Take Note

Seduced by the Devil
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“Mom, I have a big announcement to make,” Jessica said, standing up from the table and looking expectantly at her husband. He grinned widely, then stood to take her hand in his.

“What is it?” Mrs. Jung asked, flicking her eyes at Mr. Jung in anticipation.

Krystal could only feel some sort of nervous energy swirling somewhere in her chest. She hadn’t spoken to Amber since she’d tricked her into driving her home and Amber had been kind of quiet during the Bible study on Saturday. She wondered if Amber was scared she would tell people she’d admitted to being a lesbian. Or if she feared some sort of retaliation for driving around the sister of the town’s sweetheart.  It’s not like she’d made much effort to approach Amber though.

She sighed, looking down at her dinner plate, trying to clear her head, worried about her obsession with Amber.

“We’re pregnant!!!!” Jessica screamed, her husband smiling proudly beside her.

Krystal’s head jerked up. “What?” she gasped.

“I’m pregnant, little sister,” Jessica said, rushing around the table to hug her.

Krystal tried to wriggle her face into something reflecting happy surprise, but she wasn’t quite sure she managed it.

One more box her sister had ticked off in the Good Christian Woman handbook.

“Congratulations,” she finally strangled out. “I’m-I’m so happy for you.”

“You’re freaked,” Jessica corrected, tapping her on the nose. “But you’re going to make a wonderful aunt. And it’ll be great practice for when you have one of your own.”

seemed to close up. Was it possible to die like this? She wondered.

“It’s such a blessing when you start a family,” Mrs. Jung agreed, her hand reverently on her eldest daughter’s stomach while her husband stood congratulating Jessica’s husband Evan. “Oh, Krystal I can’t wait until the day we’re planning your wedding together and picking out dresses! You’re going to make the most beautiful bride. And I’ve seen Gavin looking at you at church,” she said with a conspirational wink. “Your father’s had an eye on him for you.”

She rubbed at her chest, trying to stay focused on the conversation.

“Yeah, that boy is going places,” her father said, finally tuning in to their half of the conversation. “He’s already got his sights on the college he wants to go to and the grades to get a wonderful scholarship. He’d make a wonderful husband to a girl like you.”

The image of her serving Gavin in the family kitchen almost made her gag.

“But don’t worry. I’m sure any boy you crook your finger at will come running,” her dad said, chucking her on the chin.

“Do you still keep that prayer book?” Jessica asked, her hand resting on her flat stomach, her husband’s hand on top of hers. “I remember you used to write little things down in there about what you wanted in your future husband.”

Krystal recalled the little blue book Jessica was talking about and her face flamed in shame thinking about what had actually been in there and the day she’d burned it. After that Easter Sunday six years ago.

“No…I…I decided to keep the prayers in my heart instead,” she murmured.

“Aw, she’s shy.”

“May I be excused?” she gasped out, already almost to her feet.

“Of course, sweetheart.”

She marched up the stairs on stiff legs

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Thank you so much for being patient, everyone. I'm trying to update more frequently. Please leave comments, reading them is my favorite thing to do.


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idkwhattoputheree #1
Chapter 26: Chapter 26: can't wait for an update! gonna binge read (i don't think that's a word but who cares) your stories while I wait :P
oscar12 #2
Chapter 26: I can't wait for an update! This story is beautifully written
unknown_kx #3
Chapter 26: Update pls🙏
ramulover #4
Chapter 26: Happy New Years! Re-reading this story because it's just too good.
Still hoping that there will be updates to come.
Appledots5 #5
Chapter 26: T T
2078 streak #6
Chapter 26: Thanks for the update!
unknown_kx #7
Chapter 26: I need Krystal to file a petition for emancipation asap
2078 streak #8
Chapter 26: Oh damn Julie’s mom is a
amhar03 #9
Chapter 26: If i'm in that situation, i would thought being in coma is more easier than wake up. That town is such a mess, i dont know how those parent can do that to their child
Chapter 26: Thank you for the update...