Blending In

Hyewon did not sleep until she realized it was already 4AM, she got too immersed in what she was doing. Which is why as soon as she sat on her bed she just suddenly fell down and sleep easily consumed her. Not even bothering to wash off the paint that stained her hands or shirt.

Opening her eyes, she groaned out and slowly sat up. Only to see the final piece that she painted. Now that she thought about it, the date of the exhibit has not been announced yet. But she already finished hers, which made her contemplate if she would really pass the artwork which she made last night.

The canvas painted black as its background, as a silhouette of a girl that Hyewon is very familiar with. The girl is painted in soft white , different light colors combined together which gives an effect that she is shining.

Painting the girl in a long white dress, hair is colored in light gray as it gives an effect that it is being swept by the wind. The only facial feature that could be seen is the familiar eyes that Hyewon is always seeing lately. A hint of smile is being hidden because of the hair slightly covering it.

Staring at it, Hyewon realized that she really focused on the eyes. If a person close to Minju would see the painting, they will easily connect the dots and realize that the mysterious girl is Minju.

Shaking her head out of her thoughts, she looked for her phone to see the time.

Holy , it’s already noon. Hyewon thought and quickly stood up. She then turned the easel around to let the canvas face the wall. She doesn’t want anyone to see it, even though she is the only one living here.

She went out of her room going to the bathroom to freshen up until she hears a knocking on her door. Confused, she slowly walks over and opened the door.

“Yes, how can I –“

Hyewon lost her voice when she was greeted by the sight of Minju.

“Hey, did I wake you up?”

Hyewon stared for a good 3 seconds, “No! I uh, just woke up. But no.”

“You sure?” Minju asks and looks the girl from head to toe. Hyewon’s hair is still disheveled and her hands and shirt has paints all over.

“Yeah, I just slept late.” Hyewon answered, “But why are you…?” Hyewon trailed off, hanging the question on the air.

“Oh!” Minju exclaimed, “I asked the person on the desk on your apartment unit, she just gave it to me since she saw you helping me yesterday.”

“Oh, cool.” Hyewon nodded her head slowly.

“Is that fine?” Hyewon nodded her head at the question, but still confused why the girl is here.

“Great, I was just planning to ask you if you could join me?” Minju asks.

“Join where?” Hyewon asks back, rather dumbly.

“To buy a frame.” Minju beamed, “For the sketch that you gave me.”

“Oh, right. Sure!” Hyewon smiled, “Can I just wash up? I just literally woke up.” Hyewon said sheepishly.

“Right, I’ll just maybe, wait for you at the lobby?”

“No!” Hyewon said loudly, “I mean sorry, you can come inside.”

“You sure?”

“Yeah, it might be a little messy though.” Hyewon said and opened the door wider for Minju to enter.

“I’m sure my apartment is still messier than yours.”




Hyewon enters her apartment followed by Minju who is looking around. The apartment was indeed messy just like what Hyewon said, but it was weirdly messy in an artistic way. A corkboard hanging on the wall with various pictures, which she assumes of Hyewon and her friends. Essay papers scattered around. It does really scream art if you ask Minju.

“Sorry,” Hyewon bent down picking up a blank scrap paper and pillow, “It’s just really messy.”

“No, it’s fine.” Minju smiles reassuringly. Hyewon noticed that the girl is staring at the corkboard hanging on the wall.

“Oh, my friends insisted to do that.” Hyewon explained, “Well, mostly Yujin.”

“Yujin? The tall one, right?” Minju asks as she tried to remember her friend.

“Yeah, that’s her.” Hyewon nodded, “She said my apartment is too plain for an art student.”

“She is not wrong though.” Minju said and looks around.

“I prefer to call it minimalism.” Hyewon shrugged, “Though I might be a little messy.” She added, making Minju chuckle.

“Right, I’ll just washup alright?” Hyewon said and pointed at her bathroom.

“Sure, take your time.”

“Just make yourself at home.” Hyewon smiled and quickly walks to her bathroom. Because holy , she looks like and Minju is inside her apartment waiting for her.

She decided that she really needs to shower to ease her mind and make her ready for the day ahead.




Hyewon blushed as her stomach grumbled, making the girl beside her laugh.

“Did you even eat anything?” Minju asks.

“No, I just went straight out of bed when you arrived.” Hyewon smiled.

“Oh,” Minju furrowed her eyebrows worriedly, “Would you want to eat first?”

“I think – “She was cut off by her stomach again making her close her eyes in embarrassment, “I think that would be perfect.”

Which is why the found themselves inside the café that Hyewon ate at with her friends last week. Looking at the menu, she decided to order something heavy to compensate the missed breakfast. She turned to look at Minju.

“What would you like?”

Minju turns to her quickly and shook her head, “No, I’m full. Don’t worry about me.”

“I insist,” Hyewon frowned, “I’d be awkward if I’m the only one who is eating.”

Minju looks at her face and realizes that Hyewon would not take a ‘no’ as an answer.

“Hot chocolate?” Minju said the first thing that came up to her mind.

Hyewon smiled and nodded her head, ushering Minju to look for a table. “Don’t worry, I’ll pay.”

“Hey Hyewon,” The said girl turned her head to the cashier – Eunbi. “What can I get for you?”

“Unnie, hey,” Hyewon smiled, “Can I get some pasta my usual but add some chicken on the side, then a hot chocolate.”

“Sure, is that all?”

Hyewon is about to nod when she saw the cakes being displayed, “Maybe a slice of blueberry cheesecake too.”

“Sure, that would be $90.” Hyewon smiled and fished out some bills giving it to Eunbi.

“I’ll just serve it are your table.” Eunbi smiles and ushered the girl to go.

Hyewon smiles at Minju who was waiting for her at their table, Minju noticed her and smiled back.

“Why did you wake up late?” Minju asks to start a conversation.

“Slept late.” Hyewon shrugged her shoulders.

Minju laughs at the answer, “You always want to end the conversation, don’t you?”

Hyewon was flustered but it was just because she is usually like that, pointing out the obvious every time someone asks her something.

“So, why did you sleep late?” Minju asks, choosing her words correctly.

“Oh, I just did some project.” Hyewon smiled awkwardly, in which the other girl nodded.


“How did you – “

“I saw your shirt and hands earlier,” Minju chuckled remembering the sight. “Dried paint all over it.”

“Oh, of course. I was too tired last night to wash it off and went straight to sleep.” The art student blushed and scratched her nose due to nervousness.

“I didn’t know you paint too.”

“Huh?” Hyewon asks, confused.

“I just thought you just do sketching,” Minju shrugged, “I mean that’s what I always see you do.”

“Oh, right,” Hyewon laughed slightly, “I can’t really paint in the library, can I?” She joked.

Minju blushed madly at the teasing directed to her, “No, I mea – “

“Yeah,” Hyewon laughed cutting her off, “I get what you mean.”

“I lean more into painting, to be honest.” Hyewon nodded.

Minju looks at the girl curiously, she really wants to know the art student more. She’s just full of surprises.

“Then why don’t you?”

“Nothing much.” Hyewon smiled slight, giving a vague answer. She then noticed Eunbi approaching their table. “Food is here.” She announced.

“Hi, thank you for waiting.” Eunbi said and put their orders on the table.

“Unnie, I didn’t order a juice.” Hyewon said giving the juice back to the older girl, who only shook her head.

“It’s on the house. You always eat here anyways.” Eunbi smiled and left the two to eat.

“You always eat here?” Hyewon heard Minju.

Hyewon nodded, “Mostly with my friends. Their cakes are the best.”

“Speaking of cakes,” Hyewon smiled and pushed the blueberry cheesecake to Minju’s direction, “I ordered this for you. This is my 2nd favorite, you’ll love it.”

“No, you do – “

“No, it’s okay. I want to buy it for you.” Hyewon smiled, patting herself mentally. Smooth Sappho, smooth.

“Thank you.” Minju smiled at the gesture, “I’ll leave some for you.”

Hyewon beamed and started digging on her food as she Minju talks about basically anything under the sun. They shared mundane stories, the stresses on their major. Until it went to trivial and weird questions such as what they would do if there’s an apocalypse, the last thing they would eat if they are in a death sentence.

They found each other’s company really calming. Though they are complete opposites, with Minju being much more on the talkative and popular side of the spectrum, while Hyewon lives in her own bubble giving off an intimidating vibe when you don’t personally know her.

Which is why Minju seems to be really curious with the art student. Hyewon just blurts out the most unexpected answer to some of her questions. Sometimes saying the obvious answer which cause the conversation to suddenly end, which would be the reason to their laughter.




Hyewon was having a good time with Minju, though there would be times that she would be flustered and be a stuttering mess, she still managed to hold an actual conversation with the girl.

She never thought that Minju would be this amazing, and it makes her fall for the girl even more. As if she’s not into deep enough. After they finished eating, they immediately went to the mall and searched for a frame.

Hyewon thought it would be a quick stop, but Minju was stubborn. Saying that she needs to find the perfect frame for Hyewon’s drawing. Hyewon kid you not, she blushed madly after hearing that. She could only hope that the other girl did not notice it.

“I need to find something worthy of your sketch.” Minju pouted as she looks around the shop.

Hyewon squealed at the sight but managed to keep it to herself, “You can just use any frame, seriously.”

“No, wait.” Minju said, “I think I just saw a nice frame over there.”

And the girl went over to the corner as Hyewon just stood there. Looking around the shop, it was full of frames and it all looks decent. Hyewon does not know what type of frame the girl is looking for. She looked outside the mall when she noticed a vintage shop that got her attention. That look’s cool.

“Never mind,” She heard someone say from behind, “It was ugly.”

This made Hyewon laugh patting the girl’s head to console her. “You wanna look over there?” Hyewon suggested pointing at the shop she saw earlier.

Looking at the direction, Minju suddenly light up and pulled the older girl by the wrist. “I think I’d find the perfect one there!”

Entering the shop, Hyewon and Minju are not surprised to see that most items are vintage. It was pleasing to the eyes, especially for Hyewon who has a thing for vintage. Hyewon nodded her head urging the other girl to look for a frame, as she looks around on her own.

She walked over to a shelf which was full of pocket watch, all vintage. Some already broken, but the aesthetic makes up for it. Hyewon turned to look around to see Minju crouching down, looking for some frame.

When something shining caught her attention, curious, she walked over it. Oh, wow.

She picked up a thin bracelet from one of the opened drawers in the shop. A silver bracelet with a plate that holds 3 white gems. Is that Opal? Hyewon has no idea when it comes to those kinds of things but this is just beautiful.

Turning the bracelet over, she saw something engraved at the back. Is that ing Latin? Ab imo pectore.

“From the bottom of my heart.” Hyewon heard someone said beside her, making her jump.

She turned to see an old man smiling at her, “I’m sorry?”

“That’s the meaning of that bracelet.” The old man replied, “It’s in L – “

“Latin.” Hyewon finished his sentence and smiled, “I just know weird things.” She said awkwardly.

“That bracelet has a nice story,” The old man said, “Do you want to hear it?”

And Hyewon knows that this is just sales talking, to lure her into the trap and spend money to buy this bracelet. But it’s not like it’s going to hurt or something, but she knows her curiosity would sometimes kill her.

“Sure.” Hyewon smiled.

“That bracelet was given to a woman; rather beautiful I must say. One that would make all people go crazy and jealous of her.” He started and Hyewon listened carefully. “It was given by an artist, a great painter during that time.”

He must be ting me. Hyewon thought but just smiled to let the man continue.

“That woman is unattainable, no man ever dared to come near her. While other women spread malicious gossips about her. Not until that artist who asked her if he could paint her.” The man smiled and looked at the bracelet.

There was just something about his smile that made Hyewon’s heart ache. Like a memory long forgotten was suddenly vivid in the old man’s mind.

“She was hesitant at first, but the man proved that he is just there to paint her. When the woman agreed, they spend time together. Minutes, hours, days.” The man continued, “Until the man has painted the woman for over a hundred times, they still continued to see each other. Eventually they fell in love.”

Of course. Hyewon internally cringed, the story somehow resonates with her.

“But of course, love is not all about sunshine and rainbows. The man suddenly received a message that he is asked to paint some aristocrat. Not wanting to pass up the opportunity, he accepted it without second thoughts. Not knowing that would be the biggest mistake he would ever make.”

“Why?” Hyewon asked.

“He did not know the job would last for years. Not until he arrived at the place. Leaving the woman only with the promise to marry her and that bracelet.” He explained.

“But did he manage to marry her?” Hyewon ask, really getting into the story.

“No.” The man said, “But he’s contented, to see the woman happy. He observed her from afar, continued to paint her without her knowledge. Until she died due to some sickness.”

“Oh,” Hyewon winced, not wanting where the story is going.

“The bracelet was delivered to the man, saying that the woman died. That was the day he lost his passion in painting.” He said, “Keeping the bracelet as it holds memories of the woman he still loves.”

“And yet it’s here.” Hyewon pointed out. Earning a light chuckle from the man.

“And yet it’s here.” He repeated, staring at the bracelet.

“How much for it?” Hyewon knew the man did his work with his talk since she now wants to buy the bracelet. But who cares? She’ll just think that the story is real so it would really have a sentimental value.

“Are you an artist?” The man asked which surprised Hyewon.

“Yeah, sort of.” She awkwardly answered, “Struggling artist?” She joked.

“Then it’s free.” The man smiled.

“No, I can’t possibly – “

“Take it.” The man insisted, “Maybe you saw it for a reason, no?” He then noticed the girl approaching Hyewon. Seeing that the man is looking behind her, Hyewon turned around to see Minju holding a white frame with black accents.

“This is perfect!” Minju exclaimed, until she noticed the man beside Hyewon. “Oh, hi sir.” She bowed.

“Will you take that frame?” He said warmly.

“Yes,” Minju nodded and smiled, “How much for it?”

“I’ll make it $7 for you.” The man smiled and walked over to the counter which was followed by the two girls.

“Thank you, sir!” Minju beamed and fished out some bills to pay, the man getting the frame to wrap it up.

Hyewon was still holding the bracelet and looked around the shop, the door behind the desk open since the old man is there. She then turned her head to the left to see a painting. A woman. In plain clothes obviously from the older times. She stared at the painting.

Minju and the old man continued the transaction, while Hyewon just stares at the painting. Damn, that is one goo –

Her thoughts were cut off when she noticed the wrist of the woman. Is that the –

“Thank you, please do come back.” Hyewon heard and turned quickly to the man who was smiling at her, nodding his head as if confirming what she’s thinking.




Minju was happy with the frame that she got and Hyewon could see that. With the former holding it tightly to her chest, she could not help but to smile softly.

“What were you talking about?” Minju suddenly asked, turning her head to Hyewon.


“You and the man.” Minju said.

“Oh,” Hyewon said as she felt the pocket of her jeans. The bracelet, safely put there. “Just some story.”

“You really love giving vague answers, don’t you?”

“That’s just me and my mysteriousness.” Hyewon joked.

The two are about to reach their apartment building when they heard someone calling from behind.

“Minju!” Both of them turned around to see a boy with white platinum hair approaching them.

“Minju!” He reached them, breathless from all the panting. “Hey, Minju.” He stood up and smiled.

Hyewon stepped aside, staring at the boy and flitting her gaze to the girl beside her. She doesn’t know anything about the two, and she doesn’t feel like knowing it.

“What is it Taeyong?” Minju asked the boy. Taeyong is the name?

“I’ve been trying to call you.” Taeyong pouted. Disguting. Hyewon thought.

“Really? I haven’t been checking my phone.”

Hyewon whipped her head to the girl’s direction who was staring at her as if saying to her that she should not say anything about it. Because as what the art student knows, Minju checks her phone from time to time searching for shops that sells frames.

“I’ve tried calling Chaewon –“

“Right, about that – “ Minju cut him off, “Stop calling her. She’s getting annoyed by it.”

“But you’re not answering yours.” The boy whined. Seriously is he a kid? Spoiled brat.

“I’m busy as you can see?” Minju pointed at Hyewon who widened her eyes. That’s the only time Taeyong noticed her.

“Oh hey, I didn’t see you over there.” He greeted, “I’m Taeyong, Minju’s suitor.”

Minju’s suitor. Minju’s suitor. Minju’s suitor. Minju’s suitor.

That line echoing inside Hyewon that she could only let a quiet ‘oh’ as a reply.

“Hyewon,” She quietly said, “Her neighbor.” She smiled slightly, avoiding Minju’s gaze. She could feel the latter staring at her. Ugh, my life.

“That’s great,” Taeyeong said dismissively, turning his attention back to Minju. “Do you need help with that?”

“No, I ca –“

“Let me carry it for you!” Taeyong said and stepped forward trying to grab the frame Minju’s holding.

“No, I can manage.” Minju shook her head.

“I don’t want you carrying something.” The boy insisted, “I also want to see your apartment.”

“Taeyo – “

“Come on Minju, give it – “

He was cut off when someone grabbed the frame from Minju, who turns out to be Hyewon. The latter watching the scene unfold infront of her, she could not help but to get irritated at how the boy is insisting something that Minju does not obviously wants.

She just met Taeyong, and she hates judging someone but damn hell this boy is getting on her nerves. Which is why she’s clenching her jaw, and intervened with his advances to the girl.

“I think she said no.” She said through her gritted teeth. Control.

“This is none of your business, no offense.” Taeyong rolled his eyes and tried to grab the frame from Hyewon when the latter slapped his hands away. Surprising him and Minju.

“It is if you’re getting annoying,” Hyewon bluntly said, not moving her glare to the guy, “And you are seriously getting on my nerves.”

Not waiting for Taeyong to say some nonsensical things, she stepped forward which seems to intimidate the guy.

“So why don’t you give us a favor and scram off?” She said lowly. Turning around and grabbing Minju’s wrist, walking quickly to their apartment.




There was an awkward silence in the elevator. It was the first time for Minju to see Hyewon lose her patience and get angry like that. But to give her credit, Taeyong is literally the most annoying person so it’s acceptable.

“Didn’t know you have an annoying suitor.” Hyewon decided to break the silence.

“No, I already rej – “

“No need to explain Minju-ah. It’s none of my business anyway.” Hyewon shrugged. She then handed the frame to Minju, feeling the elevator stop.

“This is my floor.” She announced, “Take care, and thanks for your time.” Not looking at the girl, she stepped out and went to her own apartment.

Leaving Minju to stare at the closing elevator. Unsure as to why her heart is heavy all of sudden.

“I already rejected him.” She whispered. Maybe I should really slap him.

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Chapter 25: When the kissed, Pls respect my single heart...
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Rereading bcs i miss mongmin again ! ><
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Chapter 27: Seriously. This story is perfect. AND THE SCENESS?? BROOOO i SERIOUSLY LOVE IT!! Thank you for this author! <33
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Chapter 24: OH MY 8NGGGGG
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Chapter 21: oh yes im looking forward to their kiss !
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Chapter 8: the scenes are just so 😩😩😩
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Chapter 4: 😩😩
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