R to V

The Life of the Sixth Member

The time for Red Velvet's fourth concert that's to be held in Seoul finally came after three and a half years, followed by a world tour that would be later announced to the world. You and the rest of the members couldn't be happier knowing you would be on stage, singing and dancing live with the fans again, doing what you do best. Performing. Each of the members went to fellow labelmates' concerts to both support and gain inspiration from their performances to better your own performances so you would be able to give yourselves and the fans the best show ever. Knowing how long your group has been in the business and with everyone slowly but surely building their own brands, you knew this was the best chance you had to give everything you had to the fans. 

"Are we going all out for this?" you broke the silence after all the managers and staff walked out of the room after the final meeting right before the Seoul concert preparation started, giving you the room to discuss amongst the members. 

You looked at each other before they all nodded, determination clear in their slightly exhausted eyes. "I say we should since we don't know when we can have another concert with this big of an audience," the main dancer said, looking around the members, especially the leader, for confirmation.

Irene did not disappoint. "I agree. I know this is not the biggest venue we can get since we all know that we can have a much bigger venue than this, but this is what we're working with and we can work with a lot of great props for all the visuals we want to have," she added whilst looking at you, conveying her thoughts through her gaze as well. 

You smiled and Irene knew you agreed. You've argued with the staff about the venue since you were sure the group could sell out an even bigger venue, like Jamsil Stadium, though it fell through since the staff argued with that big of a capacity, they wouldn't be able to prepare in time. You'd argue that they should've prepared for the concert way earlier but kept your mouth shut, knowing it wouldn't get anywhere and you'd rather work with what you were given than have them lessen even more things. 

Now, you were focused on giving everyone the best concert experience possible. 

With that being said, you all got to work practising every day and making sure the concert preparation was going well. It couldn't be said that it was an easy time for any of you though since it was a very packed schedule, especially for those who had other regular schedules outside of the group schedules; Wendy with her radio DJ gig almost every day, Joy with her MC job and you with your drama filming. Although there were only some final takes for you, your filming schedule had been so all over the place the members knew you hadn't been getting that much sleep. When your schedule allowed it, you'd film in the morning till afternoon then have the group practice till midnight before doing it all over again. Other times, you'd even have to sit out of practice when your filming took place at night, so you'd have your own practice with the concert director in the morning til noon just to make sure you wouldn't be behind on anything. 

You'd be able to do all of this when you were younger but you really felt like your age was catching up on you. You didn't know how Wendy did it. You just had to hold on a little longer until filming finished up and then you can focus on the world tour you're about to embark on. 

"El, you look exhausted," Irene commented one day during breakfast, concern written all over her face. 

It was true, your under eyes were much puffier than usual and your eyes no longer had that spark they usually do. You were basically running on fumes. 

"I feel like it, Unnie," you sighed, looking up from your very light meal. With how busy you've been, you hadn't been eating as much and it clearly showed. Irene was beginning to get really concerned since she knew you had a history of overworking yourself to the bone without being aware of it. She'd rather not have that happen again, thank you very much. It was frightening then and it was still frightening now.  

"How long did you sleep last night?" Irene asked, getting up from her seat so she could give you some comforting touches. You closed your eyes in contentment as the leader ran her fingers through your hair. 

You hummed in thought. "3 hours? I couldn't immediately fall asleep after practice, so I stayed up a little to read my scripts for today," you mumbled your answer but opened your eyes when Irene stopped her ministrations. You looked up to see her slightly disappointed but concerned look, causing you to look away. 

"Why didn't you come to my room when you couldn't sleep, hm?" Irene asked softly, holding your cheek lightly so you would look at her again. Irene only wanted you to take care of yourself amidst the very busy schedule everyone was having, though they didn't have it as bad as you and Wendy did. She had to talk to the main vocalist to make sure she understood what rest meant as well. 

"I didn't want to disturb your much-needed sleep, Unnie ..." you trailed off as you looked her in the eyes, "I know it's been exhausting for all of us and I'd rather have some of us sleep a lot than not all of us getting enough sleep. Does that make sense?" you just had to question yourself since you felt like the things coming out of your mouth were not making sense any more. 

Hearing the question Irene had to chuckle at the adorable confusion you were displaying. "Yes, I get it and I do appreciate it, but I'd rather you get more sleep than not just because you didn't want to disturb mine," the leader emphasised. "A middle ground, you know? You and I get the same amount of sleep. Problem solved," she shrugged coolly and you had that awed look on your face, the one you often do whenever you looked at your guardian. 

She was just so cool in your eyes. You aspired to be her. 

"Wow, you're so cool, Unnie. Definitely the best woman of this generation!" you exclaimed and Irene laughed that dolphin laugh of hers, really amused and entertained by your sleepy musings. 

"Yah, you're so funny!" she laughed. "You clearly need more sleep!" 

You pouted in genuine disappointment. "But I'm always funny!" 

The leader just shook her head, amused at your sleepy antics. "Okay, okay, let's get you back to bed. Sleep for a few more hours and I'll wake you up before we all leave, alright?" She began to put your empty plate aside to guide you up, leading you to her room so she can make sure you were getting more sleep. 

"But I have to film soon, Unnie, I can't be late," you denied but your body betrayed you by letting her lead you to wherever she was taking you. 

Your soulmate giggled. "I know, I know. I promise to wake you up on time, okay, sweetheart? Sleep in my room and I'll stay with you if you'd like." 

You knew you needed the extra rest so you relented with a relieved sigh. "Please, I need my cuddles." 

"Okay, you big baby," the older mused as she wrapped her arm around yours. She'd make sure you get that sleep whenever you could.


Even though she had tried her best, sometimes it just couldn't be helped. The leader just hoped that the number of supplements and energy drinks she provided was enough to keep all of you up on your feet until the dates come. However, it's been four years since your last concert, so all of you had subconsciously put an enormous amount of pressure on yourselves to put out the best show you could for the fans. It was the worse it has ever been because Joy even joked that you and Wendy were all "skin and bones" from the lack of proper rest and everyone feared that one day, it would take a toll on you. 

One day, it did. 

"Unnie?!" Yeri's shout was the last thing you heard before everything turned black, exhaustion finally catching up to you in the least convenient way possible. You had been running on little to no sleep for the past few days and with everything going on, shooting during the day and practice starting from the evening to late at night, it was to catch up to you. You were just glad that it hadn't happened to Wendy and you'd do everything for it not to. 

The next thing you knew you were on one of the sofas in the practice room with Irene next to you, holding up a small fan, and the other members crowding around you with worried faces. 

"El? Can you hear me?" the leader questioned, worry and desperation seeping through her voice though you knew she was trying to be calm and be the leader that she was for the other members so they wouldn't panic even more. 

"Hm?" you mumbled, eyes fluttering open though you had to close them a couple of times due to the bright lights, all the while wincing from the ringing in your ears. Seulgi seemed to notice your struggles, so she urged the other members with her hands as she stepped even closer to block the lights from your face. The others understood and try to shield you from the lights without crowding you too much to give you room to breathe. Once the ringing had stopped, you could even faintly hear Wendy asking one of the dancers if they could turn down the lights slightly and you found the room dimmed in just a few seconds. 

"Here, have some water," Irene pass the fan to Joy who was next to her so she could open your water bottle. "Can you try to sit up a little for me?" She then proceeded to hold your head up a little as you tried to sit up so you could drink the now cold water.

"Slowly," Irene reminded you as you took a few sips before nodding, a sign that you were done. You laid back down as you looked around to see the worried faces of your members.

"What happened?" you asked, though, in the back of your mind, you already knew what had happened. 

It was Yeri that answered, "You passed out, Unnie," you turned your gaze towards your little sister to truly see how worried she looked. "We were really worried because you wouldn't wake up." 

"Yeah," Wendy piped up from her position near your leg, hands running up and down your legs to give them little massages. "We called the company doctor and she'll be here in a few minutes."

You heaved a deep sigh before looking at your leader and soulmate. "I'm sorry, I didn't think I would pass out." 

The apologetic tone made Irene scoff because how could you be more worried about making them worry than why you passed out? She thought of flicking your forehead but thought better of it, tapping your head instead. "Pabo-ya, why didn't you say anything if you were that tired? We could've rested more in between, you know." 

You laughed nervously and every member just sighed exasperatedly in response, causing the dancers to giggle in relief at the synchronised sigh. They'd admit later on how worried they were when they saw you fall down, knowing you were one of the strongest ones in terms of stamina. You must've been super exhausted if you passed out like that. 

"I just thought I could hold on a little longer..." you trailed off and the members watched as genuine confusion made it to your expression, "then we can get a good rest. I thought by holding on we can finish faster and get more rest. I really didn't realise how exhausted I was to the point I'd pass out," you looked at your members so apologetic and sincere they didn't have it in them to scold you even more. "I'm really sorry." 

It was Joy this time that answered, looking stern but still understanding. "You were dumb for thinking you could go through the kind of schedule you have without being dead tired, but you were a dummy that only wanted us to finish faster so we could get more rest so we forgive you." You looked like a kicked puppy being scolded like that that the dancers had to coo out loud, though not too loud so they didn't interrupt the lead singer's scolding.

"But nothing like this anymore, okay? That applies to you too, Seungwan-unnie," she glared at her favourite unnie to get her point across before turning back to you. "We're going to prepare for this concert as healthily and safely as possible, alright? No more not telling us when you're dead tired. Understand that, little sister?" 

You nodded readily. "Yes Unnie, I promise to be more attentive to my body," you made sure to look at each of your members as well as a way to tell them that they have every right to scold you if you don't. "My final filming is next week, so I can have more rest then." 

Your members heaved a sigh of relief at the news. "Oh thank God, I was about to talk to the director himself," Seulgi's relieved tone made everyone laugh, especially you. 

"Are you sure you have it in you to scold him, Bear-Unnie? He's kinda scary," you teased and proceeded to watch as Yeri laughed louder, slapping the older in the arm. "Yeah, Unnie, so brave for Eli-unnie, aren't you?" 

Seulgi pouted while the rest shook their heads at the turn of events. It was never dull at the Red Velvet household. 

"Yah, you should be grateful I care this much about you, dongsaeng-ah!" Seulgi scolded playfully at you whilst putting Yeri in a soft chokehold, getting the upper hand with how loud Yeri was laughing. 

"I am, Unnie, I am! Please forgive me, Bear-unnie, I love you!"

Before the leader could put an end to it the doctor walked in with concern written all over her face, only to see the one that passed out not too long ago laughing at the maknae being put in a chokehold. The doctor began to think she might have to treat a different patient today. 

Irene, the ever-so-respectful leader, stood up and bowed to the doctor whilst the doctor just shook her head with an amused smile on her face. "Hi, Doctor. Eli's right here." 

She motioned the others to give space for the doctor and they immediately did, stepping away a little though still close enough just in case you needed them. "And I thought I might have to treat Yeri-ssi too," she teased and you couldn't help but laugh again and the members heaved a relieved sigh at the sight, knowing you were going to be okay. You, on the other hand, were also relieved that you were going to be okay with your members there. They wouldn't let anything happen to you. 


Ever since then, each member tried to make sure every one of them was taking as much rest as they could until the concert days come. It couldn't be helped that Wendy still had to do her radio show, that's messed up scheduling on SM and the SBS radio's part, but you guys made sure she's not too overworking herself and got as much rest as she could. 

The concert's first day finally came and you guys arrived hours before it starts, preparing early for outfits and makeup and everything. You and Irene even had time to make sure with the concert director and stage director that the props were fine and functioning well, and outfits would have mishaps as minimal as possible, along with the ones for the dancers. After the checking was done you went back to your dressing room to try and calm your nerves down. It couldn't be helped that it's your first concert after four years, so you really want to make everything as perfect as possible and being the perfectionist that almost all of you were, it was starting to take away the fun out of the concert and that could not be happening. 

You were sitting down on one of the sofas, trying to calm yourself down and do some meditation when you felt like something was not right, so you turned your head to the left towards Joy's direction to see her almost hyperventilating. She ran out of the room before you could react and you immediately stood up to follow her, aware the others were now aware something was not right with one of the members. 

"I got her," you said as you followed the lead singer out. Irene, who was halfway up her seat sat back down with a relieved sigh, though concern was palpable in her eyes. 

Wendy turned to her whilst Yeri and Seulgi still had their eyes on the now-opened door. "Should we follow them, Unnie?" 

Irene immediately shook her head no and the other members watched as a calming smile took over her concerned frown. "Eli's got her. We'll make sure Sooyoung's okay when she gets back, okay?"  

Knowing the leader's tone is present the rest just nodded and went back to their seats as they tried not to be too concerned and lose their focus as well. 

Meanwhile, you followed your older sister out as she made her way out to the concert hall, way over the back of the stage so no one could see her but she'd be in an open space. She felt like that could help her breathe a little better so she didn't think to tell anyone as she escaped. She was so hyperfocused that she didn't realise you were following behind her at a good distance just in case she didn't want to be disturbed. 

She sat down when she found the right seat and took one deep breath after the other, trying to calm her erratic heartbeat. When she felt like it was not working, that's where you came in. You walked a little closer and in the gentlest tone possible, you made your presence known. 

"Sooyoung-unnie, can I come closer?" you asked and waited with bated breath, releasing it in relief when the aforementioned girl nodded. 

You took the seat next to her but didn't touch her yet just in case she didn't want to be touched. Joy knew of this so she nodded and release a massive relieved sigh when she felt your hands softly on her cheeks. 

"Deep breaths Unnie, I'm right here with you. Follow my breathing, Sooyoung-unnie, you can do it." You guided her breathing for a few moments until she calmed down completely, her posture relaxing and her erratic heartbeat turning back to normal. 

"Okay there, Unnie?" you asked and Joy opened her eyes to see her very trustworthy younger sister in front of her, causing her to smile. 

"I am now, thank you for always knowing what to do, dongsaeng-ah." She hasn't called you that in a while so Joy watched as a beaming smile made its way to your lips, her watching in slight awe at the adorable sight. She never realised how much of an impact the word has on you. 

You each of her cheeks with both your thumbs and watched as your older sister closed her eyes in bliss and leaned forward as she heaved one final relieved sigh. You took her into your arms. 

"Of course, Unnie. I'm always here for you," you softly answered. "Do you want to tell me what's on your mind?" 

Joy tightened her hold on you for a few seconds before leaning back so she could talk to you directly. 

"I'm just really nervous. I mean, this is our first big concert after four years, I just want, need, everything to be perfect you know? We've worked so hard and everything has to go according to plan," Joy answered and she was close to tears as she spiralled all over again. 

You needed to put a stop to it. "Hey, hey-" You took her cheeks in your palms again so she would only focus on you. "Focus on me, Unnie, only on me." 

You let her calm herself down before trying to talk some sense into her. "Remember what we talked about all those years ago? All those things are out of our control, Unnie. We've done what we could, now we trust the staff to do their parts and pray that everything will go well. Even if some mishaps happen that's okay, that's human. Even the fans will understand. 

"No one can know what will happen, Unnie, and that's okay. What we can do now is just do our parts to the best of our abilities and most importantly, we have fun," you emphasised. "If we have fun then they will have fun too, okay? We got this, Unnie, I know we do."

You let her digest everything as you made sure there were minimal adjustments your sister will later have to do with her makeup and hair. Your concert was still two hours away anyway, you had ample time to finish getting ready and made sure everyone was focused on only the right things.

"You're right," she sighed with a sheepish but relieved smile. "I really need to get my priorities straight. We've practised a hell of a lot and the only thing we need to focus on now is having fun and giving them our best. Thank you dongsaeng-ah, I'm really thankful to have you with me." 

You smiled as you patted her cheeks. "Just focus, okay? We're going to be okay and the fans will have fun with us. I'm sure of it." 

You two just sat there trying to soak the moment in before you broke the comfortable silence. "Let's go back," you stood up and offered your hand to the older one. "I'm sure Hyun-unnie will slightly freak out on the inside if we take too long." 

Joy nodded as she followed suit, taking your hand in hers and walking back towards the dressing room. "We'll be okay. 

You looked at her with a reassuring loving smile, squeezing her hands affectionately. "Yes, we will." 

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Thank you!
At first I wrote this for me but I'm definitely ecstatic because other people find it fun too. I hope this story, even though I can't upload as often as I used to, can still provide you with the same feeling after a long day. I really appreciate all of you beyond words can explain ♥️


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Youkim23 #1
Chapter 125: We missed you authornim thank you for these chapters!! We always want more so please them coming ❤️
MaraxSam #2
I'm glad you guys enjoyed the last chapter! To reply to a comment, I guess we're seeing a lot of her vulnerable side now, huh? That's because Eli's starting to accept them, not pushing her troubles away and asking her members for help when she knows she can :)
Uionam #3
Chapter 125: Always looking forward to new updates! That was great thank you!
Eunjober #4
Chapter 125: Wholesome chapter >.< Can't wait for more updates!
Xuxi4life #5
We missed you author! Thank you for the great chapter 😊
Chapter 125: Thank you for always writing splendid updates and chapters @MaraxSam! Reading them never fails to make my day!
Soyeonnim #7
Chapter 125: recently we’ve been seeing eli being scared of heights, cockroaches and now singing high notes..? where did her confidence go 😭
is there something going one that’s causing all this? i’m very intrigued to know what’s gonna happen next!
Osekop12 #8
Yuqiii #9
Chapter 125: Eli being shy and so nervous about singing is crazy… she’s the best at everything my girl should have more confidence in herself!
1194 streak #10
Chapter 125: Take all the time that you need, we will always be here whenever your ready 💙 it was a beautiful chapter as always 💙