Chapter 10

Blind Hatred

The week that followed was uneventful. Nayeon was over the promotions of the new movie and had free time. She was glad for it because she could spend time with Momo. Momo wasn't alone most of the time anymore and she somehow looked better. Nayeon was still being careful though. She monitored Momo's behavior and picked up on any subtle red flag. But there wasn't a lot. Momo actually invited Mina and Sana over every day. Nayeon didn't mind that at all. She also liked having their friends so close again. Even Jihyo and Tzuyu joined them whenever they could. Although, apparently, they were trying to fix their relationship. No one really knew what that meant exactly but they didn't bug the two for answers. On the other side, Dahyun was dealing with Chaeyoung being broken and her plan to pay Sana a visit. But also, Ms. Kang that kept coming to their house and talk to her. Dahyun hated that she was so nice to her. She wanted that woman to be mean and yell at her. So her mom would send her away. Chaeyoung cleaned the whole room with the help of Dahyun, Yeri, and Rosé. She still left that one painting inside. She didn't know what she would do with it but she still couldn't throw it away. She has also tried to talk Dahyun into talking with Ms. Kang. It wasn't successful. That's why she stopped. She went along with Dahyun's plan to talk with Sana. Even if she didn't know what Dahyun was planning exactly. But she couldn't accept that Mina was with Sana. 
And the day has finally come. Dahyun didn't care anymore about not confronting Sana close to her workplace. There wasn't any other way for them to do it anyway. So the four of them met in front of the agency Sana worked at and waited. They didn't know the exact hour but they figured it would be similar to every other job. And they figured together they wouldn't be bored. 
"We still can come back and eat pizza at my place." Rosé tried for yet another time to end the disaster that was coming. But Dahyun was set and no one could talk her out of that. Rosé got ignored and she could only sigh. She hoped that if it became dangerous Yeri would help her calm things down. She turned her gaze at Chaeyoung and felt a tug at her heartstrings. She saw that girl in a different light and started feeling for her. Maybe they could be friends in the end. If it all went well. 
"There she is." Dahyun exclaimed and got up from the bench they were all sitting on and stormed towards the unsuspecting model. 
"Here we go." Yeri followed Dahyun immediately. Rosé waited until Chaeyoung stood up. She didn't know why but she didn't want to leave the girl alone. Chaeyoung looked at her and nodded. And so they went after the rest.
"Sana!" The called girl stopped typing on her phone and looked behind. Her expression turned into something Dahyun couldn't describe. But it wasn't important. She reached Sana and just stood there. She looked her from head to toe. "You have some nerve." Sana's expression turned into confusion. She looked from Dahyun to the three girls behind and she got a bad feeling when she spotted Chaeyoung.
"Dahyun. You...look different. I have never imagined I'd see you again." Sana's voice was trembling the whole time. It was hard for her to face Dahyun. The girl she was most sorry to. She never wanted for that to happen. And the harsh reply was something Sana was expecting.
"Of course I do. I couldn't look at myself after you turned me into a star." Sana felt get tight. It was horrible what Dahyun said and it was her- No, it wasn't.
"I am so sorry, Dahyun. I didn't know that would happen-" Sana tried to touch Dahyun's arm but her hand got slapped away. Dahyun looked more like she was ready to fight rather than talk with her. 
"Bull. But we already know that you like to make your friends popular on the internet. But you also keep manipulating Mina." Sana felt a rush of anger at the mention of manipulating Mina. She hated the sound of it. 
"I do not. Dahyun, I just want you to-" Dahyun pointed her finger at Sana's face and it cut off whatever she was going to say. Then she gestured to Chaeyoung behind her. 
"Let's be honest, you kept sleeping around with girls and never even paid attention to what Mina was feeling. And you wrapped her around your finger so she would dance to your tune. If it wasn't for that Mina would never have fallen for you. She had already liked Chaeyoung. And now, Chaeyoung just got her heart crushed. Because the person she loves is involved with an actual scumbag." Dahyun said all of that without yelling. But it all was dripping with venom. And all those words did exactly what Dahyun wanted them to do. She saw the tearful eyes that showed horror in them. Sana deserved it. For a few seconds, Sana remained paralyzed. But then she said something in the tiniest voice.
"You love Mina?" Chaeyoung looked away from Sana. She couldn't meet her gaze. But she nodded. She didn't see a point in lying to her. And it was all surprisingly not as terrible as they thought.
"She does. You just have to destroy everyone's lives. Is that your sick hobby or something? You are pathetic honestly. And to think I felt a little bit bad when Jeongyeon beat the out of you that day. But it seems like it was something you deserved." Rosé paid attention to Sana's behavior and was sure that the girl would have a breakdown soon. She hated that girl so why was she feeling bad all of a sudden? Dahyun threw some more insults in Sana's face and Rosé couldn't bear it anymore.
"Dahyun, I think she got what she deserved. Let's go." Rosé grabbed Dahyun's arm and tried to pull her in. But Dahyun didn't look happy with what she did.
"What?! It's not even the half of it." Yeri took it as a sign and she put her hand on Dahyun's shoulder. 
"I mean, she looks like she had enough. Let's go and have a celebration. For sticking it on her face." Dahyun hesitated for a moment. She sighed heavily in the end and e more time to Sana. 
"I hope to never see your sorry ever again." And she walked away. Yeri and Rosé followed quickly but Chaeyoung lingered just for a second. She just felt like she needed to say something. But she couldn't. So she only shot Sana one last glare and left. 

"Jihyo is acting...weird." Tzuyu had finally managed to voice her thoughts after an hour of her meeting with Mina. She wanted to say something earlier but she wasn't sure what to say exactly. She wasn't even sure what was the problem. Jihyo was just acting off. 
"Doesn't she usually?" Tzuyu groaned at the comment. Mina was making more jokes than Tzuyu remembered. But that wasn't concerning. 
"Okay. But the weird thing is that she doesn't act like usual." Tzuyu lifted her head from the pillow to look at Mina. Her friend was still knitting a hat but she had a thoughtful expression on. Tzuyu knew that only Mina could figure things out.
"You mean that she spends time with you? That's a good thing." Tzuyu shook her head. It wasn't that. She enjoyed the time they had together more than anything. But she just...wasn't sure if Jihyo was actually having fun. "Tzuyu reply." Mina giggled a little after some time passed without any word from Tzuyu. She actually found it funny how everyone except for Sana forgot she couldn't see them sometimes. 
"Sorry. I have a lot of fun actually. I love that we see each other so much. I am worried that Jihyo doesn't exactly enjoy herself." Tzuyu dropped her head into the pillow again and sighed. Mina got a bit worried as well. If Jihyo wasn't ready after all, why would she do that? Mina didn't want Jihyo to make things worse than they were. 
"Are you sure? Can you describe how she's acting?" Tzuyu sat up at that time and brought the pillow to her chest. She took her time before she started.
"Like, she's always looking around when we are out. She sits two meters away from me when we are at home. She doesn't seem to like that I hang out with Somi sometimes. Because she's Jeongyeon's friend apparently. She doesn't want to go to eat in any restaurant. And she still doesn't want to tell any of you about our relationship. Not like in a girlfriends way. Just like a normal relationship." Tzuyu slapped her face after finishing her speech. Mina smiled fondly at her though. Jihyo was still scared it seemed. Mina was concerned with that. Jihyo was supposed to be ready. She would have to do something with that. So she would tell Tzuyu what to do. Or try to do. 
"You know that talking it out is the best way. Ask her if she's really ready and if something is bothering her."
"I tried to ask her. She says everything's fine. Jihyo is just confusing." Mina couldn't disagree with that. Jihyo seemed to be even more self-conscious than before. Maybe the celebrity life made her that way. Should she talk with Jihyo again? But was it her job to solve the communication problem they had? She couldn't leave them that way though. 
"I will talk with her. But you should still try to talk with her as well. She should feel that you really care about it." Tzuyu thanked Mina with a hug. She was overjoyed to have Mina in her life again. She was too ashamed to meet her for years and she finally got her chance. 
"Mina, you are a saint. I will make sure that the Pope canonizes you after your death." Mina burst out laughing at the ridiculous promise. She was just happy to help. Being a saint was never in her to-do list. But she couldn't help and play along with the joke.
"You better. I think God would be disappointed in humanity if I wasn't canonized." The two then shared a heartwarming fit of laughter. That was something they all needed for so long. Just to have fun and not worry about what the following days would bring. And in the middle of their laughter, the front door opened and closed quietly. Tzuyu and Mina didn't hear it and only realized someone walked in when Sana passed through the living room.
"Oh, welcome back, Sana." Tzuyu greeted cheerfully and to let Mina know Sana was there. But Tzuyu immediately felt that something was off. Because Sana didn't pay them any attention. She just walked past them and entered the bedroom. The sound of the lock echoed through the quiet apartment. Tzuyu scratched her head confused. 
"She just left." Mina heard. And that was unusual. Sana would always greet her with a tight hug and spent the next few hours talking about her day. Mina headed toward their room and knocked on the door. But she got no answer. And it all felt too familiar. 
"Sana? Are you feeling unwell?" Mina was met with silence. She tried to stay calm though. Sana might have been tired and she just went to sleep. Or she had a headache. There was a logical explanation for sure. Tzuyu walked up from behind and put her arm around Mina's shoulders.
"Can you open the door from here?" Mina looked quite baffled at Tzuyu at first but then she nodded. She moved to the kitchen and searched around some drawer and came with a spare key. It wouldn't budge though.
"She left the key inside." Mina sounded defeated. And Tzuyu felt helpless. She was sure she wouldn't be able to get through to Sana. Especially, when it seemed like Mina couldn't either. So they spent the next few hours knocking occasionally and trying to get Sana to come out. It was all fruitless. When it became to get late Mina told Tzuyu to go home. But she stayed. She didn't want to leave Mina alone then. Mina looked like she was going to cry at any moment as well. Tzuyu could only stay and sit outside the room with Mina. 
The two of them didn't sleep. They were too worried to do that. Tzuyu had also had to keep Jihyo away from the idea of coming over. She didn't want to create drama out of it. Tzuyu looked over at Mina. She was sitting with her knees hugged to her chest. Her hair shielded her face. What could have she done? She stood up and banged on the door once again. Mina raised her head a little but then put it back on her knees. Tzuyu banged again. She hoped to annoy Sana. Perhaps that would make her come out. Her hand hit the door three times once more. And before she could do it again she heard the lock turn. Mina raised from the floor and pulled on the handle. Tzuyu decided to walk into the kitchen. She didn't want to pry and she would still hear if the things got heated.
Mina walked in and called out to Sana. But she didn't hear any reply. She reached the bed and tried to hear if Sana was there. But she didn't hear a single movement. Worry ran through her face yet again.
"Did you know that Chaeyoung loves you?" Mina jumped a little and her heart raced against her ribs. Sana's sudden question scared her doubly. Mina turned in the way the voice was coming from and tried to prepare her answer. What was she supposed to say? The truth. She always preaches about being honest. But she would have to say something that she was very ashamed of. And it pained her heart. 
"I did." Mina stopped for a moment to calm her voice before saying the rest. "I knew the whole time. I... I thought that she would move on soon. Or that I would...fell for her as well. Because I thought you didn't want to be with me" Mina finished and waited for Sana to say something. She would take anything from her but she just wanted something. 
"They are right. Why didn't you go with this plan then?" Mina looked up confused. What they? And why was Sana saying things like that? It didn't make any sense. They were over that and Sana heard the reason from Mina all the time. 
"Who are "they"? I didn't go with that plan because I love you and you love me. Why would I leave you?" Mina didn't like where the conversation was going. She couldn't tell what Sana was doing. And it made things worse. She hoped that Sana would talk to her. And it would end well. As it should. But Sana's reply didn't confirm her hopes.
"Dahyun and Chaeyoung! Damn, Jeongyeon too! They all were right! If I had known that you and Chaeyoung... I would have left you." As soon as Mina heard the names it was very clear they were in trouble. And Sana's words stabbed her straight into her heart. But she knew better. Sana was just emotional and she was letting her insecurities speak. Mina had to keep calm.
"They were not right. Sana whatever they have told you, they were not right. And don't say that. You don't know what would you do if you knew about Chaeyoung's feelings." Mina kept her voice soft and soothing. She also tried to reach out and grasp Sana's hands. But she didn't find anything. So she brought her hands back. 
"You are just saying that. You will say anything to make me feel better. So of course, you wouldn't tell me any harsh truth. And by not telling me about Chaeyoung you proved that. And what does it even mean? You love me but you decided that you would get with Chaeyoung if I didn't do anything. You also thought that I was using and manipulating you. You wanted to leave." Mina hated all the words that left Sana's mouth. Because they weren't true. But Sana spoke so fast and sounded so hurt. And Mina lost hope that she would listen to her. 
"No. Sana, listen. What you are saying is not true-" Sana walked right past Mina and didn't let her say anything else. Mina followed right after her. Tzuyu obviously heard everything and she stood in the way of Sana. Sana scowled at her when she wouldn't let her walk out of the apartment. 
"Tzuyu, this is not the time for games." Tzuyu stared back at her with the most intimidating gaze she could pull off. Mina reached them at last and began another attempt at calming Sana down. 
"Sana, please. Let me explain everything. You'll see that everything will be clear after we talk." 
"Tzuyu. Tell me, was I using Mina?" Tzuyu was taken aback by the forceful question. She didn't know what was the correct answer to that. She definitely heard Chaeyoung say that sometimes. But Mina had never said anything. But from observation, it sure looked like that.
"I guess a little." Sana squeezed her eyes and shook her head. She was truly the biggest in the world. Like they have told her. 
"It was anything bad, Sana. You were in a terrible situation and you needed to know someone is there for you." Sana didn't know what to think anymore. She just wanted all the thoughts to stop. She wanted to believe Mina but she heard it so many times. That she was a bad person and Mina didn't deserve her. She just started to believe that. And she thought that Mina would be better off without her again. 
"Stop! I am just not good for you. And you already had something with Chaeyoung. I have only ruined your life! How can you not realize that? You are blind and stuck with a pathetic woman that can't take care of her problems. That still has nightmares from the time her friend would've beaten her to death. Because she gave photos of her other friend to some s that made horrible edits of them. That destroyed all of her friends' lives. Made them hate each other. I should've died in that accident. You would've been happier that way. You should go and be with Chaeyoung. Just leave me alone." Both Mina and Tzuyu were too stunned to stop Sana from dressing up and leaving the apartment. Mina actually felt like her heart sunk and all the air got pushed out of her lungs. Her head felt very light. Then she just ran out after Sana. Tzuyu woke up soon after and sprinted out as well with a coat. When she exited the building, she looked from left to right. She spotted Mina lying on the ground a few meters away to her right. She ran to her as fast as she could and covered her with the coat. Tzuyu was so out of it that she didn't even feel the cold air. She then lifted Mina from the groud carefully and pulled her for a hug. Mina started crying hard into her chest. Tzuyu didn't say anything. And she didn't mind the people walking by and giving them concerned looks. She was only thinking about Mina and what Sana said. She had no idea what accident Sana meant but it was dangerous that Sana... Tzuyu couldn't even repeat it in her head. It was too painful to even think about it. And she couldn't even begin to imagine how painful it was to Mina and Sana. She had to find Sana. At all costs.

Tzuyu brought Mina back up to her apartment and lied her in her bed. She wasn't sleeping but she could still rest. Tzuyu went to the bathroom and there called Jihyo. And as expected, Jihyo answered immediately.
"Hey. Did you solve the problem?" Tzuyu begged the God that Jihyo wouldn't assume anything before she tells her the whole story. Because Sana wasn't the villain. Not at all. She needed them. She needed all of them to make it right.
"Not really. Listen, Sana needs help. She ran off and we don't know where she could be. Jihyo, it's really bad. I don't know what happened exactly, but Sana said that she should've died in an accident she had and then left. She might do something." Tzuyu wiped a few stray tears off of her cheek and took a deep breath. Jihyo didn't say anything for far too long for her liking. And she was ready to beg her to reply. But Jihyo did say something.
"Tzuyu, stay with Mina. I will call Nayeon and Momo and we will look for Sana. God. What have we done." Tzuyu sobbed a little but told Jihyo that she would do what she was told. And then the call ended. She looked into the mirror for a moment. It made her shake her head and she went back to Mina quickly.

Jihyo called Nayeon on her way out of the company. She didn't bother to explain the situation to anyone. She just said it was dire and left. It really made her realize how much they have ed up. Why didn't she listen to Mina that day? She was right. They should've talked with Sana. They were saying that Sana destroyed their friendship, but it was them who did that. Maybe they knew it all along. That was why they couldn't stand being together and split up. Nayeon and Momo told her that they were on their way. And that they would all meet in Mina and Sana's apartment at the end of the day. With or without Sana. Which sounded terrible. She didn't even know where to look. Where could Sana go? Back then if Sana was upset she would go to Mina so it was easy to find her. But obviously, now she wasn't with Mina. She would just look everywhere. Nayeon said they would check at Sana's workplace. So that was one place. Jihyo got inside her car and decided to just drive around the city. If Sana was roaming the streets she would see her. And when she was done with that she would go inside the malls and parks. While she was looking, she was praying for Sana to be found.

Nayeon was pretty much in a panic mode. She told Jisoo to get the car and she rushed Momo out before she even explained what happened. She didn't want to tell Momo because she was scared about how she would react. In Momo's state, it was bound to be bad. Nayeon had to help Momo calm her panic attack while Jisoo was trying not to drive into any car that was in their way. 
"Jisoo, you gotta go faster." Nayeon let out shakily. Jisoo couldn't exactly go faster. So Nayeon was getting more agitated.
"She won't do it, right?" Nayeon looked at Momo in the split of a second. She her hair and kissed her forehead.
"She won't, Momo." Or so Nayeon so desperately hoped. The thing that Sana said was very much alarming. And they had no idea something like that happened. God, they were all so ignorant. She knew she should've stood by Sana that day. They were facing the consequences of it all. They had to bring Sana safely home. Talk even more about everything. Talk honestly. When they were at Sana's company, Nayeon told Momo and Jisoo to stay in the car and she ran off to ask anyone she saw if they had seen Sana. She asked the security guard and at the front desk but they told her that they didn't see Sana since she had left work yesterday. She thanked them but she knew that the search would be even harder from there. Nayeon ran back to the car and told Jisoo to go to the first place that came into her mind. 
"Nayeon, what if she will?" Momo's voice was so soft that Nayeon barely made out the words. But when she did she grasped Momo's hand tightly.
"Momo, we will find Sana and bring her home safely. She will be safe and sound." She couldn't tell if Momo believed her. She wasn't sure if she believed her own words. They didn't know enough about Sana's condition. So making any assumptions was pointless. But she couldn't let Momo break mentally. They had to try and hope for the best.

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Hi. I wanted to thank everyone that read this story. As well as everyone that commented, subscribed, upvoted this story. I truly appreciate everyone that enjoyed this story. It means a lot to me to see that people like what I put out. Thank you once again. I hope everyone is doing well. Take care!


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I like that you always insert flashbacks for each character. Can't wait for Sana's. I wanted to know what she felt for Mina before.
1521 streak #2
I was listening to James Arthur's song, , when I thought of writing a JiTzu story out of the song. But then, this story came to my mind. Hehe. I came back here just to say that.
Chapter 15: <span class='smalltext text--lighter'>Comment on <a href='/story/view/1425636/15'>Chapter 15</a></span>
First and foremost, this is some good mate. One of the best ffs that I've ever read. (At first I read it for the Misana but then I got real invested in the whole plot and the characters in it)

i love the way you portrayed the characters, how they had their strengths and flaws. Even Mina who I thought was too good to be true at the start, turned out to not be such a goodie two shoes after all. (thank god none of them are mary sues)

i also liked how you stressed the importance of communication in the face of any problem. I heard somewhere that most *if not all* problems in any relationship is caused by miscommunication and goddamn were they 100% right.

And finally I really love how you also showed that sometimes getting advice and comfort from your loved ones just isn't enough and that professional help such as therapy would be needed in that instance.

Never hesitate going to therapy if you feel like you need it, as someone who's actually gone to one for anxiety management.. It had truly made me realise just how much I had needed it. It's ok to reach out and get help, y'all deserve to be happy.
B00kish #4
Chapter 15: Anger does cloud people's judgment. In this case, they hated Sana for what they have seen from the surface which I guess is pretty much summarized by the title.

I like it how they are trying to fix their mistakes by listening to each other. What was once broken is hard to mend. However, starting over better than letting the pieces remain as is.

It is true that after waht happened, their friendship will never be the same but seeing that they are all trying, I can only say that what they had is true friendship.
1521 streak #5
Chapter 15: It's finished!!! Aaaaaah! Okay, firstly, my JiTzu heart is contented. Second, I love how you concluded their lives from the first chapter where they were separated up until now that they've rekindled their friendships. Third, that SaiDa part just made me happy. To be able to get that closure is a step in forgetting the past. A step to forgiveness. Last, I'm glad my speculations were proven true; 2Chaeng forming a kind of special relationship (I'll just imagine that next 6 months. Lol), and that DubChaeng will not be totally in to the group (with NaJeongMoSaJiMiTzu), but they will be each other's anchor now together with Yeri and Rose. Finding new friendship and love. They are starting new from the heartbreaks they have endured.
Chapter 15: Wait I’m crying
Chapter 15: Wow, I can’t believe it’s finished. But damn, what a ride. I am very happy you wrote this story, cause it had so much depth and meaning in it, I loved every character and how you portrait their feelings and struggles, really a great story.

I really liked the beginning, how you put the change of season into something that is ordinary and changed it to Mina’s acceptation that she can’t see ever again and how their life was going. I can say it was very moving for me even if it was just a small part in this last chapter, it just meant a lot.
And thank you so much for Tzuyu and Jihyo making up. I think it was very difficult choice for Jihyo to stop acting but in the end it paid off, I’m just so glad and happy that they got over it and try to work it out. And that talk was just all I need to get over the ‘completed’ sign on that story, cause it was so freaking calm and sweet. I just could imagen SaMo’s action and fear of facing Mina and Tzuyu not cooperating and then Jihyo listening to her calmly cause she loved to see her that happy. AHHHH my feelings!!!

And we all love a hard working Nayeon, go appreciate that swing a little more. Best swing ever built, it has to have a place in the guinness world records book! I’m glad Momo got better and knows about her mood switches and that Jisoo and Nayeon don’t have to care for her all the time anymore. Its also nice to see that they can spent their time together and just do things like that, sometimes you don’t have to be in an amusement park or some to have fun, just watching clouds move with the person you love is enough. And we all love a confident Nayeon.

I’m happy Jeongyeon got better as well. You put it really nicely how the time changed them all and that they who and how they visit the bakery. Mina is such a nice person, really she is the sweetest, I love how you portray her in this story, she is such an angel with the way she acts and thinks. I also can understand why Sana struggled, it’s not easy to get over it but I’m happy they are working on it. I really had to laugh at the Tzuyu part, cause Somi is definitely someone she also wants to visit. Its sweet of Momo to stop by to buy something for Sana and Mina (and probably even more for herself xD) but also take the time to visits Jeong in that and I love Jihyo for also visiting. Of course Jeongyeon is liking Jisoo, I mean who doesn’t, so I’m happy she can spent time with her and Nay too, even if not so much. And I loves that she got so over it all that she planned their wedding. Its such a nice thing and I can understand why she struggled at the beginning and was nervous if everyone would come, but of course they did. And again, we love a confident Nayeon and everyone teasing her, that actually felt so refreshing and memorable at once.

I actually teared up at Dahyun part he most tho. I don’t know why but I’m just happy she got better. And I loved that you not just said ‘she got better’ but also included what got better. That you replied the struggles she had and doesn’t do them anymore. I know its only a tiny little thing but I really like it that way. Cause it shows where she once stood and what is going well now. So I really have to complement you for that.
I think its only normal for Dahyun to hesitate with meeting Sana, I mean it is a lot for her. But I’m so glad she did it with the help of her friends squat.
And I can say out of all talks with Sana and the others that still thought she was in wrong, that was the one I liked the most. I was kinda surprised it went so nicely. Like no one was shouting, no one was yelling or hissing. It just seemed like they really wanted to talk. And I’m happy they have, now everyone understood this situations and I’m happy Sana forgave Dahyun and Dahyun forgave Sana. It just felt right.
And damn, I love you so much for Rose and Chaeng. The way they started out from not liking each other too much to now. I love it. And the teasing was just chefs kiss.

After all I have to say that I really loved this story. It was an interesting concept to see how one misunderstanding could build up so much pain and suffer. But in the end they all figured it out and try to learn form that. And I’m happy they all found closure.
So finally I have to say that the most memorable sentence for me in this chapter was Jeongyeon’s “I know we have reached our new beginning” I don’t know why, I just really liked that sentence in that story with everything that happened.
I stop my roman now before it gets way too long. Love you .<3
twiceukimbap #8
Chapter 15: is this the end
1521 streak #9
Chapter 14: Momo and Sana can help each other heal. This is a step in their reconciling friendship.

I can't say I'm surprised with the JiTzu outcome. It's inevitable as I see I would've done what Tzuyu did because the situation is really toxic for the both of them. They should establish their priorities first, especially Jihyo. I'm sad for them, but I'll manage. I know they'll be endgame. Hehe
1521 streak #10
Chapter 13: Idk how I just read this chapter but it seems that it's making my speculation correct. But I'll still keep it to myself. Hehe. Off to the next chap. Let's see if it will further correct my speculation.