not going with me?”




“Are you sure?”


“Good night. Wen.”








Chaeyoung smiles back at her girlfriend, who even without any hints of make up and is already in her pajamas, still looks like a million bucks.


Damn… just looking at Jennie is making Chaeyoung’s heart go crazy.


“Are you getting ready for bed?”


“Ummm no…”


Lies. She was about to go to sleep but sleep just have to wait, if she gets a chance to look at her beautiful girlfriend.


“No. Are you sure?”


Jennie scoots up in her bed, that gummy smile that only appears once in a blue moon, appears so easily whenever she’s talking with her girl.


“I’m so sure. How about you? Are you getting ready to sleep?”


“Not until I see you first.”


Chaeyoung was thankful that the lights in her room is dim, because she has no explanation on why her cheeks are heating up.


“I’m sorry about what happen today. I’m sure your parents freaked out.”


“They’re my parents though… it’s normal.”


Jennie’s pretty expression faltered in worry, “Did you get in trouble? I could talk to them. I mean… it’s really my fault.”


“No… baby, it’s okay- really- I…”




“Oh my God,” Chaeyoung shrieks as she felt something leaped on her bed. “Unnie…”


“Hi Chaeyoungiee… I just want to hug my baby sister toni- Oh hello there, buddy.”


Jennie just answers her so called bestfriend or more of worse enemy since birth with a murderous scowl.


“Eeeehhhh… I heard what you guys did in school today,” Jisoo teased along with bobbing her brows greasily.


“Oh yeah?” Jennie’s sweet soft tone with Chaeyoung disappeared completely now that she’s dealing with the devil. “What did you hear?”


“That I’m going to be an aunt soon.”


“Unnie…” Chaeyoung squeals, her cheeks burning bright red that Jennie couldn’t help but think is adorable. “It’s not like that.”


“That didn’t happen, you dork.” Jennie bites back.


“Booooooo… So slow, Jen… We are going to graduate in a few months… It’s now or never.”


“It’s not a race, Jisoo.”


Jennie and Chaeyoung exchanged knowing smiles, ignoring the quips that they’re getting from Jisoo. Because even if Jisoo gives them both a headache of a lifetime, they both know that they won’t be where they are if it wasn’t for Jisoo knocking them both in the heads, trying to spell it out how they have been in love with each other all this time.




“Oh my gosh… mom…”


“Mommy!” Jisoo says excitedly as she sees both parents walking in their room. “We were just talking to Jennie, say hi to Jennie, mom.”




But before both sides could even politely refuse, Jisoo already slams the phone screen on her mom’s face.


“Ohhh… oh…” Wendy tries to calm herself down, seeing how Jennie looks just as nervous from the other line. “Ummmm… hello Jen.”


“Ummm... hello Aunt Wendy, Auntie Irene.”


It was the start of one hell of a conversation. Jennie didn’t know who to look at but when she sees the I-can-mentally-kill-you-with-my-stare from her aunt Irene, she quickly shifted her focus to her aunt Wendy.


“Ohhhh so how’s your mom?”


They just saw her mom this afternoon.


“She-she-she’s alright.”


“Oh that’s good to hear. How’s the college application going?”


“Mom-mom- mom…” Chaeyoung interrupted as she could feel the tension drowning them in a Pacific ocean of awkwardness. “Maybe it’s time for Jennie to go to sleep?”


“Oh… ummm… oh yeah, sure… sure… Good night, Jen.”


“Good night auntie…”


“Good night, Jennie bear.” Jisoo said in a singsongy voice.


The scowl returned again as Jennie came face to face with Jisoo.


“Night.” Jennie hissed…


“Good night ba-“ Chaeyoung stops herself before she could say her girlfriend’s petname. “Good night unn-“ Calling her girlfriend unnie is just as awkward. “Good night.”


All it took was seeing Chaeyoung’s face to regain that captivating smile from Jennie that had the girls and guys in their school foam in the mouth for.


“Good night…” Jennie smiles before mouthing softly, “I love you.”


Chaeyoung bites her lower lip to hide her smile before mouthing back. “I love you too.”


“Good night, Jennie…”


The entire Bae-Son household waved good night to her, ing the sweet moment with her girl.


“Ummm… okay…ummm…” Chaeyoung stares at both her moms in confusion, wondering what they’re doing there so late. “mom?”


“Oh yes… ummm…” Wendy and Irene joins in with their daughters, the entire family squeezed in Chaeyoung’s twin size bed.


Wendy and Irene started exchanging glances, wondering who will have to start this talk of talks. Wendy decided that she would.


“So, ummm… so… well Chaeyoung, before we start… I just want to say that whatever you do, me and your mama Irene and Jisoo unnie… well our entire family just wants the best for you.”


“I know that, Thank you.”


“So, this might be awkward but I think this talk needs to happen.”


“Oh okay, I’m going to join a monastery after high school, so no need for me to be here.” Jisoo was ready to zoom out of her sister’s room but her mama Irene already gave her the look.


“Sit down, Jisoo…” Irene said in a “You’re-going-to-suffer-from-this-too tone of voice.




“Oh my Gosh, mom, please…” Chaeyoung channels in her irresistible voice and those pleading brown eyes that she knew until now her parents go soft for. “I’m very, very sorry about what happened but I don’t think this is necessary.”


Don’t fall for it… don’t fall for it… don’t fall for it…


Wendy and Irene mentally chanted as they’re about to go weak for their baby princess again.


“No-no- sweetheart,” Wendy fought the urge. “I won’t be able to forgive myself if I would just let you go on without making sure you know about these things.”


“Mom… it’s okay, I’m o-“


“So, baby…” Wendy interrupted, knowing that if she doesn’t go on, this talk will never happen. “When two people love each other, you get to feel a lot of things, you feel love of course, happy, that giddy feeling deep inside and this kind of feeling… or should I say ummm… heat.”


“Mom…” Chaeyoung groans in embarrassment, trying to suffocate herself with her pillow.


“and it’s okay,” Wendy didn’t get the clue that her daughter is trying to pass out just to end this conversation. “It’s normal… to feel that heat… although you might question it. But yes, it’s normal. And you’re going to ask yourself, why am I feeling this heat?”


“It’s because you’re .”


Jisoo and Chaeyoung almost became orphans right then and there as their parents were about to have a heart attack.


“Bae-Son Jisoo…” Irene warns her mini me who is now about her size.


“What? Isn’t that what it is? ?”


“No…no… Jisoo, it’s not that… it’s what you called, ummm… you know… ahhh… deep feelings.”


“Oh, is that what you call it during your days? They call it now.”


“Well, it’s not that. But anyways, my princess.” Wendy puts her attention on her youngest. “So when you feel this…deep feeling. I just want you to understand that it’s normal to feel this way, Jennie is a very, very lovely girl… if she makes you feel the heat.”


There is no way Chaeyoung is going to sit down and listen to this… She needs to put an end to it before she decides to jump off her bedroom window.


“Mom please, it’s really okay. We’re not doing it.”


“For now… but you will. Irene, do you want to say something, love?”


“No Wendy, this is all yours…”


Irene would do anything for love. But she won’t do that.


“Ahhhh then… ummm… I just want you to know that you have to be strong.”


Jisoo flexes her biceps to elaborate her mom’s words, before Wendy lowers her eldest daughter’s arms down.


“Not that kind of strong… I meant like mentally and emotionally. Because it’s like giving a part of yourself. You have to make sure that whoever you share your ummm… ahhh…”


Wendy tries to search for the correct word, her eldest daughter is more than willing to help her out.




“Shut up, Jisoo.” Irene stops her daughter before she could say anything.


“Your ummm activities… that’s right… activities with… is the right one.”




“Yes. Yes, my baby.” Wendy smiles proudly, seeing how she finally got Chaeyoung’s full attention. “Activities. It’s lot and lot of activities but yes… before that… you always have to ask yourself the question, Am I ready to do this? Like ummm… like me and your mama.”


Jisoo and Chaeyoung purse their lips to stop themselves from throwing up.


“No-no-no-no… I meant… like… me and your mama waited until we’re married because that’s when we felt like we were ready.”


Jisoo responded with a snort and Irene responded with a backhand at the back of Jisoo’s head.


“So, I have a question…”


Wendy and Irene exchanged worried glances as they see Jisoo raised her hand.


“So, I learn how a boy and a girl do it in biology class, but how does two women do it?”


Chaeyoung just tries once again to suffocate herself with a pillow, hoping she could pass out before her mom decides to answer.


“W-w-w-w-w-well… Actually… So, ummm… with women… we…”


“That’s enough talk for tonight,” Irene grabs on her wife’s collar, ready to yank them both out of there. “Time for both of you to go to sleep.”


The four corners of their daughters bedroom were filled with a huge sigh of relief, as this awkward conversation finally reached an end.


“Mom, mama…”



“I’m sorry, really, really sorry about all this.” Their daughter look like she’s about to cry, but that’s Chaeyoung for you. “But don’t worry, I promise I’ll make smart decisions, I’ll still focus in school and music club and other things.”


“We know, baby. But for all it’s worth…” Irene adds before she and her wife steps out of the bedroom. “Me and your mom are very happy you’re with Jennie, Chaeyoung.”


Chaeyoung instantly smiles from her mama’s words. Her mama who was the boss in their home, the one who had the final say, the one who set the rules and made sure each one is follow. Their mama who leaves all the emotional talk to their mom, right now just told her how she felt.


“Thank you, mama… She’s amazing.”


“Good night, my loves.”


“Good night.”


“I didn’t get my answer thoughm” Jisoo pipes in, good thing both her parents were glad that they weren’t facing them or else, they would see how red their faces were.


“Good night Jisoo!”




Irene was walking back to the girls room, carrying their hot chocolate when she stops by the doorway, peeking in to listen to Wendy read the girls a fairy tale. She could see Jisoo, squeezing between Wendy and the book as she ooohhhss and ahhhhs at the colorful pages and then there's her Chaeyoung, her own baby princess with those fluffy cheeks and that even fluffier voice. She was her little Wendy just the sweetest and most adorable thing in the world.


Wendy read stories like she came straight out of the pages of the fairy tales. And their girls couldn't help but squeal in excitement as Wendy changes her voice from the beautiful princess to the evil stepmother. Irene couldn’t imagine what her wife’s subordinates would say when they see their boss with the cartoony face with their babies.


Irene was about to walk in when Jisoo’s question stopped her.




"Yes baby?" Wendy said following it with a kiss on jisoos hair.


"Do you have a Prince Charming?"


Jisoo despite being a little mischief has always been the more intuitive one. Asking about this and that, and how's and whys and Irene sometimes finds herself relying too much on google for answers.


"No, I don't."


Irene unconsciously tightened her grip around the tray. Was it immature for her to get salty that Wendy didn’t say her? Probably so. But obviously, it wasn't just her that's stunned as the girls began asking questions.


"What? Why?" Chaeyoung, even when worried still sounded endearing.


"I don't have a Prince Charming because..."


Irene leans closer to hear Wendy's answer.


"Your mommy Irene is my Queen. "


Almost a decade together and Irene swore, Wendy still knows the right things to say to make her blush. She walks in the room, her gaze instantly connecting with her wife. And it was like falling in love all over again.


"Alright, who wants hot chocolate?" Irene says after finally tearing off her gaze off Wendy.


"Me! Me! Me! Me!"


"They already brush their teeth, babe." Wendy said warningly, worried that her daughters’ baby teeth would fall off.


"It's okay, babe. It’s Friday, they could have a bit of sweets."


Irene says before giving the girls their cups filled with chocolate that her health nut of a wife wouldn't want for their girls.


"Okay, what do you say to mommy Irene?"


"Chichoo wants more!" Jisoo announces.


"No silly,"


"Thank you, mama," Chaeyoung says as she nuzzles her nose on her mommy Irene’s shirt. "Chaeyoungie wuvs you and mommy Wendy and chichoo unnie."


"Mama loves Baby princess so much too," Irene kisses her little darling on the hair. "And this naughty baby right here." She said while Jisoo cackles that mischievous cackles of her as Irene kissed her on the cheek.


"CHICHOO WANT A QUEEN TOO!" Jisoo, her upper lip stained with chocolate, announces excitedly as she stood up on her bed, " and a Prince Charming! and a princess! and a king! and a horse! and a Jikin!"


"You could only pick one, silly." Wendy says before tickling Jisoo and Chaeyoung in the sides. Their little bedroom filled up with giggles and laughter.


"How about you baby princess?" Wendy asks as soon as the girls recover from the tickle attack. "Who would you like?"


"I would like a Princess Charming," Chaeyoung gushes, tilting her head sideways while those adorable eyes beams. "She's going to be so beautiful."


"That’s nice too, Chaeng but what you would need is someone who is loyal and have a steady source of income." Irene said in a matter of fact voice and Chaeyoung looks at her with a confused look.


"Don't ruin it for her, Irene." Wendy whispers. "You could love whoever you want to love, baby. Me and mommy Irene would only want you and your Jisoo unnie to be very happy.”


“Jennie unnie will be princess charming.”



“That is so sweet, my baby.” Wendy gives her sleepy youngest a kiss on her cheek. “Okay, my babies need to get some sleep so we could go to the park tomorrow."




Both girls moan, wanting to stay up a bit longer.


“Let’s go brush our teeth.”


“Give mommy Wendy and mama Irene goodnight kisses, before we go.”


The two clambered out of bed, giving both their moms the biggest smooches a four year old could.




“Yes princess?”


“You would be here tomorrow, wight?”


Wendy and Irene exchange glances before Wendy smiles.


“Yes. I will.”


Both girls squeals in glee before burrowing deep in their Disney princess blankets.


“Good night, loves.”


End of flashback…



“You okay?”


Irene gently pats her wife in the shoulder, when she sees that distant gaze in those eyes.


“Yeah…” Wendy forces a smile, but they have been together too long that it was completely pointless to even try to lie. “She’s… she’s not a baby anymore.”


“I don’t know, Wen.”


Irene forces a smile too…


“She’ll be fifty and I’m sure you’ll still call her baby princess.”


“I guess I will.”


Wendy turns to their girls’ bedroom, and who would have thought that a smile could look so sad?


“I guess I’ll always will.”




Next update will be the big family dinner and also the last chapter for this fic.


So, so, so, so super sorry that it took this long for an update. It's longer I think and yes they're older now. hehehe...


This will also be the second to the last chapter before I end this fic... A big thank you to everyone who gave this nonsense fic a chance and of course a big thanks to my hoemate who concocted some of these scenes hehehe...


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Chapter 7: This story is my favorite if I'm in the mood to read Wenrene's family
love this fic! time to re-read it
Chapter 1: I can't believe I finally found this fanfic 😭
Chapter 1: what a cute beginning for this story. :) i will try to finish this in maybe 4 days? story is super cute. XD
Chapter 3: Kenapa rene takut ya anakmu tumbuh besar
Chapter 2: Apasih gini aja gw ngakak
Chapter 1: Cerita yang lucu
Ini sepertinya cerita lucu
Saw a very cute chaennie pic today so here I am hahaha I might re-read this later :p
Chapter 15: Wow the end!!!!
Thanks for the story author-nim, well done