
I hate that you're happy (NCT Ten Fanfiction)
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The sound of beeping followed right after the automated voice of the female on the line. 


The hand holding his hand fell on his side as he heaved a deep sigh of frustration, his eyes staring blankly ahead. It hasn't even been three months since their break-up and yet, there she was, posting another guy's face in her SNS accounts. 


He seriously needs to talk to her.


 Ten's hands went up to ruffle his hair in frustration, not at all caring about the people watching him inside the company's cafeteria.


He seriously doesn't care about them at all, they could gawk at him and not mind their own business for all he cares. 


In fact, he has stopped caring about the world ever since she left him without giving him a valid reason. 


"You're seriously something, aren't you?" He whispered as a single tear fell from the side of his eyes. 




Eight years ago, Ten came to Korea as an exchange student and Gong Jinsil, an introvert, became his very first friend.




Today marks Ten's first day in this art school at Seoul and as an exchange student and he can't help but feel nervous. So with his purest intentions to shake out his nerves, the sixteen year old guy decided to go up roof top, not at all knowing what's in store for him there. 


They say that delinquents inhabit the roof tops and it's not advisable to go there especially that he's a transferee but the delinquent he saw there doesn't seem like a delinquent... 


at all. 


Because first, the delinquent on the roof top have long thin wavy hair, and a complete uniform. What kind of a trouble maker wears complete uniform, right? 


Also, she was wearing a thin rimmed (albeit big) glasses that surely would contrast to her frightening face. Usually delinquents won't be wearing glasses if they're feeling insecure or they will the center of attraction. But who knows, that must be the Korean Trend.


 She had her body sideways so he was yet to see how scary she looks. 


Will she kick him out? or bully him until he collapses?


But what made him think twice was the fact that the delinquent was reciting something. Maybe some kind of a line from a script with matching hand waves in the air, and her stance modest. 


What made the guy horrified, however, was the fact that the delinquent was stepping on a stool just in front the roof top railings, moving about. 


Is she trying to get herself killed?


A fee seconds later, the delinquent turned around abruptly and upon seeing the stranger by the roof top's door, she immediately lost balance  after tripping on her other foot, crashing to the ground as she let out the tiniest shriek. 


Ten didn't miss the surprised look on her face before it met the ground. 


He motioned to rush to her but decided not to, because heck, that girl over there must actually be a delinquent and it's game over for him then. 


"Oww..." the girl winced, helping herself up and that's when she glare at the exchanged student. "What's wrong with you?!" He snarled. 


Ten opened his mouth to clear his name but the only words that came out his mouth were "are you trying to get yourself killed?"




He was supposed to utter an apology to the girl if not only he didn't caught sight of her reddening cheeks, her eyes looking down the ground of the roof top. 


The silence that came right after was awkward that Ten found his self moving towards the girl on the ground. 


Clearly, she wasn't a delinquent.


"Are you okay?" he asked her when he kneeled down to be on the same level with her and that's when he caught sight of the redness of her cheeks. 


If her cheeks were red earlier, by this time, the tint was a deeper shade of the same color. 


"I'm fine," she snapped before looking up to glare at him. "And don't come near me!" She added. 


Ten didn't know why but he found her utterly cute. Her being feisty also add up to her charms. So instead of feeling scared of her behaviour, he chuckled. 


"I'm Ten." He introduced his self.


That was the start of many first things with Gong Jinsil. 


If only he knew how much of a vixen she is.



"Gong Jinsil!" 


Ten's obnoxiously loud voice rang through the school hall and she fastened her pace to get away from him. 


Jinsil is am introvert who hates people's attention but that jerk of a guy kept on pestering her, making the two of them to Be the center of attention every time he talks to her. 


The guy might not know it (or he knows but acts like he doesn't) but he's quite popular in school. Not to mention that he's part of the school dance troupe so he's mostly popular with the girls. 


Girls that are glaring at her, wondering what the mighty exchange student saw in her to be interested with her enough to talk to her. 


"Hey," Ten softly muses, taking hold of her arm to make her stop from walking even further. Luckily, he caught up with her or he would've miss his chance to talk to her today. 


"What the do you want?!" Jinsil muttered in annoyance, ca

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I'm torm whether to give this ending or that ending uwu. Enlighten me juseyoooo TT^TT


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Chapter 8: Guess I'm sad too :(
Tnx for updating , actually i've been waiting for you quite patiently . And the chapter was beautiful , thank you .
Chapter 6: . oh no , oh no , oh no no NO nO . i don't wanna believe my eyes , did jinsil just_
what the actual hell??? i wasn't at all ready for this ....=I
Chapter 5: This is so heart wrenching
blue_izce8 #4
Chapter 4: Done with all chaps with smile on my face. Thank you for sharing this story with us. I hope youll update soon. I cant wait to see the jealous side of Ten and what will happen to our love triangle. Stay safe
blue_izce8 #5
Wow! A ten ff! Im happy to have found this story (^.~)
Chapter 4: Just because some people haven't found your story yet , doesn't mean it's not good.
Diamonds are buried really deep inside the earth , and practically unreachable , but that doesn't make them any less precious !
Chapter 4: Hey?? This is really good !! Have some confidence in your work , dude?
You always ask if it's good enough , but now , you had the audacity to say that you don't feel good!!
Damn it .
You are always fine .
Chapter 3: And I really loved this chapter too , you even introduced a new character too. Jaehyun . It's always a great experience to get more into your stories.