An Extremely Busy Marriage: Part 2 (KkuChaen)

365 with ZOZI [HIATUS]

It was another day in Leé Café. Chaeyeon was on kitchen duty, making every dish on the menu in test tastes to gain more customers. 

“Yuding, Wonie. Take them outside now.” Chaeyeon instructed as she finished the last batch of key lime pie.

The twin towers nodded and got the servings out. Chaeyeon cleaned up the workstation and switched to cashier duty. 

“One coffee for two, please.”

Chaeyeon looked up, shocked to see a familiar smile of a cherry blossom. “Kkura, what are you doing here?”

“I came to see you.” Sakura spoke, almost confused to why Chaeyeon would ask such a question.

“At this busy hour?” Chaeyeon raised while adding a playful smirk.

“We’ll be conducting a meeting here.” Sakura pointed behind her. “My staff came with me.”

Nako peeped behind Sakura towards her right and waved, with Chaeyeon waving back. Two more heads peeped out their left and waved while hugging each other.

“That's cute. You finally brought Chaewon and Minju along.” Chaeyeon spoke then asked. “So what’s with the two coffees if they’re with you? Aren’t you ordering for them as the boss?”

“Those are for us, love.” Sakura spoke, growing serious. “I want your time before our meeting.”

Chaeyeon blushed, especially when Sakura gave that glare. The transaction went successful and Chaeyeon served the drinks. Sakura followed behind and they got to their exclusive spot, with her taking Chaeyeon's apron off from behind.

“Kkura!” Chaeyeon was flushed, almost spilling coffee on her hands. 

Sakura behaved as Chaeyeon placed the hot drinks on the table. She got her apron off herself and faced Sakura, doing a come-hither gesture. 

“Looks who’s enticing me.” Sakura mumbled.

“I’m motioning you to sit down, silly.”

Sakura almost coughed her mistake out. Nonetheless, she regained composure and sat on the vacant chair, facing her wife. 

“What time does your meeting start?” Chaeyeon asked.

“30 minutes from now.” Sakura spoke then held Chaeyeon's hand. “I made sure that we have the time for ourselves.”

Despite the usual setup, everyday was a new day of topics to talk about. Chaeyeon would ramble about some customers that made nuisance in the café and Sakura would ramble about the upcoming project which took longer to deal because of picky processes and picky investors.

It was then Chaeyeon decided to talk something else, something she was dying to tell Sakura for a long time.

“Love...can you have a day off?”

Sakura was silenced. Chaeyeon's call was of serious matter. “Love...”

“I planned to take a day off this Wednesday. Will you take that as a day off too?” Chaeyeon asked, eyes almost begging.

“Love, I...I would love to...” Sakura held her hands. “But will it really be alright? We both get busy and get driven with work. What if the café will be packed with customers or what if I get called for an important meeting?”

“Come on, love.” Chaeyeon whined to Sakura's shock. “We’ve been busy even before we got married. Despite these short meetings, it doesn’t compare to the moments we barely see each other. We don’t even meet each other in the evening because you come home late and I’m a deep sleeper due to tiredness of work.” She caressed her arm. “Come on. A day...just the two of us.”

Sakura was still uncertain. Work was always inevitable for both of them. Timings of a break get impeccable because of emergencies and she didn’t want Chaeyeon to expect too much out of nothing.

But she’s her wife, right? They were married to be there for each other and as the husband of the pair, she must always do everything for her wife. And she’s the boss of her own company. Surely she can have a battalion of subordinates to do the work for her.

“Okay. We’ll both have a day off on Wednesday.”

Chaeyeon's smile defeated the radiating Sun as she got to Sakura and hugged her tight. Chaeyeon spoke her thanks, gave kisses, and tightened her hug. Sakura reciprocated with much passion and they broke to finish drinking their coffees.

Their moment was disrupted with a phone's buzz. Sakura's reminders were telling her it was time for the meeting. “I’ll be off to the other room.”
“I’ll whip up your favourite desserts and drinks.” Chaeyeon puts her apron again and followed her outside.

“Why would I want desserts...” Sakura pulled her from behind and whispered in her ear. “...when I’m already holding mine?”

Chaeyeon pinched Sakura's waist from behind and the CEO winced then released. She returned to the kitchen to cook whereas Sakura rubbed her waist and smiled at her wife.

“Whipped~” Chaewon spoke as she and Minju did the gesture.

“Both of you are like that too.” Sakura snapped and the duo laughed it out. “Where’s Nako?”

“Flirting with one of the cashiers, boss,” said Minju. “I think her name was Honda Hitomi.”

“Call her. We need to be inside the conference room before the investors arrive.”

Chaewon and Minju nodded and pulled a whining Nako waving at Hitomi, leaving the cheeky cashier to giggle and bid goodbye before serving another customer.


The day went by busily, with Chaeyeon taking care of the café and Sakura doing meetings with many investors and fellow entrepreneurs. With that, the evening came in the shake of a lamb’s tail and people would now return to their homes to rest for another day.

Sakura cleaned her office, getting her suitcase of important papers and going to the parking lot where her black Audi was parked. She drove home, passing by the café and speeding in the hallway and slowly driving on the smaller roads towards their grand home. Despite living in a grand home, there were no maids because both of them had no time to hire one. Nonetheless, Sakura got her car inside and got herself inside their home, pressing remotes that secured everything.

It was the perks of being rich. The house was empty most of the days but is always secured.

Sakura got to the bedroom and saw Chaeyeon fast asleep. She smiled as she drew closer. It was always the usual because Chaeyeon closes her café at 8 P.M., gets home 30 minutes after, and sleeps the moment she finishes her evening routine. Sakura arrives at 10 P.M. and always caught her wife sleeping ahead.

“The blanket fell again...” Sakura mumbled and laid the article on top of her sleeping wife.

She went to the table to put her suitcase before doing her evening routine. After an hour, Sakura was already in her pajamas and joined her wife in bed. And like a sensor, Chaeyeon rolled over to hug Sakura close to her.

Despite being driven and tired due to work, both made a commitment to be together and to love together. Even in slumber, both hugged each other and plastered smiles as they relaxed in each other’s arms.

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Hello, everyone. How have y'all been? I hope wherever you are, you're okay.

I just wanna pass by and thank everyone for still anticipating to this collection. I also want to share that Our Love was a favourite prompt to write. The recent chapter made me cry while writing. How about y'all?


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rynrkz #1
Chapter 78: ❤️
mycoral #2
Chapter 197: Love it so much <3
1753 streak #3
Chapter 197: oh this is so wholesome!!!!!!!
Chapter 197: baby yul🥺
Leechaeyeon11 #5
Chapter 85: hot hot
1753 streak #6
Chapter 196: i love love love this!!!!!!!! can't wait for the next chapter!!!
Chapter 196: aaaaaa my request! finally! thank you😭 and looking forward for the next chapters
Chapter 196: My Ssamyul heart❤️
Finally there is a Ssamyul story
reigngrey #9
Chapter 196: Kangbi…. What fate lies ahead. Im excited
hhhhhhhhh #10
Chapter 194: OMG. THIS STORY HAS FINISHED?! I am happy for four of them. I don't know what to comment, I just love this story. I like how you potray the characters, + the storyline is not cliche and I love the drama. THANK YOU AUTHORNIM FOR THE STORY. Stay safe and stay healthy.