Little Busy Day

Their Adventures

"Yes, darling?" Woojin softly dries Felix's hair with a towel. They were preparing for their day, going for a grocery shopping. It's Christmas season and they didn't want to be caught in the middle of a crowded mall. It's one week away from Christmas and since both Chan and Woojin got a couple of weeks off from work, they decided to buy all the groceries needed as early as today and as well as for the preparation of the said celebration.
"Will Daddy buy me a new plushie?" Felix looked up at his Appa's eyes, his little eyes were shining and hopeful. His son really loves collecting plushies.

"Why don't you ask Daddy then?" Woojin smiled at his son after kissing his button nose.

Felix giggled, "will he say yes?"

"Well, you're very adorable. I'm sure he's gonna say yes with this cute face."Woojin teased his son, cupping both of his cheeks in his hands. Woojin then began to dress his son with the clothes he prepared for him.

"But you still have to ask though." He added which made the little pout. Woojin chuckled. Chan was leaning on their son's bedroom's doorway listening to their little conversation.

"Oh I'm sure you'll have your new plushie later if you give Daddy a kiss." Chan suddenly said fondly, grinning at his son. His son shrieks in excitement as he runs towards his Dad. He's still in his underwear since he ran away from his Appa to his Dad's awaiting arms. Once he's in his Dad's embrace he planted a loud smooch on his Dad's dimpled cheek. Woojin smiled fondly at them.


They came first to a toy store full of different plushies and Felix's eyes sparkled at the display. He squeals in excitement and claps his little hands together. Woojin smiles fondly at his son, he swears he's doing that a lot now. He heard his little kid squeaks cutely as he ran towards a big  brown teddy bear.


Chan laughed while his husband rose an eye at his son, he was so used to them calling him a bear or being compared to a bear but it's still amusing.  

"You want another teddy bear, cub?"

"Yes please, it's so waaaaarn." And by the looks of it, Felix is squeezing the poor teddy bear in his hold which is almost as tall as him. His parents chuckled at the sight.

"Okay." Chan declares as he puts a hand around his husband's shoulders.


In the end, Felix got a teddy bear and a gray wolf plushie.


They proceed to the grocery store and grab all the things they have listed on a paper, some kitchen wares they needed, groceries and for the holiday celebration like marshmallows and chocolate drinks were written on their list. They've been planning on camping on their garden with a little bonfire to celebrate their Christmas.

"Appa, buy me my toothpaste too, and—and oh! Fruits and juice and milk and cookies and brownies and ube jam and—"

"Alright, darling. Calm down, we'll be buying those things and we will also buy ingredients for the cookies and brownies then Appa will bake it for you." It's hard to calm an excited son  who is cutely sitting in the shopping cart his Dad's been pushing on. Woojin too had laughed at the scene beside him. 

"Yeeyy!" Woojin chuckled and bent down to kiss his overly excited son's cheek. 

Chan just smiled, "right, so what isle should we start in?" He faced his husband beside him.

Woojin hummed before answering, "let's get the ingredients for brownies and cookies first."


After checking their shopping list, there's one item they need to buy but decided to put their grocery bags and the plushies first in their van then found themselves in a food court since Felix is whining because he's hungry.

"Eat now bub, we need to find you a fit of a santa costume then we can go home." Chan said, smiling at his son who messily eating his burger. It's not healthy but it's not like everyday they'll feeding their son with unhealthy food.

"Santa?" Felix mumbled before chewing like a cute baby he is.

"Yes, you'll be our little Santa for Christmas." Chan giggled.

"You should eat too." Woojin feeds his husband with the burger too, they heard little giggles from their son. Woojin smiled and wiping the ketchup that smudges on his son's chin.

As their last stop was finding Felix a santa costume, they did go home after that. And as they're on their way home, Chan was driving and Woojin was cradling a sleeping Felix into his lap.

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There's a little trigger/fowl/vulgar sentence in there, blame Johnny →_→


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Chapter 35: I am happy that you are still updating the story!

This was so sweet, the happy family on a ferris wheel ride !
Chapter 28: I like your story it is very cute and fun to read. Really like Woochan couple interactions with their son. Also like mentions of NCT and other idols.
loyalb #3
Chapter 28: this is the most wholesome story I've ever read ♥
Chapter 24: this chapter was just... pure cuteness
Chapter 20: I have to ask...Are Chan and Woojin, ever going to have another kid?? (you keep mentioning it and I really want to know
loyalb #6
Chapter 13: Cute
loyalb #7
Chapter 11: Great question lol
Chapter 10: Damn Chan is such a tease ;)
loyalb #9
Chapter 10: This story is so cute please continue to update