Chapter 21


"Yes?" Renjun asks as he catches Ten staring at him for the umpteenth time today.

"Ah." Ten shakes his head. "It's nothing."

Renjun nods and continues to piece together a bug with a soldering iron and tweezers. 

After putting the final touches together, Renjun shows it to Ten with a smile. 


"Let me see." Ten takes the bug from Renjun. "Let's test it out. How about putting it in the security room."

"Security room?!" Renjun shouts making Ten jump.

"Why did you have to shout so loud? What's wrong with the security room?"

"N-nothing, I just...why the security room?"

"Where did you want to put it then? The conference room?"

"No!" Renjun shouts.

"Why not?" 


"It doesn't matter. We're just testing it anyways."

Ten and Renjun walk to the security room. 

"What's up?" Ten greets Yuta. 

"Nothing much. What about you two? What are you doing here in the security room?" 

"Testing a bug." Ten says. "Is that the club's data? You're still looking at that?"

"I'm still trying to find clues. This isn't the only data I'm reviewing." Yuta sighs out. "I think I'm going to go blind. I'm trying to find the IP address that hacked us. Obviously, I got nothing. The person who hacked us is an expert."

"More of an expert than you?" Renjun asks. 

"Maybe. Not too sure." 

"So if this person hacks our base, we're fully vulnerable and exposed?"

"It depends. If they hack us when I'm here, I might have a chance to stop them from getting any information."

"Ok, enough. We're here to test the bug. Come on." Ten says. "We're leaving this here. Uh, talk to us or something." 

The moment Ten and Renjun step out of the security room, Yuta's voice is heard.

"This is Yuta. Yuta is handsome. Yuta is smart. Yuta is the best. Yuta is number one. Yuta is—"

"Ok. The bug works." Ten days barging back into the room. He pulls out his cell phone and dialed a number. 

"Hello, handsome. I'm testing a bug." Ten speaks on the phone for a few minutes before hanging up. "A lot of interference. More than usual. Is there more than one bug in here or what?"

Renjun feels his body growing colder. "Impossible. How could someone just walk in here and bug our security room?"

"That's true." Ten says. "Good job, Renjun. You can go and practice more."

"When will you teach me how to make a bug that does not interfere with other wave frequencies?"

"We'll get there when we get there." Ten ruffles Renjun's hair. "Now, go practice."

"Ok." Renjun nods walking away.

"I meant it when I said there are more than one bug interfering with the security room's wave frequency." Ten turns to Yuta.

"You mean he—"

In the conference room

"It can't be an outside source, otherwise we'd have known. The bug is from the inside. And on the inside, it's only me, and recently...Renjun."

"Should we detach the bug?" Yuta asks.

"Leave it." Taeyong orders.

"What?" The others are shocked.

"First it's Haechan, now it's Renjun. What if the others join in?" Jaehyun asks.

"They must want something from us." Johnny says. "But what exactly?"

"I want to know too." Taeyong says. "So leave them be. Just act natural. It's not like they're harming us in any way. Plus, they're family."

"And if they do harm us?" Jungwoo asks.

Taeyong shrugs. "We'll deal with it when the time comes." 

Jieun POV

This job stresses me out. Stupid people. 

I turn on the TV. 

"Kim JaeYoung, an illegal weapon merchant was assassinated this evening. The suspect had not been found."

"Wow. Our government at finding people." I turn off the TV and walk over to the window. "Talk about finding people..."

Where are my Dream babies at?

I quickly dial Jaemin's number.

"Nana, where are you guys?"

"At home. The NCT home."

"You boys aren't...coming here tonight?"

"No. Not tonight. Sorry, noona."

I let out a weak chuckle. "Forget it. Have fun. Don't forget to eat dinner."

"We won't."

Haechan POV

"I was so shocked. What if they find out?" Renjun asks.

"Take the bug out." I say nonchalantly.

"Do you know how hard it was to bug the security room? Yuta hyung is always in there, and the only time he leaves is when he needs to use the restroom or to eat. Hell, he even eats in there."

"Wait for him to leave the room, and we'll be your look out." Jisung suggests. 

"You make it sound so easy." Renjun says with a roll of his eye. "I'll be your look out. You take the bug out."

"But I don't know where you put it."

Renjun rolls his eyes again. 

"Forget it. Maybe they didn't even realize it." Jeno says.

"I hope so. But Ten hyung is a bug expert. He might have known from that one phone call."

"Then they would tell us, right?" Chenle asks.

"Why would they tell us that they're suspicious of us?" I said. "Don't be an idiot."

"That's true." Jaemin agrees. "It'll be more suspicious if we take it out, right? Just leave it."

"If they're not going to do anything about it, then just continue to listen in." Jeno says. "Though they might be more conscious of what they say now."

"That's true too. But if they're more conscious, we'll know that they know. At that time, just deactivate your bug. You know how to do that, right?" I ask.


"What the hell, Renjun?!" Jisung shouts.

"Hey! At least I'm doing something, ok? What about you? You're not doing anything! This is to protect your biological sister."

"I'll think of something." Jisung mumbles with a pout.


"Ssh." Jaemin hushes us with his finger to his lips. "It's Jieun noona."

After the call, we all sigh. 

"Look, this isn't the time to be fighting right now." Jeno says.

"Exactly." Chenle agrees. "Let's just do what Jaemin said. Just leave it."

Lucas POV

"Lucas." Taeyong calls out before I exit the conference room. "Keep your eye on Jieun."

"I will." I say and make my way to my room. I trudge over to my bed and just let myself fall onto the soft mattress. 

I am awakened by the sunlight rays hitting my eyes. I look at the clock and widen my eyes in surprise. ! I'm late! I quickly get myself ready and make my way to the coffee shop.

"Where's Jieun?" I ask Kun. 

Kun shrugs. "She never came in."


"Never came in either."

"So much for keeping my eyes on Jieun." I mumble. 

Jieun POV

I look at the clock and let out a sigh. Time for lunch. I make my way to a nearby family restaurant.

"What would you like?"

"Can I get Sundubu-jjigae (soft tofu stew), please. Thank you."

When I start eating, someone lightly pats my back and I turn to them.

"What a coincidence, Jieun." Ten says with a bright smile.

I chuckle. "Coincidence, indeed. Hey, Ten. Hey, Johnny."

"Hi." The two men greet me in sync.

"What are you eating?" Ten asks.


"Looks delicious."

"Do you want to share the table with me?" I ask.

"No, thank you." Ten shakes his head. "I was actually just passing by and saw you. I'll be going now. See you next time."


"They never showed up?" Taeyong asks.

"Never." Lucas confirms over the phone.

"Alright. Hang around then. Incase they do show up."

"Will do."

Taeyong heaves out a sigh. 

"Well, aren't they suspicious." Doyoung says nonchalantly.


"What, Jaehyun. You think I'm wrong? They haven't been around for what, three days? And suddenly, two big wigs in the black market are dead. Tell me it's a coincidence."

"Stop arguing. Why are we fighting amongst ourselves? This is ridiculous." I say walking out.

"Wait for me." Johnny yells out running after me. "Where are you going?"

"Out. I'm tired of being here where the others argue over the same thing."

"Are you hungry? Wanna go out for lunch? Let's go for barbecue."

I let out a soft chuckle. "Ok."

We make our way to a barbecue restaurant when I see a familiar figure.

"Johnny, stop the car."

"What a coincidence, Jieun." 

After talking with Jieun for a bit, we return to the car and I pull out my laptop.

"Do you always have your tracking and bugging equipment with you?"

"Of course." I say with a bright smile. 

Jieun leaves the family restaurant and is heading for an alleyway. I raise my brows confused. 

"Go around this corner." I ordered Johnny.

"Ok, ok." He says as we drive past the alleyway. Jieun was standing there with a cigarette in her hand.

"Is Jieun a smoker?"

"How should I know?" Johnny shrugs. "Are we going for barbecue or not?"

"We need to keep watch." 

Johnny lets out a sigh.

"Something's weird." I say getting out of the car. "It's been an hour and she hasn't moved at all."

I run to the alleyway and Jieun is no longer there. I look at the screen in my hand. The tracker indicates that the tracker is still here in the alleyway.

"What the—"


Suddenly, someone grabs Ten by the wrist and locks his arm behind his back and the perpetrator pushes him against the wall.

"You meeting me in the restaurant was a coincidence." Jieun says and suddenly holds up the tracking device in her hand for Ten to see. "But putting a tracker on me wasn't, right, Ten?"

"Jieun, I can explain. Ah." Ten hiss out in pain as Jieun's hold on him tightens. 

"Please do. And let me tell you, it better be en good."

"Ten?" Johnny says as he rounds the corner, just to see Ten with his arm locked behind his back. He reaches inside his sweater pocket, but Ten stops him.

"Don't. I'm ok. Kinda." 


Taeyong, Jieun, and the majority of NCT is present inside NCT's conference room.

"You want to explain to me why someone felt the need to put a tracking device on me?" Jieun starts, breaking the silence.

Taeyong takes a quick look at Ten before letting out a sigh. "We can explain." 

"I'm en waiting."

"I'll explain." Yuta says, pulling up data on the screen for everyone to see. Yuta explains Taeyong's kidnapping incident, the club situation, and the death of Song Hyunshik and Kim Jaeyoung.

"Ok, first of all, if it was really me, I saved Taeyong's . Why would you put a tracker on me? Second, I got rid of the evidence in the club. Third, I did not kill the two big whigs. There is no evidence that I did it."

"If it's not you, then who is it?" Yuta asks.

"Good question. I don't know." Jieun answers. "Aren't you supposed to find that out with your hacking skills?"

"We know who it is. It's King." Jungwoo says. "You killed those two, didn't you?"

"I'm not that King. I will say it again. I didn't kill the two big whigs. I have an alibi."

"Where's your alibi?" Doyoung challenge.

Jieun scoffs and pulls out her phone dialing a number. 

"Hello, this is Park Jieun from the ITC department. Can you email me my timesheet for work, please. I am in need of the information. Thank you very much. I appreciate it."  Jieun hangs up the call. "Now we wait for the email." Ten minutes later, an email arrives, and Jieun lets Yuta check it. Yuta verifies the company and the cameras before looking up from his laptop.

"So?" Taeyong asks.

"It's legit."

"I thought we had this trust going on, but I guess not. You obviously don't trust me." Jieun states.

"We're sorry." Taeyong apologized.

"Sorry?" Jieun scoffs standing up. "I trusted you guys. I wanted you to keep Dream out of your underground work, and I also trusted you guys to protect them. I respected you and your decisions. I think I deserve the same respect and trust from your side, but this relationship doesn't look like it'll work out. The trust is broken. Oh wait, it was one sided on my part this whole time. What was never whole can not be broken."

Jieun makes her way towards the exit.

"Jieun." Taeyong calls out.

"Oh, before I leave, did you guys want to put another tracker on me? Or a bug? Oh, or even better, put cameras in my home and supervise me 24/7 like a en kid?"

"Can we?"

"Yuta." Taeyong hiss out. "Look, Jieun. We're sorry. Everything is just happening so fast, and there's so much going on. We didn't mean to suspect you."

"Look, you don't trust me, and that's fine. But one thing you need to know is that we're not enemies." Jieun says.

"How can we be sure?" Jaehyun asks.

"I swear on my life." NCT looks at each other. "My life costs more than you think." Jieun says walking out.


"Jieun noona isn't home? How rare." Jaemin says looking around. 

"Huh? She's not home? Impossible!" Haechan shouts a bit too excitedly. 

Jeno hit him upside the head. "Why are you so excited?"

"You ." Haechan says rubbing his head. 

"I'm going to check her room." Renjun says. He walks up the stairs and knocks on Jieun's door. "Noona? Jieun noona?" He opens to the door to a dark room. He turns on the light and looks around the empty room. He was going to close the door when something catches his eye. He grabs it and runs to the others.

"Renjun, was she in her room?"

Renjun shakes his head.

"What is that?" Jisung asks.

"I got it from Jieun noona's room."

"What is it?" Jeno grabs it from Renjun and observes it.

"It looks like a tracking device." Renjun shrugs.

"You think she's gonna use it on us?" Jisung wonders.

"Haechan, maybe." Jaemin answers.

"Hey! Why me?"

"You're the most troublesome one." Everyone replies in sync. 

"That isn't the only thing I found." Renjun holds up a cellphone.

"Ok?" the others say confused.

Renjun lets out a sigh. "Look." Renjun accesses the cellphone with no trouble.

"Huh. It doesn't even have a password." Haechan says, taking it from Renjun.

"It was on when I entered her room."

"On? Even though she's not here?" Jeno asks and Renjun nods in confirmation.

"What the hell?" Haechan shouts.

"What?" the others asked. Haechan showed the screen to the others. There, displayed on the screen, was information regarding NCT. They continue to scroll through the cell phone. Information on NCT and their family background was all present.

Lights shining through the window catches their attention.

"Jieun noona is here. Act natural!" Haechan shouts. They all rush around trying to act natural as Jieun opens the front door.

"Hey, Dreamies."

"Hi, Jieun noona." They all wave.

"Not with NCT tonight?"

"No." They shake their heads. 

"What is Jisung doing?" 

The others turn to see Jisung wearing a pair of thick rimmed glasses with a fake mustache, as the top half of his body is on a giant pig plushie, his left leg on the couch with his right leg hanging in midair.

"Living in his natural habitat." Jaemin answers with a bright smile.

"Right." Jieun says making her way up to her room.

The rest of them turn to Jisung and smack him. 

"Do you know what 'act natural' means?" Haechan hisses.

"Where did you get the glasses?" Chenle questions.

"Under the couch." Jisung answers.

"Who has the phone?" Jeno asks.

"Me." Haechan pulls it out and they continue to scroll through it.

"Hold on." Jaemin says grabbing the cellphone from Haechan. "There's only information on five members."

"Lucas, Taeyong, Johnny, WinWin and Yuta. " Renjun confirms. "That's it?"

"Why is she doing research on the hyungs?" Jisung wonders.

"She obviously doesn't trust them." Haechan answers. "What I want to know is, how Jieun noona got that information.

"Dreamies." Jieun calls out, her voice and footsteps getting closer to them.

"Jisung, hide it." Jaemin whispers, tossing it to him, as the rest run towards the stairs to distract Jieun. 

Jisung looks around, urgency rushing through his veins. The moment Jieun shows up at the top of the stairs, Jisung shoves it down his pants.

"I won't ask what that is." Jieun says, pointing to Jisung's crotch, as she descends the stairs. "I'll be going out with Areum tonight. Be good, Donghyuck."

"Why me?" He groans.

"You know why. Love you." Jieun says before walking out.

"What the hell, Jisung?" Haechan asks as they all turn to Jisung.

"Hey, at least she's not asking about this! What did you do?"

"Not shoving it down in our pants." Renjun answers.

"I couldn't hide it in time and I panicked!" Jisung explains pulling it out. "Here."

"I don't want to touch it. Unsanitary." Jaemin states. "Haechan."

"Ew. Hell no." 

"Don't be such wusses." Chenle says, walking over to Jisung. He clears his throat."Give it." Chenle reaches out, attempting to bravely grab it with his whole hand before he hesitates, and picks it up by the corner with his thumb and index finger. "Should we spray it down with alcohol?"

"And risk the cell phone dying? No, thank you." Renjun says.

"You want to look through it again like this?" 

"Ugh. Don't we have disposable hand wipes or something?" Haechan asks as the rest shrugs.


"Not enjoying yourself?" Areum shouts over the loud music in the club. 

"I'm thinking." 


"Why we are back here in Whiplash." Jieun shouted in Areum's ear. "The last time, I ended up killing two people here!"

"Ah~, right. I forgot!" Jieun shakes her head. "I'm going to the restroom!"

"Do you need me to come with?"

"No!" Areum yells. "I can take care of myself."

Jieun watches Aruem disappear into the crowd and she stares at her drink. 

Jieun entered her room, dropping her belongings onto the bed. She walked over to the closet and grabbed some clothes and realized that the items on her desk were missing. 

"Dreamies." She calls out, walking back to the boys and saw Jisung shove a cellphone in his pants. 

Jieun grips her drink cup and chugs the content, letting out a sigh. They have it.

"Give me a Superman." She orders the bartender. She paid the bartender and grabbed her drink. She turns towards the dance floor and looks around. Suddenly she sees someone handing over cash to another person, as person number two accepts it and pulls out a small bag, handing it to person number one. Jieun rushes over and takes the bag from person number one's hand.

"Hey!" The person shouted, attempting to punch Jieun. She dodges effortlessly, and pins the buyer down to the table, staring right at the seller.

"Bold of you to do this here. In my friends' turf." The seller got up and ran as Jieun chased after him. In the process of running, the male pushes people towards Jieun and throws glass around making a huge ruckus. Jieun finally grabs him by the back of his collar and pulls him back, locking him in place onto the ground. Multiple bodyguards show up, pulling Jieun and the male apart from each other, as they are taken to a private room. The male was trying his hardest to struggle free as Jieun calmly walked with them.

"Boss, these two are the ones making a ruckus tonight." 

"Making a ruckus? I was trying to save your club." Jieun says, roughly pulling herself from the bodyguard's hold. The bodyguards attempted to hold Jieun in place but Johnny dismissed them. The male was still struggling trying to get free from his set of bodyguards.

"What happened?" Johnny asks.

Jieun sighs and pulls out the bag containing some unknown white crystal substance.

"What kind of security do you guys have? To let a bastard like this in and sell drugs in your club." Jieun throws the bag on the table in front of Johnny.

"We took care of the one last time."

 "Are you guys en stupid? They're nothing but lackeys. Look, I'm not trying to meddle in your business, but the big boss is still out here distributing these goods. The same goods that my Hyuck got involved with last time. If you're not gonna do your job and hunt him down, I will."

"And what are you gonna do?"

"The moment I find the bastard, I will en kill him." Jieun says, her eyes, bore into Johnny's own. She then turns to the lackey who is still struggling. She walks over and immediately punches him. She pulled his hair, forcing him to look at her. "Who's your boss?"

"I-I don't know. I don't know." He stutters out.

Jieun punches him again. "Useless."

"Ok." Johnny lets out a sigh. "I'll handle this problem, ok? You, go home and relax."

"Johnny, you better find him soon. If you don't..." Jieun pats Johnny's shoulder with a cold smile and walks away without finishing her sentence.

'I'll strip NCT of their ranking in the underground.'

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I updated on Christmas but forgot to publish it. FAIL! 😅


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Chapter 21: waiting for an update☺️
Chapter 21: Yay! So happy to see an update.

Now Now Now, NCT better buck up. Both sides have trust issues which is fair given the nature of their work. Dreamies dont have it easy being caught in the middle.
buzzkillEm #3
Chapter 20: Can’t wait for an update uwu
Alphaxx #4
Chapter 20: Nct curious right ?? They have been curious to dream!!! Oh mann no markhyuck..??
Chapter 20: Ohhhh. Wow. Thanks for the update!!xx

Hmm is Yuta an inside spy for someone?
Chapter 18: I just found this. I wish it would be continued. :(
Chapter 18: ugh i need more of this story. im addicted to it !! i love this story <3 please update more
Chapter 18: I love this story, please come with new chapters! <3
Thank you for making my boys part of this great story! <3
laurashipssaida #9
Chapter 17: Hahaha
Taeyong : *insert confused pikachu face*
Chapter 17: Yeah.. she's "not" pregnant