Yours and Mine


“So, what’s up?”, Seungwan asked as soon as they sat down. 


“Nothing, really. It’s just a petty fight. You know I can be a bit jealous,” Sooyoung said as she poked on her own food. 


“When did it start? I mean, you guys were together this morning and you were ok,” Seungwan asked curiously. 


“We were texting. Saw some photos on IG with her dance troupe friends. Then there. It was a cute fight at first, you know, then it escalated I don’t even know how.” Sooyoung sounding so sad. 


Seungwan was speechless. She doesn’t know what to say so she left it at that. After a few minutes of silence, someone approached them.


“Babe.. I’m sorry. I’m really sorry. Please forgive me.” Seulgi said sobbing and immediately knelt down then hugged Sooyoung by the waist.


Sooyoung hugged the girl back and said, ”I’m sorry too, baby. Please don’t cry. I don’t like seeing you like that. Come here.”


Sooyoung helped Seulgi to stand up and sit beside her. The younger girl caressing her girlfriend’s face, wiping away the tears. Then the older girl held her hand and kissed her palm.


Seungwan took that as her queue to leave and she did. It broke her heart but seeing her dongsaeng smiling again, made her happy.


Seungwan went back to their usual table and to the usual people. 


“Back so soon?” Joohyun asked in an unamazed tone. 


“You missed me already?” Seungwan asked blankly.


“I kinda wished you won’t come back. I think I didn’t wish hard enough,” Joohyun shrugged.


“Next time, try doing a human sacrifice it might work. Then while you’re at it, it will be really nice that if the human sacrifice is you,” Seungwan grinned. 


“Will you two get a room and get this over with? What you two have for each other might just be s, you know.” Yerim commented which earned her a glare from the two. “Ok ok.. Fine.. Jeez.. Can’t you guys take a joke?” Yerim said throwing her hands up in the air in surrender then went back to texting.


The rest of the day went smoothly. JoyGi back to their vomit inducing sweetness, Joohyun and Seungwan to their usual bickering, and Yerim and Saeron in their own world.








Excuse me? Who’s this?




Wow! You have a very nice way of greeting people. What do you want?


Baechu : I’m only nice to people. Clearly you’re not. Seulgi.


I know. And I want Sooyoung but we both know that they’re together so I don’t see the point of this.


Baechu: You’re as talkative in texting as you are in real life.


And you’re still on with your one liners. Again, what do you want? And did you just referred to me as non-human?


Baechu: I already told you, it’s Seulgi. You’re a puppy.


Ooookkkaaayyyyy… But can you be more specific? I can’t guess what’s running in that beautiful head of yours. And why am I puppy?


Baechu : Let’s break them up. Just because you’re a puppy. Did you just call me beautiful?


I don’t think that’s a good idea. You saw how sad they were when they fought and that was the first time, I can’t bear to see Sooyoung or Seulgi sad again. 


Baechu : That’s why we need to break them up, because they will be happier if they are with us. We know them, what they want and they don’t want. What they like and not. 


Wow, I knew you were evil, Joohyun, but I didn't think you'd be THIS evil.


Baechu : Oh wow, and now you're a saint? Please. I'm only asking you this because this is the best action to take. We're just gonna make them jealous here and there. Nothing too EVIL as you were saying. 

I know quite a few number of girls that has a crush on Seulgi so I can make that work. Then I’ll try to prolong our practice schedules so Seulgi will always be late when trying to meet up with Sooyoung.


Bad idea. And why would you even need my help with that? 


Baechu: I need you to take Sooyoung during weekends, like maybe try to tell her that you’re not spending as much time together like you usually do. 


Like that would even make Seulgi jealous. Nope. I won't take part in anything that'll make Sooyoung hurt or sad. 


Baechu: I already told you, it's for their sake. We know them better than anyone so this is going to work if we play our cards right.


Not gonna happen. Like I told you, I don't want to see Sooyoung that devastated again.


Baechu: And it's okay for you to be devastated instead? Fine. I'm stupid to even think of asking for your help. I'll do this on my own then. You still called me beautiful, by the way.




Seungwan saw Joohyun tried everything. 


Joohyun got girls from their dance that was totally crushing on Seulgi to be more touchy and clingy, but Seulgi dodged them like fire. 


Late practices, but Sooyoung was still there to wait for Seulgi. Sooyoung would even bring food for Seulgi and Joohyun. And sometimes Seungwan will be there too, when Sooyoung asks the girl to accompany her. 


There was even a time when their troupe were just hanging out in their practice room while having a few drinks after some practice, when a junior member of their troupe dragged Seulgi out to confess to her and even managed to steal a kiss from Seulgi.


During that time Joohyun made sure that Sooyoung will be there to witness it, but it was a total fail. Seungwan on Sooyoung’s trail doesn't know whether to feel happy or disappointed.


Acting innocent, Joohyun said, “Why don’t you guys come and join us in the practice room? We’re having a few drinks. It’s just mild drinking, don’t worry, Sooyoung.”


Before Sooyoung can even answer, she saw it all. Yes, the girl confessed. Yes, the girl kissed Seulgi. And yes, Sooyoung saw how Seulgi didn’t react to the girl's kiss. How Seulgi backed up from the girl after being kissed. How Seulgi fished for her phone in her pocket and shows something to the girl. How Seulgi was trying to explain something to the said girl as she points something on her phone and placed a hand on her chest. Then the said girl bowed looking sad and sorry, but Seulgi just patted the girls head, nodded and sported a small smile. 


When the girl left, they watched as Seulgi scrolled through her phone, and placed it on her ear. Right there and then, Sooyoung's phone rang and she answered.


They watched Seulgi on how hard she was trying to explain things to Sooyoung about just what happened. Sooyoung was quiet all the time Seulgi was talking. She was just staring at Seulgi from not so far away and Seungwan can see how in love Sooyoung is.


From where they stand Seungwan can see Seulgi kicking the ground and trying to wipe tears from her face, then she heard Sooyoung said, “It’s okay baby. Don’t cry. I believe you. I really do. Don’t worry, I’m not mad. You have fun now, just don’t drink too much, okay? Talk to you later. I love you too,” Sooyoung ended the call and gave a now smiling Seulgi one last look and walked away. 


Just then Sooyoung turned to Joohyun and said, “I think we’re fine, unnie,” then she gave Joohyun a genuine smile.


”Wendy unnie, what was that you were saying that I’m not spending much time with you anymore? How about we go get some tteokbokki, bring it to your place and turn on Netflix?” Sooyoung asked Seungwan.


Joohyun suddenly turned her gaze to Seungwan after hearing Sooyoung said that. 


Seungwan almost cringed because of embarrassment that she can't stare back. But she's feeling Joohyun's stare boring into her soul.


She nervously laughed, "Y-Yeah, sounds like a plan." Seungwan tried to look at Sooyoung to avoid Joohyun's gaze. That's when she noticed that there was no pain in Sooyoung's eyes, she looked happy instead. 


"Okay, I'm gonna wait for you by the school gate." Sooyoung told her then waved Joohyun a goodbye. 


Now she's alone with Joohyun. Great. 


Joohyun slowly walked in front of her and looked straight to her eyes.


"Not going to take part in anything that'll make Sooyoung hurt or sad, huh." Joohyun muttered with her eyebrows raised.


"It's not what you think." Seungwan suddenly replied. 


Joohyun smiled at her, for the very first time since they met and said, "Sure."


Seungwan didn't know how it happened, but she's now an accomplice to Joohyun. She feels bad about it, but have done it still. 




During lunch at the same table, but this time without Sooyoung and Seulgi saying that they have to do something, whatever that may be. They’re only with Yerim and Saeron who are just openly flirting with each other and sharing their lunch packed by Saeron. 


“My plan didn’t work,” Joohyun said openly. 


“Yah! Yerim will hear you,” Seungwan whispered so that Yerim won’t hear. 


“No. She’s too busy with Saeron, I doubt it if they’re paying any attention to what we’re talking about,” Joohyun said. 


“Fine. What now?” Seungwan said nonchalantly as she picked on her food. 


“Well. We need a plan B. And we need it fast,” Joohyun said matter of factly.


“I have a plan,” Yerim said out of nowhere. 


Seungwan turned to Yerim. “And you said she wasn’t listening huh?” Seungwan questioned Joohyun.


“It’s what you call selective listening, Unnie. And I’m not unaware of my surroundings, I know what you guys have been doing all this time. Please..”, Yerim smirked. Saeron pinched her side and asked, “Do you do that to me too, unnie? Your selective listening?”


“Of course not, Saeronnie. I listen to every word you say.”, Yerim squeezed Saeron’s face and kissed the younger girls cheek. 


“Ok, let’s hear it.”, Joohyun said and raised her eyebrows at Yerim waiting for the girl to elaborate what plan what she has in mind. 


“Are you really gonna pull Yerim into this Joohyunnie?”, Seungwan asking Joohyun like she’s crazy.


Joohyun looked at Seungwan like the girl grew another head. “What?!”, Seungwan asked incredulously. 


“What did you call me?”, Joohyun asked.


“Joohyunnie. Joohyun unnie is too long for me. So Joohyunnie,” Seungwan smiled. Joohyun looked away and kept quiet. Yerim was just watching the exchange between her unnies with her eyebrows raised. Hate each other my b*tt. Yerim thought.


“Ok, love birds, here’s the plan,” Yerim told them her ingenious plan. Telling them that it will definitely capture JoyGi’s attention. 


As she finished explaining her plan, Yerim wiggling her eyebrows, “So? What do you think? I know.. I’m such a genius.”, the girl said while dusting off invisible dirt off her shoulders. 


“Aren’t you gonna wake up anytime soon, Saeron? I mean, if you do, I won’t blame you.”, Seungwan asked Saeron worriedly. 


“I love her like that unnie.”, Saeron said as she linked her arms with Yerim. 


“I’m in. But how are we gonna make this believable?”, Joohyun asked eagerly. 


“Well, we can tell them that both of you figured out that under all that bickering, Seungwan unnie is actually a very warm and caring person. And then you Seungwan unnie, you’ll say that under that cold exterior of Joohyun unnie she’s actually soft, like a baby.”


The two looked at each other then looked away.


“What, Unnies? It’s now or never? This is gonna be a good plan. You have the whole weekend to know each other better. Go out together, so that by Monday you’ll be comfortable with each other and it will look very real,” Yerim looking at them waiting for their answer. 


Joohyun and Seungwan looked at each other again, but this time they didn’t try to look away. The two looked at Yerim and nodded. 


Yerim clapped which startled the two and placed both her hands on the table, her palms slightly slamming its surface, and she stood up.


“Ok!! Operation Seung-Hyun commencing!!” Yerim shouted whispered excitedly. 


“Seung-Hyun?” Seungwan asked.


“Seungwan + Joohyun = Seung-Hyun. Duh?” Yerim said it like ‘isn’t it obvious’ kind of way.


Yerim looked at her phone to check the time, then she looked at Saeron and winked.


“Look at that! We need to go. I need to bring Saeron to her next class then I’ll go to mine. Remember what I told you earlier, you need to spend some time together. Just. The. Two. Of. You.” Yerim added a pause after every word to add emphasis then the young couple walked off giggling. 


“We’re really going to do this, huh?” Seungwan asked warily. Scratching her nape in the process. 


While Joohyun is not even looking at Seungwan, she answered, “Yeah. We want this remember. We need to make this work. Let’s meet after school.”


“Huh?” Seungwan looked lost for a minute with what Joohyun said. 


“Let’s meet after school. I mean after going home. Pick me up where you would usually drop me and Seulgi off then let’s go to a cafe,” Joohyun said and Seungwan was just looking at her.


“Like what Yerim said, we need to get to know each other,” Joohyun added and Seungwan nodded.


Joohyun stood up. “Later, Seungwan-ah,” she trailed off then left not waiting for Seungwan to answer.

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Because one certain subscriber hyped me up.. posting all chaps all at once.. This is for you Soshivelvett!!


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Chapter 8: that's a victory Seungwan!
Chapter 8: มันหวานมากฉันชอบมัน โหวต 1,000x สำหรับเรื่องราวของคุณ
Chapter 8: This is fluffy and funny. haha
paransaek #4
Chapter 8: I love rereading this haha
WenRene_77 15 streak #5
Chapter 8: love this story, thank you author-nim😊💙💗
Chapter 8: Uwuwuwuwuuw I just read this story. So fluffy!! I loike itttt! Kekeekkeke thank you
Chapter 8: this is amazing, thank you so much!
lovejung #8
Chapter 8: awwwwww wenrene so cute
Chapter 8: lmao if I was wendy or irene, I would've ran to the hill the moment my dumbarse got exposed like that xD so glad things turned out very well for all of them lol