
7 sources of happiness

Next week Yesung’s hearing aids arrived and they go to a doctor who will help them to adjust them.  The doctor put them on Yesung’s small ears and they all hold their breath in expectation. Here comes the huge moment - is Yesung going to hear again?

“Yesungie, can you look at mommy?”


Heechul said and Yesung turned to him.


“Mommy …”


Yesung is surprised that he can hear nice voice of his mommy again and he laughed. The twins are sitting in stroller and watch their mommy who is crying in happiness and start to cry too. Yesung can hear their crying and desperate babbling for attention. Yesung is surprised that he can hear again and looked around the room. Everything is so different now. Heechul drives immediately in Leeteuk’s office and he is so happy that he announced that the work is over and they can spend rest of the day enjoying some fun. Leeteuk knows that money which he spent on the hearing aids were the best spent money of his whole life. Yesung is smiling so cutely and he is happy that he can hear his brother and he is playing with them while his daddy and mommy are watching him. Yesung is getting stronger with every day, he gained back some of his weight and Heechul finally decided that he can sleep in his bed again. Yesung is also strong enough to get to potty on his own and doesn’t need diapers anymore but unfortunately he got used to his pacifier too much and he doesn’t want to give it back. Heechul wont mind it after all he had so huge troubles and deserves it. He can get rid of it later, for now he wants his poor baby to be happy.

The family has great reason to celebrate and head on a beach. They will spend whole day on this sunny place, they will play in the water and eat ice cream. They are going to have so much fun after the difficulties. Yesung was ill, Shindong had problems in school, but now they have reason to smile again. Heechul packed many snacks and drinks for everyone while his sons are putting toys which they want to take with them on one pile and Leeteuk is trying to put everything in their car. Finally they can set off and the kids are excitedly yelling in back of the car. When they arrived and Leeteuk opened the door his sons got out like one huge creature with seven pairs of arms and legs. Leeteuk is trying to gather his kids before they can get hurt and Heechul unfolded theirs blankets and towels. They also have three parasols so the kids won’t get burnt by sun and then Heechul sat down and laughs to Leeteuk who is trying to get the seven hyperactive kids and he is failing. 


“Boys, mommy has a snack!”


Heechul shakes seven small bags of Cheetos in the air and his sons are immediately running to him. Small hands are reaching to him and then start to eat while sitting around their mommy who is covering them with sun cream. Only Shindong and Kangin can swim so rest of the boys have swim west or inflatable ring and they got in the water. Heechul is paying attention that his babies are okay but especially to Yesung who seems distressed by the big amount of water. They are enjoying every minute of the nice day and after few hours of playing their sons need nap, well not Shindong and Kangin who are big boys but twins and triplets are sleeping wrapped in towels like small burritos. After their nap they ice cream and then they are playing with the sand while Leeteuk and Heechul sit alone.

They are watching their sons running around in last bits of sun light and Leeteuk sighed.


“I don’t mind all the worries, all I need is to see them happy. They pay back every minute of fear and worries with hours of joy.”


Heechul hums and draws a small circle on chest of his husband with tip off his finger and smiled.

“Good to hear because I am pregnant.”



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Chapter 8: Again? Wow! But how come Hee gets pregnant?
Chapter 7: The !
Chapter 5: 😭
Chapter 4: No!!!
Chapter 3: Poor Sungie
Chapter 2: That's why it is important to spent time together with your family
Chapter 1: Gay parents but all of them are their own... Wow
390 streak #8
Chapter 8: OH MY GOSH for the ending XDDD;;;;
390 streak #9
Chapter 7: Okey, now I won't let my son go to school tho he just has flu

I'll let him rest in our bed, playing his minecraft or other games that he likes