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Hold Me Tight

"I'm very honored to announce next year's elected president of the student council..." there was a moment of pause before the lady took out the white piece of paper from the envelope. Everybody in the auditorium tensed up as she unfolded it. "Lee Jeno!"

The sound of hands clapping and people cheering instantly echoed in the room. Half of the students got up from their seats in excitement as they celebrated the newly elected president.

"WOOHOO!! LEE JENO!!" Jaemin screamed on top of his lungs as he climbed on top of his seat.

"Oh my god oh my god oh my god!!" Chenle exclaimed, smacking Donghyuck's left arm as he couldn't contain his excitement.

"Ow! Stop hitting me!" the boy protested as he tried to shield himself from Chenle.

"I told you he'll become president!" Mark said, clapping his hands proudly.

You stood there, giggling at the boys' reaction. You were smiling so widely as you saw your boyfriend walking up the stage towards the podium. You couldn't be prouder at that point.

Jeno cleared his throat as he adjusted the mic in front of him. "Fellow classmates, first of all, I would like to sincerely thank all of you for electing me as this year's president," he spoke through the microphone as he smiled brightly in front of hundreds of students. "I would also want to express my gratitude to my campaign manager," the boy paused, pointing at you as he gave you a subtle wink.

At that moment, you felt your heart skipped a beat.

"And to everyone else who supported me and played a part in this race. As your newly elected president, I promise to take into account each of your interests and your voices on the many issues we will face during the upcoming year, specifically the topics I addressed during my campaign. I will not let you down. Together, we can make this school a better place to learn." Jeno ended his short speech and bowed. The sound of hands clapping and cheering followed as he walked down the stage.

"Hell yeeeeeah!" Jaemin exclaimed as he pumped a fist into the air. "That's my brother!"

"Yah he didn't mention us on stage! He only mentioned _____ noona!" Chenle whined in protest.

"Shut up Chenle!" Donghyuck replied in irritation. "_____ noona worked harder than any of us." he continued in defense only to have the younger boy pouted.

You couldn't help but giggle at them. All of you have worked tirelessly the past month to help Jeno out with his campaign, and the result was worth it.




After the meeting was dismissed, you watched the rest of the students made their way out of the auditorium. You rocked back and forth on your feet as you waited for your boyfriend to come out. The hallway was pretty much empty already.

"_____!" a voice called out your name, making you turned around instantly.

Jeno ran approaching you, and before you knew it, both of your feet were off the ground. He picked you up and spun you around in excitement. You let out a giggle as you held onto him tightly.

"I made it! I'm president!" he said in a tone full of excitement. He was smiling so widely and you couldn't help but notice his adorable eye-smile. The boy gently put you back down.

"I'm so proud of you oppa!" you exclaimed as you held his face.

"I wouldn't be able to do it without my campaign manager," he grinned as he planted a kiss on your forehead, making you blush instantly.

"Jeno hyung!" a voice suddenly echoed in the hallway, making both of you turned your direction to the left. It was none other than his group of friends; Chenle, Jaemin, Mark, Donghyuck, Jisung, and Renjun.

"Oh- guys!" the boy waved at the group.

"Yo, we need to celebrate your win!" Mark said as he gave Jeno a bear hug.

"We're super proud of you hyung," Jisung chirped.

"Thanks guys, couldn't do it without all of you." Jeno replied as he put his hand around your shoulder.

"Uh-huh, someone probably should've mentioned us in his speech." Chenle suddenly blurted as he crossed his arms, only to have the rest of them glared at him. "I'm teasing I'm teasing!" the younger boy said in defense.

"Aigoo you guys," you chuckled at the scene in front of you.

"But I agree, we should go and celebrate." Chenle pointed out.

"Sure. Should we all get burgers now? I'm hungry." Jaemin said, rubbing his belly.

"Sounds good to me," Donghyuck replied.

You looked up to Jeno and met his gaze. "Mhm." you nodded, earning a smile from the boy.

"Let's go!!~" Renjun chirped.

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