Online Classes: Part 2 (KkuBi ft. Nako)

365 with ZOZI [HIATUS]

The day had finally come. I was at the living room, sprawled on the floor as I prepared Mama Eunbi’s laptop for the online classes. Mama Sakura was by my side to help set up the webcam. 

“All set, baby.” Mama Sakura spoke and returned to sit on the couch. “For a moment, I thought you wanted to share the table with me.”

“But you were here in the living room so I decided to join you, Dad.” I spoke. “It’s fine. The edge of the sofa will save my aching back.”

She nodded and returned to her work. It was ten minutes before Korean Language – which was my first class – so I joined the online classroom early. I got to greet my classmates and had a little chat with them. I even asked them if I should add lighting and they recommend me.

“Hold on.” I spoke through the mic before muting it and turning off the camera. “Dad?”

“Yes?” She asked while typing.

“Can I borrow your round light?”

Mama Sakura called Mama Eunbi about the light. Mama Eunbi went to their bedroom and got the round light for me. Mama Sakura received it and placed it at a proper angle to make my face look clearer.

“Thank you, Mom~ Dad~”

“Welcome, baby.” They said together.

Mama Eunbi returned to the kitchen to bake. Mama Sakura remained by my side to do her work and I turned my mic and camera back on. My classmates approved the setup, just in time for our teacher to join us.

The first seconds were an introduction and I made sure to be attentive. We had lessons, activities, and an open forum to exercise our comminication skills. For my turn, I talked about red bean ice cream –

My eyes went wide. I heard a loud thud behind me.

What was that noise, Nako-ssi?

I looked back and Mama Sakura was slumped on the couch with a playful grin. I shushed her and she returned to sit down and do her work.

“Sorry, ma'am. It was my dad.” I spoke.

Say hi to her for me, Nako-ssi. Please continue.

I nodded and continued to talk. Moments later, I heard my classmates laugh. I looked at my screen and saw Mama Sakura’s forehead. She was even peeking so her eyes were seen. 


“Sorry, sorry.” Mama Sakura did a peace sign and returned to sit down. 

I huffed and had to finish quickly. Luckily, I got a good score for it so I was relieved. The discussions resumed and I was relieved that Mama Sakura stopped disturbing me.

I spoke too soon. As soon as the class was done and we said our farewell, Mama Sakura glided on the sofa. The class had a laugh before it was off. 

“Daaaaad~” I whined. “MOOOM~”

Mama Sakura comforted me but Mama Eunbi was already approaching us. Mama Sakura rocked me like a baby but I struggled. My class was disturbed but luckily, it ended in a wonderful note. However, it’s not a excuse for Mama Sakura to do that.

A magazine roll hits Mama Sakura’s forehead and she lets me go to rub it. I approached Mama Eunbi and she consoled me. 

“What did your Dad do this time?”

“Mom~ she disturbed me in my online class~”

Another hit got to Sakura’s forehead. The hardcore father figure whined with her daughter. 

“Why did you that, Kkura?” Mama Eunbi raised. “You promised not to disturb our baby when she’s learning!”

“I was just playing~ ahehehe~” Mama Sakura carried me this time. “Our baby looked cute when she was serious. I couldn’t help but be playful.”

“That was embarrassing, Dad…” I pouted.

“Your class enjoyed it. Besides, your Auntie Yena won’t mind.” Mama Sakura added. “Don’t be mad at Dad, please?”

I still maintained an angry look with Mama Eunbi. Mama Sakura rocked me again and said her sorry and I became soft. “Forgiven…”

I got a kiss from her as she puts me down. I saw Mama Eunbi pull her away and make her work at the kitchen with her. I laughed and prepared myself for the next online classes.

Mama Eunbi saves the day once again.



Eunbi crossed her arms as Sakura lowered her head like a whiny baby. After the stunt she pulled earlier that disturbed their daughter’s first online class, Sakura would be scolded.

“Love, I was just playing. You know how I can’t resist loving our baby sometimes.” Sakura pouted. “Please don’t get mad at me.”

Eunbi still had her arms crossed yet Sakura continued to beg – even sitting next to Eunbi and hugging her. Like Nako, Eunbi turned soft and hugged back.

“This is a warning.” Eunbi spoke. “Do it again and you’ll face a series of consequences.”

“What are the consequences?”

“No lunch, no dinner…” Eunbi inched closer, whispering to her ear. “…and no night activities.”

Sakura gulped. Work was quite a struggle already and it would be gruesome to have no lunch and dinner, especially NO night activities.

“Noted. I won’t do it again.” Sakura spoke and ended up hugging Eunbi closer.

Eunbi couldn’t help but hug back. Sakura added a peck on the forehead as they continued to hug each other, all the while they looked at Nako happily doing her online classes.

“Love, maybe it’s time to buy Nako her own laptop.” Eunbi spoke. “She’s been very responsible.”

“No, no…our daughter must learn to earn it.” Sakura contradicted. “When she reaches senior high school and if she gets good grades.”

“Come on. I’d need my laptop in the future too. Doing spreadsheets in Excel is hard.”

“Would you mind me buying you an adapter, a mouse, and a keyboard instead?”

Eunbi raised an eyebrow. Sakura didn’t want to be screwed again but she explained her reasons again. Eunbi was willing to provide for Nako whereas Sakura wanted Nako to condition herself through working hard and with passion to earn something.

“Just this once. Please?” Eunbi pleaded.

Sakura rubbed her temples. She got a protective wife but she was always whipped for her. “Okay. I’ll think about it. I will also buy the stuff I mentioned for you.”

Eunbi kissed her for that. Sakura’s eyes went wide but she slowly kissed back and pulled Eunbi in her embrace.

“Too sweet.”

The parents broke and Nako crossed her arms. She recently finished her second class and caught her mothers on the act.

“When did you stand there, baby?” Sakura asked.

“Just now, Dad…and that was too cheesy.” Nako cackled.

“Aigoo, you little rascal~” Sakura lifted her up.

“Who do you think is like that? Where could our Nako get the genes?” Eunbi crossed her arms and got to carry Nako. 

“Dad.” Nako pointed and Eunbi agreed through a kiss on her cheek.

Sakura chuckled and joined her mother and child. The parents kissed Nako’s cheeks and the pecked each other’s lips, making Nako shut her eyes while laughing.

Eunbi decided to cook lunch. Sakura and Nako decide to help while going through the day.

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Hello, everyone. How have y'all been? I hope wherever you are, you're okay.

I just wanna pass by and thank everyone for still anticipating to this collection. I also want to share that Our Love was a favourite prompt to write. The recent chapter made me cry while writing. How about y'all?


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rynrkz #1
Chapter 78: ❤️
mycoral #2
Chapter 197: Love it so much <3
1753 streak #3
Chapter 197: oh this is so wholesome!!!!!!!
Chapter 197: baby yul🥺
Leechaeyeon11 #5
Chapter 85: hot hot
1753 streak #6
Chapter 196: i love love love this!!!!!!!! can't wait for the next chapter!!!
Chapter 196: aaaaaa my request! finally! thank you😭 and looking forward for the next chapters
Chapter 196: My Ssamyul heart❤️
Finally there is a Ssamyul story
reigngrey #9
Chapter 196: Kangbi…. What fate lies ahead. Im excited
hhhhhhhhh #10
Chapter 194: OMG. THIS STORY HAS FINISHED?! I am happy for four of them. I don't know what to comment, I just love this story. I like how you potray the characters, + the storyline is not cliche and I love the drama. THANK YOU AUTHORNIM FOR THE STORY. Stay safe and stay healthy.