Chapter 5

Nobody Like U

In a cafe, Junmyeon sat with his head on the table while Taeyong rubbed his back and his friends tried to console him. "I feel so ing embarrassed" Junmyeon only curse when he is deeply upset or mad, he can't believe his date with the one man that would look past him having kids ended so wrong. He knew that it was only one date but after talking to Lay for a few days he started catching little feelings for the Chinese man. "Specifically what happened? " Taeyong asked "Did you fall? " Jinyoung asked as he sipped his vanilla latte, Junmyeon shook his head no "did he friendzone you? " Jin gasped while rubbing his head " I'd kill him " Taeyong rolled his eyes and continued to console his brother "Did ya fart, when I met Taekkie I was so nervous I farted" Everyone looked at Hakyeon as he sipped his chocolate bubble tea dumbfounded "what? " Junmyeon sat up, sighed, and leaned back into the chair while he recalled the night "No... It was perfect but... I um I..." Hakyeon smacked the table dramatically causing everyone to jump "Spit it out Myeonie!" Junmyeon gulped while looking down at his cup of tea and playing with the handle " I brought up something from the past and it kinda made things a bit awkward and a slight shift..". Everyone was confused and looked at each other for answers before Tae spoke " What was it Hyung?".

"Well, it started while we were taking a stroll in the city streets back to the car and we started talking about our past" ......


Junmyeon laughed as he ate his ice cream while Lay shared a story of one of his and his best friend's adventures. The night was nice and cool with a small breeze that was perfect for a stroll in the park or city, " And so while me and Johnny ran from the dogs we went to go hop the gates but his pant legs snagged onto the spikes to the point he was upside down smacking his face against the gate with no way of getting out" Junmyeon gasped covering his mouth to try to suppress his laughter and risk choking on his sweet dessert " No way! What happened did he get out?" Lay found him being so invested in the story so cute, he couldn't help but smile and tease a little bit. "Hmmm, I don't know I think I'll have to charge you a kiss on the cheek for the rest of the story " Junmyeon rolled his eyes and chuckled at his cheesy response "Well if it's just one cheek kiss I think I can afford it ". Junmyeon stop in his tracks to pull Lay down some, giving him a small peck to the right side of his cheek and then another to the left side "keep the change" he giggled softly before continuing his stroll but Lay was just in complete awe of him, everything Junmyeon do, did, said even the way he smelled just screamed perfection to him. Before he could think of any more ways to describe his date he was brought back to reality once he heard him call for him "I paid for the rest of the story don't tell me it was a scam" Lay chuckled while jogging a little to catch up with Jun "sorry where was I....ah so he was stuck upside down and what did I decide to do? I buttoned his pants and belt, dragged him out of them, and he was forced to run home in his limited edition Deadpool underwear " Junmyeon choked before laughing at the ending, wiping tears from his eyes "Are you serious, Taeyong has the same limited edition underwear what are the odds" both parties laughed at their stories but there was something on Lay mind that he couldn't completely shake.

"so uh Jun can I ask you something?" Junmyeon looked up at Lay and nods his head in confirmation "sure but if it's to marry you aren't you moving a little bit too fast " Lay laughed nervously before shaking his head no " No no no it's not that but....well it's about the children's father if they have one" Junmyeon knew the topic of his kids would come up but the topic of his ex-husband he never thought he would be talking about him again "Well what do you want to know?" He didn't mind talking about it being he was already over their marriage once he found out Minho cheated, so talking about was literally like talking about a ghost "where is he?"  They paused for a moment before taking a seat on some nearby benches to take a break for a moment to talk. 

"Well....he's not in my life nor is he in the children's lives. But I'm not worried about that at all my children have me and I have them and that's all I need" Junmyeon spoke confidently while smiling and staring off into the city lights for a bit before taking a glance back at Lay who didn't look too thrilled about the answer "what happened if you don't mind me asking " His gaze was a little more intense more serious than about a minute ago "He um...he cheated on me for 4 years haha... I guess he finally grew the balls to divorce because he didn't wait for a second to pack his things and disappear with the lover. but I knew it was happening, caught him plenty of times due to the fact he was sloppy at it but the only reason I stayed was because of the kids and our parents who preached 'things will turn around give it time to soon as my youngest was born he took off and that was it.."Junmyeon tried to keep light of the past but couldn't help to shed some tears, not because of what he went through but because of what his children had to go through once they divorced and wondered why they couldn't or didn't see their father anymore.

Lay continued listening to him talk but couldn't help but feel angry and nothing but hate towards the unknown man, how could someone just up and leave his family like that as if they weren't even his family at all? Growing up without a father he knew firsthand what it was like, not being able to celebrate Father's Day, play sports with or even teaches him how to be a man; how can a man leave someone who's so beautiful both inside and out, how can a man even call himself a man for after what he did. Junmyeon smiled and looked towards Lay grabbing his hand and squeezing it gently for assurance "hey I'm ok now, I knew it was never going to work since it was an arranged marriage I just didn't expect it to last 13 years" Junmyeon chuckled trying to make light again but he could tell Lay was visibly upset.

"We should start heading back ok? It's getting pretty late and I'm sure Tae probably thinks you kidnapped me" Lay took a deep breath and chuckled a bit "yea last thing I need is for your little one to kill me before I can say goodbye " Junmyeon laughed knowing exactly which little one Lay was referring to "well Kyungsoo means welljust a tad bit too overprotective" a tad bit was a bit understated, Kyungsoo is prone to hitting anyone or his siblings except Kai with items he thinks would hurt when he's upset, it's still something Junmyeon is trying to break him out of not doing but it's a slow process. Both adults rose from their spots and continued down the street but even though he assured Lay that he was ok, Jun still felt an intense mood shift as they walked silently to the car but the conversation soon picked up again shortly after driving off.

"And that's what happened " Once Junmyeon ended his story he looked up to his friends to get their responses but all he got were laughs "Jun are you serious right now" Jinyoung sat his cup down laughing trying not to spill it. Junmyeon was confused at what was so funny until he looked at his brother who was looking in a different direction to hide his laugh, "Ya it's not funny! I'm genuinely upset by that" Taeyong gathered himself first before he was able to speak again "Hyung is that the reason you've been moping around these past few days?" Jun nods in slight annoyance "Myeonie you shouldn't feel bad that you opened up about yourself haha that's the point of dates you talk to each other to get to know each other " Jin held Jun's hand and pulled him into a side hug in an attempt to make him feel better "I know but still! You guys should've seen his face like it was just filled with rage" Hakyeon sat his bubble tea down and scoffed "Good, At least that way you know he's genuinely in your best interests. Think about it Jun any man would just blow you off the moment they find out you have kids, 8 kids at that, and here goes a man who shows genuine concern about you and your children hm sounds like a winner to me" everyone pretty much agreed with Hakyeon "But what if his perspective of me changed and doesn't want me?".

"Who cares to move on, we come from a time where things don't have to work out the first time, I know you're not familiar with the term "dating" but it's completely normal now and isn't looked down upon besides I don't think he's that much of an idiot to let that face change how he feels about you." What Taeyong said was true, Junmyeon never had the chance to experience dating and getting to know someone out of feelings, his first relationship was his last one and now it's like he was a teenager again overthinking the most trivial things, to think he'd be getting advice from his little brother but it's honestly fitting since Tae had more dating experience than the elder and didn't have to go through the arranged marriage process like his brother had to."So you met him yet Tae?"

"Yea I did, he truly is handsome like Hyung said but a complete dork, in my opinion, match made in heaven I guess" Jun nudges his brother making the younger sibling rub his arm "ooow what it's true". Jun couldn't help but laugh, he was grateful for the friends he had and he was grateful for his brother, where would he be right now if he didn't have this support and love in his life "I love you guys so much" everyone awed and hugged each other in a group hug while sharing their I love yous before getting back to their conversation. "So when is the next date?" Jinyoung sipped his usual americano and took a piece off the top of his muffin, "he offered to cook at his place someday when I'm off, his best friend will be out of town the next two weeks so maybe some time then" Hakyeon lifts an eyebrow at the thought of a friend, putting down his drink in a mischievous grin "a friend huh? Is he Single as well?" Everyone looked at him in disbelief "Hakyeon I know you're not thinking about cheating on Taekwoon" Rolling his eyes he shakes his head no at his idiotic friends "No dummies, Tae~ Maybe you can meet the friend" everyone pretty much thought it was a good idea meanwhile Taeyong choked on his cake dropping crumbs on the table before looking at the pregnant male as if he lost his mind " no no no no, one rule about me I hand pick my men, I'm too old for blind dates and if he's anything like Kris I'll pass".


On the other side of town, Johnny sneezes and wipes his nose and thinking if someone was talking about him.


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In Light of recent events I will be changing the ship in this story to SuLay and will edit the whole story


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2447 streak #1


now to the story! if i were Jun's friend too, i would laugh at him! HAHA that was not something to mope abt! if Kris ran away at the sight or upon learning abt the kids, that's also not something to mope abt coz Kris would be trash then, definitely not worth it!

but hey, Kris is nothing like that! and maybe Jun's tiny insecurity doesn't help, but don't you worry Jun! there's already a promise of a next date even, so If i were Jun, I'd worry abt what to wear for that! HAHA
Chapter 5: Awwwwww is Cute..... hoping for update~~~
Chapter 4: Huhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhu...

Kris is having a mental breakdown after seeing Joonmyeon's precious children.....

And Taeyong..... Johnny is maybe the one for you....

2447 streak #4
Kris kept on asking if the kids were Taeyong's coz again, he only expected 3 kids at most! HAHAHA
I guess the how many kids convo will not happen coz the kids already presented themselves to Kris! and he's already been introduced HAHAHAHAHA

the good news is that Kris can still smile after being surprised like that and hasn't fainted or anything HAHA

Kyungsoo threatening Kris tho!!! BABY you're too young for that! HAHA
rhe3a_1891 #5
Chapter 4: So cuuute ~
Next hwaiting ...
Chapter 4: The children are sooooioooo cute!
mikosan #7
Chapter 3: Love this story so much
2447 streak #8
Chapter 3: NO Tae!!! it's only if they did it in Jun's car right after! HAHAHAHAHAHA
anyway! amazing how Jun sneakily got to exchange messages with Kris despite being around predators, I mean his friends! HAHAHAHAHA at that time, anyone could've easily noticed how he was texting someone and it could've ended bad for him

Kris thinks Jun has 3 kids!!! THREE!!!
oh boy, good luck! HAHAHAHA
btw... soooooo, Johnny wants Kris to ask Jun if he has single friends, don't worry, he has a single brother who might be pregnant! HAHAHAHAHAHA lol

anyway, Taeyong, stop cursing in front of your nephews!!!
and weeeeee, how nice to have a brother who is very supportive to your blooming love life who'll instantly agree to babysitting!!!
I hope their first date goes well!!! I wonder if the "how many kids do you have?" will happen already

ps. can we have more page breaks? thank you!
O_isabella_O #9
Kris is already worrying about meeting the kids lol!
Chapter 2: Its been a long time since I read krisho omg im missing it so much. Goodluck for next chapter!