Who is she?

The Mysterious Cub and the Popular Penguin

Mina pov

'minaaaa..marry mee!!'  'aahhhh,you guys are so beautiful,be my wife!'  'god,damn they hot.i wonder how they look without the clothes' 'thank god mom told me to come to this all school girl..this is heaven!!'

Aiiissshh stupid girls,do they dont have any better things to do than freaking make a chaos early in the morning? Im so annoyed.. "yah mina,stop that cold face.its not that you not use to this kind of treatment every morning.Right jeong-ah?" nayeon said while clinging to her girlfriend. "yeah mina.but im still amused that those girls still fangirling us when we already like ,dating each other" jeongyeon laugh but shoot fire from her eyes when some girls start eyeing her girlfriend. "tsk.excuse meee,not all of us are gay here.Right mina?" momo who is chewing foods said while go near mina so she can get away from other couple who are being lovey-dovey with each other. "well,i guess" i just shruged and went to my class quickly so i can avoid any other gift from my fan.My friends just let me because they know how i am.The 8 of us including me are very popular among the student because all of us are the daughter of some rich ceo or doctor or any other rich occupation that you could think of.To be honest,i dont like this kind of treatment.Just because my parent have money,doesnt mean that everybody have to kneel infront of me so they can be my slave any moment.When i already sit on my chair,i sighed and hope that the day will be finish quickly without any stupid event that will make my mood go down.half through the class,i suddenly have to pee so i ask permission from my teacher to go to the restroom.After im done doing my business,i  flush the toilet and went to go out but before i even open the door,i heard someone enter the restroom with a loud slam. "yah you!are you ing deaf and mute?! Why the hell did you never said anything since the first day of school? Just stay home if you dont socialize with others,you !" then i heard someone got slam at the mirror. "the !?this is why i hate you man! Why didnt you ing cry or said no?you idiot!have a ing emotion you !" i heard enough and went out the toilet.I can see their shock face turn into scaredy cat face.where the confident bullies go huh? "you guys better stop bullying this girl or I tell the teacher what you guys did and when i said stop,its mean never ever think to touch her again.understand!?" I said with a cold voice and glared at them that make them quickly run away to save their life.Nobody mess with myoui mina.

     I turn to the girl and the first thing that come in my mind is how strong the girl is.she kinda cute.the girl is washing her face and wipe her face after that.there still a little blood near and her hand is bruised. "you ok? Let go to the school clinic" i gave her my gummy smile that will make everyone melt..well...almost everyone.The girl just stay silent and put poker face. "thank you" the girl bow a little and went out the restroom before mina can ask anything else.interesting...i dont know why but the girl make me feel something that I never have before.i went to my classroom while still thinking about the girl untill the class end.why i never notice her before? She hella cute but i just notice her now? God jihyo..why i cannot stop thinking of her? i sighed. "mina? You ok? You space out after you went to the restroom.is there any fangirl stalking you in the bathroom again?" right on cue jihyo ask me while we walked to our next class "im ok jihyo..just..nevermind.we better be quick or mr.kim will kill us for being late"




Heyyy its RyanDJoker here...thanks for reading and im sorry if i update it late for the upcoming chapter.hope you enjoy it! No michaeng no life!



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The poll is untill 5 Nov and after that i will check the results. Thank you and im sorry. But if you want to, there's a plenty of other michaeng story in this account,feel free to check it out.


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Kaizokuo #1
Chapter 4: Oh wow! I like minas aggresiveness ?
Jaelam #2
Chapter 3: Kyahhhh