Chapter 15


Jieun POV

Areum and I enter the club with the bass thumping and neon lights lighting the whole club.


"Bar." I confirm. We walk over ordering ourselves a margarita. I take a seat at the bar and look around the club.

"What's wrong?" Areum asks.

"Nothing." I reply with a shake of my head.

"You can't drag me to the club with you and tell me it's 'nothing'."

"I'm just thinking." I trace the rim of my cup with my fingers. "I just hope what I'm thinking won't happen." I mumble.

"What? I couldn't hear you! The music is too loud!" I shake my head to dismiss the topic. While drinking my fourth cocktail, I continue to scan the room. Is that...

"Areum!" I turn to the seat next to me, but Areum is gone. Eh? I look around. This . Where'd she go? Suddenly a crash catches my attention, and I see exactly what I did not want to see.


After the arcade, Dream usually have left over money. The others suggest they play more games but Donghyuck refuses.

"I want to save it for something else." he replies.

"Like what?" Jeno asks and a smirk spread on Hyuk's lips.

"I don't like that look on your face." Jaemin says.

"You're gonna do something really stupid and go against Jieun noona's words. Again." Renjun accuses.

"Of course, I will." Hyuck confirms, evil laughs, spilling out of his mouth.

"Of course, he will." The others repeat.


"I knew you were gonna do something really stupid!" Renjun shouts over the loud music.

Despite what Mark said, Donghyuck being Donghyuck, ignored everything and made his way to the club by stealing VIP cards to Whiplash from who knows where. Though the others tell him it was a bad idea, Donghyuck stood his ground and left with the others following suit (so the situation will not be worse than it already is.)

"C'mon Renjun. Live a little!" Donghyuck shouts back.

"Jieun noona is gonna kill us!" Jaemin yells.

"Mark hyung is gonna kill us." Jeno states.

"Taeyong hyung is gonna kill us." Jisung adds.

"That's why we should enjoy this!" Donghyuck tries to convince them.

"This is a bad idea." Chenle states. "Don't say I didn't warn you."

30 minutes prior

"You guys have to stay in your room. Orders from Taeyong. Mind the camera, Yuta is watching you." Taeil warns and walks out.

The boys lay in their bed, bored out of their minds.

Donghyuck sits up. "I'm going."

"What?" The other five says in sync.

"You can't go." Jisung orders. "Shall I remind you that four of the hyungs are here? We have a camera watching us."

"Right." I nod and pull out an object.

"A stick." Jeno deadpans.

"Not just any stick. Look closer." Donghyuck insists.

"Fine. A metal stick. What the does that do?" Jeno rolls his eyes and Donghyuck smirks.

"I'm glad you asked. This...this metal stick is gonna attract multiple wavelengths and disrupt the camera's signal. Cameras will be out for, let's say, at least 40 minutes." Donghyuck quickly put on his shoes and readied himself to leave.

"You can't go." Jisung says once again.

"Yes, I can. Watch me." Donghyuck walks out of the camera's view, sticking the metal stick onto the camera. He then pulls out a roped ladder from the closet and tosses it down the window and climbs out.

"Haechan!" The others follow him out.

"We're gonna be in so much trouble." Renjun states.

"Mark's gonna be so pissed." Jeno gulps.

"No, all of the hyungs, plus Jieun noona, are gonna be pissed." Chenle corrects Jeno.

"All because of Haechan. Again." Jisung finishes.

Donghyuck lets out a sigh. "Look, if you guys are scared, go back."

"We can't let you go alone." Jaemin blurts.

"Jaemin." Donghyuck beams, believing that Jaemin was worried about him.

"The punishment will be worse. The hyungs will be even more pissed if we let you go alone."

" you." Hyuck hiss realizing Jaemin was not worried about him. He's more worried about the punishment. "I can do this alone."

"We're gonna be in trouble either way, so I guess, we should just enjoy it then, huh?" Renjun gives in.

"That's the spirit." Donghyuck pats Renjun's back. "Let's party!!!" Donghyuck shouts, mixing himself with the dancing crowd.

"Hyuck!" The others yell through the loud music. Soon Donghyuck comes running back.

"Should we buy drinks?" He has the audacity to ask.

"Yah! We're underage." Renjun hiss.

"Yeah? And we're also in a club." He retorts.

"They're gonna card you." Jisung says afraid of being found out.

"They're not. Trust me." Donghyuck assures Jisung.

"Do you even know what to say? What to buy?" Jeno asks.

"You're right. Let's google it." Donghyuck says, using his phone, before walking to the bar and coming back with drinks in his hands. "There's more." He hands the drinks to Jeno and Renjun before going back to the counter to grab the rest.

Haechan POV

"We are so dead." Chenle stares at the drink in his hand.

"Drink up!" I shout.

"I can't believe they didn't card him." Jisung shakes his head in disbelief.

"There's no way you're gonna get card inside the club. That's why they check IDs before you can enter." Chenle explains.

"Yeah, except we never showed our ID." Jeno states.

"Because someone somehow got ahold of VIP passes." Jaemin glares at me. "How?"

"When you are Donghyuck, nothing is impossible." I boast, making the others roll their eyes.

"We're still gonna die." Chenle states.

"Shut up and drink up." I order, grabbing Renjun's cup and forcing it to his mouth.

"I'm gonna kill you." Renjun coughs from taking a mouthful of the drink (read: forced).

"Delicious?" I smirk.

"Disgusting." Renjun growls. "I can't believe adults drink this."

"When life gets too hard, this bitterness is small in comparison." I take another drink from the cup with a content sigh. I'm so wise sometimes. "Drink up."

"This better be worth the hyung's wrath." Chenle says taking a sip and he gags, shaking his head. "Nope. No, it's not." Out of curiosity the others drink from their cup and gags.

"Why do adults drink this?!" Jisung frowns in disgust.

"See? This is why you're a kid. You can't drink this kind of thing." I shake my head in disapproval. The others roll their eyes at me.

"You know what, even if this taste disgusting, we're gonna get in trouble anyways so, it." Jeno down his drink in one go. "I'm going all out."

"Be a good sport. Be like Jeno." I laugh patting Jeno's back.

"This better make us forget or numb the pain of Jieun noona's wrath." Renjun states, slowly chugging his drink.

"If were gonna die anyways, might as well." Jaemin agrees downing his drink. Chenle and Jisung look at each other then shrug, following suit.

"Now we're talking!" I shout. "Let's keep the drinks going!"

"Whoo!" I shout stumbling to the dance floor after four different drinks. I then bump into another body. "I'm sorry."

The male smiles back. "It's fine." He replies. I turn to walk away when he pulls me back against his body. "Why are you in a rush, baby?" What the hell? I pull away from him.

"I have things to do."

"Well, I would love to do you."

Disgusting. I try to pull away, just to get pulled back into the unknown man's arms. The male looks around before showing me a white substance in a small bag. Is this the drug that's been going around? "Oh?" I raise my brow.

"Interested?" He asks.

I smirk. "Depends. What does it do?"

"It will make you feel like you're at the top of the world."

"Now that sounds like a good time." I reach for the bag, but he holds it up in the air.

"No can do baby boy. I want a reward first." He says, tapping his lips with his index finger.

"Then I don't want it." I retort and try to walk away, but he pulls me back.

"Ok. How about a drink? On me." Free drink? I stare at the bag of white crystals.

"Ok." I nod and we went to the bar together. We receive the drink and I was gonna drink it until the man speaks up.

"Are you here alone?" I pause, looking around.

"I came with friends, but they're nowhere to be seen." I continue to scan the club for any signs of said friends.

"Forget them. Drink up." The man says and I did as told.

Jeno POV

"Where's Hyuck?" Jaemin asks.

"I don't know." Renjun replies and we look around the club. It's too dim and the stupid neon lights are flashing around, blinding my eyes every few seconds.

"I think he went towards the dance floor." Chenle says and we turn towards the dance floor just to bump into someone else.

"Oh my gosh. I'm sorry." I apologize.

"What the heck is your problem?" The man yells, pushing my shoulders. Ugh. He reeks of alcohol.

"I'm sorry." I repeat.

"You think you can solve this with an apology?" The man ask pushing me again.

"You're drunk." I try to reason with the man.

"I'm not drunk, man!" The guy shouts grabbing my collar. Wrong move. Guess you can't reason with drunk people.

"Let go." I say, ripping myself from his hold, accidentally pushing him onto a table, creating a loud crash.

"Aaah!" The two girls scream, getting up from their seats and pulling their boyfriends along.

"Are you trying to start a fight?" One of the two males at the table asks.

"I'm not-" Before I could finish my sentence, he punches me in the face, making me stumble back while the others catch me. The drunk guy, that I accidentally pushed, runs towards me and tackles me down onto the ground. He punches me in the face and I try to push him off of me. I manage to push him off, standing up. He tries to punch me, but I dodge and he accidentally hits the second guy from the table. He swings towards the drunk guy but I block him, receiving the punch instead. Jisung then punches the guy for me, and a fight broke out between us. One guy grab a bottle of beer, hitting me on my right temple.


Jieun run towards the fight just in time to see the man hitting Jeno with the beer bottle. She then punches the man and turns to the other two, kicking one in the abdomen, while kneeing the other. The three male turn their attention towards her and starts throwing punches at her.

Mark and the other NCT members spots them due to the fact that people are screaming and running away from the scene. Mark is about to help Jieun, but Johnny pulls him back with a shake of his head.

"Don't get involved."

"But-" Johnny cuts Mark off by motioning his head towards the fight.

Jieun flawlessly dodges and blocks the three males' every move.

"Jieun noona!" Renjun yells making Jieun pause. One man had him in a headlock and another uses this chance to kick her. She stumbles back bumping into a bar.

"Thanks." She says to the bartender as she grabs a pair of scissors and stabs the guy, who had hit Jeno with a beer bottle, in the abdomen making the girls scream. Jieun then run towards the man holding Renjun. Out of fear, the man pushed Renjun towards Jieun. She grabs him and lightly pushes him towards the others, running after the male. She grabs him by the back of his collar, bends his head back, and stabs him right in the neck.

"Jieun noona! Jieun noona, please! We're ok!" Dream yells at her. She ran towards the third guy, but Jeno stops her.

"Jieun noona! We're ok! We're ok!"

"You're ok?"

Jeno nods in confirmation. "We're ok."

"You're bleeding." Jieun says as her shaky hands reach up to touch Jeno's temple.

"I'm ok." He assures her. She turns to the others, pulling all of them into a group hug.

"You're ok. You're ok." She chants.

"We're ok." They all confirm.

"Where's Donghyuck?" She asks pulling away from them.

"We lost him." The boys reply with their head down in shame.

Jieun quickly scans the building. "Donghyuck!"

Haechan POV

After I finish the drink, around 15 minutes later, I start to feel foggy. My vision starts to blur and I am unstable on my feet. Then suddenly my vision clears up and I start giggling. For some unknown reason, happiness washes throughout my body. I suddenly feel like I'm floating and giggle even more.

"You wanna have a good time with me?" The man asks, and for some odd reason, I giggle nodding my head. The man pulls me against his chest and leans down to kiss me. The moment he presses his lips against mine, the feeling of disgust washes over me and I struggle.

"Stop." I say with a giggle. Why am I giggling?! He continues to kiss down my neck, giving me shivers. Even though my heart don't like it, my body is burning up and my brain is not functioning properly. "I said stop it." I continue to giggle. My body continues to burn up, hotter than before. What's happening to me? This is disgusting. I don't like this. Stop! Someone help me! Mark!

Suddenly the man is pulled off of me and is on the ground. In front of me, Mark is glaring down at the male. He grabs the male by the collar and punches him. He continues to do so until WinWin and Johnny pulls him off of the guy.

"Let go of me! I'm gonna kill him!" Mark yells.

"Take him away. Now!" Johnny shouts and the male is taken away by Jaehyun and Lucas.

"Hyung. Mark hyung." I hug him with a giggle. "You're here! Help me. My body is hot all over." I grab his hands and guide it around around my body but he pulls away.

Mark POV

"Hyung. Hyung. Mark hyung." Haechan grasps at my clothes, trying to undress me.

"Haechan." I say trying to stop Haechan's hand movements. "Haechan! Calm down!"

"Mark hyung." He hugs me whilst pressing open mouth kisses against my neck. "I'm hot."

"H-Haechan. N-not here." I stutter out, staring at Jieun who is glaring holes in me. "Stop. Please, stop." Jieun's gonna kill me.

Jieun lets out a sigh. "Take him home, Mark." I look at her with wide eyes, speechless. "He's obviously not in his right mind."

"Jeno, come here." Jieun motions him with her index finger. He slowly walks towards her. "WinWin, you guys have a first aid kit here?"

"Yes." WinWin replies fetching it immediately and handing it to Jieun.

"Dreamies, go home with Taeyong." Jieun orders when she finishes patching Jeno up.

"Taeyong isn't here." Johnny says, earning a glare from Jieun. "Go home with the others first. I'll take care of things here."

I walk Hyuck to the car, which was a difficult task because he keeps stumbling and tripping over air.

"Can you walk properly?"

"Of course I can~" he giggles out.

"Haechan. Help me here." He tries to, but fails and I let out a sigh. We manage to get to the car, nonetheless. I open the door and we both fall in with me on top of him.

"Kyaah~ Mark's attacking me~" he chirps.

"I'm not." I deadpan. "We need to go home. Scoot over." With shaky arms, he somehow scoot himself over and I sit down next to him. Ten gets into the driver seat and he drives off.

During the ride home, Hyuck suddenly takes off his seat belt and straddles my lap.

"W-What are you doing?" I stutter out. He didn't give me a reply and just a stripe up my neck.

"Haechan." I say through gritted teeth. "Please, stop." Whether he is ignoring me, or he genuinely did not hear, I don't know, but he continues to kiss my neck.

"Haechan." I call him again and he pulls away with a gasp. He stares at my face intently.

"I have a secret to tell you." He whispers. I raise my brow at him. "You have seagull eyebrows." He giggles and Ten snickers. I kick the driver's seat.

"Shut up. Drive."

"Yes sir." Ten says, saluting me through the mirror.

Donghyuck lays his head on my shoulder.

"Hey." I tap him. "Haechan. Get off me." He stirs around for a bit. "Donghyuck." I whisper.

"Hm?" He replies. Oh, you heard that.

"Get off me." He shakes his head and ignores me.

When we arrive, Hyuck continues to cling onto me, so I pull him towards my room. "Have fun!" Ten shouts after me and I flip him off.

"Hyung. Kiss me. Touch me. Love me." Haechan says, the moment we step into my room, with a flush face and teary eyes.

"Don't tempt me like that, idiot." I sit him on my bed and make my way to my mini fridge.

"Please...tell me you love me." Donghyuck whispers as he back hugs me.

"Donghyuck." I call out turning towards him. "I do."

"I want to hear it." I stare at him in hesitation. "Mark hyung." He reaches up to caress my cheek. I slowly eye him, from his facial features down to his neck, and something catches my eye making my blood boil. I lunge down towards his neck, biting him.

"Ow!" He cries out. I his neck to soothe the pain. They left a hickey on him. On my Donghyuck. I the hickey harder to replace their mark with mine.

"Ah~" He moans running his hand through my hair. "Mark hyung~"

I slowly walk him back towards my bed mattress and gently push him down, stripping myself of my shirt. "I know you're not all there, but if I don't say it now, I might chicken out. I love you. And just so you know...You. Are. Mine." I grab him by the chin and smash my lips against his, sloppily.

(a/n: I'm a terrible writer so... Someone, feel free to write it!!!😣 Just use your imagination, even.)

Renjun POV

Everyone returns to the NCT house with a tense and heavy atmosphere. Yuta, Taeil, Kun and Jungwoo all run down the stairs towards us.

"Dream!" They all call out in sync.

"Dreamies, go to your room." Doyoung orders.


"Go." Doyoung demands us to leave.

"Ok." We mumble out defeated and trudge our way to the stairs. As the hyungs close the door to the conference room, we run up the stairs to get to our room quickly.

"Turn it on. Turn it on!" The others shout in sync.

"Calm down!" I yell back.

"We can't calm down." They chorus. I open my laptop and listen to the bug I had installed in the conference room.

"You guys were home, how could you guys let Dream out of the house?" Doyoung shouts.

"Ok, but in my defense," Kun starts. "You guys left them with me, the one who can never get mad and raise my voice at anyone."

"Same here." Taeil says.

"I'm not very good at yelling at people either." Jungwoo adds.

"I was in the security room watching over the camera in their room but the cam's signal was suddenly interrupted and when I fixed it, they were already gone."

"You guys are so-"

"So what?" Yuta yells cutting Ten off. "What are we like?" Everyone starts yelling and shouting at each other, but suddenly falls silent when someone walks in.

"Did you guys take care of the guy?" Johnny, the new arrival, asks.

"Which one?" Jaehyun questions. "The one who was with Donghyuck, the two that Jieun stabbed, or the one that ran for it?"

"Did you guys see how dangerous Jieun was tonight?" Doyoung asks, changing the topic.

"Her fighting style-"

"Wasn't random. She was trained." Johnny cuts Ten off.

"She stabbed two guys. Two!" Ten shouts.

"It would've been three if Jeno didn't stop her." Jaehyun adds.

"Jieun was protecting Dream." Lucas defends her.

"She almost killed those guys." WinWin comments.

"Well, if it was us, they'd already be dead." Kun retorts.

"What I witnessed today is probably reason enough to suspect Jieun as a threat. We need to get rid of her." Doyoung states.

"Again, she was just protecting Dream. If it was us, we'd do the same exact thing." Lucas argues.

"She is a threat!" A lot of the hyungs claim.

"She was protecting Dream!" Lucas and Kun continues to defend Jieun noona.

"Kun, you weren't even there, why are protecting her?" Jaehyun asks.

"Because she's a nice person."

"She almost killed three people tonight." Doyoung reiterates and they all start arguing, which turned into a rambling mess.

"Stop!" Johnny orders. "Right now, Taeyong isn't here. We should all just calm down and go to bed. When Taeyong gets back, whenever that is, we'll talk it out, ok? Right now, I want to hear updates on those guys. All of them."

"The one that Jieun stabbed in the abdomen is alive. The one that she stabbed in the throat..." WinWin trails off.

"Lucas and I took care of the one that was with Donghyuck." Jaehyun says, not going into details about what they did to the man.

"The guy that ran for it..." Ten trails off. "I'm sure we'll be able to locate him soon enough. Right, Yuta?"

"Eh? Uh, sure. I guess." Yuta shrugs his shoulders.

"Dismiss." Johnny says and some starts leaving.

"Looks like went down at the club." Taeil says.

"That's not even half of it." Johnny replies, rubbing his face with his hands.

"What happened?" Yuta asks.

"I don't wanna talk about it." Lucas replies.

"Just check the club's cams. It's part of your specialty isn't it?" WinWin adds. "Find the one who escaped too."

"Fine. I'll do just that." Yuta says.

"Where's Taeyong?" Jungwoo asks.

"We lost him. When? We don't know." Johnny replies. "I just want to know, how exactly did you guys let Dream escape?" The four hyungs who were home, did not reply.

Lucas POV

We're all sitting in the living room with the TV on but none of us are paying attention. Instead, we're contemplating about how to deal with Jieun. No one admits to it, but Dream is a small problem compared to Jieun. . How can I help her?

"Johnny hyung." Jisung's voice catches our attention. "If there's a chance, I'm not saying that she is, but if there is a slight chance that Jieun noona is a threat to NCT..." Anxiety and fear colors his face. "What's going to happen?"

"We have to get rid of her." Johnny replies bluntly.

"Hyung!" Jisung shouts grabbing onto Johnny's arm. "Is there any way to avoid that? I mean, hyung, she's my noona. I can never...please. Can't we...ignore it and let her go?"

"I'm sorry, Jisung-ah. That's not how it works."

Jisung falls onto the ground and covers his eyes with the palm of his hands.

"Hyung, please, I...can't lose my sister. She's my only blood family left. Please. Don't kill her."

"Jisung-ah, if she's a threat and we don't get rid of her, we are gonna be the ones that are in danger."

"Hyung, please." Jisung cries out.

"I'm sorry." Johnny whispers.

Tears stream down Jisung's face and he cries out louder than we've ever seen him. The rest of us watch in sympathy, while Dreamies all huddle together and cry with him.


Edited multiple times, I swear. But I'm only human so...mistakes here and there, probably.
Thank you for the love and support. Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed this chapter, my fellow wackies. (Just came up with that cause my username is wackozone)
Peace out! Muah~


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I updated on Christmas but forgot to publish it. FAIL! πŸ˜…


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Chapter 21: waiting for an update☺️
Chapter 21: Yay! So happy to see an update.

Now Now Now, NCT better buck up. Both sides have trust issues which is fair given the nature of their work. Dreamies dont have it easy being caught in the middle.
buzzkillEm #3
Chapter 20: Can’t wait for an update uwu
Alphaxx #4
Chapter 20: Nct curious right ?? They have been curious to dream!!! Oh mann no markhyuck..??
Chapter 20: Ohhhh. Wow. Thanks for the update!!xx

Hmm is Yuta an inside spy for someone?
Chapter 18: I just found this. I wish it would be continued. :(
Chapter 18: ugh i need more of this story. im addicted to it !! i love this story <3 please update more
Chapter 18: I love this story, please come with new chapters! <3
Thank you for making my boys part of this great story! <3
laurashipssaida #9
Chapter 17: Hahaha
Taeyong : *insert confused pikachu face*
Chapter 17: Yeah.. she's "not" pregnant