Little Dream

Their Adventures

Woojin blinked his eyes open, he forced himself awake when he heard it again. He quietly untangled himself from Chan's arms and blindly flicked the bedside lamp on and clicked his phone to see what is it. 

He heard it again. He was wide awake now so he was sure of what he was hearing, it was his son giggling in the other room.

He swallowed hard, worry of what might his son is doing in the middle of 2 AM. He tapped Chan's shoulder softly then whispered, "Babe.."

Chan only hummed weakly. Woojin is guilty, he shouldn't wake his husband up like this but he was worried of their son in his own room.

"Chan?" He called loudly this time, Felix is still giggling.

Thankfully, Chan hummed again, awake this time, Woojin is relieved to hear his husband, "I'm sorry baby for waking you up but I'm worried Felix is giggling in his room."

"What time is it?" Chan asked when he also heard his son is really giggling.

"It's 2 in the morning." Woojin answered as he sits up on the bed, Chan is also doing the same. Chan even chuckled when he heard Felix's giggle again.

"Chan..aren't you worried?"

"Babe, he's just having funny dreams I guess."

Woojin just blinked at his husband, how can Chan so relax at this? 

When they enter their son's room, little Felix is squirming around his bed, giggling. Even in just a night light at the center of the bedside table, the couple could see that indeed their son is having a funny dream.

"You think we can just wake him up?" Woojin said.

"Wait, let us just watch him first." Chan said amused, wrapping his hands around his husband's waist and puts his chin on Woojin's shoulder.

Felix is still squirming his hands are now covering his mouth to muffle his laugh.

"Okay, babe, I'm worried.." Woojin said.

Chan laughed softly before freeing Woojin and walked toward his son's bed. He scooped his baby into his arms, "hey, baby, good morning.." He kissed his forehead. Felix had stopped giggling and laughing now, he sneaked his hands around his Dad's neck. Woojin lets out a breath that his son is back on sleeping now. He kissed the back of Felix's head.

"Should we sleep here?" Chan asked smiling.

"Good idea." Woojin agreed and tucked them in his baby's bed. Felix is in between his parents. Woojin had mentally thanking the heavens for having the best idea ever to get Felix a big bed before. For Felix's age, he got a really big bed, it was their idea and he is very happy now, it was enough for them three.

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There's a little trigger/fowl/vulgar sentence in there, blame Johnny →_→


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Chapter 35: I am happy that you are still updating the story!

This was so sweet, the happy family on a ferris wheel ride !
Chapter 28: I like your story it is very cute and fun to read. Really like Woochan couple interactions with their son. Also like mentions of NCT and other idols.
loyalb #3
Chapter 28: this is the most wholesome story I've ever read ♥
Chapter 24: this chapter was just... pure cuteness
Chapter 20: I have to ask...Are Chan and Woojin, ever going to have another kid?? (you keep mentioning it and I really want to know
loyalb #6
Chapter 13: Cute
loyalb #7
Chapter 11: Great question lol
Chapter 10: Damn Chan is such a tease ;)
loyalb #9
Chapter 10: This story is so cute please continue to update