Dating Rumor

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After yesterday, Seulgi had been planning to keep her communication with Joohyun as often as possible. Mainly because Seulgi can barely steal time to see Joohyun and they can’t exactly meet up at some place for lunch or dinner, or else people might catch them together and rumors will start going around again.

Personally, Seulgi didn’t mind if the news talk about her being with Joohyun. But she remembered about what her mother said, that the moment everyone knew about their relationship, Joohyun’s whole life can change so fast. She’d have people follow her nearly everywhere, things she does will be public knowledge and those people can even get information about Joohyun’s family, what they do and where they live.

It feels like it’s going to be too much for Joohyun to handle and Seulgi doesn’t want to burden her with any of that. In exchange, she will follow what her father asked of her and Joohyun and that is to not appear in public together.

Anyway, back to her plan in keeping her communication with her girlfriend.

She had seen her Byulyi-unnie and her girlfriend handle things whenever the two can’t see each other. The first thing they do was share photos of each other and explain in a text what they were doing, who they’re with and what they will do next. So, Seulgi thought about doing that first one…

Seulgi had just finish her lunch and yet landed on another deal with a client. She checked her phone and received a message from Joohyun asking her if she’s having her lunch or not. She was going to reply to the message like usual, telling her that she had her lunch just now and she’s going to have another meeting in an hour (means she has a little time to spend with Joohyun).

But suddenly she remembered the time her Byulyi-unnie sent a message to her girlfriend. She specifically remembered how Byulyi took a cute photo of herself and sent it away as a reply. She also remembered how Yongsun-unnie admitted that she really liked the photo and that it was really cute. That night Yongsun was extra nice to Byulyi just because of that photo.

She wondered if a cute photo really does have such an impact on your partner.

Maybe Seulgi should just find out herself.

But would Joohyun like it?

What if she feels weirded out by it? Besides, Joohyun has never done that to Seulgi either. What if she doesn’t like it? Oh god, maybe it wasn’t a really great idea—but Seulgi doesn’t want to appear dull and boring with just texts.

With a final thought, Seulgi closes her eyes and takes a deep breath.

She decided to get a hold of her trusted love-advisor, Moon Byulyi.

“Unnie, I need your help.”

“What is it? Did something happen?” The other line asked worriedly. “Are you okay, Seul?”

“I’m fine, um… I just have something to ask. I need your opinion.”

“Is this about Joohyun?”

“Yes, she…texted me just now and I was thinking of sending a reply but I wanted to do something different.”

“Like what? What do you have in mind?”

“Well, what do you think about me sending a picture of me to Joohyun?”

Immediately, Seulgi can hear a snorting noise from the other line. Was her unnie just laughed at her idea? God, maybe it was really not a good idea after all.

“I guess it depends. What kind of picture are we talking about here?”

What kind?

“If you’re asking whether or not it’s a selfie or a groupie, it’s obviously a selfie, unnie.”

“No, I mean—” She heard Byulyi sighs. “You know what, forget it. I think it’s a great idea. Go do it for your girl, Seul.”

“B, but would she be okay?”

“Why won’t she be okay?”

“I don’t know… What if she feels weirded out by it?”

“Seulgi, she’s in love with you.”

“I know! I was just—” Seulgi lets out a long sigh. “I guess you’re right. I was thinking too much.”

“What did I tell you? Stop thinking too much when it comes to it. Besides, I bet Joohyun would really love it if you do that, especially now that you guys barely see each other.”

Her unnie was right.

There’s technically nothing for Seulgi to worry about when it comes to Joohyun. It was proven so many times that even the smallest gesture Seulgi does for her girlfriend always mean so much. So, she ended the call with her unnie and starts to open up her camera application on her phone. She took a few snaps of herself, doing the peace sign while smiling at the camera, then another one doing a fingerheart, then another one with her head slightly tilted to one side.

Seulgi took approximately four photos and while other people would observe each one of them and pick the best one out of the many snaps to send, Seulgi on the other hand just casually attach all of the photos she took in the personal chatroom with Joohyun. Well, if you can send four, why send just one, right?

She then starts typing a little text message that says, “Do you like the photos? It’s a little random, but I feel like sending you those. And I just had lunch with a client. I hope you have a nice lunch too, Joohyun.”

Seulgi hesitates a little whether or not she should put the heart emoji at the end.

She bit her lower lip, tapping on the heart emoji before deleting it.

The cycle happens for three times before Seulgi finally tap the emoji one last time, letting it linger for five seconds and then press “send”.

She sighs.

It’s all good, it’s fine, it’s okay.

Joohyun will like it for sure…right?

Of course, Joohyun will like it.

She’d love it even.

Seulgi stares at her phone and waits for Joohyun to read or see the message, but after almost a minute, it stays the same. Maybe she’s still in a class, Seulgi thought as she turns her phone screen off and gets up from her seat.

Her assistant informed her for another meeting out of town.

She sighs mentally.

“We better get going then.”

A meeting out of town usually doesn’t mean she has to stay there for the night and drive back to Seoul the next day. If the meeting didn’t take long, they can go back on the same day, however if it did take long then they would have to stay at a hotel for a night.

Seulgi’s mother specifically told her assistant that she won’t allow either of them to drive past ten p.m because they’ll get tired and sleepy and it’s too dangerous because the road will be dark even though there are street lamps. Her mother just won’t risk it for her daughter.

And unfortunately, by the looks of it, Seulgi would have to stay the night for after the meeting.

As it turns out, it wasn’t just a meeting but actually follows with a celebration for the client’s company. She was asked to stick around longer and stay for the party. Seulgi couldn’t say no because that would appear impolite so she agreed.

She sighs deeply as she lays in her hotel bed, still in her shoes and suit.

She looks to her right side, to the window and the view outside.

It was dark, approximately at eleven p.m.

She frowns the moment she realizes that she’s miles away from Seoul now. There was this slight ache in her chest and she didn’t know what it was but it makes her think of Joohyun.

She pulls up her phone, still in her position and finally checks her message.

Joohyun had seen her photos and replied to her texts with her own photos.

Seulgi smiles, “She’s really pretty.”

She feels bad that Joohyun actually replied thirty minutes after Seulgi sent her message earlier that afternoon and now Seulgi only seen that reply after hours because she had been so focused and distracted with documents, works, clients, plans, projects, there’s just so much she needs to handle.

When it comes to Joohyun, however, it relaxes Seulgi’s mind.

She’s like a medicine that can keep Seulgi grounded.


Seulgi had never felt that way towards anyone before. Is it too much? She hoped not.

Her thumb hovering over the phone screen, thinking if she should drop a reply or give Joohyun a call instead. To be honest, Seulgi is already missing her. That is also weird, Seulgi thought. She met her yesterday and though they didn’t talk much but there’s a lot of kissing involved. None of them was complaining so it’s okay.

But is it normal for her to be missing someone this quick?

And it’s almost twelve a.m now, Seulgi didn’t think it would be good to give Joohyun a call this late, especially after she promised Joohyun she would try to call her way before her bedtime. But at the same time, Seulgi really wanted to hear her voice.

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I am still updating this story, if you wonder.


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Andeulea_rv25 #1
Been reading this for the nth time. Hope you're gonna upd this beautiful fic of yours soon I miss it so much.
Hoyan33 #2
i miss this :( i hope youre doing well though! we'll wait respectfully
agentprincess #3
waiting for ur cb 🥺
Oct_13_wen_03 #4
Chapter 31: hope u come back soon 😭🩷
hi author
ultchae #6
Chapter 31: Hope you will come back to this 🥹
Oct_13_wen_03 #7
hope u doing great author nim
Oct_13_wen_03 #8
update please author nim 😭😭😭
AnneTokki #9
Chapter 31: Authornim, hope you can complete this, Chance please
AnneTokki #10
I wanted to cry, I am on the last 2 chapters when I noticed this is not yet completed 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹