Chapter Four

Three Times The Happiness
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thanks for the comments, chopsticks! really make me happy <3 here i am with the next part. with this chapter we're past the 50% mark of this fic. so there's still some story too go :)

t-this really is fluff, i swear! *sweats* and i promise it will all get better after the next chapter (not this one)! so fighting with this one guys! you can do it :) don't hate the poor sunggyu idiot too much =3=

PS: i noticed this loosely resembles the story of my parents. at least with the part of suddenly being pregnant without a clue who the father is. though my mom met my dad differently (the story is actually so cute and could come from a movie), he still ended up marrying her during her pregnancy and adopting my older sister after birth :') *and 3 years later i happened lol*

PSPS: I wanted to mention that I don't accept any friend requests on this account, in general XD if you haven't, you can come add me as a friend on my 'negiramen' account. I'm online there the most so that's where i accept them :)



He gathered himself again and turned around, almost fainting from shock because Woohyun was right behind him. Sunggyu put a hand over his heart. „For ’s sake! Don’t surprise me like that!“

“Don’t curse in front of the babies.“ Woohyun scolded him. „It’s not my fault you were daydreaming like that. Being all heart eyes for Mr. MacDreamy.“

The omega scoffed and pushed past Woohyun. „I wasn’t given him heart eyes. Stop exaggerating.“

He heard a huff coming from behind him. „Sure looked like heart eyes to me. For how long have you known him? 10 minutes? Is he even the father of the pups?“

Sunggyu rolled his eyes. „Most probably, yeah. Apparently, he was the last person I slept with at the heat den.“

Woohyun threw his hands up. „That doesn’t mean he’s the father!“

“But it’s very likely! Also, my instincts tell me it’s him. There was something about him when I first saw him at my doorstep.“

“Your instincts!“ Woohyun huffed again, louder this time.

The omega shot him a glare. “You wouldn’t understand, you oaf. Try being pregnant and then tell me stuff about instincts.“

“I’m just looking out for you, hyung. Because it looks to me like you’re not thinking clearly. Maybe he’s just manipulating you!“

“Manipulating me? Is it that hard too believe there’s another proper alpha out there like you? A gentleman who takes responsibility after ing up?“ Sunggyu crossed his arms stubbornly.

“Hyung, it’s his fault you’re pregnant!“

“You think I don’t know that? But there are always two people involved in this. I don’t blame him. He has his reasons for appearing so late and at least he went and looked for me. He didn’t have to do that.“ Sunggyu sat down on his chair again and told Woohyun the story Changwook gave him, except for the embarrassing details of his time at the heat den.

Afterwards, he rubbed his face tiredly. He felt exhausted. „Please, give it a rest, Woohyun. I’m too tired to argue.“

He must’ve smelled distressed because the bitter scent in the air dissipated immediately. Woohyun came over to embrace him. Sunggyu let the calming scent wash over him. This time he relaxed and let it happen. For a few minutes he didn’t want to think about anything and just lie down on a fluff cloud of safety and warmth.

“I’m sorry, hyung. I didn’t want to cause you stress. It’s not good for the babies.“ Woohyun muttered. His hand Sunggyu’s back. „I’m just worried. I don’t want you to get hurt again.“

Sunggyu smiled against the alpha’s neck. „I know. But I’m an adult, Woohyun. I can handle myself.“

Woohyun sighed. There was a short pause. „Wait, why do you smell like him?“

He flushed and gently pushed the younger man away. „I was having a breakdown earlier and Changwook tried to calm me down. I didn’t let him, don’t worry. It was just a short embrace.“

For one second, he thought Woohyun looked pleased. Then the alpha gave him a serious look. „You had a panic attack because of him?“

“More because of myself.“ Sunggyu sighed. „I was thinking too much.“

“But you’re feeling okay now?“

“Yes. Although I’m pretty hungry, I have to admit.“ The omega smiled when Woohyun’s eyes widened.

“Of course! I’ll cook you something. Wait for me, hyung. Why don’t you lie down on the couch in meantime?“ Woohyun was all smiles again and Sunggyu could almost see a wagging tail behind the alpha.

He chuckled and followed Woohyun’s suggestion. Resting on the couch sounded good. Very good.

The next day started out bad. Sunggyu didn’t sleep very well because he was anxious about telling his friends the truth. And whenever he did sleep, his mind sent him weird dreams about what had happened with Changwook. It was a restless sleep at best. Sunggyu felt anything but recuperated in the morning. Then Woohyun told him he would probably be late because one of his cats got sick and he was sitting at the animal clinic. Since it was a Sunday, there weren’t many clinics open and he had to wait in line with many other owners.

So Sunggyu was left alone to prepare everything for his guests. He was regretting the decision to gather at his home instead of NIT. At least he wouldn’t have to prepare food and drinks there. Maybe they should’ve changed the location to Woohyun’s apartment. There was more space there than at Sunggyu’s home. But the omega felt most comfortable and safe at his own place. He hadn’t started nesting yet but it was part of an omega pregnancy. Still, a safe place was important for his inner peace. He had had enough stress for a while.

His day got a little better when Sungjong arrived earlier than everybody else. The beta didn’t make a big deal out of his protruding belly, as expected. Sungjong gave him a hug. „You look good, hyung. I was worried because you were avoiding us again.“

“It’s hard to hide this thing.“ Sunggyu proudly touched his bump.

“I’m glad you’ve decided to tell the guys. No one is going to judge you, hyung. Don’t worry.“

He smiled. „Yeah, I know. Just had to come to terms with it myself first.“

Sungjong nodded. „Is there anything I can help you with?“

“Not freaking out?“ He joked and laughed nervously.

The beta laughed. „I can do that.“

Thankfully Woohyun was the next one to arrive. With two people to support him, Sunggyu felt much better already. „Sorry I’m late.“

“It’s okay. Sungjong knew anyways and he was a great help. Is your cat okay?“

The alpha nodded quickly and then glanced at their friend. „Wait, you knew?“

Sungjong shrugged. „It wasn’t like Sunggyu-hyung to avoid alcohol like that.“

“You make me sound like an alcoholic.“

The doorbell rang again and Sunggyu jumped slightly. Woohyun was faster. „I’ll get the door for you.“

Sungjong gave him a look. „So did you tell Woohyun or did he find out on his own?“

Sunggyu huffed. „He was in my apartment without prior notice and saw the ultrasound picture on my fridge.“

“He really doesn’t know privacy, does he?“ The beta smiled shortly. „It’s good to see you two together again. It’s not the same when you two aren’t talking.“

“I swear if you quote Woohyun’s kite without a string bull-“

“Holy crap, hyung!“ Sungyeol exclaimed loudly as he entered the living room. „You’ve gotten fat!“

Sunggyu glared at the tall man. Myungsoo appeared behind Sungyeol and smacked his head. „What did I tell you about thinking before opening your mouth? Hey, hyung.“

Myungsoo came over to hug him. The omega was relieved his friend didn’t treat him differently. But then again Myungsoo was the only other omega in their circle of friends. If anyone would understand how it feel, it would be him.

“Congratulations, Sunggyu-hyung. How far along are you if I may ask?“

He smiled. „About 5 months.“

Myungsoo was pushed away by the beta. Sungyeol gave him a stormy hug. “Sunggyu-hyung! I’m sorry I called you fat! I can’t believe you didn’t tell us!“

The omega shrugged. „It’s fine. I do look like I ate too many pizzas and potato chips.“

“Don’t crowd him like that! You’re squeezing his belly!“ Woohyun growled and pulled Sungyeol away.

“Ease up, Terminator!“ The beta exclaimed and then gasped. „No! Don’t tell me! Is Woohyun-“

“No!“ Sunggyu quickly threw in. „Woohyun, let him go. What are you doing? He didn’t hug me that hard. You’re being stupid.“

The alpha deflated at his words. Sungyeol snickered and patted Woohyun’s shoulder. „That’s it, little brother. Listen to what hyung says.“

Woohyun glared at the beta and Sunggyu just sighed. His friend was being terribly overprotective but maybe it was just his alpha instincts going haywire. It was the first time Woohyun was around a pregnant omega, at least as far as Sunggyu knew.

“Okay, everyone sit down. Except for Woohyun, you need to prepare lunch.“

The alpha disappeared into the kitchen to cook and Sunggyu prepared drinks for his friends. The doorbell rang in the middle of it. He went to get it. A quick glance through the peephole told him Dongwoo and Hoya had arrived together. As expected. He took a deep breath and then opened the door with a reluctant smile.

“H-Hey guys. Glad you made it.“

Dongwoo went ahead and hugged him tightly, jumping back slightly when he felt the bump. „Oh! Oh my god. Oh god, god, god. OH. MY. GOD. HYUNG!“

Hoya facepalmed. „Couldn’t you have warned me? Now he’s broken. You know how much he loves babies? He won’t be shutting up about this for at least a week.“


“Yeah, I noticed.“ Sunggyu chuckled. „Stop shouting in the corridor and get inside, you fool.“

“OH MY GOD! I WILL BE AN UNCLE! HELLO BABY!“ Dongwoo squealed as soon as the door was closed again. He went ahead and touched the bump, which earned him a smack on the head from Hoya.

“Can’t you ask for permissi

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695 streak #1
Chapter 10: just reread this again 😍
Chapter 10: this story is really sweet and put a big smile on my face. thank you soo much for writing this author-nim.
Simran20 #3
Still absolutely in love with this fic 😍😍
695 streak #4
Chapter 10: just finished re-reading this and it’s still beautiful
Ekaterina090w #5
Chapter 10: I really enjoyed reading it!! Sunggyu being oblivious was kinda irritating have to admit BUT once he has acknowledged his feelings... I couldn't stop smiling it was so so cute awwwww
Chapter 10: when i'm in the middle of the story, i've been stuck to woohyun-sunggyu-changwook love triangle ? is it only me? sunggyu and changwook are also a good pair in this story. i also like changwook's character here ? . it's a good and cute story to read ? i really like your stories. please create more woogyu stories authornim! thank you! ? *90° bow*

PS: any updates in "A Thousand Years"? i'm really looking forward for your update about that story authornim x(>.<)x
Gwiyubta ♡(> ਊ <)♡♡(> ਊ <)♡♡(> ਊ <)♡