Miss helper

Mr popular and me

Haeun emerged from the rustling bushes and left you confused. "How's your thigh?" You looked down to see your thigh bandaged and realised it didn't hurt anymore. "Where are we?" You finally asked. "Just a park no one goes to. It's not that far from our school." You shot her a look, "Why did you bring me to a park no one goes to?" She giggled as if the answer was obvious. "So no one can see us together. Even if I'm helping you, I have to keep my reputation high." You lowered your head ashamed of yourself for even asking such a silly question. Haeun grabbed your arm and helped you off the swing you were sat on "Can you walk?" You took two steps forward before stopping due to the pain. Moving opened up the cuts causing blood to rush down your leg through the bandage. Haeun reached into her bag to get another bandage and wipes so you could go home not covered in blood when she stopped and stared at the bushes. You wanted to look at what she was but you couldn't move next to her. "Hyunjin!" The said boy appeared from the bushes and he gave you a quick look. "What did you call me here for?" Haeun passed you the wipes before answering Hyunjin. 

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IceCream2 #1
Chapter 20: Wow that ended well, love it!
IceCream2 #2
Chapter 18: I followed u on twitter. Can't wait for the next!!
IceCream2 #3
Chapter 16: Thanks for the update, cant wait 4 the next!!
IceCream2 #4
Can this Damien jerk stop abusing her -_- I wanna see Hyunjin come in and kick his
IceCream2 #5
Chapter 9: I love it <33
Chapter 10: It's good so far.Can't wait to see what will happen next:) Hope Hyunjin will be more in the story soon^^