Chapter Two

Three Times The Happiness
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thanks everyone for subscribing, upvoting or commenting! it's time for another update! more text this time :) woohyun has found out and sunggyu is mad. this isn't how he wanted wh to find out :( but at least now they can forward together? right? riiiiight?

*note: i adjusted sunggyu's age a bit. looking back, or rather reading over everything again, i noticed 24 might be a little too young for someone who went to college and has already worked before*

no warnings needed except for my utter lack of medical knowledge and pregnancies #itsjustfiction



Sunggyu snatched the picture away and kicked the alpha against the shin. „Get out!“

Woohyun flinched at the kick and looked up to stare at Sunggyu in shock. „Hyung- that’s-“

Tears stung in his eyes. This wasn’t how he wanted someone to find out. „I said: GET OUT.“

The alpha stood up but he didn’t leave. His mouth opened a few times and then he tried to reach out to touch Sunggyu’s arm, probably to calm him. The omega took two steps back and pointed his finger towards the exit. „If you have any decency left, you’re leaving right now without saying a word.“

Woohyun looked conflicted but then he nodded in defeat. The alpha deflated and left. Sunggyu sunk into a chair when he heard the front door close. He put the ultrasound picture on the table and buried his face in his hands. He had forgotten that Woohyun had a key to his apartment. It had never been a problem because Sunggyu never had to hide anything from him. Sometimes Woohyun would just come over and surprise him with dinner. He had probably wanted to do the same today. Little did he know what he would discover.

Sunggyu cried quietly. He knew Woohyun hadn’t meant to hurt him. The alpha didn’t come here with the intention to expose Sunggyu’s secret, to violate his privacy. And somehow that just made it worse because he felt bad for throwing Woohyun out like that. He had planned to share the news with Woohyun eventually. There was no one he trusted more. He just didn’t know how and now the news was out like a dirty little secret. What was Woohyun thinking of him now?

His phone chirped when new messages arrived. Sunggyu sniveled and rubbed his eyes, silently cursing his hormones for the emotional outbreak. Usually he wasn’t the type to cry so easy.

> I’m sorry. I just wanted to bring you the Mac & Cheese and watch a movie maybe.
> I don’t know why you were hiding it but: Congratulations. I’m sure you’ll be a good dad.
> If you don’t hate me now, you can always talk to me if you need someone. Please trust me, hyung.

The omega sighed and glanced at the dish sitting on the counter. He grabbed a fork and ate some of it. Thank god at least Woohyun’s special recipe still tasted amazing. He stared at the food for a moment. Woohyun had cooked it just for him and now he was probably moping like a kicked puppy after messing up. Sunggyu put the fork down and walked towards the front door. He opened it after a moment of hesitation and then walked back to the kitchen. Sunggyu grabbed two plates and another fork, before he put some of the Mac & Cheese on both plates. While he was doing that, he heard steps getting closer from behind.

“Sit down, Woohyun.“

He put a plate and a fork in front of the alpha and then sat down on the opposite site of the table. The alpha watched him quietly. Really looks like a kicked puppy. „Sorry for shouting at you. I didn’t want you to find out like this.“

“No, you were right. I just showed up unannounced.“ Woohyun grabbed the fork without meeting the omega’s gaze. “Can I ask why didn’t you tell me before?“

Sunggyu sighed. He chewed on his macaroni before speaking again. „I only found out for sure like a week ago. It...I didn’t even know how to deal with this let alone explain it to somebody else. I wanted to tell you but it’s complicated and I- I just needed some time.“

Woohyun frowned and looked up this time. „What do you mean alone? What about your alpha?“

He laughed out loud. His best friend gave him a confused look. Sunggyu ran a hand through his hair. „There’s no alpha. Just me and apparently three damn babies.“

“But you- You’re pregnant. That means an alpha-“

“Woohyun, I know about the bees and the flowers, trust me.“ Sunggyu cut in with a slight hint of annoyance. He had dreaded this part of the conversation. „I’m not mated to anyone. It was an accident during my heat, okay.“

“So he didn’t use protection? What about your birth control?“ The alpha’s frown deepened.

He used the Mac & Cheese to buy himself some time for the reply. „Birth control pills aren’t failsafe, you know. And I guess he didn’t or I wouldn’t be here. Maybe the ripped and he didn’t notice. I don’t know, Woohyun.“

“How can you not know?!“

“I was in heat, Woohyun. I don’t keep track of every round of I have. I’m sure you’ve spent a heat with an omega before and know how it gets during the peak of it.“

The alpha narrowed his eyes at him. Sunggyu could scent something bitter in the air. So different than Woohyun’s usual scent. Usually he smelled like rich coffee beans and vanilla. A combination Sunggyu had always liked. Now Woohyun smelled like bitter black coffee. The omega scrunched up his nose in distaste.

“I-I haven’t, okay.“

He blinked. „You’ve had how many omega flings and you’ve never-?“

The bitterness was gone for a moment when Woohyun flushed. „No. But this isn’t about my life. Didn’t you ask the alpha what happened?“

Sunggyu grimaced. „Well, actually... I don’t know who it was.“

Woohyun stood up. „WHAT!“

The omega flinched and instincts urged him to make himself smaller to calm the alpha. Sunggyu told his instincts to off. He decided to get it all out. „I went to the heat den.“

His best friend gaped at him. The bitterness in the air got so strong Sunggyu felt the nausea rise. „The heat den your colleague invited you to every damn year? The heat den you always told me was an absolutely stupid idea and only for , dumb people who wanted an excuse to have with a lot of people? The heat den you said you would NEVER go to?“

He put down his fork and crossed his arms. Sunggyu glared at the alpha in defiance. „Yes, that’s exactly where I went. Please spare me all the ‘I told you so’ because I’ve already beaten myself up over it. There are literally no words you could say that I didn’t tell myself when the pregnancy tests came back positive. I know I ed up. I know I shouldn’t have gone there and have with people I don’t know. People who could carry stupid diseases. I just- I thought for once in my life I could be one of those stupid people and just let go for a while. My colleague never turned up pregnant after her escapes at the heat den, you know. I thought... Honestly, I don’t know what I was thinking. I made a stupid decision and now I’ve got to deal with it. And the last thing I need right now is someone else telling me how much I’ve ed up. That’s why I didn’t tell anyone, okay?“

His voice had grown louder with every word until he was shouting the last words. Tears threatened to spill again. When Woohyun came over to pull him into his embrace, Sunggyu let him. Woohyun lowered himself so the omega could tuck his head into the curve of his neck. The alpha was warm and comforting around him, his vanilla scent stronger than ever. Sunggyu closed his eyes and let his friend calm him down. Alphas had another special skill. They could emit pheromones that calmed distressed omegas down. It was pretty unfair if you asked Sunggyu and he would never let any alpha use it on him. Anyone but Woohyun at least. An alpha could emit pheromones to make an omega completely pliant and defenseless. Some of them used it for the wrong purposes. Woohyun wasn’t like that though. He didn’t abuse his power.

He was on a fluffy cloud - fully content and calm - by the time Woohyun stopped. It was good the alpha had calmed him down because Sunggyu had felt like he was on the verge of a panic attack before. „I’m sorry, Gyu. I didn’t mean to upset you.“

“You keep dropping the hyung.“ The omega muttered against his neck.

“Sorry.“ Woohyun chuckled.

“You don’t sound sorry, punk.“

The alpha pulled back and smiled. „Are you feeling better?“

Sunggyu nodded. „Yeah, thanks.“

“Sorry for reacting like that. I’m just worried about you. It must’ve been hard carrying all this weight alone but I know you’re strong, hyung. You’re one of the strongest people I know!“

He couldn’t help but smile as well. „I haven’t felt very strong this past week.“

“But you are! Just seeing this ultrasound picture on your fridge tells me you care about the babies. God, hyung, triplets! How can you handle that thought? It must’ve been scary but you’re pushing through. You could just not care and drink alcohol and do god knows what kind of stuff that would hurt them.“ Woohyun looked at him like he was still the best hyung in the world and it made Sunggyu feel all emotional once again. He had been afraid of Woohyun’s reaction but hearing his support made him want to bawl his eyes out. Damn pregnancy hormones.

“Have you decided if you want to keep them?“ The alpha asked after a moment.

Sunggyu sighed and resisted the urge to put a hand over the covered swell. „I can’t raise three kids by myself, Woohyun. I doubt I could manage one right now.“

“But do you want to keep them?“

The omega was quiet for a long time. The answer weighted heavy on his tongue. „Yes, of course. It’s ing scary and way too much but of course I want to keep my children. But I can’t, Woohyun. It’s just not possible.“

Woohyun suddenly crouched down and held his hands. „It is possible! I’ll help you. Let’s make it happen.“

Sunggyu’s eyes went wide. „Wha- Why?“

“Because you want to keep them. I won’t leave you to deal with this alone.“

“How’s that going to work? I appreciate the support, Woohyun, but you can’t help me with this. I have to give them up for adoption so that a family adopts them. They might not take all three but you never know.“ The thought of separating his babies from each other hurt. It would be cruel.

“I can accompany you to your appointments for one. I can cook proper meals for you. And when they’re here, we can take turns looking after them. Maybe we could get an apartment together and-“

“They aren’t yours, Woohyun. You have no obligation to get involved that much.“ Sunggyu interrupted him. „I can’t take your money and time. You have your own life, Woohyun, and you can’t be there forever to help me. You have to work and maybe you’ll find a special someone one day. And then I would be left alone with three kids to look after.“

Woohyun shook his head vehemently. „I won’t leave you alone. Kim Sunggyu without me is like chopsticks without a spoon, thread without a needle, a kite without a string.“

He smiled shortly. The alpha said that sentence first when he was a snotty brat of 6 years. Sunggyu still remembered his runny nose and red eyes from crying. His parents had explained to him that Sunggyu wou

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695 streak #1
Chapter 10: just reread this again 😍
Chapter 10: this story is really sweet and put a big smile on my face. thank you soo much for writing this author-nim.
Simran20 #3
Still absolutely in love with this fic 😍😍
695 streak #4
Chapter 10: just finished re-reading this and it’s still beautiful
Ekaterina090w #5
Chapter 10: I really enjoyed reading it!! Sunggyu being oblivious was kinda irritating have to admit BUT once he has acknowledged his feelings... I couldn't stop smiling it was so so cute awwwww
Chapter 10: when i'm in the middle of the story, i've been stuck to woohyun-sunggyu-changwook love triangle ? is it only me? sunggyu and changwook are also a good pair in this story. i also like changwook's character here ? . it's a good and cute story to read ? i really like your stories. please create more woogyu stories authornim! thank you! ? *90° bow*

PS: any updates in "A Thousand Years"? i'm really looking forward for your update about that story authornim x(>.<)x
Gwiyubta ♡(> ਊ <)♡♡(> ਊ <)♡♡(> ਊ <)♡