Not so special

Mr popular and me

Seconds after you sat down, the door opened again and it hit you, art. You were in art class. The teacher began teaching about mixing colours after scolding Hyunjin who happened to be late to every lesson. He sat beside you and pushed his table a tiny bit closer. "Is it true?" You shot him a look acting like you didn't know what he was on about. "Are you really dating Damien?" You bit your lip and nodded slowly. He didn't say anything else, he too just nodded. You zoned out and began overthinking the fact that Hyunjin had spoken to you. 'Why does he care? He has a girlfriend. Maybe he hates me too. Or he likes m-' Paints were slammed down before you and you looked up to see Haeun smiling at you. You watched her as she handed out the paints to the other students wondering why she was being nice to you when Hyunjin handed you some paper towels. "Sorry about her." You took the paper towels and noticed the paint on your hand and all over your lap. You had been too in your own world you hadn't realised she spilt it on you. Haeun left the class returning later with paintbrushes

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IceCream2 #1
Chapter 20: Wow that ended well, love it!
IceCream2 #2
Chapter 18: I followed u on twitter. Can't wait for the next!!
IceCream2 #3
Chapter 16: Thanks for the update, cant wait 4 the next!!
IceCream2 #4
Can this Damien jerk stop abusing her -_- I wanna see Hyunjin come in and kick his
IceCream2 #5
Chapter 9: I love it <33
Chapter 10: It's good so far.Can't wait to see what will happen next:) Hope Hyunjin will be more in the story soon^^