
7 sources of happiness

When you have kids troubles never end. Leeteuk said no to Heechul and Yesung has to stay in the kindergarten. Now they don’t speak much and they are angry. Heechul thinks that if is Yesung so unhappy then he shouldn't be forced to go there. On the other hand Leeteuk thinks that they cant solve every problem for Yesung, he has to be less shy and try to find friends on his own.


Meanwhile Shindong’s teacher informed them that their son has troubles with reading. Heechul is shocked and thinks that it is his fault. He is Shindong’s mother so why hasn’t he seen it before? Luckily Leeteuk is the strong one.


So today after school Leeteuk takes a book of fairy tales and went in Shindong’s room. 


“Lets read for a while. Would you like to read a book with daddy?”


Leeteuk sat down and opened the book. Shindong feels stupid that he cant read like other kids in his class. Leeteuk is very patient, after all this is his son. Shindong feels better after few pages because daddy isn’t like his teacher who is always mean to him while daddy patiently waits until he finds out how to read some letters. 


Kangin is doing homework with his mommy while twins and triples are playing. Kangin is smart but lazy so Heechul has to sit next to him and Kangin can leave only after finishing his work. After one hour Kangin can pack his things for next day and finally ran to play with his brothers.


Shindong doesn’t mind that he is still working because it is fun. They finished the book and Leeteuk gave him lollypop as a reward. Of course that in moment when others saw it, they ran to their daddy and want too. For few minutes the house is silent until their sons finished eating and started to play again.


Heechul and Leeteuk are peacefully sleeping when Ryeowook ran in their bedroom. 

“Mommy! Daddy!”

He is yelling while hitting his parents with his small fists. They woke up and Ryeowook drags Heechul in his bedroom.


Ryeowook is very light sleeper and woke up because of Yesung’s whining. He immediately sensed that something is wrong with his brother and ran to wake them up.

Heechul kneeled down next to Yesung’s bed and gasped in shock. Yesung is having huge fever and he weakly reached his hands toward his mommy. Leeteuk came in too and ran to get their car. Heechul wrapped Yesung in a blanket and calls his mother who lives quite close to their house. She is immediately on her way while the worried parents hurry in a hospital.


Heechul is gripping his poor baby and they ran in an emergency room. Leeteuk doesn’t care that there are waiting some people and ran straight into a doctor’s office. The doctor wants to send them away but then spotted the burning up toddler in their arms. He shortly examined Yesung and then quickly got two nurses. They ripped Yesung out of Heechul’s hold and took him away.


“Where are you taking him?!”

The doctor put his hands on Heechul’s shoulders to prevent him from running after Yesung.


“We need to do few tests.”


Leeteuk and Heechul are sitting in waiting room and slowly go crazy. 


After two hours the doctor came back with the diagnose.




Heechul and Leeteuk are so worried and want nothing more than to see their baby.


The tiny toddler is lying in a hospital crib almost . He is only wearing a diaper and pair of socks but most of his body is covered with different tubes and wires. Yesung has breathing tube under his nose and a nurse gave him a pacifier to calm him down. He was crying but now he is tired and dazed.


“It is virus meningitis and unfortunately the virus is mutated with another viruses. We are not sure ...”


The doctor cant finish his sentence. How can he say to parents of three years old boy that he is dying? 


Heechul broke down and Leeteuk holds his crying husband. He is too shocked to speak. They are sitting on floor crying while their doctor is bowing to them and apologizes. After some time Heechul calmed down and now only stares into nothing. How he can survive without one of his babies?

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Chapter 8: Again? Wow! But how come Hee gets pregnant?
Chapter 7: The !
Chapter 5: 😭
Chapter 4: No!!!
Chapter 3: Poor Sungie
Chapter 2: That's why it is important to spent time together with your family
Chapter 1: Gay parents but all of them are their own... Wow
390 streak #8
Chapter 8: OH MY GOSH for the ending XDDD;;;;
390 streak #9
Chapter 7: Okey, now I won't let my son go to school tho he just has flu

I'll let him rest in our bed, playing his minecraft or other games that he likes