Yours and Mine

A car stopped in front of Joohyun, but instead of the windows of the passenger seat rolling down, Seungwan quickly stepped outside the drivers side ran to the passenger side and opened the door for Joohyun. 


If Joohyun was shocked or touched, or whatever that she felt she dared not to show it. Seungwan closed the door and made her way back to the driver side. 


“You’re late.”, Joohyun said

“No, I’m not. You’re just early.”, Seungwan replied not looking at Joohyun.


Seungwan drove to cafe not so far away and made a full stop. When she saw Joohyun removing her seatbelt, Seungwan stopped her which left Joohyun confused. 


Seungwan snapping back the seatbelt, “Just stay here. I’ll be the one to get what you want.” Seungwan got out of the car and went to the cafe.


After a few minutes, Seungwan came back with a few sandwiches and drinks on hand. “Here”, as she handed Joohyun what she bought.


“The bubble tea is mine, yours is the shake. And then you can just choose whichever sandwich you want.” Seungwan said as she drives off going somewhere Joohyun doesn’t even know. 


Joohyun looked into the plastic checking the sandwiches, then Seungwan spoke again. “Don’t worry, I didn’t get any chicken flavored, so you can get any.”


Joohyun just held on to the plastic as she waits for them to arrive at their destination. Seungwan being Seungwan, you can stop her from talking. 


“I just noticed that you don’t eat chicken and you would always buy a strawberry milk drink, so I got you a shake of the same flavor and no chicken sandwich. But if you want something else, we can always buy something along the way, just let me know." Seungwan finished. 


“You really talk a lot do you?” Joohyun said, “Thanks.” then the corner of her lips curved upwards. ‘Did I just smile?’ she thought.


Seungwan smiled. Wait. Seungwan smiled? Ok.


“We’re here.” Seungwan said so excitedly. She got out of the car in record time and the next thing Joohyun sees is Seungwan opening the door for her and getting the plastics and drinks she handed her earlier. 


“Here, Joohyunnie. Follow me. This way.” Seungwan said as she walks to a bench facing the river. Joohyun followed suit.


Seungwan made sure to dust off the bench before sitting, placed their snacks in the middle and motioned Joohyun to sit on the other side of the bench, in which Joohyun took. 


Seungwan sat comfortably as she reached for her drink. “Here, Joohyunnie. Choose your sandwich so I can really get mine.” Seungwan said as she offered the sandwiches to Joohyun. When Seungwan saw that Joohyun was having a hard time choosing, she spoke.


“Wait. Ummm. Here.” handing one sandwich to Joohyun.”I think this suits your taste more. I know you don’t really eat vegetables. This is all meat.”


Joohyun took the sandwich and looked at Seungwan. She can’t utter a word. She stared at Seungwan, when she realize what she's doing she looked away immediately. 


They watched the people passing by and enjoyed the breeze. As the sun sets Seungwan spoke, “Here it comes.”


“Here wh-”, Joohyun wasn’t able to finish what she was saying when Seungwan pointed to the beautiful sunset. The colors of the sky changing from light blue gradually turning orange. They watch it in awe. Together. They were silent for a few minutes, it’s not like they were really talking, but they want to enjoy the scenic view unfolding before them.


Breaking the silence, Joohyun spoke first, “I didn’t imagine that we will be coming here. I wish you would’ve said something. I could’ve dressed up for the occasion.” Joohyun rubbing her arms trying to warm herself up. 


Seungwan chuckled. “Who told you to wear a dress? Look who’s stupid now.” 


Joohyun in the midst of shivering was still able to roll her eyes at Seungwan.


“Here.”, Seungwan stood up, took off her jacket, and wrapped it around Joohyun. 


Joohyun doesn’t want to wear the jacket cause Seungwan just called her stupid, but Seungwan fought her to it and made sure the older girl is wearing it comfortably.


“So.. How are we gonna do this?”, Seungwan then asked.


“We need to make them believe that we’re already getting along well. I mean we need to lessen the bickering. And be more physical.. I think..”, Joohyun said the last words sounded like it’s fading away.


“What? Physical? What do you mean? Are we gonna be hitting each other now?”, Seungwan questioned her eyes getting big.


“No, stupid! I mean.. Arrgghh! This is so frustrating.”, Joohyun stomped on foot. 


Seungwan laughed out loud. “I know what you mean Joohyunnie.”, she said still laughing at the frustrated look of Joohyuns face.


Joohyun slapped the younger girls arm to make her stop laughing, but it still took a few more seconds before Seungwans laughter dies down.


“Ok. Since you’re the one who mentioned that we need to start to be a little bit more “physical”, what do you have in mind?” Seungwan looked at her.


“Well.. Ummm.. I t-think..”, Joohyun looking anywhere else just to avoid Seungwans eyes. 


“Ok. Fine. Seems like you can’t think of anything as of the moment. How about we start with holding hands? Is that ok?”, Seungwan asked her and this time she looked at Seungwan. 


“Yeah. I think that’s ok.”, Joohyun answered. Then as she does, Seungwan stood up, faced her, and reached out her left hand for Joohyun to hold. 


“Come on. We can walk around while holding hands. So we can get used to it.”, Seungwan still waiting for Joohyun to take her hand. And good thing is Joohyun didn’t disappoint. 


They walked by the riverside where they see other couples walking side by side. While the others are riding a bike.


“Do you still feel cold?”, Seungwan’s poor way of trying for a small talk. 


“No.”, Joohyuns short answer. 


They are walking side by side, holding hands, but they barely look at each other. From a third person's point of view you can literally see the awkwardness in them, but they still choose to hold on to each other. 


“I think I’m getting  the hang of it. Like, a little.”, Joohyun commented. 


“Me too. Which is good. We can be more believable.”, Seungwan said. 


Walking back to the car, Seungwan remotely unlocked the car, opened the passenger side door, and ushered Joohyun inside. That was the only time they let go of each others hand. 


Before starting the engine, Seungwan said. “Let’s go with Yerims plan. It will look rushed if we show up at school on Monday looking all lovey dovey.”


Joohyun second it. “Yeah. That’s a good idea. We’ll start with lessening our fights and be more caring, if possible, with each other.”


Seungwan was about to drive off when Joohyuns phone rang and an oh so familiar flashed on the screen. 


“It’s Yerim. Answer it.”, Seungwan told Joohyun. And Joohyun did. 


“What is it? You really have to video call?”, Joohyun answered looking and sounding annoyed.

“Why are you mad unnie? Did I disturb from something?” Yerim asked wiggling her eyebrows.

Joohyun just rolled her eyes at Yerims antics. And before Joohyun can even answer Yerim continued, “How was the date?”


“We did what you said. We’re getting familiar with each other.”, Seungwan answered now.

“ And?.....” Yerims eyebrows raised looking at the two expectantly.


“We’re doing ok, Yerimmie. We held hands.”, Seungwan said matter of factly.


The younger girl squealed on the other end of the line and they can surely hear other voices from Yerims end too. Giggling and squealing. But Yerims was quick to cover her phone so the voice sounded muffled.


“Who’s that?”, Joohyun asked looking at the video like she could from inside her phone.

“No one.” Yerim deadpanned.


“It’s me Joohyun unnie. Saeron.” Saeron suddenly popped up on the screen.

“Oh”, was Joohyun could say then she smiled. 

“Hi Ron!” Seungwan smiled at Saeron and Joohyun just rolled her eyes at Seungwan, but Seungwan ignored it even waved at Saeron.


Saeron waved back and said, “Hi Seungwan unnie!”


Yerim faced the phone to her and said, “Ok, enough of that. You guys are doing great. Do it again tomorrow. Spend some time together. Like what you did today. So that our plan will work. Just update me, ok? Bye!”, then winked after. 


“Bye, unnies!”, Saeron showed up in front of the screen again together with Yerim and the two girls waved at them goodbye, and so Joohyun and Seungwan did the same thing. 


Seungwan started the engine, backed up from the parking lot, and drove off. Instead of just dropping Joohyun at their usual stop, Seungwan insisted on dropping Joohyun right in front of her house, but Joohyun denied it. And Joohyun thought that it was that. 


When they are already at her usual drop off place Seungwan drove past it and was already driving in a familiar road. Joohyun panicked and Seungwa felt it. 


“Relax. I’m not gonna take you anywhere.”, Seungwan said. 

“I know this road. This is going to my place that’s why I’m panicking.”, Joohyun said looking around. “How did you even-”


“I messaged Yerim and she gave me your address. So relax. I’m not gonna let you walk alone going home.”, Seungwan explained. 


Joohyun kept quiet because it’s not like she can do something about it. And Seungwan just smiled. 


“Here we are.”, Seungwan said and quickly got out of the car to open the door for Joohyun. 


“I think we did okay, Joohyunnie.” Seungwan said. 


“Yes, we did.”, Joohyun replied.


Before Joohyun can open the gate, Seungwan added, “So, tomorrow?”


Joohyun looked back at Seungwan who is still standing beside the car. “Yes, tomorrow.”, Joohyun answered.


Joohyun about to get inside she heard Seungwan again, “What time?”


“After lunch. Around 2pm.”, Joohyun said. 

“Ok.”, Seungwan said.

“Ok.”, Joohyun said back.


Joohyun went inside and closed their gate and that’s the only time she heard Seungwans car drove off. Then she realized that Seungwan has forgotten her jacket with her. She can just return it tomorrow, she thought.


The following day, Joohyun was searching for her phone inside her bag as she was stepping outside her door. She was about to contact Yerim to get Seungwans phone number to remind her of their 2pm meeting time, but when she walked out of her gate she saw Seungwan leaning on the hood of her car while drinking bubble tea, I think?


Joohyun looked at her watch and saw that it’s 10 mins to 2pm but here is Seungwan at her doorstep waiting for her. ‘Impressive’, she thinks.


Seungwan turned just in time Joohyun had closed the gate. 


“You’re early.”, Joohyun said. 

“I hate being late.”, Seungwan shrugged. “Let’s go?”, Seungwan asked and Joohyun nodded. Yet again, Seungwan opened the door for her and Joohyun just looked at the younger girl.


When Joohyun was not yet getting inside the car and felt Joohyuns stare, Seungwan felt a little conscious that she began touching her face. 


“What? Do I have something on my face?”, Seungwan started looking at the side mirror to check if there was anything.


“No. Nothing. Here’s your coat by the way. You left it with me yesterday.”, Joohyun answered then got in. 


“I totally forgot. Thanks!”, Seungwan placed at the back seat and started driving. “So.. where are we going? Do you have anything in mind?”, Seungwan asked not taking her eyes off the road. 


“Well..”, Joohyun dragged like she was thinking really hard. “How about we go to your place instead of going to a cafe? If it’s okay with you, I mean we can just have some food delivered and watch movies you have at your place.”, Joohyun said as she looked at Seungwan. And Joohyun didn’t miss the widening of Seungwans eyes from shock, but was able to recover immediately. 


“Y-yeah.. Sure.. It’s ok. Are you ok with that?”, Seungwan still asked.

“I was literally the one who thought of the idea and then you’re asking me if i’m ok with it? Really?”, Joohyun asked confounded.


Seungwan scratching her nape, embarrassed. “I’m just making sure, ok? Then again, it seems like you are, then to my place we go.”, Seungwan then started driving to her place.


They arrived at Seungwan’s place and Joohyun was shocked to see that the Seungwan they know can buy anything she wants if she desires to. But, the Seungwan they actually know settles for a mini SUV to accommodate them instead of going for, let’s say the matte blue BMW Z4 parked in her garage.


Instead of Seungwan opening the car door for her, they was this guy who is fast enough to beat Seungwan to open it for her. 


When Seungwan saw it, “Uncle, you didn’t have to. I told you so many times before, I can do it. You don’t have to treat me like this or any of my guests.” Seungwan told and smiled at the middle aged guy while tapping his back. 


“I’m sorry Miss. I forgot.”, Mr. Kim while giving Seungwan a soft smile. 


Seungwan then pouted and crossed her arms. “Tsk tsk. What did I told you Uncle?”


“I’m sorry. I forgot again. To just call you Seungwan.”, Mr. Kim nodded knowingly and at that both of them laughed. 


Joohyun was just watching them thinking ‘She looks like those rich girls with a good heart that you can only see in movies.’


“Oh! I’m sorry. Uncle this is my… ummm… f-friend?”, Seungwan looked at Joohyun looking for confirmation. But before Joohyun can even answer Mr. Kim said something. 


“It’s ok, Seungwan. Ms. Choi and I may be old, but we’re not that old enough and we’re not narrow-minded. We know about you preferences. It’s okay to say that this girl is your girlfriend. May I say, you have exquisite taste. This young lady is very pretty.”


Joohyun and Seungwan blushed severely. 


Seungwan answered in panic, “N-no! Uncle!! Sh-she’s not my girlfriend. W-what are you talking about?!! OH my god!!”, Seungwan covered her face in embarrassment and hit the guy on his arm.


Mr. Kim just kept on laughing. Looks like he’s enjoying embarrassing Seungwan so much. Joohyun was still blushing but giggled at the view.


“You’re denying it Seungwan but this young lady doesn’t.”, Mr. Kim looked at Joohyun smiling with a glint of mischief in his eyes.


Now it’s Joohyun turn to panic. Waving her hands like saying no with a shocked expression. “No, Sir. You’re mistaken we’re just friends!!”


Mr. Kim laughed out loud. “You kids are so funny. You should’ve seen the looks on your faces. Beets will be in shame. And please, don’t call me sir. You can call me uncle like how Seungwan calls me. And you young lady, what’s your name?”


“My name is Bae Joohyun. You can call me Joohyun, uncle.”, Joohyun said and bowed.


Mr. Kim smiled at Joohyun then ushered them inside. “Ok, come on now. Let’s get inside.”


Seungwan followed by Joohyun and went inside the house. They were greeted by a middle aged woman, which Joohyun thinks is Ms.Choi.


“Seungwan-ah, welcome back.”, the lady greeted Seungwan and hugged the girl. 


“Thank you, auntie. By the way, this is my friend, Joohyun. We’ll be staying in my room to hang out.” Seungwan said. 


Ms. Choi’s eyebrows raised like she’s been informed of a secret. “Ohhhh.. I see.. Okay. I’ll prepare your snacks right away and I assure you we won’t be disturbing you the time that you guys are hanging out.”, then the lady winked at Seungwan.


Seungwan palmed her face then started rubbing her forehead. “Auntie, this is what happens when you only talk to uncle. We’re not going to “hang out” like what you’re thinking, we’re just gonna watch some movies and that’s it.”, Seungwan said frustratingly. 


Then Mr. Kim passed by carrying some paper bags, “That’s what they say.”, and wiggled his eyebrows at Ms. Choi. Then the two older people laughed out loud and Seungwan just pouted. 


Seungwan held Joohyun by the wrist and dragged the older girl to her room. Placed their stuff at the study table beside Seungwan’s bed. There’s a love seat at the foot of Seungwan’s bed, so she seated Joohyun there. Seungwan then her LCD TV and PS4, gave the controller to Joohyun and guided her how to use it. 


“There. You can watch Netflix or play something while I fix us something to eat. I’ll be back really fast.”, and Seungwan left her in Seungwan’s room.


As soon as Seungwan stepped out, Joohyun didn’t bother playing but looked around the room instead. Not really going through Seungwans things, but just looking around like she’s in an art gallery. 


Seungwan has a big room, but it was simple. A double sized bed, a loveseat, a few bin bags, a study table with a cork board, a side table with a lamp and two picture frames, an acoustic guitar, organ, saxophone, flute, an oval coffee table, a few books that are placed on wall mounted shelves, a wall mounted TV, and a PS4.


What caught Joohyun’s attention are the photos on the bed side table. One is Seungwan with her family and the other one is Seungwan with Sooyoung kissing the older girl on the cheek. It looks like a photo taken on her birthday, the little crown that’s saying happy birthday giving it away. 


Then Joohyun went to Seungwan’s cork board on the study table. The photos are their group photos. Seungwan printed it out and posted it there. At that, Joohyun smiled. They’ve only known each other for a few months but Seungwan treasures them like that. 


Joohyun was startled when the door opened showing a Seungwan carrying a tray of food and drinks.


“I got us popcorn and soda. If you want something else, just tell me. Like fruits, tteokbokki, or something.”, Seungwan said as she carefully placed the tray on the wooden coffee table.


Joohyun came near Seungwan and sat on the loveseat, then Seungwan followed. Now they are seated side by side.


Seungwan got the controlled. “What do you want to watch?”, Seungwan asked while scrolling through the movies on display.


“Anything, but not horror.”, Joohyun said. 

“Okay, then how about this?”, Seungwan chose a movie and played it. 

“Somewhere in time?”, Joohyun asked.

“It’s a nice old movie. It’s about love defying time. Just watch it. I’ve watched it so many times already. I even have it on VCD.”, Seungwan answered and explained, then reached for the bowl of popcorn in front of them which she placed on right thigh so that Joohyun will be able to reach for it easily. 


They were quiet all through out the movie. Just munching on popcorn and concentrating on the story. Then Seungwan felt movement on the right side of the seat and something heavy on her shoulder. Joohyun just scooted closer to her and leaned her head on Seungwans shoulder. 


Seungwan didn’t move. She didn’t say anything, but Joohyun did. “We need to get use to each other remember?”, Joohyun reminded her and Seungwan relaxed her body.


“Yeah.. You’re right.”, Seungwan smiled. 


They stayed like that until the second movie played. “If only. This is a good movie too. It’s about second chances, I think?”, Seungwan said and Joohyun only hummed in response. 


“Are you feeling cold?”, Seungwan asked and Joohyun hummed again. So Seungwan reached for the blanket that’s at the foot of the bed with her left arm. Joohyun moved her head when Seungwan moved her arm and went back to leaning closer to Seungwan. This time Joohyun is almost on Seungwan’s chest. Then Seungwan continued to unfold the blanket and wrap it on Joohyun. Joohyun snuggled closer to her. 


Seungwan looked at Joohyun who is visibly comfortable on leaning on her and visibly gorgeous. Seungwan has seen it ever since the first time she saw Joohyun. It was the morning before Seulgi introduced Joohyun to her.


Joohyun looked so peaceful then. Like a Goddess walking among human beings just to grace them with her beauty. ‘Irene fits her. The Goddess of peace, Irene.’ She thought.


Well of course, it somehow changed when Joohyun started yapping at her about stealing Seulgi away blah blah. Seungwan playfully rolled her eyes at the memories of them bickering. Looking at Joohyun now, she looks like Irene - the girl she saw that day.


It was almost dinner time when Seungwan realised that they dozed off on the loveseat, which was comfortable enough because of their height, thank God.


When Seungwan opened her eyes she saw ‘Irene’s head on her chest and a hand on her waist. While Seungwan’s arm was on ‘Irene’s shoulder draping down to the older girls back.


Seungwan started to slowly move out of the loveseat and from Joohyun’s embrace, when the older girl started moving too. Seungwan watched as Joohyun started rubbing her eyes and sat up.


Seungwan took that as her cue to sit up too and she made sure to just shrug off the cuddling that just happened to prevent things from getting awkward.


Seungwan stood up and asked, “Do you already have an English name Joohyunnie?”


Joohyun looked at Seungwan still half asleep and shook her head. “Then will it be okay to call you Irene?”


Joohyun tilted her a bit confused. “Irene?”


“Yeah. Irene. I think it suits you. Is it okay?” Seungwan answered.


“I don’t see anything bad about it…” Joohyun shrugged and reached out for the controller that’s on the table in front of her.


“Then Irene it is. I’m just gonna go to the kitchen to fix us something to eat.”, Seungwan took a glimpse at her wall clock. “It’s almost dinner time. Just stay here Irene unnie.”


After a few minutes Seungwan came back food at hand. When she was near the door when she heard grunts. She opened the door and saw Irene so immersed in playing Crash Team racing. Seungwan shook her head. ‘So much for being the Goddess of peace alright.’


Seungwan then placed the tray of food in front of Joohyun , which caught the girl’s attention and paused the game. 


After they ate the two played a few rounds of the game and had to stop when they realized that it’s already late. 


Joohyun bid goodbye to Ms. Choi and Mr. Kim who told her to come by anytime. That she is always welcome and she just nodded politely as a response. 


Seungwan drove her home and this time they are using the Z4. Why? Well..


>>>>> Mini flashback


As the two went to the garage, Seungwan got the keys for the mini SUV and was about to unlock it when Joohyun asked. “Why don’t you use this car, Seungwan?”


“Oh. That? I think it’s too flashy. And I won’t be able to fit all of you guys if I use that.”, Seungwan pointed at the Z4. 


“Dad bought me that car without me knowing about it. I actually used it the first week of classes, when it was just Seulgi and I. But then I met Yerim and Saeron, I feel bad leaving them alone. So I asked Dad if I can trade that car for this car, but he asked Mr. Kim to buy this mini SUV instead.”, Seungwan said sounding a bit disappointed. 


“You don’t look happy about it.”, Joohyun commented. 


“It’s not that. It’s just.. I am.. I mean.. I just think it’s a waste of money to buy such expensive cars. And instead of buying another one, we could’ve just sold this Z4 to buy the mini SUV.”, Seungwan explained.


‘Practical’, Joohyun thought. “I see..” She mouthed.


“You know what, thinking about it. It’s a waste not to use it.”, Seungwan changed the keys she holding and got the one for the Z4. 


Seungwan unlocked the said car, opened the passenger car door (which Seungwan never fails to do for Joohyun ever since they started this ‘getting to know’ thing) and ushered Joohyun in. Which Joohyun obliged.


>>>>> end of mini flashback


“Thanks for the afternoon Seungwan. I can clearly see that this plan of ours will work marvelously.”, Joohyun smiled. 


“Yeah. I think so too, Irene unnie. Thinking about it now, we didn’t argue or bicker about anything today.”, Seungwan laughed. In which Joohyun followed. 


They waved goodbye and like yesterday, Seungwan waited for Irene to get inside the house before she left, which was not unnoticed from Joohyuns end.


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Because one certain subscriber hyped me up.. posting all chaps all at once.. This is for you Soshivelvett!!


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Chapter 8: that's a victory Seungwan!
Chapter 8: มันหวานมากฉันชอบมัน โหวต 1,000x สำหรับเรื่องราวของคุณ
Chapter 8: This is fluffy and funny. haha
paransaek #4
Chapter 8: I love rereading this haha
WenRene_77 15 streak #5
Chapter 8: love this story, thank you author-nim😊💙💗
Chapter 8: Uwuwuwuwuuw I just read this story. So fluffy!! I loike itttt! Kekeekkeke thank you
Chapter 8: this is amazing, thank you so much!
lovejung #8
Chapter 8: awwwwww wenrene so cute
Chapter 8: lmao if I was wendy or irene, I would've ran to the hill the moment my dumbarse got exposed like that xD so glad things turned out very well for all of them lol