Brown Eyes

Baekho stared intensely at Minhyun as the other finished packing up another packet of medicine to be handed out later that day. It had been almost two months now since the two started staying together. Needless to say, Minhyun was starting to get fond of his companion. They even shared the bed since Baekho would literally drag him into the room every time he saw Minhyun sleeping and curling up on the floor. The nights had also been getting colder since winter was approaching so they wore thicker clothes. Once Minhyun placed the medicine all into a separate basket, he handed it to Baekho who took it with a huge smile. Not one day had passed where Minhyun was alone anymore. Baekho was always there now, unwilling to leave his side. Minhyun didn't have anything to complain about though since Baekho was well behaved. The only times he grumbled was when Minhyun leaves him too long to do his business. He would start pawing at the door like a puppy who couldn't be away from his owner. Well, maybe he was. Minhyun still had no explanation whatsoever to who or what Baekho really was. He had only seen the ears and tail that one time and now he was even questioning his own sanity if he had really seen it.

They left to town again. Baekho held Minhyun's gloved hand and smiled as they walked down the street. Minhyun wasn't sure where Baekho got that habit from but didn't mind it since it helped him make sure that the other was always by his side. Maybe he did feel a little more than fondness for the other but he didn't really dwell much on it as they made their way to the poorer area.

Baekho got greeted just as much as Minhyun did. The people of the town area was getting used to the silent yet smiley helper of Minhyun's. Minhyun was also actually glad that he had a helping hand now. Despite how much Minhyun tried to push himself, he was only one person so with Baekho there, he could do a little more than usual.

"So, you remember which houses to drop by, right?" Minhyun asked as always just to be certain. Baekho nodded and hesitated. He didn't want to leave Minhyun's side as usual but knew if he helped, they could go back faster so he dashed off in a hurry to complete his deliveries. It was something that Minhyun could trust him with too and he didn't want to disappoint him.

"He's such a delight," an old lady had told Minhyun one time as he was helping her check up.


"Your new helper. He's always smiling and he plays with the children. He really brought a little more life back to us."

Minhyun smiled and nodded, glad the people thought of Baekho positively. His uncertainty at the beginning had slowly mellowed out. "He brought life into my life too."

"I'm sure he has."

The old lady eyed Minhyun's suspiciously sheepish smile and chuckled.

"Sure is good to be young."

Baekho made quick work of the deliveries, waiting for Minhyun at his usual spot at the end of the alleyway after he was done. Minhyun showed up a couple of minutes later and sighed in relief to find him there. Sometimes he still felt like Baekho would decide to leave or disappear one day and he wasn't sure if he would be able to handle it anymore. The other had somehow found a place in Minhyun's heart that he knew he would probably break a little if the other were to leave. Baekho beamed at the sight of the doctor, holding onto his hand again once they were side by side.

"Baekho... I know you don't eat but... Would you like to try something new?" Minhyun asked. Baekho tilted his head and nodded, just going with whatever Minhyun wanted him to do. Minhyun smiled and led him in a different direction.


Minhyun laid in bed that night with a full stomach. He turned to look at Baekho who was beside him, eyes shut and breathing low as he snoozed away. He turned to face him and stared at his face. He smiled as he watched Baekho scrunch his nose a little and relaxed again. He reached over and poked his cheek just to be sure the other was sleeping. Baekho didn't react and he placed his entire hand on his cheek instead, gently caressing his cheek.

"You came into my life so suddenly...," Minhyun started talking even though he knew Baekho wouldn't be listening. "And I didn't know what to expect at first. You could have been a murderer on the loose... Or maybe someone dangerous. But you turned out be something else. I still can't tell what you are and you feel so... Unreal but... Here you are beside me and making me feel like my days are more worthwhile. I know a day will come when you leave... But for now, I want to be selfish and have you by my side for a little more. Is that too much to ask?"

Minhyun leaned forward and kissed him on the forehead. As if triggering something, Baekho started glowing lightly. It startled the human male but the glow died down gradually and Minhyun was definitely very sure that Baekho was something more than he could ever imagine.


He stared out at the night sky, wondering just how much his life had took a turn ever since he escaped and was brought in by Minhyun. He never thought this would have happened back then. He thought he would just be running free like he used to be but now he had just caged himself in Minhyun's house. He knew why he was unwilling to leave Minhyun's side and he wished he could tell the other too but without the ability to talk, it wasn't very easy. He was also grateful that the other allowed him to stay despite him being a complete stranger in the beginning and also took care of him.

He looked at the moon and raised his brows. A full moon. He looked at his body, knowing that tonight he would be able to show Minhyun who or what he actually was. If Minhyun was able to accept it, he would stay. If not, he had planned to leave before either of them became too attached although he knew he would still probably be heartbroken after spending this much time with the other.

He waited for Minhyun to enter the bedroom, sitting by the window as he watched the human male yawn and moved over to the bed. He laid down and rolled a little before turning to Baekho whose gaze was on him the entire time.

"Not coming to bed yet?" Minhyun asked with a tired smile. The cold and fatigue was really taking a toll on the doctor who tried to stay healthy so he could keep up with his work. Baekho shook his head and opened the window to Minhyun's confusion. "What are you doing? It's cold."

Baekho nodded and took off his shirt. Minhyun's eyed widened as he hurriedly stood up and headed over to the stripping male. He took hold of his shirt and tried to put it back on.

"This isn't funny, Baekho. You're going to catch a cold." Baekho held Minhyun's hands and slowly removed them. He smiled assuringly and Minhyun slowly moved back as well. "Are you... Trying to show me something?"

Baekho nodded and Minhyun took a whiff of cold air. He hugged his body and watched as Baekho started glowing again. The hairs on Minhyun's body started standing as he watched the other being engulfed by light. He had to shut his eyes so he wouldn't be blinded fully. Once he felt the light dim down through the covers of his lid, he peeked his eyes open. It took awhile for him to adjust before he stumbled back in sudden fear. He fell onto the ground, back bumping against his bed as he gasped. Throat seizing up as a fully grown sized white tiger stood on all fours before him. It looked gentle and not as menacing after a second look. Minhyun covered his eyes and took a deep breath. A small growl echoed from its throat and Minhyun froze up again. He slowly moved his hands down and stared at the tiger that was glowing lightly. He swallowed the lump in his throat and forced himself to remain calm.

"B-Baekho?" His voice was barely a whisper as he said the other's name. The tiger seemed to... Smile as Minhyun said his name. It, he took a step forward and Minhyun stiffened as the tiger approached him. He was barely inches away from it now. He let out a shaky breath. "T-that... Is you, right?"

Baekho nodded and gently nudged Minhyun's hand with his snout. Minhyun squealed and moved his hand upwards. Baekho rubbed his head against it and Minhyun tried not to panic. It was after all a full grown tiger in front of him. Even if he knew it was Baekho, it didn't quite help much although he did try to come to terms that the other could basically change into a tiger. A tiger! He let out a relieved breath and Baekho moved back, trying to gauge Minhyun's feelings.

"This is... Crazy," Minhyun whispered and Baekho whined, laying down as he stared up at him with the same brown hazel eyes Minhyun had come to love. It was him. It was Baekho. Minhyun gulped and slowly closed in on him. He let out another shaky breath as he held his cold hands out and let them sink against Baekho's warm fur. "You... You were a real tiger all these while?"

Baekho let out a grumbling noise and Minhyun let out a nervous chuckle. "Oh my god... I wasn't dreaming that day then. I really saw... Ears and a tail. I..."

Baekho made a confused noise. Minhyun knew all these while? He flicked his eyes at the human male who started laughing nervously as he pressed his whole body against Baekho's warm one. Baekho made a whimper but snuggled against Minhyun. He felt accepted by the other. Which meant he didn't have to leave. Minhyun started patting him as he recovered from his initial shock. He started looking and studying every part of him from his head down to his tail. Baekho rolled over and Minhyun squealed in fascination. He rubbed his hands over his soft belly and Baekho made satisfied purring noises which only made Minhyun giggle.

"Amazing... I can't believe this." Minhyun's fingers stopped when he felt something under the fur of Baekho's neck. He shifted closer and frowned when he saw something lodged against his neck. "What's this?"

Baekho couldn't see it even if he tried so he tilted his head higher to let Minhyun get a better view. It had a pentagon shape and Minhyun couldn't quite tell what it was but it looked unnatural on the glowing beast before him. He slid Baekho's fur aside and squinted.

"Is this... What's making you unable to talk?" Minhyun asked since it was on his throat area. Baekho made a gruffly sound and tried to scratch at it with his paws but couldn't reach it. "Wait, wait. Let me try to take it off."

Minhyun curled his fingers around it and tugged at it. He groaned as it was really hooked onto Baekho and wouldn't come off. "Come on." Minhyun tried harder and felt it shifting ever so slightly but the moment he relaxed, it just stuck itself back. "I can get it off! Just give me a moment."

Baekho huffed and laid there. Tail flicking lazily as he yawned. Minhyun giggled, finding Baekho just as adorable as a tiger as he was a human now that he had overcome the shock with curiosity. He gently placed his feet against Baekho's belly and pulled the pentagon shaped item as he pushed, trying to get it off. It loosened again like a magnet that still tried to pull itself back in and Minhyun gritted his teeth as he finally managed to pull it far enough that it just clattered onto the floor once it was off. Minhyun gasped and swung it to the end of his room, staring at it momentarily to make sure it didn't do anything weird. It did have a little green glow but it soon disappeared,leaving only a harmless looking item on the floor. Baekho lifted his head to see if Minhyun was done.

He got up and started shining again. Minhyun glanced behind, squinting as the light faded and the human Baekho laid there. . His eyes widened and he snapped his head back.

"Oh snap," Minhyun blurted out while covering his face. He still tried to avoid joining Baekho during baths and they took turns most of the time rather than taking one together. He heard Baekho clear his throat and it sounded a little less rough compared to his usual growling tone.

"Mi..." Minhyun blinked and slowly turned around, just as much as he could to see Baekho's frowning expression. Baekho rubbed his throat and parted his lips again, trying to talk. "Min..." Their eyes met and Minhyun blinked furiously.

"You're... You..." He found himself unable to speak properly this time. He breathed in deeply and collected himself again. "You're talking."

Baekho smiled and nodded. "Min." That was most he could get out from his throat now since his tongue felt like it hadn't been used for so long that it forgot how to say words. Minhyun gasped softly and smiled in relief. He grabbed the blanket from the bed and tossed it onto Baekho before getting up and shutting the window since the room was getting too cold for his liking. Baekho crawled up onto the bed, huddling in the blanket while beaming after putting his clothes back on. Minhyun turned around and sighed.

"You got your voice back," Minhyun said and slowly made his way to Baekho who nodded. He slid onto the bed, laying down beside the male who wrapped the blanket around him as well. He pulled him close to keep him warm just like every other night since they started sleeping together but this time, Minhyun felt his ears ringing and chest pounding much louder than before. "And... And... And you're a tiger!"

"Mmm.." Baekho nodded, feeling genuinely happy that Minhyun hadn't chased him out and would still lay in bed with him.

"Oh gosh... Is that why... I mean. How do you even change?"

Baekho shrugged and snuggled against Minhyun, burying his face against his neck. Minhyun stiffened a little but gradually relaxed enough to hug Baekho in return. Warm. He was still just as warm as always.

"I've got so many questions for you."

"Mmm... Me... Too."

Minhyun felt his chest fluttering from Baekho actually making intelligible words now. The other hadn't lied when he said he could actually talk. Minhyun wanted to ask more since there were literally just so many questions circling his mind but soon heard Baekho snoring away softly. He smiled and patted his head, feeling as though Baekho trusted him enough to actually show him his true form. It made Minhyun's heart swell as he hugged the other closer, finding him even more precious by the second. It made him feel as though Baekho chose to stay and that was more than enough to him.


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Last chapter tmr >< and then I'll have to focus on the prompt story and also red luggage so I can get back on track with stmy


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189 streak #1
189 streak #2
Amalina123 #3
Chapter 8: Sorry I’ve just finished reading ?
I... need time to digest this uWu someone being so sweet here
Minhyun-ah, don't show it too much. You're so naive in hiding your heart beat, it hurts me.
Thanks Axel for providing Baekmin daily supplies ?
purpleviper #4
Chapter 8: Uuuh..this is cute!! The ending, i caaaaan't...!!yes pls stay away from our Baekmin!! Except Aron ,lol

Thankyou author-nim ;)
minbaekhoe #5
Chapter 8: One of the softest baekmin fic out there!!!!!! Thank you for this masterpiece!!! Ily ?
NeenaKang #6
Chapter 8: Thanks for this lovely story ?
Chapter 8: Yey!!! Done!! Another awesome story author-nim!! Great work as always!! Thank you! The story was unique and interesting and sweet! Not the usual hybrid fic that I have read! Great twist at that shocking end part! And the best part is that its a happy ending!! :))
Looking forward to more happy baekmin endings from you author-nim! Fighting :))))
minbaekhoe #8
Chapter 7: Ooohh!! Is it almost over? I cant believe we're almost at the end!! I forgot this is just a short fic...
My guess is right!! Aron will be an ally! Baekmin needs one!
So apparently there's a war among wizards! And Baekho's energy is being used so Jonghyun's group can fight! And Baekho is the only one left from his kind?? Gosh! I love it!!
Chapter 6: JRen as villain??!!! Gosh!! Why????? My mind is still not accepting JR as the bad wizard who tortured Baekho!!!! Grrrrr!!!!
This looks impossible to solve but this is happy ending right author-nim?? Lol!!
I think Baekho is powerful enough to save them considering that JR is using his energy to power his magic!!.. also, we still havent read about Aron so hopefully he can help Baekmin???