Chapter 4

Nobody Like U

Lay spent his day preparing for his date,  he dyed his hair black to look more older and mature,  and he went and bought a suit that was way over his budget and his shoes.  He didn't even want to look at the receipt but all of this was to impress Junmyeon, call him whipped but he call it a newfound sprouting love.  "You've been whipped aren't you," Johnny said as he lay on Lay's bed watching him get ready "well it's to impress him, Johnny," Lay said as he tried to decide whether he should wear a tie or not " Yes to impress him not to make him get a restraining order put out on you,  besides you said he have kids he could have a husband or baby daddy" Lay never thought of that. 

Junmyeon could be cheating or if they start going out Junmyeon could cheat on him with the kid's father. Now he had two things to worry about,  whether the kids liked him or not and Junmyeon leading a double life "he didn't seem like he was married, actually I'm going to pick him up from his house so I doubt the father is around " "If so then you'll be right in, might be in between his legs if you play it cool" Lay laughed and threw the tie at Johnny "I'm not thinking about the right now,  can't go see my future love with a hard on you know" Lay grabbed his car keys and phone "besides I won't be in nothing tonight, his brother is watching the kids at his place " Johnny sat up and raised an eyebrow "a brother?  " Lay threw a pillow at his best friend "you're not ruining my chance " 

"Who said I'd be ruining it..... I could be of in law~" 


"So are you excited? " Taeyong was laying on the bed with all the kids as they watched their mother get dressed for his date "Mommy where are you going? " Jongdae asked as he played with Kai on his lap "mommy is going out baby" Minseok's eyes widen and rushed to stand up and grabbed his mom's hands "you're serious?!  You are going on a date?!"  Junmyeon laughed and tried to calm his hyper son "yes yes I'm going on a date"

"Mommy what's a date," Chanyeol asked as he played with their dog "Date is when mommy finds us a new daddy stupid" Baekhyun rolled his eyes as Chanyeol pouted " I'm not stupid!  Mommy Baekkie called me stupid!! " Junmyeon sighed as he tried to get dressed "Yah!  Shut it mommy is busy" Luhan yelled as he walked out of the closet after picking out some shoes for his mother "so what's his name mom? " Junmyeon smiled and took the shoes from his son "Well his name is Mr. Lay" 

"Is he A foreigner? " Jongdae asked as he stood Kai up on his thighs and made him laugh with his funny face "seem so,  I want you guys to be nice and respectful ok?  " "Ok mommy," Everyone said in unison "You too Tae" Taeyong rolled his eyes and put his hands up in defeat "Ok ok I'll behave" Just then they heard the door ring. Taeyong got up from the bed taking Kai from his nephew, leaving the bedroom while holding him on his hips as he made his way to the front door where he heard another 3 knocks "ok ok I'm coming! " He unlocked and opened the door revealing a tall man in a suit holding yellow flowers looking slightly nervous "U-Um is Junmyeon home? " Taeyong smirked and leaned against the door, Kai held onto his shirt shyly hiding his face in the male's chest but still managed to sneak little glances at the giant, the action didn't go unnoticed by Lay as he smiled softly "so you're my brother's date" Taeyong looked him up and down making him even more nervous it felt as if he were being judged by a fashion critic "he's allergic to those " Lay quickly tossed the flower away cursing himself in his mind and noted the new information in his brain.

"Come in, he'll be down in a minute" Taeyong ushered Lay into the living room making him sit on the sofa while he went into the kitchen to prepare snacks for him and the kids with Kai's help.  Lay looked around the house,  seeing so much expensive things in one room made him slightly insecure but brushed it aside as he felt a slight tug on his pants leg causing him to look down and see the baby from earlier "Hey little guy" Lay ruffled the little boy's hair and smiled as he heard the boy babble nonsense and laugh "I see he already likes you" Lay looked up to see Taeyong watching the interaction between the two "I guess so... Haha, what's his name? " Taeyong walked over and picked Kai up,  sitting him in his lap while he sat on the lone chair to the right of Kris "his name is Jongin but he likes being called Kai more" Kai nuzzled against his uncle's chest and yawned since it was a little past his bedtime "is he yours? " Taeyong scoffed at the thought of Kai being his baby and felt a slight ache inside his heart "No..... He's Junmyeon's youngest" Lay could sense a mood change but before he could say anything a heard running footsteps coming down the stairs "Tae! Tae!  Mommy looks so beautiful!!" Lay's eyes widened at the number of children that were standing before him and who he assumes to be Tae was chuckling at him as he began to mentally count "1... 2...3...4?! " Lay looked at each child and then at Taeyong who had a grin on his face "Yours? " Lay asked unsure of what to do.  "Who are you?" Baekhyun asked with his arms folded showing a slight attitude. 

"Uh... Lay"

"It's mommy's boyfriend stupid" Jongdae smacked his older brother against the head making him hiss in pain.  "He looks like a puppy" Lay didn't know whether to take it as an insult or a compliment as he watch the children talk amongst themselves like he wasn't in the room "be nice guys" Taeyong spokes in a calm yet stern voice "look Channie he's a giant like you!”Baekhyun laughed and sat next to Taeyong "Hey!  I'm not a giant! "

"You're right,  your ears are bigger than your height " Lay didn't know what to do until he saw Junmyeon walk down the stairs with two other boys on either side of him "I see you met my children" Lay then knew that these children standing in front of him were the surprise that Junmyeon was talking about and holy was he nervous "All of them are yours?..... " Junmyeon laughed as he knew this would happen "yes Lay,  this is my eldest Minseok and my second eldest Luhan" Both boys smiled and waved and Kris couldn't lie,  both boys were pretty and beautiful like their mother "Baekhyun, Jongdae, and Chanyeol" All boys were arguing with each other "and my babies Kyungsoo and Kai" He looked over but was caught off guard when he saw Kyungsoo glaring at him "hurt my mommy and you'll regret it" Lay wanted to think he was joking but something told him wasn't playing "and this is my baby brother Taeyong " Junmyeon took Lay hand and stood him up as they made their way to the door "shall we go? " Lay smiled after the overwhelming feeling washed away "we shall" And they rode off into the beginning of their night. 

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In Light of recent events I will be changing the ship in this story to SuLay and will edit the whole story


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2447 streak #1


now to the story! if i were Jun's friend too, i would laugh at him! HAHA that was not something to mope abt! if Kris ran away at the sight or upon learning abt the kids, that's also not something to mope abt coz Kris would be trash then, definitely not worth it!

but hey, Kris is nothing like that! and maybe Jun's tiny insecurity doesn't help, but don't you worry Jun! there's already a promise of a next date even, so If i were Jun, I'd worry abt what to wear for that! HAHA
Chapter 5: Awwwwww is Cute..... hoping for update~~~
Chapter 4: Huhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhu...

Kris is having a mental breakdown after seeing Joonmyeon's precious children.....

And Taeyong..... Johnny is maybe the one for you....

2447 streak #4
Kris kept on asking if the kids were Taeyong's coz again, he only expected 3 kids at most! HAHAHA
I guess the how many kids convo will not happen coz the kids already presented themselves to Kris! and he's already been introduced HAHAHAHAHA

the good news is that Kris can still smile after being surprised like that and hasn't fainted or anything HAHA

Kyungsoo threatening Kris tho!!! BABY you're too young for that! HAHA
rhe3a_1891 #5
Chapter 4: So cuuute ~
Next hwaiting ...
Chapter 4: The children are sooooioooo cute!
mikosan #7
Chapter 3: Love this story so much
2447 streak #8
Chapter 3: NO Tae!!! it's only if they did it in Jun's car right after! HAHAHAHAHAHA
anyway! amazing how Jun sneakily got to exchange messages with Kris despite being around predators, I mean his friends! HAHAHAHAHA at that time, anyone could've easily noticed how he was texting someone and it could've ended bad for him

Kris thinks Jun has 3 kids!!! THREE!!!
oh boy, good luck! HAHAHAHA
btw... soooooo, Johnny wants Kris to ask Jun if he has single friends, don't worry, he has a single brother who might be pregnant! HAHAHAHAHAHA lol

anyway, Taeyong, stop cursing in front of your nephews!!!
and weeeeee, how nice to have a brother who is very supportive to your blooming love life who'll instantly agree to babysitting!!!
I hope their first date goes well!!! I wonder if the "how many kids do you have?" will happen already

ps. can we have more page breaks? thank you!
O_isabella_O #9
Kris is already worrying about meeting the kids lol!
Chapter 2: Its been a long time since I read krisho omg im missing it so much. Goodluck for next chapter!