Katie Grande?

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She couldn't entirely blame the dormmate for what she witnessed earlier. After all, Chorong was the one who comforted her the night before when she was contemplating about breaking up or not. She figures that of course Chorong has the right to know what had happened and is happening now.

So, Joohyun settles herself on her bed while Chorong slumps down on one of the two beanbags chair, definitely looking like an excited kid despite being a 91-liner like Joohyun is.

And then Joohyun start telling her the story. She told her a few pointers—not quite in details because she thinks it was too personal. Surprisingly, for nearly an hour, Chorong listened her well and did not interrupt (something Joohyun incredibly glad about). Joohyun had expected a teasing remark though but she was met with a relief sigh from the other 91-liner.

"I'm so glad you didn't break up. I was actually concerned when you cried so much that night."

"Sorry you lost minutes of your sleep because of me."

"Nah," Chorong waved her hand nonchalantly. "But, I'm very curious about something..." She narrows her eyes at Joohyun who in return frowns.

"What something?" She inched closer, seeing Chorong looks more serious now and she couldn't shake how it makes her feel sort of intimidated.

And then Chorong wiggles her eyebrows as she asks the question.

"Did you do it?"

There’s this gut feeling that tells Joohyun there’s some ambiguity in her question, what with the way Chorong wiggled her eyebrows as if she would immediately know what she’s talking about. But honestly, she was lost.

She narrows her eyes, tilting her head slightly. “Do what?”

“You really gonna make me say it?”

“Yeah?” She shrugs, “I seriously don’t get what you’re trying to ask here.”

Chorong casually pursed her lips. “.”

And then Joohyun choked.


"Okay, is that reaction tells me that you did or—”


Chorong widens her eyes, amused. “That’s a quick rejection.”

Honestly, this is the one topic Joohyun would like to avoid at all chance. And now here is her roommate laying it bare in front of her, asking if she and Seulgi already done it or not last night. Seeing how casual Chorong asked her earlier doesn’t help either.

“God, no. That’s not what I mean.”

“Yeah, yeah, don’t worry. I totally get what you’re saying. I was just messing with you.” She laughs for a short second while Joohyun lets out a small sigh, calming down a bit. “I was just a little curious if you really did. I mean, this is Kang Seulgi we’re talking about, you know. I wanted to know if the rumors are true about her…about…well, her ‘performance’ in bed.”

“Jesus, Rong, can we move pass this already?”

“Well, you went with her for the whole night. So, I…”

“Yah, Park Chorong.”

The latter holds both her hands up in the air in a surrender gesture. It’s not like she doesn’t want to be open about it. The fact is this isn't a topic she would like to indulge with her dormmate—or anyone for that matter. Well, at least not now when Chorong's only resource is the rumor flying around the campus about how Seulgi perform in bed. Like, Jesus, she's been trying to avoid any sort of thoughts about Seulgi in a ual way and now here it is. Joohyun sighs mentally, there is nothing she can say about it because none of that even happened yet.

She silently thanked Chorong for not pushing through her question and just sit there and wait for Joohyun to calm down.

"But you do know the rumors, right?" Joohyun dips her head, of course she knows. “It kinda make sense since the other day Kang Seulgi was all over you—almost literally. She was at your door, took you to class, and let's not forget how she kneeled—oh wait, wait!" Chorong held up her palm at Joohyun to prevent her from cutting her speech.

Joohyun deepened her frown.

"Wait, hold on. Are you and Seulgi engaged?"

"Where did you even—"

"The pictures AND videos are all over the internet, Rene! I saw it and it looked like she proposed to you. What with the kneeling while holding your hand and stuff? Anyone could tell."

At this point, Joohyun rolled her eyes. "Anyone couldn't tell, because that's not what happened."

"You turned down her proposal?"

"What—No, of course not. If she had done it, I would've said yes almost in an instant but that's besides the whole point! She wasn't proposing, okay." Joohyun brushes her hair to the back of her head, sighing. "That's just her asking me out on a date."


Joohyun unable to hold the urge to roll her eyes. "Yeah, wow. I was just as surprised, for the record. And it was a bit too much—"

"It was cute." Chorong cut her off, this time smiling genuinely. "It was kind of cute and sweet though seeing her trying that much for you. Because whatever she did wrong to you, seeing that, it kinda tells me that she really wanted to make up to you."

Joohyun bit her lower lip, looking down her lap while fidgeting her fingers. The heat spreads all over her face because what Chorong said was true. It was cute—so cute. "Well... I suppose... Yeah, it was pretty sweet. But doesn't hide the fact how it got so much attention—"

"Psh," Chorong waved her hand, brushing Joohyun's words. "C'mon, Rene, don't act like you don't like the attention."

"Well, FYI, I like it but not to that extent. My friends been text-bombing me about that scene. Something about it being a trend." Joohyun pouts, she does remember how she felt like she was being watched though she tried to ignore the feeling.

"Oh, I know! Hashtag Seulrene Impact!"

"Exactly! Just, who came up with that?!"

"It was someone on twitter under the username '@katiegrande'. She's pretty cool though. We're mutuals there." Chorong pulls up her phone and Joohyun narrows her eyes.

"You're friends with her?"

"Yeap! Mutuals. Twitter friends—god, I forgot you don't exactly in this circle called Social Media."

Okay, that's it. I'm going to start using social media asap.

Honestly, Joohyun never gotten the time to actually see this social media platform called 'Twitter' or any other that the students in her campus (and everyone else in the world) uses so frequently. Joohyun is too busy focusing on her studies and part-time jobs and maintaining her scholarship that she got no time for social media. But her friends, Wendy and Joy, did keep her updated (as well as telling her nonstop to start making her own account). She did have an account, which was made by Joy with exaggerated biography of her.

“A walking goddess.” – that’s what she remembered what Joy put in the short biography. She didn’t care much, so she just let it be.

She focused back on what Chorong showed her, a profile of the person who started the whole ‘#SeulreneImpact’ trend.

"Well, she told me she's British but from her photo, she looked like a korean girl too. Guess she's half-korean and half-british? I don't know."

Joohyun looks at the photo and frowns.

She looked nothing like a british.

She may have never seen a British person, like, in person before but based on the movies she's seen, she knows well this 'katie' girl is Korean. She probably dyed her hair blonde but if that color was real then maybe Chorong was right. She is a half Korean-British. Still though, Joohyun have never seen her face before but how come this girl know about Joohyun and Seulgi is beyond her.

"Does she even go to our uni? I mean—" Joohyun takes another look at the picture. She was a little skeptical that this girl even old enough to go to college or if she seen her anywhere around the campus. “—she looks like a high schooler.”

“Okay, now that you ask that. Here’s the fun part about her.”

She let Chorong explains to her a little bit about this ‘katie’ girl based on the stuff she talked about with her through Twitter DMs. Chorong provided proofs though by showing her entire conversation with ‘katie’. So, ‘katiegrande’ was in fact a high school student—a fresh high school graduate and according to ‘katie’, she is supposed to continue her study at university in Korea. Before Joohyun could even ask which university, she will attend, she already has the guts that it’ll be their university.

“And guess what? She’ll attend this school!”

Seulgi’s original plan was to go to the hospital to check on her father. Her mother was present there and after that she’ll go to Byulyi’s place because she thinks she has a lot to tell her two unnies about how her date with Joohyun went last night. However, on her way to the hospital, she received a call from her mother and the next thing she knew, she already made a quick u-turn.

“Mom, are you sure it’s really today?” Seulgi was surprised, almost taken aback.

“Yes, dear. She’s about to land, so you should hurry to get her at the airport. You do remember she’s always been very fond of you.”

Of course, Seulgi remember.

After all, she is the one and only cousin Seulgi has and they’re practically grew up together even though they’re a few years apart from each other. Her name is Kim Yerim and she’s been studying abroad during her high school years. It was a little unfortunate in Seulgi’s part because she would rather have Yerim stay in Korea with her but the latter couldn’t. She had to move abroad and continue her studies there since her father is being trusted to take care of business for the company’s new branch in the UK. She’s a little worried with Yerim having to fit in with a whole different environment far away in London, but turned out the girl have been doing really fine. If anything, she was a bit too excited about moving and living in London—Seulgi nearly got hurt, but later she learned how much Yerim like that country and thus, she completely let go of her dear cousin for London.

If having Moon Byulyi is like having a big sister.

Then Kim Yerim will be the little sister.

“Yeah, I promised her anyway. You should’ve told me sooner! I was only told she’ll be back after graduation.”

“She said she wanted to surprise you.”

Seulgi almost snort playfully. “Not so much of a surprise now that you tell me though.”

“She also said she wanted to see if you’ll prioritize her over your…girlfriend?” Hearing the word ‘girlfriend’, Seulgi nearly step on the break. All this time, she has never told anyone about it, not even her mother and father. It was only Byulyi and her girlfriend, Yongsun. She wondered if it will even be okay with her parents that she’s dating someone now.

A girl to top it all off.

“W, what?”

“You heard me, Kang Seulgi.”

Oh dear, she’s starting to use the full name on her. This could totally go wrong and she hoped her parents will understand.

“I’ve seen the news too lately. We’ll talk about this soon, okay?”

Seulgi bit her lower lip, feeling slightly anxious even though her mother still uses her soft tone at her. She knows this country is still not all that fond of same- relationship and to be honest, she doesn’t know if her parents are the ones who are against it. Seulgi never asked them the question nor if the circumstances raise for them to talk about that topic. But maybe, there is a possibility that her parents would also be okay with it. For one, their parents know about Moon Byulyi and Kim Yongsun.

Yongsun’s parents are actually acquainted with Seulgi’s. They’ve been business partners though not all that close but they know each other well enough since Seulgi is a close friend of Yongsun’s girlfriend, Moon Byulyi. It still amazes Seulgi how much Yongsun’s parents supported their daughter’s relationship, looking at how Byulyi wasn’t even from a family with a name or title in the business world.

Thinking about that is giving her a better feeling about talking to her parents later. Whatever it is, she just has to face them like a Kang she is. For now, though, she will enjoy meeting her long-time dear cousin, Kim Yerim, at Seoul Incheon Airport.

When she parked her car, her mother informed her in a text that Yerim’s plane landed already and that she should wait by the arrival gate. She sees some people holding up a banner with various names written on it and Seulgi thought she should have one of those prepared for Yerim to notice her. But then again, for the two of them, noticing each other has never been a problem. They can easily spot each other even with their eyes closed.

Almost five minutes, Seulgi started to notice the few stares at her way. She still ignores them anyway while hoping Yerim will soon walk out that gate. Exactly on the fifth minute, a familiar sight came to her eyesight and she immediately smiles widely, eyes turning crescents when she heard the pitchy voice call out her name.


Seulgi was tackled in a bone-crushing hug. She noticed it now that

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I am still updating this story, if you wonder.


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Andeulea_rv25 #1
Been reading this for the nth time. Hope you're gonna upd this beautiful fic of yours soon I miss it so much.
Hoyan33 #2
i miss this :( i hope youre doing well though! we'll wait respectfully
agentprincess #3
waiting for ur cb 🥺
Oct_13_wen_03 #4
Chapter 31: hope u come back soon 😭🩷
hi author
ultchae #6
Chapter 31: Hope you will come back to this 🥹
Oct_13_wen_03 #7
hope u doing great author nim
Oct_13_wen_03 #8
update please author nim 😭😭😭
AnneTokki #9
Chapter 31: Authornim, hope you can complete this, Chance please
AnneTokki #10
I wanted to cry, I am on the last 2 chapters when I noticed this is not yet completed 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹