Never Again, I Mean It

The Life of the Sixth Member

Time dragged on like never before. It had been a few hours since they've seen you and the doctor had just come out and told the rest about your condition. 

"She's severely dehydrated and lacking proper nutrition as of the past few days. Has she been under some heavy stress?" The question made everyone look at each other with guilt, Irene looking the most guilty out of all of them. 

Manager-unnie took over. "Yes, she's been stressed over sasaeng fans and reporters that had been hounding the group. We've been trying to fix the problem, that's why she's so stressed." 

The doctor sighed, understanding the situation you were in. It wasn't unheard of but that didn't make it any easier, especially for the idols. He knew who they all were anyway, his daughter had been following the news so he knew what the manager was talking about. 

"Well, I've given her the amount of nutrition she needs, at least for now. We've put her under some heavy medication so she'll rest at least for two days." With that, they all gasped. Two days? That's too long! Will you be okay? They have a schedule in two days but let them be damn. They only care about you. 

As if reading their minds, the doctor replied. "She'll be fine," he gave them a sincere smile. "She's strong, just needs some undisturbed rest and proper food in her. I'm guessing she had barely slept?" It was a rhetorical question but he wanted to know the answer to it anyway. 

They didn't actually know the answer to it but Wendy eventually nodded, making the others look at her with some confusion. "I've been checking in on her every day." That's all it took for them to even feel more guilty but none compare to the guilt Irene was feeling. 

She was supposed to be your guardian, your protector. What had she done?

"Well, you can visit her all together though I suggest not making too much noise. A nurse will come and tell you where she's staying." The doctor finished his explanation, sympathy in his eyes. He could feel their guilt in palpable waves. 

"If you have any questions, just come to the nurse station and ask for Dr Kim. Okay?" He gave them a smile. 

The manager nodded and thanked him, walking with him to probably talk about some security stuff. 

It was silent for a bit before Yeri eventually broke the silence. "Well, should we visit her now?" 

Seulgi smiled at her. "Sure, Yerimmie. Let's go to the nurse desk and ask where she's staying," She exchanged glances with Wendy and the latter nodded, confirming the plan talked about through their gazes. Honestly, they all could communicate with each other without words at this point. "I can't wait for them to come to us anyway."

Seulgi turned towards the second tallest member. "Sooyoung, you coming? Wan-ah and Joohyun-unnie will wait here for manager-unnie." 

Joy looked at the mentioned two for a bit before nodding and giving her a smile. "Sure, Seulgi-unnie. I wouldn't want to leave you alone with Satan over here." 

"Yah!" Yeri protested as she hit Joy on the arm, a pout on her face. "Rude, Unnie. Wait until my revenge!" 

They all laughed and Seulgi began to guide them away, Wendy and Irene watching them leave. "Sure, Squirtle. I'd like to see you try," they could hear Joy's reply and Wendy shook her head in amusement. 

"I swear, those girls." She muttered, then turned towards her leader. 

When Irene faced her, she gave her a warm smile. "Should we talk?" 

"Sure," Irene let out a heavy sigh. "I need to know how to fix this. Would you help me?" She gave the younger a hopeful smile, Wendy blinking in surprise before nodding. 

"Of course, Unnie. Let's sit down." 


They've been taking turns visiting you, not wanting to alert the media about your whereabouts too much. The company had released a statement regarding your health and the support from fans had been pouring in, wishing you a fast and well recovery. The one had been staying the most, though, was Irene. There was only one spot for over-the-night stay and she claimed it pretty quickly, wanting to be there for you and be the first one you see when you wake up. 

She just hoped you didn't mind her being there. That'll break her heart for sure. But then again, maybe she deserved it. She didn't know how to feel at this point. 

"Hey, Eli-ah," Irene sat on the chair beside your bed, taking one of your hands in hers. She the smooth skin in hopes of rousing you awake. 

"It's your second day here and I can't wait to spend time with you again once you're awake," Irene let out a sad albeit slightly hopeful smile. "I'll probably repeat this once you're awake but I want you to know that I didn't mean what I said that night and I'm sorry for causing you this much pain." She couldn't help the tears that started trickling down her cheeks anymore. She finally let go. 

She let out a sob, "I was so worried and angry over everything happening and I took it out on you," she gripped your hand tighter. "Of course it wasn't right and I realised it as soon as I calmed down that night but I didn't know how to face you, and for that I'm sorry, Eli-ah." 

She put her head down on your joined hands on the bed, shoulders shaking with every sob she let out. "I should've apologised immediately but I didn't and look where that got you," she whispered. "I'm supposed to be your guardian and I've failed you, I know that."

She continued to cry for a while, taking her time before slightly calming down and letting out a sigh. 

"I will try my hardest to let you know that you can trust me and that I'll never hurt you again." She stayed silent for a little bit, staring at your sleeping figure. You looked so calm, so... peaceful.

"I understand if you'll need time or if our relationship won't be the same anymore, but I want to try to be there for you again, as I should've been." She ended her speech there, her heart feeling slightly lighter. 

She hoped you'll let her fix the mess she'd created and let her in again but she knew it would take time. If you decide to stay away from her, she would understand that too. 

"I'm sorry for everything, and I hope you would find it in you to forgive me." She let out a sad smile, kissing the back of your hand. "I hope you wake up soon, Eli-ah. I miss you." She stood up before your hand one last time and kissing your cheek softly, slowly letting go of her hold on your hand.

"I'll let you sleep, you need it." 

She walked over to her 'bed' and lied down, body facing your direction. With one last look, she closed her eyes and hoped for you to wake up soon. Her exhaustion caused her to fall asleep not too long after but what she didn't realise, however, was the tear rolling down your cheek. 

You had been listening to everything she said. 


The next morning Irene was woken up by the shakes on her sleeping figure. 

"Hmm?" She slowly opened her eyes to see one of your nurses in front of her, causing her to quickly sit up and look over the nurse's shoulder towards the figure on the bed. 

The nurse smiled, not letting an ounce of worry slip through her expression. "Good morning, Irene-ssi. Sorry to wake you up, but I have some questions about Eli-ssi."

"Of course," Irene furrowed her eyebrows in worry. "Is something wrong?" 

The nurse stood up straighter, walking towards your slightly shaking figure. "Did she wake up last night?" 

"Not that I know of," Irene shook her head then stood up, only now noticing the shakes going through your body. Her eyes widened. 

"She's having a high fever, and she's been calling your name since I got here 10 minutes ago." The nurse explained, looking at Irene with sympathy before focusing back on you, injecting something into your IV drip.

Irene slowly came to your side before standing beside you, noticing the sweat running down your forehead. She reached her hand out to wipe it and she heard your whimpers.

"Hyun-unnie..." Her heart hurt and her eyes teared up. Even if she had hurt you you were still trying to reach her. 

"I'm here, Eli-ah." She kissed your head, wrapping one of her arms around your heated up body. She ignored the heat. "Unnie's here." 

"Hyun-unnie, I'm sorry," you whimpered out and Irene's heart broke listening to the pain in your voice. "I'm sorry, please don't leave me," you continued to whimper, shaking your head left and right as if denying the notion. 

Irene tightened her grip on you, whispering near your ear to make sure your unconscious figure listened to every word. "Unnie's here, Eli-ah. I love you and I won't ever leave you, I promise." She whispered. "I love you." 

With that, the tremors finally calmed down and you fell back into a calmer sleep, your whimpers disappearing. Irene heaved a relieved sigh before kissing your head. She looked at your face, imagining your happy face to push aside her nightmares of you not wanting to be close to her anymore. 

"I guess she just wanted you." The nurse's comment disturbed Irene out of her trance, pink dust appearing on her cheeks. 

She looked up at the nurse and saw her smiling sincerely. "I gave her something to lower her temperature. I'll be back in two hours to check on her, okay?" 

Irene nodded, turning back to look at you. "It's okay to sleep next to her, you know," the nurse added after a while, noticing the longing look in Irene's eyes. 

She looked back at the nurse and tilted her head in confusion, the nurse actually squealing inwardly. She knew Irene could be adorable but she didn't know she was this adorable in real life. 

"I guess she's calmer with you being close. It's not uncommon for patients to be calmer when they're next to the person they're most comfortable with." She gave Irene a slightly teasing albeit sincere smile. "She'll appreciate it, I assure you." 

Irene's cheeks turned even redder, head dipping down in embarrassment. Even sick you could still make her embarrassed. 

"Thank you, Nurse."

The nurse gave her a wide smile, nodding. "Of course, Irene-ssi. I'll see you in two hours." With that she left, leaving the two of you alone. 

It was silent before Irene eventually climbed up your bed and laid her body down next to you, carefully taking you in her arms so she wouldn't disturb your rest even more. 

"You know, people might start to think we're together if you keep doing these things to me." Irene joked, looking at your face. She knew if you were awake, you would even more to see the blush deepen. 

She kissed your head again. "Please wake up soon, we miss you." 


As promised, the nurse visited your room two hours later to find you awake and Irene sleeping. Seeing the sight she chuckled slightly before entering further in the room, drawing your attention. 

"Good morning, Eli-ssi," the nurse greeted with a warm smile which prompted you to reply with your signature one back. 

"Good morning, Nurse..." 

She smiled, "Lee." 

You grinned, "Nurse Lee!" You replied excitedly before your eyes widened, remembering the sleeping guardian next to you. You looked up slightly to see her still sleeping. 

"How are you feeling, Eli-ssi?" 

You moved your attention back to the nurse. "Eli is fine, Nurse Lee. And I feel better. It feels like I've slept for forever." 

She chuckled, "To your members I bet it felt like forever," she teased and you gave a guilty smile back. 

"Where are they?" 

She shrugged. "It's your third day here and they've been coming every day. Irene had been staying the night with you." 

That answered all of your questions. "That's probably why she's still sleeping. She's a very light sleeper, you see." 

The nurse winced slightly. "That might be my fault. I woke her up at 4 am this morning because you were having a high fever and calling her name." 

Your eyes widened in surprise, slightly looking up at your guardian to look at her serene face. "Really? I did that?" 

"Yeah," the nurse gave a warm smile back. "It's normal for a patient with very high fever to do that," the nurse explained. 

You gave a grateful smile back, then yawning. You rubbed your still tired eyes. 

"You want to sleep some more?" 

You nodded, snuggling back into Irene's neck. "If that's okay." 

Nurse Lee gave a motherly smile. "Of course, Eli. Rest, I'll be back with the doctor when you wake up." 

You nodded and closed your eyes to sleep. The last thing you felt was Irene's arms tightening around your figure, snuggling closer to you. 


You awakened a few hours later by your members arriving, creating the ruckus they always do. 

"Why is Joohyun-unnie sleeping with Eli-unnie?" 

Wendy shushed the maknae. "Kim Yerim lower your voice," to which the younger replied with a quiet "Sorry, Unnie." 

"And Eli had a high fever this morning so Irene slept beside her." 

There was a collective sound of agreement before you heard footsteps and a familiar smell of perfume near your bed. 

"Has she awaken yet?" 

You decided to surprise her and opened your eyes to see Seulgi's face near yours. "Hello, Unnie." 

All of them yelped in surprise which caused you to shake with silent laughter, still not wanting to wake Irene up. "Eli~" Joy whined in protest and you laughed. 

"Sorry, Unnie. I couldn't help it." 

Wendy glared, coming to stand beside her best friend. "Thank you so much for that, Liza." 

You reached out a hand as a gesture for her to hold yours and she did. "Sorry, Unnie. I couldn't resist seeing your meme-worthy face." 

With that, she gave you a glare and let go of your hand. "The betrayal." 

Irene suddenly stirred. "Eli?" She mumbled out, tightening her hold on you before opening her eyes and looking around, seeing her members in the room. "Did the nurse come? She told me she would after two hours but I fell asleep." 

You gave her a warm smile. "She did about three or four hours ago, Unnie. You were so tired you didn't even wake up during my conversation with her." 

Her eyes widened and she gave you a nudge. "Why didn't you wake me up?!" 

You couldn't help but laugh and gave her an affectionate pat on the head. "It's fine, Unnie." 

You turned towards your manager. "Hi, Manager-unnie. Did you miss me?" 

She gave you a sharp look but you could see the relief clear in her eyes. "Never again, Eli. I mean it." 

You could tell your members became tense so you gave your manager a warm smile, trying to defuse the tension. You weren't ready to have the conversation right after you woke up. "Okay, Unnie. I promise." 

Before anyone could say anything the doctor came in with Nurse Lee. 

"I see our star is awake," he greeted with a sincere smile and you smiled back. "How are you feeling?" 


"So, are we going to have the talk now or the two of you need to talk it out first?" Joy broke the silence after you finished with your food. 

Your manager immediately excused herself out of the conversation and left the room, closing the door with a soft thud. You looked around at your members and let out a sigh. 

"Well, let's talk because you guys are family and I don't want to keep any secrets." 

They all gave you a smile and Yeri came to your side, settling down beside you and taking one of your hands in hers before snuggling into you. She squeezed your hand in support. 

"Well, as you now know Hyun-unnie and I had some unsolved issues that unfortunately led to this." You looked up slightly to keep your tears at bay. You really didn't want to relive the pain but you had to finish this. You didn't want to have any unsolved issues. 

"Joohyun-unnie said some hurtful things and I was really hurt that time," you turned towards Irene to see her crying in Wendy's embrace. "I didn't even know if I could forgive you, Unnie, I trusted you and when you said those things I couldn't help but believe them too." Your sentence was cut off by the gasps that came out of Seulgi and Joy, and the sob Irene let out. 

They couldn't imagine what would happen if you didn't, the group's dynamic would surely change. And Irene. How would she cope?

"But I heard everything you said last night and I know you meant every word." You gave her a warm smile, wiping away your tears with your free hand. "I forgive you, Unnie," you finally said and Irene sobbed in relief, Wendy holding her tighter to support her weight. 

"Sure our relationship would take time before it could be like before, and you would have to earn my trust again," you teased but Irene nodded fervently, determined to earn your trust. "But I forgive you, and I forgive all of you too." 

With that, they all looked up, surprise to find out you knew about their guilt. "I know you feel guilty and you shouldn't, but I forgive you. Let's move on and use this as a learning step for all of us so we would always communicate calmly when there's an issue, and so nothing like this would happen again. Deal?" 

They all let out tears of relief and nodded in agreement. Irene calmed herself down before standing up and coming towards you, you offering her your hand to hold. She squeezed your hand in thanks. 

"I'm sorry and thank you for forgiving me, forgiving us. I promise to earn your trust again and I hope you would know that you can still trust me, even now, because I have learnt from my mistakes." She let out her tears before taking a deep breath. "I love you." 

You grinned and tugged her into your arms, Yeri leaning away to give you space. "Aww, and I love you." You whispered. "Promise me you won't ever leave me?" You couldn't help but ask, voice sounding small. 

Even though you had forgiven her you still had your fears. Irene, noticing the similarity with your whimpers this morning, hugged you even tighter. "I promise." 

You then took Yeri into your arms as well. "Group hug!" 

The rest quickly came to your side and found empty spots to be able to hug you too. "Let's stay like this for a long time." You meant that figuratively. 

They all giggled in agreement before Yeri mumbled. "I can't breathe," which prompted the rest of you to laugh and let go of each other, looking at one another with love. 

Forever sounds good. 

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Thank you!
At first I wrote this for me but I'm definitely ecstatic because other people find it fun too. I hope this story, even though I can't upload as often as I used to, can still provide you with the same feeling after a long day. I really appreciate all of you beyond words can explain ♥️


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Youkim23 #1
Chapter 125: We missed you authornim thank you for these chapters!! We always want more so please them coming ❤️
MaraxSam #2
I'm glad you guys enjoyed the last chapter! To reply to a comment, I guess we're seeing a lot of her vulnerable side now, huh? That's because Eli's starting to accept them, not pushing her troubles away and asking her members for help when she knows she can :)
Uionam #3
Chapter 125: Always looking forward to new updates! That was great thank you!
Eunjober #4
Chapter 125: Wholesome chapter >.< Can't wait for more updates!
Xuxi4life #5
We missed you author! Thank you for the great chapter 😊
Chapter 125: Thank you for always writing splendid updates and chapters @MaraxSam! Reading them never fails to make my day!
Soyeonnim #7
Chapter 125: recently we’ve been seeing eli being scared of heights, cockroaches and now singing high notes..? where did her confidence go 😭
is there something going one that’s causing all this? i’m very intrigued to know what’s gonna happen next!
Osekop12 #8
Yuqiii #9
Chapter 125: Eli being shy and so nervous about singing is crazy… she’s the best at everything my girl should have more confidence in herself!
1195 streak #10
Chapter 125: Take all the time that you need, we will always be here whenever your ready 💙 it was a beautiful chapter as always 💙