Brown Eyes

Leave? He could leave whenever he wanted to? It sounded like a dream to him. He was allowed to leave on his freewill. This human male, Minhyun, wasn't keeping him in the room and he was free! But just the very thought of freedom had also left him shackled to the room. After all, where would he go? What would he do? He had no clue so he sat, wrapped up like a burrito on the bed instead and feeling warmth with the layer around him. He must've had fallen asleep after that because when he opened his eyes, he was surrounded by darkness again. He let out what resembled a squeak as he scrambled around. He could still feel the soft bed under him so it made him calm down slightly as he let his eyes adjust to the dark. He was still inside the room but outside was just dark now. He blinked, wondering if this was night just like when he had escaped. There was light seeping through the bottom of the door and curiously, he crawled over. He stopped when he reached the door, looking at his legs. Slowly, he pulled himself up onto his feet that still tip toed a little. He gently placed his sole down flat on the ground, feeling the floor beneath him. It took him awhile before he could stand properly but once he managed, a small smile peeked from the corner of his lips. He looked at the door, feeling around it until he felt what he could remember was a knob. He turned it and it gave way, moving the door aside for him to move. He poked his head out and gasped softly as a whole house laid before him. A house. That's right. There was a fireplace, a couch, plenty of weird stuff that resembled grass and tree branches to him sticking around here and there. He took notice of the human male laying down on a thin cloth on the floor and tilted his head. There was a bed in the room he was in so why was the human on the floor and sound asleep too? He tip toed over to him, still a little unused to walking on two feet but he knew how. He just hadn't done it in a really long time. He gazed around the house. There was only two doors left unapproached and he went towards the closer one, parting it open since it wasn't even closed fully. There was a hole in the ground, probably leading outside and also a bucket by its side. He guessed this was for passing motion although he didn't feel the need for it now. He crept out again and gently made sure it was back to its original position. Then he made his way to the other door. He gripped it, somehow expecting it to be locked since it was most likely the front door. He hesitated and stared at the door. He could leave at any time. He could. He really could so why wasn't he? It's not like he owed the other anything. He never asked to be helped. He glanced back at the human male who had chose to sleep on the floor instead of making him do it. A shift in position from the other made him dash back into the room instead, shutting the door and crawling back in bed. He didn't know why he felt afraid to leave but he was.


Minhyun woke up to a startle as he opened his eyes to find the male whose name he had still yet to know on the ground, wincing just right at the door. He hurriedly got up, ignoring his back ache as he raced to the male.

"Are you alright?" he asked worriedly and the other looked up, hissing and taking a couple of... Actual steps back as he pulled himself up to his feet. "Did you kick your toes on the door?"

Minhyun watched the male clutch onto his toes after all and let out a soft chuckle at his silliness. He was honestly surprised to see him still around. He thought after what he had said yesterday the male would take his leave. He wondered if it was because his wounds were indeed still painful but from the way he moved, it was almost as if there was not a single hint of pain. Minhyun was confused since it had only been a day and a little more. There was no human who could possibly heal that fast but he didn't approach him to check, afraid he would only scare him more. He watched the male crawl back into bed and hide under the covers, the soup left untouched on the bedstand. Minhyun wondered if he wasn't hungry and took the tray out to wash it since leaving it there would invite unwanted visitors around his house.

Days passed as Minhyun tried his best to be welcoming to the other yet it seemed no matter how much he tried, the male refused to speak to him although he had now turn quiet every time Minhyun approached him instead of hissing or growling. His eyes would stare at his every movement until he leaves the room. It confused Minhyun since he didn't know if the male wanted to leave or stay or... What exactly did he even want? Rarely, the male would take a step out of the room and approach the front door but he would never turn the doorknob. Minhyun wasn't sure what he was afraid of and even tried leaving the door open once but the male instantly head back into the room. Minhyun also realised he had been waking up with a blanket over him recently and while it did put a smile on his face, he still wanted to know who the other truly was.

It was a cold night that day and almost two weeks had gone by ever since Minhyun had brought the male into his humble abode. He shivered on the floor, trying to stay close to the fireplace but it didn't help. He wasn't covered in fur or anything like that. His human skin was freezing and even the hot drink he had made himself earlier felt like nothing. He couldn't fall asleep as his teeth chattered but he still shut his eyes tightly as he rubbed his arms. The door creaked but Minhyun could barely open his eyes to acknowledge the other. He realised the male had very quiet footsteps as his floorboard didn't make much noise. His whole body tensed up when he felt the blanket being placed on him but it still wasn't enough even as he pulled it closer around him. He still shivered even as he curled his tall frame to try to generate heat. Without his vision, he could still hear something moving around behind him. Before he could try to part his frozen eyelids, he felt a different kind of warmth engulf him. It wasn't the same as the blanket covering him. This was... A body. A human warmth. He felt strong arms wrap around his cold figure and found himself burying closer to it as well, trying to snatch as much heat as he could. Warm. So warm. Minhyun let out a shaky breath, finally feeling a little better. Once he was comfortable and warm enough, he opened his eyes just a crack to find the male hugging him. Minhyun's face was on his chest but he could see the other's eyes were closed as if he was asleep too. Minhyun smiled a little, finding it pleasant. While human contact wasn't rare for him, a hug sure was. A comforting warming one too. Gradually, he fell asleep in the male's hold.


He yawned and stretched out his limbs, wondering why they felt so sore as he blinked his eyes open. Right. He came outside yesterday to give Minhyun a blanket and ended up hugging the male to sleep because of how cold he had looked and he had nothing else to offer but body heat. Minhyun wasn't there beside him anymore and the blanket now laid on him instead. He rubbed his eyes and yawned again, stretching his back as he sat up. He looked around the house, slowly familiarising himself with it. He wondered where Minhyun was. He pulled the blanket closer to himself and sat there, waiting.

And waiting.

And waiting.

Until the door opened and the human male stepped through it with a wooden box behind his back. Minhyun hadn't notice the other still sitting in the same spot until after he had put down the box and almost walked right into him.

"Woa- oh. Hey. You're... Still out here," Minhyun said, stepping backwards so he wouldn't step on the male who stared up at him. This was awkwardly new. He stood up and approached the human male who looked frantic about him coming close. "Um... I thought you like personal space?"

He tilted his head and sniffed Minhyun, nose just inches away from his neck. He could smell all kinds of scent off the other. Humans, nature and other stuff that he couldn't tell. The outside sure had a lot of smell compared to the dark cavern he had broke out from. But amongst all that, Minhyun himself had a pleasant smell that made him feel relax as he stepped away from the human this time with the blanket still securely around his shoulders. He walked to the front door again and stared at the door knob.

"Do you want to leave?" Minhyun asked and he glanced back at the human male who approached him. "You could, you know. I'm not stopping you or anything." Minhyun took hold of the door knob and turned it. His eyes widened and he shifted backwards away from the front door to Minhyun's confusion. "Hey... Outside isn't scary, you know? I don't know what happened to you but... Outside is pretty cool. Come on. I'll show you."

He stared at Minhyun who smiled and opened the door cautiously as to not freak him out. The door opened and he looked out at the field that stretched towards a forest area. A rocky pathway s its way inside too. There were tiny flowers all around and he could even see bees, butterflies and all sorts of creatures running, flying or just laying about. He blinked and felt himself shiver at the thought of stepping out.

"You'll be fine," Minhyun said while taking a step out. "If you're afraid to step out on the grass, you could put on shoes. It'll be fine."

He gulped as he watched Minhyun put a pair of shoes on the floor for him. He gripped the door frame, still afraid to take a step out. Minhyun was confused since he had originally found the other outside after all so why was he so adamant on staying in now? He held a hand out and smiled, hoping the other would be brave enough to take it. The male looked at the hand with a bewildered look but slowly stretched his own out. He had already hugged Minhyun yesterday so touching hands should be fine, right? Their fingertips met and Minhyun smiled, gently holding onto his fingers first as he slid the rest of his hand onto the human's.

"I'll hold you so there's nothing to be afraid of," Minhyun encouraged him and took a step back, gently pulling him. He gulped and finally moved his leg forward. Barefoot, of course. He stepped on the grass and felt prickles up his body so he quickly pulled his leg back inside. Minhyun giggled but still kept a hold on him. "Just like that. Try again."

He could remember when he had stepped on grass after he left the cavern. At that moment he was in such a rush to run away that he didn't even register it but now, grass seemed scary after spending days comfortably indoor. He took two more steps, planting his feet on the grass and feeling them all around his feet. He breathed in and out heavily, clutching onto the blanket as if that was his safety net. All at once, a memory gushed back into his mind. He blinked, confused and startled as he looked up at Minhyun and then the vast field that suddenly seemed to grow twice in size as if his field of vision had expanded.

"You're doing great."

"Come on, Dongho! It's not even that scary."

"But there are bugs in the grass."

"They're just bugs. They can't possibly harm you when you're almost a hundred times bigger!"

He let go of Minhyun's hand as he bravely took a few more steps forward. He had played on grass before. He used to run across fields freely. As if the memory had brought back his senses, his lips twitched and he was smiling. He started running a little with the blanket flowing behind him. He let out a giggle and moved forward, feeling adrenaline rush in his body as he recalled how he used to spend his days before he was caught. That's right. He froze. He was captured. Taken from his friends and family. He turned around to Minhyun with bewildered eyes. Minhyun was smiling, just thinking that the other was happy to be outside again.

"Are you going to leave?" Minhyun asked and at once, he was by the human's side again. Minhyun was confused when the other just abruptly hugged and clung onto him tightly but he gently gave him pats on the head to hopefully calm him down. "So I guess this is goodbye?"

He looked up at Minhyun with wide eyes and shook his head vigorously which only made the human male even more confused. He entered the house and sat down, pulling the blanket close to himself. Minhyun chuckled at the other's odd behavior.

"You're not leaving then?"

He nodded his head and Minhyun sighed. "Okay. But that doesn't mean you can stay for free, mmm?"

He blinked, unsure what Minhyun meant. He didn't consume food or water. He only needed sleep so technically he wasn't much of a hassle to have around. Minhyun squatted down before him and tilted his head. He followed and tilted his head as well.

"So... What's your name?"

He blinked.


But he stayed quiet instead.

"You're still not going to tell me?"

He looked away from Minhyun's gaze and stared at his toes. He heard the human male sigh and stood up.

"Okay. Okay. I'll just... Call you Baekho then."

He looked up at Minhyun. Baekho?

"Because you're big like a tiger and fair so Baekho shall be your name until you tell me what it is," Minhyun said and again, patted his head. He blinked and growled a little since Minhyun's fingers were getting stuck between his hair. "Oh gosh. You need a shower too."

As if all thoughts of personal space had disappeared, Minhyun lifted him off the ground and started dragging him outside again. He squeaked but still followed closely, a little too close one might say since he was practically glueing himself to Minhyun and almost causing the other to trip a couple of times. Minhyun brought him to a personal hot spring that he had made as his bathroom since there wasn't enough space in his house for one. He, Baekho, now stared at the hot steaming pond with wide eyes. He still held onto Minhyun even as the other started preparing the bath as well as soap for the other to shower with.

"Go on. Strip."


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Last chapter tmr >< and then I'll have to focus on the prompt story and also red luggage so I can get back on track with stmy


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189 streak #1
189 streak #2
Amalina123 #3
Chapter 8: Sorry I’ve just finished reading ?
I... need time to digest this uWu someone being so sweet here
Minhyun-ah, don't show it too much. You're so naive in hiding your heart beat, it hurts me.
Thanks Axel for providing Baekmin daily supplies ?
purpleviper #4
Chapter 8: Uuuh..this is cute!! The ending, i caaaaan't...!!yes pls stay away from our Baekmin!! Except Aron ,lol

Thankyou author-nim ;)
minbaekhoe #5
Chapter 8: One of the softest baekmin fic out there!!!!!! Thank you for this masterpiece!!! Ily ?
NeenaKang #6
Chapter 8: Thanks for this lovely story ?
Chapter 8: Yey!!! Done!! Another awesome story author-nim!! Great work as always!! Thank you! The story was unique and interesting and sweet! Not the usual hybrid fic that I have read! Great twist at that shocking end part! And the best part is that its a happy ending!! :))
Looking forward to more happy baekmin endings from you author-nim! Fighting :))))
minbaekhoe #8
Chapter 7: Ooohh!! Is it almost over? I cant believe we're almost at the end!! I forgot this is just a short fic...
My guess is right!! Aron will be an ally! Baekmin needs one!
So apparently there's a war among wizards! And Baekho's energy is being used so Jonghyun's group can fight! And Baekho is the only one left from his kind?? Gosh! I love it!!
Chapter 6: JRen as villain??!!! Gosh!! Why????? My mind is still not accepting JR as the bad wizard who tortured Baekho!!!! Grrrrr!!!!
This looks impossible to solve but this is happy ending right author-nim?? Lol!!
I think Baekho is powerful enough to save them considering that JR is using his energy to power his magic!!.. also, we still havent read about Aron so hopefully he can help Baekmin???