
I Like Him for Me

"What do you mean you can't find it? Don't you always keep it in your bag."

I removed my camera from the bag, turned over the bag and emptied the remaining contents on the floor. I was in a state of shock. I sat there, eyes wide. If I left it at the restaurant, anyone could read it or worse, it would be tossed out. So many notes of inspiration. If someone had copied that and published it, our entire portfolio would be ruined. They were intimate notes, how foolish could I be? 

"I do, but I was so exhausted yesterday I must've misplaced it."

She took her phone out of her pocket and handed it to me. "Call Hyukjae."

"What? One doesn't just call Hyukjae! He's not some average guy with nothing to do."

She looked at her phone, one eyebrow raised. "Really? Cause 5 minutes ago you told me he's with Yuri. Meaning it's nothing important compared to the notes in that book. Now call him."

Suddenly I chickened out. "I-I can't. You do it."

"Hae are you seriously being a child!" She scolded me. I folded my legs underneath me. 

"I-I don't know what to say!"

"Oh I don't know" She replied sarcastically. "How about, I lost my notebook have you seen it? For Christ Sake, Hae you're not asking him out!"

I snatched the phone from her and scowled. "You can be a real-"

"-. I'm aware and you can be one too in a different form." 

I sighed and quickly searched through her contacts. "Lee Lee? You gave him a nickname?" 

"That's someone else idiot. He's under Chef Lee. I'm gonna make myself a cocktail while you grow a pair." She exclaimed and walked off to the kitchen, grumbling away.

I braced myself, took a deep breath and dialed the number. It rang several times before someone answered.

"Hello Hyukjae?" I called out. My chest felt tight and my palms were beginning to sweat. Gosh she was right. I couldn't even make a phonecall.

"Hyukjae is in the shower, may I ask who this is?" 

It was a female voice. It was Yuri. He said he had errands to run....did he actually mean that or--


"Sorry, this is Lee Donghae."

"Donghae." She replied tonelessly. "For what reason are you calling Hyukjae?"

"I-I may have left-" I paused. I wasn't sure if Hyukjae had told her I spent the night and I didn't want to open that can of worms.

"I may have left my notebook at the restaurant, can you ask Hyukjae if he's seen it. It's a small brown, leatherbound spiral notebook."

The phone went silent for a few seconds, to the point that I thought she had hung up on me.

"Yes. He has it here in his house."

"Oh great, can I-"

"You can come tomorrow to the restaurant to get it."

I checked the time on the phone. "But it's still so early-"

A dial tone. She had hung up. I frowned, great. We just met and already she hated my guts, what a surprise. I got up off the bathroom floor, stuffed my camera and various items back in the bag and headed to the kitchen. Chaerin was sitting on a chair, martini glass pressed to her lips. When she saw me she placed the glass back on the table.

"So, how's my ship?"


"What now? He didn't answer?"

"Worse, Yuri did."

She rolled her eyes and reached for her martini again, this time drinking it in its entirety.

"Chae, it's half past 10."

She slammed the glass on the table. "It's Sunday, I don't have work and it's noon somewhere. So tell me, what did the bat-out-of-hell say now?"

I slid into the chair across from her at the table. "She said I could get it tomorrow."

"Tomorrow? It's-"

"Early. I said the exact same thing and she hung up on me." 

Chaerin scoffed. "Just like her to do something like that. It's starting to make me think Hyukjae has more secrets than he's letting out."

"Secrets?" I questioned, reaching for my hot cocoa. As upset as I was to have to wait till tomorrow for a small notebook, I wasn't on the path to becoming an alcoholic anytime soon. 

"Yes, secrets." She got up off the chair and opted to make herself another martini. "Think about it, Hae. Every article and every photo you take, she wants to see before its published. She's covering for him."

"Or she's covering for herself." I said, taking a long sip of the cocoa. It was starting to get cold, but it was still plenty delicious. 

"This sounds like a great article!" Chaerin exclaimed happily and tossed an olive into the glass.

"Again, tabloids." 

She grabbed her glass and returned to sit back in the chair. "So? I bet you anything that the only reason she's trying to paint Hyukjae with this perfect image is because it involves her."

I glared at the marshmallows slowly dissolving in my cocoa. "Because she's dating him."

"HA! With what proof? Cause you saw them hug? Hae be realistic. They could be buddies or at the most likely scenario, she could be a gold digger."

I took another sip. Maybe I could use a martini. Or something stronger like jack on the rocks. It seriously wasn't our business. The portfolio was entirely food-themed, nothing scandalous. But I was growing curious. Was Yuri just his girl or was there more to it? I shook my head. Chaerin was definitely rubbing off on me. I didn't want to dislike anyone simply because they had what I lacked. I wasn't envious like that. 

"Either way, I'm not getting involved." It shocked me to say that, but it was for the best. "Curiosity killed the cat." I was being firm in my resolve. Food. Strictly food.

She shrugged. "And curiosity brought it back." 

In the end, we both finished our drinks and I opted to sleep on the couch. I could've gone home, but the rain was nowhere near its end. Instead the sky boomed every so often and I was still exhausted. Last night's rest was slowly wearing off and it was a messier morning in more ways than one and far from expectation. She handed me a blanket and I nodded off within seconds. 



"So Hae, I heard you got all hands on deck for the Hyukjae portfolio." It was Lay, one of the junior journalists standing at the doorway. He wasn't a gossiper, but he wasn't exactly Switzerland in the field either. 

I leaned back in my chair and nodded, glancing at the small brown notebook I had retrieved that morning.

"Wow, such an honor. How is he as a you know, person?" Lay asked curiously, his head tilting. Did I mention he was loose a few screws? Just a little more ditzy than your average teenage girl. 

"Um...human?" I asked, unsure of how to respond to his question. Was he calling Hyukjae an alien? It wouldn't surprise me. Lay always had an obsession with space and "otherworldy beings" as he called it.

"Ha. Ha." He chuckled. "You know what I mean. Most tabloids have him painted out as arrogant." 

In a way I agreed, but it was a trait most chefs shared. Confidence, albeit arrogance was the only way you were climbing any social ladder. Even in the culinary world. 

"He has his moments, but so far he's just like any one of us."

Lay shook his head. "Impossible. He's famous in the food industry, even I know that and my favorite meal is chicken wings and french fries." 

Chicken wings. I recalled and by that he meant from any fast-food counter on any corner. French fries ladened with salt. He had never had so much as truffle fries, a shame really. 

"I know, but it's true. You'll see more when the articles come out in December." 

"Alrighty then. I'll get back to my writing, Mother's on the prowl!" He yelped and ran for it. By Mother, he meant Chaerin. He was terrified of her. She had a way of putting everyone and anyone in their place. That was one woman you could take to court and she'd rattle the judge. 

Get back to work! 

Within a few seconds, she waltzed into my office. 

"Did you get the notebook or did you get laid cause your hair looks awfully ed." She said and I shot up out of my seat, running to the mirror on the wall. 

"I do not!" 

"Do not what? Please put effort into your fashion, this is still a company. Even with it's wackjobs like Lay."

"Leave the kid alone, he's scared of you." I proclaimed, fixing a few strands of hair that were out of place.

She cackled. "I enjoy teasing him, he's kinda cute."

"And kinda young. He just turned 21." I turned to face her. "Do I look alright now?"

"You look acceptable for today's rainy Monday. And practice makes perfect." She smiled, her lips. 

"Yuck. Unnecessary comments in the workplace." 

She threw her hands up in the air. "Alrighty, before I get sued by someone. I know a few who'd love to drop-kick me out of here."

"And I'm one of them." I walked back to my desk, folding my laptop and grabbing my notebook. It was lunchtime and the new ramen spot was calling my name.

"Anyway, I know you're off to lunch, but give me details here."

"Fine." I grumbled. She'd never take no for an answer, it wasn't her style. God help her future husband or wife. Chaerin wasn't that picky. 

I gave her the rundown of what had occurred. I woke up almost 6 am to make sure I would make it. When I got to the restaurant it was still closed, so I called Hyukjae's cell again, having saved the number from Chaerin's contact list. When I called, Yuri picked up yet again. 

"Hello, who is this?"

"Lee Donghae. This is my official cell, is Hyukjae there?" I asked because honestly, I called for him not her. I didn't realize she owned his cellphone too.

"Ah Donghae. You're here for the notebook. I'll be right there." 

And again, she hung up. I didn't understand why Hyukjae couldn't speak let alone why he didn't answer his own phone number. Were the timing of my calls that inconvenient? Within a few minutes she popped up downstairs, wrapped in a silk robe. I turned my head in disgust. 

"Here you are" She said and tossed the notebook in the air. Luckily I caught it.

"I read through it, you should learn not to voice every opinion." She exclaimed. I was angry. She had no right to look through my personal items. Chaerin was right, dignity was not her greatest trait. To boldly exclaim that you've gone through practically the equivalent of someone's personal diary and then to comment on it? I was livid. 

"That's why it's my personal notebook and not an article piece."

"You have a crush on Hyukjae." She said with disgust. I could hear the bitterness roll off on her tongue, the tone snappish and blunt. 

"And you gathered that from key notes?"

"Who wouldn't have their eyes on him? He's rich and successful." She proudly announced, the tease in her smile giving her position away.

"I'm guessing those are your favorite things about him." 

"He's not gay, Donghae. Just write the articles, take your pics and be on your way." She flicked her wrist at me as if shoeing me away like some bug.

"All I came here for was a notebook, not a heteroual announcement. Let's not making working with each other anymore difficult than it has to be." I gripped my notebook so tight, my knuckles were turning white. The urge to slap that smirk off her face was growing. 

She flipped her hair. "Just saying. Don't call his cell anymore. I'll contact you."

"And what if he contacts me?" Her eyes grew wide and I could see her right eye twitching. I knew she was seething with anger, but if it was a catfight she wanted then she was going to get it. 

"Why would he? I'm the one who organizes his schedule." 

"But I'm the one who is in a multi-million dollar deal with him. If the contract is voided on your end, it comes out of your pocket." She flipped her hair again and walked back inside, slamming the door behind her. 

"And that's what happened."

"I knew it!" Chaerin slammed her hand on the wall. "That money-hungry ! I'm gonna expose her!"

"You can't!" I pleaded. As much as I was starting to dislike her, Hyukjae cared deeply for her. His eyes...body language never lied. It would kill him to know the love of his love was a greedy snake. 

"Why Hae? She's using him, I thought you liked the skinny anchovy!"

"He's not skinny! And don't call him that, he's got an athletic body." 

"Skinny." I could hear her mumble underneath her breath. 

"He loves her, not me. What would I look like a complete stranger walking up to him and saying hey I'm writing lovely articles about you because I'm head-over-heels and by the way your girl is a lying golddigger who you should probably dump and turn gay for me! How the hell would that sound!?" 

"Like a Hallmark movie in the works." 

"You mean a Hallmark movie gone-bad. Anyway, as atrocious as her personality is, I refuse to get involved. After all, its your fault. So if anyone's gonna say anything: it'll be you."

"Me? I'm trying to set you up!"

"Set me up for failure! Number one rule: never get involved." We both said at the same time. It was a founding rule in our friendship. We'd offer advice, offer our shoulders and ice cream for comfort, but we'd never get involved in each other's personal lives. Something she was currently breaking.

"Okay. Fine. I give up!" She raised her arms in defeat and walked towards the door. "But one day-" She pointed at me, one hand over her hip. "-one day you're gonna thank me. I have a gut feeling about this and a fist that's ready to ruin her plastic face." She put her arms down and left the room. 

I leaned back on my desk. How did a food portfolio turn into a scandal? I didn't know how, but something was in the air. And knowing my luck, I'd get hit full force with it.

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Surprise? I also edited some things like the removal of Drug Restaurant for a reason :/


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ldh2013 #1
Chapter 21: Whoa. Ain't she (Yuri) a B. Welcome back. I missed this story.
970 streak #2
Chapter 21: Thank you so much for this update.
Hyukjae is pining. Yuri is demanding, adamant. Chaerin is moving. Donghae is reconnecting. So many movements in a short chapter.
Looking forward to the culmination of all these movements!!!
970 streak #3
Chapter 20: I saw your feed re a poster maker and wondered how you were. I went back to this story and noticed that my last comment was on Tasteless. But I have read all the following chapters after that.
I love Donghae's little adventures in Paris, even the indecent proposal. After all. Donghae is such an attractive man.
And Hyukjae is still looking for him.
If you find your muse for this story, please continue. I still want the foodbook launching and how they will finally be together.
I hope you are fine.
Sylphide890807 #4
Chapter 20: Trop contente que tu sois de retour.
Merci pour la mise à jour.
ldh2013 #5
Chapter 20: You're back! Yay! Looking forward to the next chapter. Hope your muse recovers.
Chapter 19: Hi i wanted to tell you that i absolutely loved your story and still am i love your stories even if this is my first story that i read from you i still love how you express their feeing and how you make each charecter have their own plot i also love love love the plot of this story i would love to continue reading and supporting your stories i hope to hear back from you in the near future. (P.S one of your great readers, am also a sj and eunhae lover )
kiahae #7
Chapter 19: There something i didnt get in the last part
Chapter 19: oh my shisus we have been waiting Hyukjae!!! finally. I was screeching while reading this. thank you for the update authornim!!!❤
EunHaesMic #9
Chapter 19: OH MY GOSH!!!! I LOVE the way you wrote the “coming out” scene. At first I didn’t get it beucase I was confused about why he had talked about Hae and then just switched it to Yuri. But now I get it!! It makes perfect sense!! I CANT WAIT for a new update!! Thank you authornim!!<3
Sylphide890807 #10
Chapter 19: Enfin il est sorti et a accepté ses sentiments pour DH.
C'est tellement beau sa déclaration sur ce que lui apportait sa "relation platonique" avec DH.
Petite information, en France la monnaie est l'Euro et non le Franc, depuis 2002. Mais j'ai apprécié vos efforts pour décrire son arrivée dans mon cher pays la France