How to find Positivity in a Catch-22 situation

How To Fall In Love
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When Sehun arrived at City Hall late, Chanyeol was standing at the main entrance greeting his guests.

Chanyeol was dazzling in his tuxedo and he took Sehun’s breath away when he stepped out of the taxi. It was only when the taxi driver shouted at him to close the door because he was letting all the heat out that Sehun realised he was completely transfixed by the sight.

Sehun didn’t really have the mood nor heart to dress up for the event so he chose to wear a rather simple black suit compared to his brothers who had already arrived and were dressed to the nine in their fancy suits. He ran his fingers through his dark hair which was uncharacteristically pushed back, letting his forehead on display.

Sehun realised Chanyeol was no longer greeting guests but had turned to watch him, Chanyeol’s eyes on him the entire way. Suddenly Sehun felt every bit as and exposed. 

“You look amazing” Chanyeol murmured. He was calm, solid, watchful, in control. Sehun wasn’t used to this Chanyeol.

”Uh,thanks. Dohyeon came around at afternoon. To return some stuff and apologise for the voicemail” Sehun’s eyes filled up and he focused on the shimmering lights in the room. 

“Wait, What?” Chanyeol asked, concerned. 

“You know what. The voicemail that you deleted. That one. He said he wanted to hurt me but he feels sorry now” 

“Sehun...” Chanyeol’s face twisted to something akin to sadness “I didn’t want you to know about that” 

He was trying to protect him and the thought made Sehun’s heart break all over again.  

“So is she here?”

Chanyeol took a moment to register the subject change, he frowned “No, Not yet”

“Oh” Sehun said, surprised “I thought she’d be here at seven”

“Me too” Chanyeol replied, looking at the door again, anxiously.

It was eight p.m.

Sehun felt an intense feeling of relief, quickly followed by dread. If it didn’t work out with Anna it wasn’t like Chanyeol was going to fall into his arms it would most likely be the nearest bridge or the tallest building. So Sehun needed Her to come and tell him she loved him. He would settle for loving Chanyeol from afar.

“Listen” Sehun pulled himself together and looked Chanyeol in the eye “ If she doesn’t come tonight I need you to think of the crisis plan. I know we had a deal, but I want you to know that you don’t have to.....” he swallowed and then hurriedly added “think of the things I taught you—“


“Happy birthday!” Sehun stopped speaking hearing a female voice behind him. Sehun should have felt jubilant but all he felt was a sense of defeat sinking into him again.

Chanyeol’s eyes were still on Sehun.

Anna joined them “Sorry, am I disturbing you?”

“No” Sehun shook his head blinking away his tears “I’m so glad you came” he added, his words a whisper “He’s all yours”


“Oh I knew it” Baekhyun said sympathetically, wrapping his arms around Sehun “You’re in love with him, aren’t you? Here” he grabbed a champagne flute from a passing tray and handed it to Sehun “Get drunk, it will numb the pain”

Sehun sipped the bubbles, wishing that were true.

“Tell me, where is this dastardly girlfriend of his that you worked so hard to get him back together with, so I can throw angry father stares in her direction” Sehun’s dad winked at him.

Sehun knew that they were trying to lift up his mood, it was his families way of being affectionate “Oh don’t, Dad” He sighed.

“They’re perfect for each other, they’re meant to be. I mean, the man was about to throw himself off a bridge if he couldn’t get her back. How romantic is that?”

“Not romantic at all” Baekhyun shrugged.

“Saving him from jumping off a bridge is far more romantic” Jongdae said smirking.

“You’re lucky you saved him” their dad spoke sadly and they all went quiet. It had been years that their mother had taken away her life, and somehow his dad had always blamed himself for not being able to persuade her to stay.

“You know what, Dad” Sehun said suddenly. “I think you did save her. She didn’t want to be here” His dad was so moved by Sehun’s words that he had to look away to compose himself.


“There she is” Sehun noted watching Anna enter the room ahead of Chanyeol.

“Ooh, I won’t know whether to shake Chanyeol’s hand or his face” Baekhyun wiggled his eyebrows while craning his neck to get a better view of them as they disappeared between the crowd of guests.

“Please shake his hand” Sehun said sighing.

Sehun plucked the flute from Jongdae’s hold much to his brothers protest and downed the champagne in one go.

Then there was a tapping of glass and everyone gave their attention to the man on the stage who tried to hush the crowd. The guy thanked a bunch of people probably among the guests that Sehun had no idea who they were. After talking about the passing away of Mr Park he introduced Chanyeol as the new CEO of Blizz Confectionery.

There was great cheer in the crowd as Chanyeol climbed the steps and took his place on the podium looking like a movie star.

“A friend of mine helped me word this speech tonight” Chanyeol spoke, looking out to the crowd. Anna smiled at him proudly and Sehun felt his throat tightened at that.

“I’m not the best at talking about how I’m feeling. Nights like this aren’t always the easiest as it’s overwhelming, but I’m feeling … honoured that you’ve all come here today. My father was really good at his job, He put his heart and soul into the business. In fact I think he poured so much into the business that he had very little left for the rest of us.”

That got a laugh from the crowd.

“I am feeling be named as his successor. I know that myself and the board along with Mr Lee, our new MD are ready for our goals for the company. I take on the traditions of my family name while at the same time looking into the future. I owe a great thank you to those who planned this evening

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BorderIines #1
This is wow 🤩
Chapter 9: This was so beautiful I am crying 😭😭😭
Sunrise6712 #3
Chapter 9: Really happy that I found this incredible and beautiful history. I can't understand that not many people haven't read it.
I'm in happy tears and know it's one of my favorites♡
This is a masterpiece T_T
joohyun007 #5
Chapter 10: Amazing story huhuhuhuhuhuhu am crying
cycynyny #6
Chapter 4: Why the i just read this amazing fic now.. Its so good i love it a lot.. And btw may i know your ao3 link?