10 Quick Drabbles

The Ink Slinger's Diary (Seulrene Drabble Collection)

Prompt: A collection of small phrases, small ficlets and others.
Some of these correspond to an specific challenge/prompt and some others are free-form writing. Just for you.


“Yah, Seulgi-ah?” Joohyun asked, shuffling her way noisily towards that closet-room that Seulgi has made her nest. “Have you seen my--.”


Then the door opens to reveal Seulgi very happily about to take her first bite of red velvet cake, stopping midway and staring, guiltily, at the open door.




“Hi, unnie!” Seulgi smiled, putting the plate down.


“Do you plan to share MY cake with ME?” Joohyun asked, trying to sound pointed but unable to stop her laughter. 


“Of course I was going to,” Seulgi snorts. 


Pouting, unable to fight back Seulgi’s adorableness, Joohyun opts to chime in and close the door. With a winning smile, Seulgi scooted over to make way for Joohyun. Finally, she plopped down and looked over at Seulgi, opening . Catching it right away, Seulgi smiled and let the train full of sweet cake go into Joohyun’s mouth for a nice taste.


After all, cake was always better with your girlfriend.



“How am I celibate?” Mumbled Seulgi as she was on the ride back to the dorm, sitting next to her very lover, Joohyun, who was laughing at the persistence. “Am I celibate? Do I look celibate?”


“Seulgi-ah,” Joohyun said softly, patting her knee. “I know better than anyone that you’re not celibate, don’t stress about it.”


Seulgi, who had been harping on about that for a while, suddenly shut up and blushes a bright red hue. “I--.”


And the sheer surprise made Joohyun laugh heartily.



Bae Joohyun felt a strange flush of pride seated next to her wife of twenty year. The stereo thumped madly, singing the song Joohyun hasn’t sang in ages. Bae Seulgi next to her wiggled in response to the rhythm -- her mucles twitching and wiggling at the familiarity of the beat, dusting off her retired vocals as their old selves sang; it somehow motivated her as she sketched leisurely, with just a pencil and paper. 


“No, no, you have to do it like this!” said the youngest of the Bae. The baby of fifteen years of age, Seolhyun, attempted to to tutt like her two mothers had done years ago, trying to show her bestfriend how to properly do the complicated choreography. A frustrated sigh came out of the duo, which resembled Seulgi’s and Joohyun’s own frustrated sigh once upon a time.


Seulgi looked up at them above the rim of her glasses, noting how they were struggling and understanding that struggle. Then she gave a knowing look to Joohyun with a smile that couldn’t help but to grow more. “Should we help them?”


Joohyun, who was once engrossed into the movie passing on her TV, could only look at Seulgi and grin impishly. “Let them learn the ropes themselves.”


They both giggled in secret, resuming their activities, giving a discreet look over to the duo as they fought against all frustrations to keep going. After all, the festival will be in two weeks and the choreography wasn’t going to learn itself.



Tense muscles twitched with the sudden shift in Joohyun’s eyes upon seeing this new card on the library on her hand. Seulgi, who just had three cards, could feel her palms sweating and her legs wiggling with anxiety.


It was Joohyun’s turn and she glanced over her her deck of cards -- quite literally -- arranging them to make a masterplan. She had a shy of ten to twelve cards and was seemingly losing, but with one masterful strike (brought on by luck) she could turn this around. The cocky, excited smile from Seulgi dissipated into a gobsmack when she saw Joohyun lay down card after card. 


A 2+ card after another, different colors flashing slowly before Seulgi’s eyes as she counted a whole total of eight cards. With a quick math, it was a total an astounding sixteen card pick up.


The library was, effectively, passed down from Joohyun to Seulgi.


“Yah!” Seulgi laughed, accidentally putting her cards down face up.


Joohyun pointed at them and laughed. “Aha!”


“Ah!!” Seulgi grabbed them and covered them. “You cheated!”


“Pick sixteen cards, Kang, you won’t win this time.”


With a pout Seulgi grabbed that good number of sixteen cards, knowing then that this would be the sixth time where Joohyun would win, completely turning around the scoreboard in one sudden move. And somehow, Seulgi still loved losing to Bae Joohyun.



Sweet honey lips dripped Kang Seulgi’s name so sensually that it stunned the blonde haired Seulgi. Dressed up in girl scouts outfit, in front of the camera, all Seulgi wanted to do was ravish and devour that innocent looking Bae Joohyun proper.


“You don’t have another word for me?”


“Seulgi,” Joohyun echoed, her smile turning playful but genuine. There was no other way to describe Seulgi, because all the words in Joohyun's mind were spicy, risque, sometimes wholesome, but at other times absolutely vulgar.


And Seulgi took note of this, to find out what she really meant later on.



What was there to fear when Kang Seulgi was right beside her?


High in the sky, with no turbulence and just the very subtle humming of the plane, the nerves on the poor Bae Joohyun still rattled and jittered. Until her hand squeezed something.


The warm familiar hand of her airplane buddy, rubbing her knuckles with her thumb. Joohyun looked up and saw Seulgi’s calm, reassuring smile.


It was going to be okay.



Surrounded by hollering pirates, the two former lovers -- now sworn enemies -- stared at each other with an intense look that could cut the two wooden ships in half. Seulgi’s royal guards versus the fearsome Irene and her crew of mad lads. 


Once a fervent affair hidden beneath the wooden planks of the bar, now an equally monstrous rivalry that was not grounded in ire or hatred, but rather an unfair circumstance -- a shift in position, a command by the very lords of the land that the pirates had just bastardly looted. The strong, passionate Irene (whose real name was Joohyun) became a criminal; her mask of normalcy and charisma unveiled the ruthless looter. The tender, excited Seulgi turned stern at the command and led her troops to fight to the death.


Standing still in the middle of the enemy ship, Seulgi understood the lack of cockiness in Irene’s own mask of fury. In the briefest second, squinting past the torrential water falling upon them, Irene could see that small heartbreaking frown of sadness.


One of them would walk out alive. And only one.


VIII [ Snippet of a Project that I'm working on! ]

Instead, Kang Seulgi -- a rascal amongst bears -- opted to find the wonders of the world, as far as her eye could see. Which wasn’t very well, but she bravely ventured even further away, diving head first into the new world. Quite unlike her brothers and sisters, Seulgi climbed the trees and relished in the beauty of the forest up above in the highest branches, the green sky of leaves within arms reach now. Peaking through the empty space between the leaves revealed the blue sky, its golden sun and the passing cotton clouds (they have come at last!) that by mere chance Seulgi decided to follow.


Running through the forest, her paws powerfully beating against the soil, Seulgi felt her body springing to function after a long period of hibernation. Every muscle in her body coiled into action, wildly undiluted. In no time, the entrance of the forest came to Seulgi’s view and subsequently so did the man made path, bald patches within the grass that serpented downhill smoothly, that suddenly directed far away into the unknown.


The countryside was beautiful to Seulgi’s eyes, who had been too young to explore before -- now detached from her mother bear and seeking life on her own. Solitude for a bear was common, but this bear wasn’t a common bear as we can tell. She seeked something new, and so she followed the sinuous path, anxious to find the end of it.



Bae Joohyun was a tough looking lawyer; her thick eyebrows furrowed together in thought all the time, her inquisitive humming very alerting to anyone who was sitting nearby. Of course, everyone who entered her office entered with a dash of hesitation and their voice was levelled and to the point, while she regarded them with the same courtesy and with no intents of harm.


But they still retrieved afraid of her, heaving the shakiest sighs known to man.


And yet, this woman had a soft spot. Who would’ve known that this strong character had such a soft spot?


Closer to the evening hours, right when the sun was starting to set from her window view, Bae Joohyun set the discreet radio on her desk and put play on it.


The sweet voice of the radio host, Kang Seulgi, always brought a big smile to Joohyun. Seulgi’s tender cadence, her genuine wishes for the listener’s wellness and the wholesome humor she brought to an otherwise very menial (and sometimes boring) show were astounding. The show she once didn’t pay attention suddenly became a sensation with a new flavor; a new host that shook things up enough to draw the listeners back in.


Even their own haters had turned soft over the sweet nature of the cotton-candy voice of Kang Seulgi, and let’s not get started on her personality.


Right there, as she did tortuous paper work, she smiled despite feeling her fingers sore from clinging to a slender, fine pen for two hours now. In between the aches of her body radiated life, a soft giggle at the silly jokes of Kang Seulgi.


Joohyun’s admirers stood outside and watched discreetly by the window how such a glowing smile could belong to someone so frightening.


Kang Seulgi truly had a gift for radio but no one knew that she was just as stunning as she sounded, and Bae Joohyun knew it well. All it took was one strange night at the bar, one bourbon and a smile.


The rest was history.


X [ An exercise in: Crack/Absurdity ]

The busy work at the farm was coming to an end by the time the sun was rising from the horizon. It was mostly because there was nothing in the farm but two chickens and the ghost of the golden days that tenaciously scared every other animal away -- making them escape through barriers that otherwise they would never fit in.


Kang Seulgi leaned against the wooden fence of the vast field where the horses would be, drinking that bitter liquid similar to water but deceitful to the unexperienced nose. After a hard work in the morning (a whooping ten minute job!), Seulgi decided to reward herself with the finest water that burned .


However, in the distance a silhouette started to become evident. A galloping horse with a fair maiden straddling the saddle and confidently holding onto the strap with just one hand, the other one reaching up to her straw hat -- beaten like the ramshackled farm -- and took it off. Even in the distance, with that gesture, a flick of her wrist and a flourish, Seulgi knew to start preparing the ground coffee beans and her ear, for Bae Joohyun was about to tell her a tale about the misadventures she’s had on the colder lands of the outlaws and the bandits.


For this, she would also grab a pen and paper and begin writing what would become the dark comedy that would shake the ground for the ages.


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Brooo I forgot to put this up. I'm so sorry!!


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Chapter 12: Gasp! It’s y D&D (‘Demons & Dragons’) 🤪👌🏽
Chapter 8: This is so cute! Seulgi is the perfect girlfriend and scary movie partner: being so reassuring and sweet when Joohyun was scared. Love this for them 🥰❤️
Chapter 7: I, um, don’t even know how Seulrene managed to vibe with a convenience store counter and bottles of lube between them (I have so many follow-up questions for Seulgi, lmfao), but I love this for both of them 🥰

I have even more questions about Irene’s personal review of that brand of lube *gulps hard at her innate iness*
Chapter 6: Yip, I’d watch Seulrene watch paint dry from a hammock with two cute puppies playing below them. Too cute 😍
Chapter 4: OMG.

Spankings last chapter, handcuffs in this case.

Are you trying to kill me with this Seulrene iness???

Chapter 3: Chapter 3: Did not see that coming with the Seulrene spanking sesh 🤯

I didn’t hate it though. Au contraire 😛
Chapter 2: Oh damn, this was such a sweet chapter! A singer losing their voice must be a waking nightmare, I can’t even imagine it. To lose your livelihood is one thing, but singing - the thing you’re most passionate about. Poor Seulgi 🥲 So glad Joohyun was there for her in her hour of need and that they learnt how to communicate their love for each other in new and sweeter ways 😍

Brilliantly written from start to finish, Mazzeltov! 😎👏🏽
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #8
Chapter 74: hope u doing great author nim 🤍
Jensoo4everlove #9
Chapter 74: Damn I want more of this!!!
433 streak #10
Chapter 57: This one too sounds like it would've been so epic