Day Four

30 Day Challenge

Write about someone who inspires you?


Now, this could be in two meanings for me. 

Someone who inspires me in life or by writing?? But it doesn't say... so I don't know which one to do so I'll just do both. 

So someone who inspires me.. well I can't say I really have one when it comes to life. Not trying to be rude but, everyone in my life isn't perfect and its hard to look up to them when all they do is disappoint me. It's kinda sad. But if I had to chose one. It would be my grandma

She had six kids with my grandpa who usually went to work most of the time, got drunk and would abuse her. She did everything that she was told by him and still got hurt. My mom sometimes had to jump in and protect her when she was pregnant with my uncle. When she was young, she lived in Mexico and her mom died on her lap when she was only seven years old. My poor grandma was on her own with no family and started her hard life at a young age. 

She is strong do deal with so much. 

She learned how to cook very good (I love her meals!) 

She raised her six kids on her own when my grandpa left.... and worked two jobs or more to keep food and roof over their heads. She has been everything to her kids. All the hardships.. its really unbelievable that my mom and her siblings went through that. When I was young, I used to think she was my hero. She did so much and had great kids (who are my aunts and uncles.. now that I'm older.. some are just selfish and asses.) 

She is still my hero because she is still around helping me and her kids in what she can. She has her moments where she tired and needs rest but I want her to keep living more and forever! We all want that for someone we love and means so much to us right? 

- - - - - 

My next person who inspries me... well I think this is silly but I'll just spit it out lol. 

Its Bobby from iKON 

Lately I have been doing stories with him and Jeongyeon (TWICE) and the pair is something I never expected to keep going or put together, I just wanted something different when pairing up idols for stories. When I was doing Different Types based on iKON. I had changed his partner like twice until I remembered there was a girl who had her hair short and it wasn't Amber from f(x). It was from TWICE and I decided on Jeongyeon

Then a friend left me A LONG COMMENT of the pairing I did of them in the sequel and it made me feel happy and I continued that story. 

Since then... I've been coming up with more stories with Bobby and Jeongyeon and I can't seem to stop. Nor do I want to. I have at least.. maybe 7 stories of them together and its going to be a crazy journey for each one! I'm just excited and the other day I was texting my bestie and I realized that Bobby is my muse... because of the stories ideas I keep coming up with. So I don't know why he inspires me. I mean I love love love his RUNAWAY song he did. I love his deep husky voice and when I heard him speak english I blush of course and he is y!! What more could I ask for? hahaha! I just don't want to jinx myself either.. 

Plus he is my second bias too *^^* 

So yeah.. that's all I have to say now! 

A/N: Day Four is up. I literally have no idea what to do for this one. I can only try my best lol.. 

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Chapter 15: Thanks for giving us(your readers)a closer look at who you are.
You are a very interesting young person with so much ahead of you. Stay humble and enjoy life to the fullest.
Your stories with Bobby and Jeongyeon are of course my favourite....looking forward to Junhoe and Myungeun.
Lucky you! I was planning to go to the Monsta X concert up there near Chicago but others things got in the way and I had to cancel. I had my money saved and ready to see one of K pops most under rated group.
I guess I have to see Hyungwon, Shownu, Kihyun and Jooheon another time....T.T

I loved that you said Jinho is small and cute....I agree. I notice him when he was with SM company. He was going to be a part of EXO but SM had other things in mind for him. Well as you can see SM let him go and he went to Cube. I have a personnel group of guys that are small and I call them my tea cup boys. They are Jinho(Pentagon), Kihyun(MonstaX), Jinhwan(Ikon) and Jinwoo(Winner). They are the smallest of their group and they are so cute.
Keep your head up, be true to yourself, never give up and stay sweet and friendly. Everyone is here on earth for a reason and let's make the most of it.
C-ya later friend.