In the Cold

Seduced by the Devil
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Five seats separated them.
The bus rocked on it’s way up the mountain. 

She’d been staring at the back of Amber’s head for nearly three hours. 

Krystal sighed and turned her face away to prop her forehead against the thick glass of the bus window. She felt Gavin glance over at her and hoped he wouldn’t try to start up a conversation again. There were only so many times she could discuss bible passages without wanting to rip her hair out, especially with someone who just wanted to tell her what they were about rather than have an actual conversation about them. 

And especially after the talk her parents had given her before she left for the trip. 

Her eyes tried to stray to Amber again, but she managed to keep them firmly closed until they reached their destination, her hand clutching the locket around .
They all piled out of the bus, relieved to finally be off their bottoms and the poorly cushioned government seats. They collected their bags in as organized a manner they could, then stood around waiting for lodge assignments with the chaperones. 

Krystal felt a thrill when she realized she would be housed with Amber. It had been two weeks since the end of their assignment. In that time, they’d only managed to text or have a few calls when she was alone. Seeing Amber at bible study and band practice just wasn’t enough anymore. Amber had managed to become her best friend over the past few months, the only one who really knew her in Green Valley, and sometimes she was afraid she’d developed a bit of a crush.
She clutched the locket Amber had given her tightly in her free hand. Words that she could never say out loud, and somehow Amber knew. She’d looked at the girl in front of her, seen through who everyone wanted her to be, right into who she really was.
Krystal bit her bottom lip and followed Amber, two other girls, and their two chaperones to their lodge. It didn’t escape her that every other group had gotten a single chaperone. They treated Amber like a rabid animal when everyone around them was far more dangerous to the innocent girl who just happened to be a little bit different. 

“Alright girls, we know you’re all tired from the trip, so go ahead to your rooms and relax a bit before dinner. There is one at the end of the hall, another across from it, and this one directly off the living room,” one of the chaperones announced.

She tried to be discreet when flicking her eyes over to Amber, but their gazes connected and they each smiled a little as they fell into step down the hall. 

“Bunk beds,” Amber sighed, unimpressed.
Krystal rolled her eyes and walked inside, throwing her bags onto the lower bunk and bouncing on the mattress a bit. “It’s loud,” she said when the frame squeaked. 

Amber’s cheeks flushed red, then Krystal’s did too when she realized what it sounded like she’d been implying. 

She cleared . “So, think you’re going to have fun this week yet?” 

Amber shuffled into the room, looked uncertain about whether or not she should close the door behind her, but put her bags down and sat next to Krystal on the bunk. She let out a little laugh. 

“Ugh. I’m really hoping so. As long as everyone leaves me alone.” Amber grimaced. She was lonely most days, especially since their photo project ended. It had reminded her what it was like to hang out with a friend every day, so now that it, and classes were over, she missed it. She and Krystal had discussed signing up for Art again for her last semester at Green Valley High, so at least they would have that. She didn’t think she would work on the paper again. The hostility from the other students was getting to her.

“Let’s go get dinner,” Krystal said, briefly touching Amber’s elbow. “Then we can play Scrabble or something. I saw a few board games on the shelves in the living room.” 

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Thank you so much for being patient, everyone. I'm trying to update more frequently. Please leave comments, reading them is my favorite thing to do.


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idkwhattoputheree #1
Chapter 26: Chapter 26: can't wait for an update! gonna binge read (i don't think that's a word but who cares) your stories while I wait :P
oscar12 #2
Chapter 26: I can't wait for an update! This story is beautifully written
unknown_kx #3
Chapter 26: Update pls🙏
ramulover #4
Chapter 26: Happy New Years! Re-reading this story because it's just too good.
Still hoping that there will be updates to come.
Appledots5 #5
Chapter 26: T T
2078 streak #6
Chapter 26: Thanks for the update!
unknown_kx #7
Chapter 26: I need Krystal to file a petition for emancipation asap
2078 streak #8
Chapter 26: Oh damn Julie’s mom is a
amhar03 #9
Chapter 26: If i'm in that situation, i would thought being in coma is more easier than wake up. That town is such a mess, i dont know how those parent can do that to their child
Chapter 26: Thank you for the update...