Chapter 8

Blind Hatred

The two of them were used to silence. But at a time like that, they both wanted to speak and start the conversation that they should have had before. Jihyo wanted to do it. She was ready to have that talk. But at the same time, it was not easy to just start talking. Tzuyu was upset with her and they've just had an argument with Jeongyeon. It was pretty bad. She couldn't look for excuses though. That was what she has been doing for so long. It should come to an end finally. She sat a considerable distance from Tzuyu on the couch and played with her fingers anxiously. She hoped that Tzuyu would start the talk so she could just say what she wants to say without any awkward side comments. It seemed though that Tzuyu was not going to say anything soon. What would Mina do? Of course, just say something. Alright, be like Mina.
"I take that it wasn't the best day for you?" That didn't sound like a bad starter. Jihyo could've said something dumber, like what a nice evening we have this night. So it was alright. Even if that might not be something Tzuyu would want to talk about, she would still reply. And she did. Less exasperatedly than Jihyo imagined.
"Yeah. It was not good. And I thought that it could be an okay day when you showed up." But of course, it wasn't. Tzuyu really could only blame herself for destroying that meeting. She just had to mention the meeting. 
"Hey, it isn't your fault. Jeongyeon got mad because she is still not over it. Not because you mentioned a meeting." Jihyo was not going to allow Tzuyu to feel guilty for something she didn't do. Jeongyeon reacted that way and it had nothing to do with Tzuyu. Jihyo understood her friend's reaction though. She reacted similarly when she met Mina for the first time after 5 years. But she regained some common sense. Jeongyeon just needed some more time. 
"Okay. But we have just met Jeongyeon again. It shouldn't just end like that." Tzuyu felt like crying really. But she didn't want to do that. It wasn't the time for tears. Mina would tell her that she was wrong and she should just let it out. Mina didn't see her though. She just wanted to see Mina. Why were they all so busy?
"I know. But let's not lose hope in Jeongyeon. She will understand soon as well." Jihyo moved a little bit closer to Tzuyu but didn't dare to touch her yet. They might've been talking freely albeit that didn't mean everything was magically fine between them. Tzuyu didn't move. She just kept watching the dark fireplace. She hoped that Jihyo was right. And that they would all be together again.
"Will you?" Jihyo looked quite dumbfounded and waited for Tzuyu to explain. But the girl turned her gaze from the fireplace to Jihyo without a word. Was Jihyo supposed to guess what she meant? Because she wasn't good at that and she thought it was an obvious fact. So Tzuyu took pity in her. "Will you understand? I know you are not doing this willingly." Jihyo didn't give any answer at first. She shouldn't lie to Tzuyu about that. But the truth could make her sad. Mina wouldn't think of it that way. She would think that even if Jihyo's take on it was upsetting, it was better if Tzuyu knew then than to find out latter that she was lied to. 
"I will try to understand. But it is not that easy to forgive." Tzuyu looked at her wordlessly with an unreadable expression for a few seconds. But then she nodded and looked back at the fireplace. It was easier than Jihyo thought. Whether it was a good thing, she wasn't sure. Tzuyu decided to speak though and deal with Jihyo's doubts.
"I get it. But don't act as Jeongyeon did. Please. I just want to see them and try to rebuild our friendship." Jihyo understood it and moved even closer to Tzuyu to grasp her hand. Tzuyu allowed her to do that. She either forgot about being upset with Jihyo or she wasn't upset anymore. Jihyo hoped it was the latter. 
"I know. I think we all want that but some of us just aren't ready to do that." She was probably the one that wasn't exactly ready yet. But she knew better than to follow some misguided anger. She trusted Mina and by extent, she had to trust Sana. Nayeon and Momo were no problem whatsoever. So at least that meeting wasn't going to be entirely horrible.
"Jihyo, I... Thank you for this. That you have decided to give Sana a chance. And thank you for visiting Jeongyeon, no matter how bad it has ended." Jihyo felt Tzuyu's hand squeeze her own and she couldn't help but relax all her tense muscles. It was going well. Jihyo only had to admit to her fault and explain her thoughts to Tzuyu. Easy. Mina always managed to communicate her thoughts. Exactly. So Jihyo would do the same thing.
"I am sorry for being like this. I know I am constantly disappointing you and constantly making you upset and lonely. I should not do any of it. But I just let my insecurity take control over me and I run away. I am scared of what people would say about me and that it would destroy my career. So I decided to avoid anything that could lead to this. I avoided you." Jihyo stopped to meet Tzuyu's eyes. To let her know that she was sincere and she truly wanted to settle the bad situation they found themselves in. 
"I am relieved that you are honest with me. I know why you are doing this but it doesn't change the fact that it became unhealthy. We are living together and I see you the least out of everyone I actually have contact with. And you never keep your promises about being back early. So I kinda don't look forward to it anymore. Nonetheless, it's still just as saddening." Jihyo started nodding in the middle of Tzuyu's speech and took Tzuyu's other hand. She understood it completely. She needed to tell Tzuyu and let them get back to how it was.
"I know. I understand. I am very sorry for all of it. I don't want to make promises now. I bet you won't believe it and I would end up breaking it. I just want you to know that I won't be avoiding you anymore. I will be there for you when you need me. I will help you with everything. I know you have been waiting for so many years. And it feels like I almost don't deserve it. But I want to be part of your life-" The doors to the house opened right then before Jihyo could finish her speech. She watched her manager walk in with bags. Of course, she agreed to live with a manager. Sometimes she just forgot that she was there at all. She let go of Tzuyu's hands and moved away automatically. The manager smiled at both of them and told them that she was told Jihyo left work early so she would prepare dinner for them. There was no way they could talk then. Jihyo didn't feel confident enough to have private conversations with the manager around.
"I want that as well." Tzuyu whispered so that only Jihyo would hear her. Jihyo didn't get to say anything though. Tzuyu got up and went over to the manager to help her out with the dinner. It wasn't the manager's job to cook for them after all but she was just a good person like that. Jihyo observed Tzuyu and the manger for a moment and decided to join them albeit hesitantly. She said that she would change and she thought that joining them was a good second step.


Chaeyoung didn't sleep the whole night. She was too excited about the meeting with Mina. It was all she could think of. She wanted to look the best for that occasion but then she remembered that Mina couldn't see her. She decided that it didn't matter and she still wanted to look good. She was looking through all her clothes and she realized that she really only owned shirts, hoodies, and black jeans. But that was fine. She still could look cool. She didn't even realize that she was up the whole night. In the morning she was rehearsing what she would say to Mina during the meeting. She didn't want to weird her out or to make awkward conversations. So she needed to have it perfected. She went into her study as well. She was not experiencing the same emotions as she did usually. She looked at the artwork she did and didn't feel utterly miserable. The meeting with Mina gave her hope. And she forgot that she was supposed to be letting go. She left her apartment with a permanent grin. She was nervous but it didn't feel limiting. She was ready. To experience the same things she did before the incident. She was supposed to meet Mina at the subway station in the city center. They opted that Chaeyoung would take them somewhere. She made a plan for their meeting. She would take Mina for a walk and they would stop to have some hot chocolate, then Chaeyoung would lead them back and make sure Mina is safe and sound before leaving. Nothing could go wrong. 
She was standing right at the entrance and looked over every person that was walking her way. She didn't want to miss Mina in the crowd. She came a little bit earlier in case that Mina would arrive earlier. She didn't want Mina to wait for her. Chaeyoung didn't care how long she was waiting for Mina when she finally saw Mina walk carefully finding her way with the stick. Chaeyoung moved towards her and greeted Mina from a distance so that she wouldn't scare her. Mina faced the way she heard the voice coming from and she smiled brightly to greet Chaeyoung. She let Chaeyoung interlock their arms to walk more comfortably.
"You look beautiful, Mina. I hope you have rested well. I am so excited about this." Chaeyoung kinda let say whatever she thought without any filter. It was potentially concerning but she couldn't complain when she heard Mina's sweet giggle. It was as melodious as she remembered. It was truly the most wonderful sound in the world.
"I wish I could say the same, but you might as well be covered in the dirt right now. I have rested and I hope you did as well. I was really looking forward to this meeting as well." Chaeyoung pushed Mina playfully at the first remark. She laughed nonetheless. She missed that so much. The way they were so comfortable around each other. She almost forgot how funny Mina was. She didn't want to tell Mina that she didn't sleep though. It would only worry Mina and she didn't want that. Especially, that her lack of sleep wasn't caused by a bad thing. And to know that Mina was just as excited as she was about it. That made her overjoyed. She didn't have any reason to feel that way before. Mina really brought back the joy in her life.
"You know that I look totally cool. I feel rested, but thank you for worrying. Do you mind walking? I know we were usually sitting on the floor when we spent time together so I hope it is fine." They both laughed at the memories from that time. They really mostly sat on the floor in the dance club's practice room or in the dorm. Mina never asked Chaeyoung why she always sat on the floor. She just simply joined her. It were simpler times. And Mina wished that they could go back to those days. But it was just her childish wish. 
"As always. With graphite on your cheek and paint on your nose. I do not mind walking at all. I would like to breathe in some fresh air." Chaeyoung didn't mention that she stopped drawing and painting. She was somehow ashamed of it. Because she stopped when Mina left. She would make Mina feel guilty. So she just changed the topic. She was curious about what Mina was doing and if she had some stories to tell. She kept answering with her own stories and she tried not to complain too much about her job as a DJ. Mina seemed quite surprised that Chaeyoung was doing it. She imagined that Chaeyoung found a job somewhere where she could design, draw, paint. Not in a club. But it didn't sound like something she hated, even if Mina could tell Chaeyoung tried not to give away all the rude things that she witnessed in the club. But their great talk got cut short when they reached a dangerous topic. About Mina and Sana. When Chaeyoung asked whether she was living in some expensive house after Mina told her she was a songwriter.
"I don't need a house like that. We moved into a cozy apartment that is more than enough." Chaeyoung didn't exactly put two and two together at first. And she wasn't sure why Mina said: "we". But then she remembered Sana yanking her hand away from Mina's the previous day and it was obvious what Mina meant.
"So you live with Sana?" Chaeyoung didn't mean to sound bitter. As if she was guilt-tripping Mina for living with Sana. But she kinda did. It was one thing that Mina was still Sana's friend. Why was she living with her though? Mina was very hesitant to say more. She could tell it would not end well. Everything seemed to go the wrong way recently. But she couldn't lie to Chaeyoung. It would be immature.
"I do. It makes sense to live in one place with your girlfriend." Oh... Chaeyoung felt how her heart sank in a slipt second after hearing Mina's explanation. Of course. What was Chaeyoung thinking? She was a ing idiot. She stopped moving and Mina had no idea what to do. Hugging Chaeyoung wasn't appropriate and she couldn't even tell in what state the girl was. She just waited for some sort of reply. No matter if it was yelling or sobbing. She just needed something to decide what to do. Chaeyoung took a sharp breath and faced Mina. She couldn't look directly into her eyes because of the sunglasses. But she needed to look into Mina's eyes. 
"Can you take the sunglasses off?" Mina was quite taken aback by that comment. She was lost. She just did what Chaeyoung asked her and continued waiting. Chaeyoung choked down her sob when she met the lost eyes she longed to see for years. But why did it have to be in such a way?
"Why? I don't get it. You know what Sana did. You don't have to always take her side." Mina felt awful. The way Chaeyoung's voice sounded hurt her heart. The utter disappointment and sadness was the only thing she heard. She knew it would end that way. She should've said something 5 years ago. But she ran out of time. And she had to accept that she had made a mistake and she had to take responsibility for that.
"Chaeyoung, I am very sorry. It's not that I take her side. I know what happened and Sana didn't know what those photos would be used for. She was just as horrified." Chaeyoung was confused. Mina was honest. She wouldn't lie. But Sana? She didn't trust anything that Sana said. She probably lied to Mina so she wouldn't leave her. Because why would she give those photos then?
"And you believe her? Just like that? After she used you every single day like it's nothing?" Mina tried to interrupt Chaeyoung but she felt hands on her shoulders. It made her shut up instantly and she continued listening. "You can't tell me you didn't realize you were used. Mina, Sana always cared more about herself than you. You don't have to stay in this." Mina felt Chaeyoung's hands shake on her shoulders and she couldn't bear it anymore. She followed Chaeyoung's arms with her hands and moved closer to embrace her friend. It was all her fault. 
"Sana was in a very hard time, Chaeyoung. She needed someone. I couldn't leave her. She was allowed to focus on herself then. I can't blame her. She needed that." She had to say one more thing. No matter how painful it would be to Chaeyoung. She would make more good than wrong with that. It would help Chaeyoung. Hopefully. "I am in love with Sana. I trust her. I am not forced to stay with her." Just for a second, Chaeyoung stopped shaking. And then Mina felt her slide on to the ground and she followed. Chaeyoung's sobs were well heard then and Mina knew it was the sound of a shattered heart. She hated herself for that. She should've confronted Chaeyoung about her feelings all those years ago. But she stupidly believed that either Chaeyoung would get over her feelings, or... she would get over her feelings for Sana and could be happy with Chaeyoung. But of course, she didn't expect the incident. And all went wrong from there. "I am so sorry, Chaeyoung. I am so sorry." It was she could manage out of as she tried not to breakdown together with Chaeyoung. She had to keep herself together. She was not allowed to cry over this. It was all her fault. And she should feel this guilt and pain. Hopefully, Chaeyoung wouldn't turn her back on her. She couldn't lose her friend. But she wouldn't blame Chaeyoung for not wanting to see her anymore. Mina deserved that. For playing with Chaeyoung's feelings. She deserved to be hated for that.


Sana was very concerned. Mina didn't tell her one thing about her meeting with Chaeyoung. Mina walked out of the station very quiet. That wasn't weird for Mina. But that Mina didn't have her sunglasses on and Sana could see the wet spot on her shirt set an alarm inside of her. But Mina just said that Chaeyoung cried and it wasn't alright. Sure Chaeyoung might've cried out of happiness then it was alright. She could cry for another reason and it wasn't alright. Mina wouldn't tell her though. Sana tried to talk about it but she couldn't force Mina to say anything. And Mina wasn't acting strange afterward. So she tried not to overthink it. She trusted Mina. 
Soon Sana needed support from Mina. The grand day. The meeting. She was glad that Nayeon and Momo came over earlier and they could unwind before they had to leave. Strategically, Nayeon proposed a restaurant she frequented. So that definitely there was no fighting. Somehow Sana still felt unsure if it would be just fine. 
"Sana, it will okay. We can do it." Mina whispered to Sana and squeezed her hand in support. They were already sitting in the restaurant. The local was nearly empty, most likely Nayeon's doing, but a few people remained there nonetheless. Sana smiled weakly at Mina in response.
"Hey. I think that even if it will be a disaster we still have each other." Nayeon tried to be positive. And it almost sounded reassuring. Momo shook her head a few times and Nayeon rolled her eyes at her. Mina thought that it wouldn't be the worst outcome of that day. But she still preferred if they figured it out. Sana glanced at the clock and then out of the window. And she only looked back at the table when she saw two familiar-looking women exit the car that had just parked in front of the local. She took a deep breath and held Mina's hand tighter. They could hear the soft whispering of the other guests and the door closing. Then it all happened quickly. More precisely, Tzuyu straight-up running toward the table and throwing herself at unexpecting Mina. 
"Mina, I missed you so bad." And she started crying. Everyone was frozen and they just observed the two hugging women. Mina had a gentle smile on but the tears running down her face were visible to everyone. Jihyo felt a mix of emotions. There was overjoyed Tzuyu and Mina. And the person she swore to hate. But she couldn't feel the despise. She glanced at Nayeon and Momo next. The actress met her eyes and got up to greet her friend.
"Park Jihyo! I am happy you didn't bail on us. Come here!" Jihyo could only open her arms for Nayeon. She felt her insides being squeezed out by the strong hold Nayeon used but she didn't complain. They let go of each other soon and Nayeon led Jihyo to the table where Momo trapped Jihyo in the same crushing hug as Nayeon did. She couldn't help but smile though. She looked to Sana after she was done with greeting Momo. Sana nodded in greeting to Jihyo and she answered with the same thing. She didn't feel like having a tearful hug with her and she bet that Sana didn't want that either. Tzuyu only let go of Mina after Nayeon and Momo started nagging her for nor greeting them. Tzuyu rolled her eyes exaggeratedly and moved a seat to hug Sana. And it visibly took Sana aback. She was paralyzed and wasn't sure what to do. She looked at Mina and was met with a warm smile. It helped Sana to breathe again and she hugged Tzuyu back. It felt great to do that. She was actually happy that her friend decided to give her a greeting like this. Only after that, Tzuyu moved to pouty Nayeon and Momo. Same old couple. But that was the best part. Tzuyu gave in finally and hugged them both at the same time. And she was betrayed. Nayeon and Momo trapped her to never let her go. She begged Mina to save her from them. And she had the audacity to say she can't see where she is. That comment made the atmosphere less suffocating and it gained a laugh from everyone. Even Jihyo and Sana. So wasn't that a good start? They tried to talk about everything but the incident. They ate the food and tried to keep the attention off of the problem. Sana and Jihyo didn't speak directly to each other but they didn't just sit silently. Jihyo talked more than Sana for an obvious reason. Jihyo and Tzuyu were the "new" people at the meeting after all. The more time passed, the more Sana believed that it would end actually okay. Just like Mina told her. She said that she would keep civilized and she did. She didn't even frown at Jihyo. But, well, she tried not to look in the general direction of Jihyo. She was scared that one look might create a scene. Even if she didn't mean it. And Mina was having fun. She was smiling brightly and laughing loudly. How could Sana hate that? She was happy about that meeting. Tzuyu deserved praise for making that happen. 
One thing she couldn't understand was how she ended up sitting alone with Jihyo. If that was planned then she would have a talk with the rest. If they wanted them to talk they should've done it together. Maybe they would have some sort of a conversation that way. Instead of sitting in awkward silence, sipping on their drinks to have an excuse for not saying a word. But apparently, Jihyo couldn't handle the silence anymore.
"So...a model?" Sana glanced at Jihyo suspiciously. She had no idea where it was going. And didn't want the meeting to have a bad end. She didn't want to upset Mina. But Jihyo didn't sound aggressive. Just very awkward. So Sana put her glass down and nodded.
"Yeah. I got cast." Jihyo pursed her lips and nodded slowly. It was all new to them. Sana had never had a problem with chatting comfortably with Jihyo. But it was all in the past. It's all gone. Sana had to acknowledge that. " I think your music is good." 
"You do? Thanks." And their conversation, if they could call it that way, died out. Yet, Sana felt like there was something that Jihyo wanted to say desperately. She didn't know whether it was a good idea to encourage Jihyo to speak but she did it. 
"What is it?" Jihyo looked at her quite shocked for a second. Sana waited patiently and observed the table. Jihyo was not going easy on her.
"What were you thinking?" Sana's chest felt heavy immediately. What was she thinking? That was a good question. Definitely not that she would destroy her friend's life. She just wanted to do something goofy. She wanted to show that she was a good friend. But she really wasn't.
"I wanted it to be a nice edit." Jihyo observed Sana cautiously. She heard as much from Mina. But was it the truth. Or was it Sana's truth. She promised to be civilized. And she was. She was just asking questions.
"How? Didn't you check what they were doing?" Sana looked up at Jihyo after a sudden gain of courage.
"I did. For the most part. I didn't want that to happen. You know me." Sana's explanation made Jihyo frown. And it wasn't a good sign. Sana started prating for the others to finally get back.
"I thought I did. But you were always lying. And you were never trusting us with anything. Did you even think about-" Sana interrupted Jihyo's speech by putting her hands on the table. It wasn't forceful but Sana seemed agitated. 
"I wasn't lying because I had no respect for you. I couldn't talk about certain things." Jihyo couldn't quite understand what would Sana have to keep hidden from them. Her friends. They would help her with everything. But she never trusted them. But Jihyo couldn't guess whether Sana was selfish or the opposite. 
"You could tell us anything. Sana, that's what friends are for. But you have dug your own grave. You can't expect us to now believe your every word." Sana mirrored Jihyo's expression after she had enough. A frown turned her cute face into an intimidating one. Jihyo wasn't scared though. She wanted to get the truth from Sana. She wanted to know and maybe that would help them be friends again. But Sana was still defensive. 
"I felt like I couldn't. I think this is something you should respect. You don't have to believe me. I have told Mina that it is pointless for all of us to be friends again." Jihyo didn't know that Sana felt like she couldn't trust them. They were always making sure that everyone was listened to and they supported everyone. For once in many years Jihyo didn't feel anger after looking at Sana. She felt sorry. That she didn't notice anything. She brought her hand on the table and put it in between Sana's hands.
"I didn't know you didn't feel comfortable around us. I am sorry." Sana was absolutely stunned. She has heard it correctly, right? Jihyo has just apologized to her...? Jihyo noticed Sana's inner struggle and finally put her hand over Sana's. It made Sana jump and stare almost scared at their hands. "I am sorry that you felt like you can't trust us. And I am very sorry about what happened 5 years ago. I know it should have been resolved peacefully." Jihyo had never seen Sana as vulnerable as she was right at the moment. She looked lost, relieved, scared all at the same time. And Jihyo understood that Sana was not the vile person. 
"Thank you. I am so very sorry for what has happened, Jihyo. I have never meant for that to happen. I have hated myself for that the whole time." Jihyo felt really bad then. They had accused Sana and hurt her without explanation. She hoped it was not too late to revive their friendship and try to show Sana that she can trust them. She strengthened her hold on Sana's hand and they shared an understanding look. And right from the corner, four women shared a relieved smile and finally decided to come back to the table and celebrate the little victory.


"Hey, Chaeng, open the door." Dahyun has been standing in front of the door to the room that Chaeyoung forbade her to enter. She was trying to get inside and talk with her friend. She came to check how the meeting with Mina went but Chaeyoung didn't open the front door no matter how loudly Dahyun was knocking. So she tried to turn the handle and the door was open. Dahyun used that opportunity and entered the apartment. It was all silent until she heard glass shattering from one of the rooms. When she tried to open that door, she was not so lucky. They were locked and she could only call out to Chaeyoung to go out. And her heart rate increased every time she heard a thud or something shatter. She was very worried and she didn't know what to do. She texted Rosé and Yeri for help as well. Her friends told her that they were on their way and Dahyun was praying that they would arrive fast. 
"Chaeyoung. Bro, come on. We can wreck something together." Nothing. Dahyun was just helpless. She checked her phone in case any of the girls texted her, but also nothing. She tried to pull the handle again but nothing. "ing hell." 
"Dahyun?" Rosé walked inside a little apprehensively. She was still going inside of someone's home without invitation. But she moved faster when she saw Dahyun preparing herself to slam her body into the door. Rosé stood in front of Dahyun and put her hands on her friend's shoulders.
"What are you doing?" Dahyun pointed at the door and then moved closer to pull the handle.
"She locked herself there. She won't answer me. And there are concerning sounds coming from the inside." Dahyun took a sharp breath and put her face into her hands. Rosé looked from the door to Dahyun and back to the door. That girl should better have a good explanation or Rosé would not hesitate. She knocked on the door forcefully before she spoke.
"Listen. Dahyun is here to help you. You are scaring her. Open the door and let's talk." As an answer, they heard another thud and Dahyun's heart stopped for a second. But then they heard the lock turn. The door remained closed. Dahyun glanced at Rosé hoping she would tell her what to do. So Rosé took the initiative and opened the door. They saw a mess inside. All the paintings were scattered on the floor. The stools and tables were moved all the way to one side of the room. The glass that Dahyun hears turned out to be cups and some pieces where from the frames. And Chaeyoung was standing in front of one remaining painting on the wall. Of Mina. Oh no. Dahyun at that moment had a pretty good idea of what had happened. She slowly reached Chaeyoung and put her hand on her friend's shoulder. Chaeyoung didn't react. She stood still with her eyes fixed on the painting. 
"Chaeng, you can tell me what happened." They were just standing in silence though. Dahyun shot a glance at Rosé for help. She might've not liked Chaeyoung much but she could tell she needed help. She carefully moved toward the two girls and did the same thing Dahyun did. She put her hand on Chaeyoung's shoulder reassuringly.
"Hey, we are here to help. You can trust us." Chaeyoung was still staring at the painting for a moment. But before Dahyun could lose all hope, Chaeyoung whispered something.
"I am pathetic." That wasn't the best thing to hear. Especially considering the circumstances. Dahyun was then definitely worried and she just wanted to do everything to help her friend. 
"What are you talking about? You are the coolest person I know." Chaeyoung shook her head and turned around quite violently. She lowered her head and for a moment tried to decide what to say. She was tired of it all. She wanted to feel normal again.
"I am. I have spent those 5 years alone. Trying to get over my feelings. But it was useless. It's been 5 years! And I am still dwelling on my stupid feelings. If I have just told myself that it's over. And I have thrown these ing paintings out. But I didn't! Because deep down I hoped that Mina would come back and would love me back! I was losing my mind over everything. The fight. That I was left alone. Stupid feelings. The guilt. Because I can't let go." Dahyun and Rosé stood there like paralyzed. Dahyun understood what Chaeyoung meant. But she didn't feel like she was capable of supporting her. She was obviously, not a good example for Chaeyoung. She wanted to help though. She wanted to finally say something but Chaeyoung was faster. "She's in love with Sana." That was shocking news, yet at the same time, it made sense. But even if it made sense, it didn't make it better. Dahyun wasn't upset with Mina before. And really didn't want to be then. But seeing Chaeyoung like that just made Dahyun angry. But the thought that Mina was in love with the person that destroyed her life didn't make it better. Dahyun would definitely have a talk with Sana, and apparently Mina as well. There was no way they could just hurt them so easily. Dahyun put her arms around Chaeyoung protectively and cried with her. Rosé for the first time felt differently about Chaeyoung. She might've been wrong about her. But she didn't move. She knew it was the time for Dahyun to comfort her friend. So she stood there and watched the two. Until she noticed Yeri in the door frame looking scared. That's when she told them all to go to the living room. To seat and talk there. There was no opposition. There they noticed that Chaeyoung cut her hand and took care of that while trying to talk about the struggles that Chaeyoung held in for years. And the feelings of fury only strengthened in them. Even if it was just one part of the story, to them it was the whole thing. And they wanted to make it right. To maybe make themselves feel better. Or truly just make things more complicated and worse than they were before.

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Hi. I wanted to thank everyone that read this story. As well as everyone that commented, subscribed, upvoted this story. I truly appreciate everyone that enjoyed this story. It means a lot to me to see that people like what I put out. Thank you once again. I hope everyone is doing well. Take care!


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I like that you always insert flashbacks for each character. Can't wait for Sana's. I wanted to know what she felt for Mina before.
1521 streak #2
I was listening to James Arthur's song, , when I thought of writing a JiTzu story out of the song. But then, this story came to my mind. Hehe. I came back here just to say that.
Chapter 15: <span class='smalltext text--lighter'>Comment on <a href='/story/view/1425636/15'>Chapter 15</a></span>
First and foremost, this is some good mate. One of the best ffs that I've ever read. (At first I read it for the Misana but then I got real invested in the whole plot and the characters in it)

i love the way you portrayed the characters, how they had their strengths and flaws. Even Mina who I thought was too good to be true at the start, turned out to not be such a goodie two shoes after all. (thank god none of them are mary sues)

i also liked how you stressed the importance of communication in the face of any problem. I heard somewhere that most *if not all* problems in any relationship is caused by miscommunication and goddamn were they 100% right.

And finally I really love how you also showed that sometimes getting advice and comfort from your loved ones just isn't enough and that professional help such as therapy would be needed in that instance.

Never hesitate going to therapy if you feel like you need it, as someone who's actually gone to one for anxiety management.. It had truly made me realise just how much I had needed it. It's ok to reach out and get help, y'all deserve to be happy.
B00kish #4
Chapter 15: Anger does cloud people's judgment. In this case, they hated Sana for what they have seen from the surface which I guess is pretty much summarized by the title.

I like it how they are trying to fix their mistakes by listening to each other. What was once broken is hard to mend. However, starting over better than letting the pieces remain as is.

It is true that after waht happened, their friendship will never be the same but seeing that they are all trying, I can only say that what they had is true friendship.
1521 streak #5
Chapter 15: It's finished!!! Aaaaaah! Okay, firstly, my JiTzu heart is contented. Second, I love how you concluded their lives from the first chapter where they were separated up until now that they've rekindled their friendships. Third, that SaiDa part just made me happy. To be able to get that closure is a step in forgetting the past. A step to forgiveness. Last, I'm glad my speculations were proven true; 2Chaeng forming a kind of special relationship (I'll just imagine that next 6 months. Lol), and that DubChaeng will not be totally in to the group (with NaJeongMoSaJiMiTzu), but they will be each other's anchor now together with Yeri and Rose. Finding new friendship and love. They are starting new from the heartbreaks they have endured.
Chapter 15: Wait I’m crying
Chapter 15: Wow, I can’t believe it’s finished. But damn, what a ride. I am very happy you wrote this story, cause it had so much depth and meaning in it, I loved every character and how you portrait their feelings and struggles, really a great story.

I really liked the beginning, how you put the change of season into something that is ordinary and changed it to Mina’s acceptation that she can’t see ever again and how their life was going. I can say it was very moving for me even if it was just a small part in this last chapter, it just meant a lot.
And thank you so much for Tzuyu and Jihyo making up. I think it was very difficult choice for Jihyo to stop acting but in the end it paid off, I’m just so glad and happy that they got over it and try to work it out. And that talk was just all I need to get over the ‘completed’ sign on that story, cause it was so freaking calm and sweet. I just could imagen SaMo’s action and fear of facing Mina and Tzuyu not cooperating and then Jihyo listening to her calmly cause she loved to see her that happy. AHHHH my feelings!!!

And we all love a hard working Nayeon, go appreciate that swing a little more. Best swing ever built, it has to have a place in the guinness world records book! I’m glad Momo got better and knows about her mood switches and that Jisoo and Nayeon don’t have to care for her all the time anymore. Its also nice to see that they can spent their time together and just do things like that, sometimes you don’t have to be in an amusement park or some to have fun, just watching clouds move with the person you love is enough. And we all love a confident Nayeon.

I’m happy Jeongyeon got better as well. You put it really nicely how the time changed them all and that they who and how they visit the bakery. Mina is such a nice person, really she is the sweetest, I love how you portray her in this story, she is such an angel with the way she acts and thinks. I also can understand why Sana struggled, it’s not easy to get over it but I’m happy they are working on it. I really had to laugh at the Tzuyu part, cause Somi is definitely someone she also wants to visit. Its sweet of Momo to stop by to buy something for Sana and Mina (and probably even more for herself xD) but also take the time to visits Jeong in that and I love Jihyo for also visiting. Of course Jeongyeon is liking Jisoo, I mean who doesn’t, so I’m happy she can spent time with her and Nay too, even if not so much. And I loves that she got so over it all that she planned their wedding. Its such a nice thing and I can understand why she struggled at the beginning and was nervous if everyone would come, but of course they did. And again, we love a confident Nayeon and everyone teasing her, that actually felt so refreshing and memorable at once.

I actually teared up at Dahyun part he most tho. I don’t know why but I’m just happy she got better. And I loved that you not just said ‘she got better’ but also included what got better. That you replied the struggles she had and doesn’t do them anymore. I know its only a tiny little thing but I really like it that way. Cause it shows where she once stood and what is going well now. So I really have to complement you for that.
I think its only normal for Dahyun to hesitate with meeting Sana, I mean it is a lot for her. But I’m so glad she did it with the help of her friends squat.
And I can say out of all talks with Sana and the others that still thought she was in wrong, that was the one I liked the most. I was kinda surprised it went so nicely. Like no one was shouting, no one was yelling or hissing. It just seemed like they really wanted to talk. And I’m happy they have, now everyone understood this situations and I’m happy Sana forgave Dahyun and Dahyun forgave Sana. It just felt right.
And damn, I love you so much for Rose and Chaeng. The way they started out from not liking each other too much to now. I love it. And the teasing was just chefs kiss.

After all I have to say that I really loved this story. It was an interesting concept to see how one misunderstanding could build up so much pain and suffer. But in the end they all figured it out and try to learn form that. And I’m happy they all found closure.
So finally I have to say that the most memorable sentence for me in this chapter was Jeongyeon’s “I know we have reached our new beginning” I don’t know why, I just really liked that sentence in that story with everything that happened.
I stop my roman now before it gets way too long. Love you .<3
twiceukimbap #8
Chapter 15: is this the end
1521 streak #9
Chapter 14: Momo and Sana can help each other heal. This is a step in their reconciling friendship.

I can't say I'm surprised with the JiTzu outcome. It's inevitable as I see I would've done what Tzuyu did because the situation is really toxic for the both of them. They should establish their priorities first, especially Jihyo. I'm sad for them, but I'll manage. I know they'll be endgame. Hehe
1521 streak #10
Chapter 13: Idk how I just read this chapter but it seems that it's making my speculation correct. But I'll still keep it to myself. Hehe. Off to the next chap. Let's see if it will further correct my speculation.