Scandal Pt 3

I Like Him for Me

"Shh. Shh. He's waking up." 

"With my help of course."

"Shut up, you've got some explaining to do."

"Shush! He's awake!"

When I finally came to, I was on a massive king sized bed with Chaerin, Hyukjae, and Kyuhyun surrounding me. I groaned, feeling the onset of a headache. I guess today was rougher than I thought---

"Whose bed is this!?" I jumped up, ripping the covers off of me and clumsily tripped right into Kyuhyun's chest of all places.

"Well hello to you too, darling."

I pushed him away, landing back on the bed as I gave Chaerin a pleading look to save me. 

"Alright, you two. Don't be rude in front of me." She sat beside me and I noticed they were wearing the same clothing. So I hadn't been out for too long. As if Chaerin could read my mind, she replied "You've only been out a few hours, Hae. And this is Kyuhyun's room. I asked for the guest room, but alas" She sighed. "He wanted you to sleep here."

"Comfortably, might I add." Kyuhyun leaned forward, examining my face and I blushed. I had forgotten how much he didn't care for personal space. Hyukjae pulled him back.

"We can get to discussing the plan, but how exactly do you two know each other?"



It was four years ago. At the bottom of my career when I saw an article in a magazine talking about the latest restaurant, Brisju. 

Finger foods turned into modern art. The commingling of Brisbane, San Fransisco and Jeju Island, newbie Chef Cho Kyuhyun shocks the industry with his take on fine dining. Visit Brisju today!

Intrigued, I decided to pay a visit to the restaurant hoping to spark some well-needed motivation to write my next article. I called the restaurant, booked a reservation for the next day and went straight to bed. I was going to Brisju.

I wore a simple black-and-white suit, unsure of what to wear to such a place that was held in high regards. Upon arrival, I immediately realized a suit was unnecessary. The place was very homely. The wonderfully attentive staff sat me at one of their open tables and I was greeted warmly with fresh piping hot chamomile tea. The entire restaurant was made out of what appeared to be cherry wood and every detail painted the portrait of somewhere that felt like home. The scents, the service from the staff. I felt as if I were visiting an old friend, rather than another fancy eatery. 

I was given a menu some minutes later as I sipped slowly from the delicious tea. The menu was short, but had a sidenote letting me know that dishes were prepared based on seasonality and the chef. The odd combinations and simplicity made for a quirky choice: kimbap. Traditional kimbap was an assortment of vegetables, but this version was riddled with pork and fresh squid. It was an odd pairing, but I was hoping for the best. Any restaurant could make kimbap, but the combinations made for very different tastes. 

When the plate arrived, it was a very simple layout. the kimbap was arranged into the perfect spiral. I could see and make out every ingredient. The pork scent filled the air and my mouth watered. I wasn't a fan of squid, having eaten seafood my entire life, most didn't prepare it very well. I grabbed my chopsticks and picked up a single roll. I took a whiff, the aroma was amazing down to the seaweed. There was no way it wasn't fresh. It still carried the scent of the sea but with the tanginess of salt. I took a bite and I felt as if I were in heaven. The pork and squid tangoed across my palatte, the rice lightly seasoned and the seaweed wrapped around all mixed together. I couldn't believe it. I had to speak to the chef. I wasn't anyone special, but I had to give him the greatest thanks. Thank you for existing, for becoming a chef, for this fantastic recipe. 

I called the waiter over, begging to speak to the chef. I was willing to pay more if extra. Almost instantly, I was inspired to write about Brisju. I had to tell the world somehow, or at the very least record my feelings for anyone who might find my review. The waiter smiled and said he'd check. Minutes passed as I waited patiently. When the waiter returned, the most gorgeous man I had ever seen appeared behind him. My jaw dropped. His features were heavenly, so soft and delicate but there was strength behind his eyes. I stood upright, ready to greet him when he sashayed towards me pulling me into his arms. 

In shock I remained still until I felt his hand gently rubbing my back in warm comforting circles. 

"Um...chef Kyuhyun?"

"Please my darling, call me Kyu."

Did I just---did he just---

He grabbed my waist and tilted me over, one leg shot into the air as I tried to balance myself. 

"I live to serve you. Darling, allow me to feed you for the rest of your life."

He pulled me back onto both feet and I stared wide-eyed. Did this man just propose to me? with food? My entire face went up in flames as I tossed a $20 bill and bolted for the door.

"Wait mi bella!" 


"And that's how we met." I finished as Chaerin burst into tears from the laughing fit. Hyukjae was not laughing and punched Kyuhyun playfully on the shoulder, but it looked like it hurt. Kyuhyun flinched and pouted at Hyukjae while rubbing his arm. 

"You don't just grab people, Cho!"

Kyuhyun pouted even more. "He was the first person to genuinely compliment me. At the time everyone was talking only of my beef wellington." He rolled his eyes, "As if that's difficult. I graduated from the best and worked for the best. I could make beef wellington with my eyes closed!" He emphasized while closing his eyes. Again, Hyukjae punched his arm. 

"You're lucky, Siwon wasn't upset!" 

"I never told him." Kyuhyun huffed under his breath. It was at that moment that I realized the shining gold ring on his right finger. 

I pointed at it, while loudly exclaiming "You're married!?" 

Kyuhyun smiled and went to sit at the end of the bed. "Yup. At the time I wasn't though. Siwon and I were going through some rough patches. Mostly because of how insanely busy I was trying to build up my reputation. A year after that, he proposed. So it's been what, 3 years now?" He laughed, affectionately caressing his ring.

"Then why did you do all of that----stuff earlier?" 

"Cause I missed my #1 fan! Do you know how much backlash I received for using pork? Let alone in kimbap! I was so thankful and happy to see you again."

I sighed, palming my forehead. Of course I'd overreact about a clearly happily and gay married man. Nothing like my idiocy to end up being on the front page of every newspaper and magazine in the country. 

"Speaking of dating, when are you gonna ask he-" Hyukjae sprung forward, covering Kyuhyun's rambling mouth. I stared confused. Who would he ask out? Wasn't he with Yuri? And on top of that, Siwon! I recognized the name. So Hyukjae and Siwon were co-owners of Le Petit and Siwon and Kyuhyun were married, while Hyukjae is friends with Kyuhyun. What a triangle. 

"Alright guys, I think we'll have to make use of your guest room, Kyuhyun. I doubt those fiends have left."

Hyukjae removed his hand in agreement. "Yes. Let's show them to the spare rooms while you and I have a little chat." 

Chaerin and I got up and followed the duo. A large part of me wanted to be nosy. I just had to find out what they were going to discuss. But a larger part knew better than that. Whatever secret it was, I was certain it wouldn't be helpful for me to hear it. I was trying to move past my feelings and having stark reminders of who Hyukjae cared for didn't help in the least. So instead, I opted to follow Chaerin to the room and not Hyukjae. We had somethings we needed to discuss privately anyway. 


Chaerin tossed her phone onto the small brown nightstand and fell on top of the bed, throwing her arms across the fluffy comforter.

"God this is heaven!" She said, rolling around. "Whatever comforter this is, I am so buying it off Amazon when we get things sorted out." 

I sat at the edge of the bed, nerves neverending as I began to say what was at the forefront of my mind. 

"Hyukjae knows I'm gay."

Chaerin stopped rolling and laid on her side, one arm propped up to hold her head and the other around her slender waist. 

"Are you sure of that?"

Part of me agreed, after all I thought I carried my uality like a giant flag on my back that read IN THE CLOSET or that my style gave me away somehow. Maybe a scarf tucked too perfectly, or jeans a size too-small. These weren't distinguishing factors, but that's how modern life saw homouality. They saw it in movements, in voices, and clothing. Wearing a color a shade brighter could warrant these titles. But I also worried that it was my speech. Was I too polite? too meek? too happy

The other part of me felt as if there was no way to tell. My career was a falling slope up until a few years back and it was all food-related. Who in the world would make the connection between food and uality? Food was genderless, unlike society's style. 

"He has to know by now, he read the article."

"Correction, Hae. He read the article. He didn't hear it from you. Do you really think he'd make a large assumption based off fiction?"

I fiddled with my hands. "He believed I had sent the information about his book." 

Chaerin frowned. "That's different, Hae. We're talking career versus personal preference. I can understand why he was agitated. Granted, he didn't need to throw you under the bus for that either."

"I'm just unsure. If he doesn't know, great. We can continue to work together as if nothing has happened. If he does...."

"..he won't treat you any differently. His friends are gay and married. If he didn't oppose them, he wouldn't do the same to you." Chaerin leaned up from the bed and placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder. "Now let's try and get some sleep. It's almost midnight. First thing tomorrow morning we're having a press conference. Hyukjae is going to reveal his book."

"Is he all for it?"

"Not exactly." Chaerin smiled. "But while you were sleeping, the three of us had a long discussion and firmly decided it was for the best. He's contacted Yuri already and she set it up for 8 am. I've called Dara as well to bring the both of us some clothes so we can shower in the morning."

I nodded. "I'll take the floor, Chae."

She smirked. "Obviously. Like a good neighbor, Donghae is there~" She sing-songed and we broke out in laughter. 


Life: 0  Donghae: 1

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Surprise? I also edited some things like the removal of Drug Restaurant for a reason :/


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ldh2013 #1
Chapter 21: Whoa. Ain't she (Yuri) a B. Welcome back. I missed this story.
970 streak #2
Chapter 21: Thank you so much for this update.
Hyukjae is pining. Yuri is demanding, adamant. Chaerin is moving. Donghae is reconnecting. So many movements in a short chapter.
Looking forward to the culmination of all these movements!!!
970 streak #3
Chapter 20: I saw your feed re a poster maker and wondered how you were. I went back to this story and noticed that my last comment was on Tasteless. But I have read all the following chapters after that.
I love Donghae's little adventures in Paris, even the indecent proposal. After all. Donghae is such an attractive man.
And Hyukjae is still looking for him.
If you find your muse for this story, please continue. I still want the foodbook launching and how they will finally be together.
I hope you are fine.
Sylphide890807 #4
Chapter 20: Trop contente que tu sois de retour.
Merci pour la mise à jour.
ldh2013 #5
Chapter 20: You're back! Yay! Looking forward to the next chapter. Hope your muse recovers.
Chapter 19: Hi i wanted to tell you that i absolutely loved your story and still am i love your stories even if this is my first story that i read from you i still love how you express their feeing and how you make each charecter have their own plot i also love love love the plot of this story i would love to continue reading and supporting your stories i hope to hear back from you in the near future. (P.S one of your great readers, am also a sj and eunhae lover )
kiahae #7
Chapter 19: There something i didnt get in the last part
Chapter 19: oh my shisus we have been waiting Hyukjae!!! finally. I was screeching while reading this. thank you for the update authornim!!!❤
EunHaesMic #9
Chapter 19: OH MY GOSH!!!! I LOVE the way you wrote the “coming out” scene. At first I didn’t get it beucase I was confused about why he had talked about Hae and then just switched it to Yuri. But now I get it!! It makes perfect sense!! I CANT WAIT for a new update!! Thank you authornim!!<3
Sylphide890807 #10
Chapter 19: Enfin il est sorti et a accepté ses sentiments pour DH.
C'est tellement beau sa déclaration sur ce que lui apportait sa "relation platonique" avec DH.
Petite information, en France la monnaie est l'Euro et non le Franc, depuis 2002. Mais j'ai apprécié vos efforts pour décrire son arrivée dans mon cher pays la France