Chapter 1

He Left His Mark // BTS

"Don't you think that's quite inappropriate to say?" Taehyung exclaims. 

"What is inappropriate exactly?" Jeongguk asks. "It's my death after all." 

"Yeah, but still. Why are you taking this so lightly?" 


It's always like that with Taehyung. Whenever the time of a person he knows comes, he becomes really serious and sensitive.

Jeongguk really has no time left to spend with Taehyung's worries and whining. He's left with less that twenty four hours to live and he wants to do something other than sit and cry about it. 

He knew from an early age when he'd die. Everyone did. His mark obviously read 2017.06.15, 11:30am. He and everyone who knew him, except for Taehyung, had accepted the fact that Jeongguk would die young. 

"If you're so worried about me dying or you dealing with it, then you shouldn't have gotten close to me in the first place." Jeongguk says. "Look, it's not like I am tragically going to leave you, or anyone. At least we're ready for this. I'm ready for this." 

"Yah! Do you think it'll be as difficult for you as it is going to be for me? Jeongguk, I'm the one who'll have to go on living without you." Taehyung says, his yes watering. 

"Tae... Come on, don't cry." Jeongguk says as he wipes the tears streaming down Taehyung's cheeks. "Hey, to make it up to you, for all those times we were apart, I'll make sure to spend the rest of my life with you, okay?" 

Taehyung thought it was quite ironic. He always felt like he only needed Jeongguk in his life. They'd known each other since birth. Well, Taehyung was a little older, but he'd known Jeongguk his whole life. And now, he was going to lose him. 

Taehyung knew he had to tell Jeongguk the truth; that what he felt for him was something more than just friendship. It run deeper in his vains. His heart was beating fast now, he was crying more, because he knew that if he confessed his true feelings to Jeongguk now, they'd onlt spend the rest of their time left in awkwardness and sadness.

"Taehyung? Does that sound good?" Jeongguk asks worriedly. He thought Taehyung was ready to accept his passing. "Look, if you still need ti-"

"No." Taehyung interrupts. "No, I want you to stay with me. I don't need any more time to think about anything. Just be with me." Taehyung is fully cryung now. Sobs and everything. But he knows that he has to show happiness for at least until... Well, until he's left alone.




"Yah! Kim Taehyung! I swear to God, if you dare throw water on me once more, I won't show any mercy!" Jeongguk shouts once Taehyung throws sea water at him.

Jeongguk knew Taehyung liked the sea, so he took him there to have some fun before he... 

He didn't want to think about it. 

"I'm gonna make you wet!" Taehyung screams and a few heads turn to look at him. "Huh, sorry!" He says apologetically to Jeongguk. 

Jeongguk is full on laughing. Taehyung had always been indescreet, but that was some next level . 

"! Come here!" 

They started chasing each other until they got so tired that they both lied on the sand. Jeongguk's stomach made a weird noise that caused Taehyung to start laughing hysterically. 

"Hey. I'm hungry."

"Then let's get you something to eat. Hmm... How about kimchi?" 

Jeongguk likes kimchi. He slowly nods and gets up, helping Taehyung stand as well. "There's a restaurant I know somewhere in town. I used to go there with my parents. How about we go there?" Taehyung suggests. 

"Sounds good. 

They start walking on the sidewalk. Jeongguk was walking close to Taehyung, but not close enough for them to touch. 

"Ouch!" Jeongguk shouts as he bumps onto another guy walking on the sidewalk. 

The guy turns and looks at Jeongguk. "I'm sorry, I wasn't looking. Are you okay?" He says with a smile.

Jeongguk gets a good look at him and smiles back. "No, it's okay. I'm not hurt."

The guy giggles and helps Jeongguk get up. "Then I'll be going." He says as he immediately leaves.

"Yah! Jeongguk, are you okay?" Taehyung practically screams to Jeongguk. "Can you hear me?" 

"Of course I can hear you!" 

"Boy, you just fell for no reason. I thought something happened. Are you really okay? Who were you talking to?" 

"No. I just bumped onto that guy, who then apologized and helped me up." Jeongguk explains. 

"What guy?" 

"They quite short one with the blond hair right the- Huh?" Jeongguk seems kind of lost. "He went that way, but I can't see him anymore. Guess he left."



"Check the time. Oh my God."


That was it. He still had two minutes to live. "Huh," he looks at Taehyung "...who thought I'd die hungry. What a shame." 

Taehyung's eyes start to water, but he quickly wipes his tears away. "I love you." He says out of the blue. 

Jeongguk's eyes drift to Taehyung's face. The latter holds his head low. "I love you, too, Hyung."

"No, Jeongguk. You don't understand, damn it!" He says a little quieter now. "I said, I love you."

Jeongguk gets to look into Taehyung's eyes clearer now, since Taehyung lifted his head. Now he understands that Taehyung doesn't mean it the way he does. 


10, 9, 8,...

Taehyung is now crying again. 



Jeongguk feels his hyung's arms around him.



Taehyung's lips are now pressed against his. 



At least it feels warm, he thinks to himself and closes his eyes. 

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mrdoodle #1
Chapter 25: Goahhh i ended up crying myself . it sad yet has a beautiful ending.
Nzntaq #2
Chapter 25: Fantastic job :)
Chullie98 #3
Chapter 21: This story is great. How come nobody commented yet?