Chapter seven :: Arrival

Trick or Trip

Reykjavik International Airport [00:25 a.m.]

"Gather up people, over here!" Jisoo raises her voice at the somehow disorganized group.

Yunho is missing and Changmin is looking for him, Sohye and Sejeong are struggling with their heavy luggages, and the latter complains about the long walking distance. Haechan is insisting on helping Sohye with her carrier but the girl refused because he scratched her brand new bag by accidentally letting it tumble down the escalator earlier. Jennie is also arguing with Haechan because the boy can't stop bugging her with his unending energy whereas Jennie is super jetlagged and not in the mood. Taeyong walks quietly behind the group with a deep frown on his forehead.

What happened to the normally chill guy?

He just found out that the airline lost his luggage.


Ok. This is a major problem for a novice traveller, and to add to the problem, Haechan is also in the same boat as him.

"Guys, I know all of you are probably tired and agitated with all that is happening." Jisoo says to them, knowing that they're not paying the slightest attention to her.

"Please just bear with it for now, we'll get to our hotel soon." She tells them.

"Jisoo ssi! Jisoo ssi! We're here!" Changmin strains his neck to call for them. Yunho is crossing his arms again and pursing his lips, annoyed that the group is moving at a snail's pace. Apparently while the group was waiting for their bags, he just walked out of the place since he has nothing to claim.

"Ah sorry Jisoo ssi we thought you were right behind us. My mistake," Changmin apologized to her but she knew that wasn't the real reason.

"No big deal, we were held back because Taeyong's bag is missing." She explained.

"They lost it? How is it possible?" Yunho develops sudden interest and seems genuinely worried.  

"We're not sure if it's really lost or perhaps still stuck in Amsterdam. Na PD handled it for us, fortunately. I guess we'll have to wait till tomorrow morning to know."

"You can use some of my stuff, don't worry Buddy!" Changmin pats Taeyong on the back.

"Thank you sunbaenim." He calmly says.

"Guys, as I told you, we'll be heading to the hotel by taxis. Let's split into two groups, shall we?"


"Noona, are we there yet?" who else but the annoying red-haired boy sandwiched between the two Blackpink girls voices out for the nth time. The four of them took a taxi while TVXQ and I.O.I took the other one.

"She's just a tour leader, not google map, you stinky bean." Jennie mutters with her eyes closed.

"Unnie, call me Haechan, or my real name Donghyuk. But I prefer Haechan. Because it suits me better and..." He goes on and on without feeling offended.

"Haechannie, stop bothering Jennie, she's jet lagged." Jisoo lightly taps his arm and the boy just laughs it off.

"Taeyong ssi, are you ok?" Jisoo diverts her attention to the boy seated in front.

"Yeah. I'm just thinking of my clothes, and how am I suppose to sleep without a change of clothes."

"Noona, let me tell you a secret. Taeyong is very particular about his outfits and its not easy for him to just wear other guy's stuff. He's really sensitive to smell and borrowing clothes from Changmin Hyung is gonna be a big deal for him. As for me, I don't really mind borrowing from him. Even if noona lend me your clothes, I'll gladly wear them." Haechan didn't even try to be hush-hush about it, instead he says it in his normal voice loud enough for everyone including the taxi driver to hear.

"Geez, very nice of you, Haechan," Taeyong clears his throat while eyeing him from the rear view mirror and the younger boy looks away.

"That's gonna be tough. There are 4 guys and only 1 had his luggage, I don't think Changmin has enough to share among the 4 of you."

"Taeyong ssi, I'm not sure if you would agree to this but I packed several oversized sportswear with me since that's my to-go outfit. Perhaps you don't mind wearing mine instead?" Jisoo carefully asks, not expecting him to say yes.

"Ok sure." He immediately answers without even hesitating. Truth is, he is just not fond of wearing s' clothes because he knew their habit of not doing their laundry often. Taeyong prefers having a fresh change of clothes daily. That earns him the nickname 'clean-freak' given by NCT members. Second reason is, well.. Taeyong doesn't even know it himself. The idea of wearing Jisoo's clothes makes him feel butterflies in his stomach. And its really bugging the guy since it's his first time experiencing this in his 22 years of life.

It's almost 2 in the morning and eight seemingly lost tourists are standing in front of a wrecked building that could collapse in any minute.

"Is this really the place where we'll be sleeping?" Sejeong asks.

"Is this place haunted? I swear I just saw the curtains moved." Sohye points at one of the windows on the highest floor of the 5-storey building.

"Shh Sohye, stop saying nonsense." Sejeong says in a hushed voice but everyone heard it.

"This is the place. The pictures online look decent though." Jisoo braves herself to ring the doorbell that says 'Reception'.

"Who's there?" a man's voice answers.

"Hi, I'm Kim and I have a reservation for a group of 8,"

"1 second."

The main door buzzes and she pushes it to enter. The rest of the group trail behind. 


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Chapter 4: NICE ONE
2034 streak #2
Chapter 9: Hahaha it looks like you are torn between making Yunho a jerk or a nice person :P anyway, if it's divided evenly, then I think it's clear that Yunho had to get in this van with the 3 girls. And I couldn't believe I have reached the last updates already. Can't wait to read more. Hope to see an update soon ^^
2034 streak #3
Chapter 8: So Yunho isn't a jerk. Good to know! Hahaha sorry that I'm too hung up on this alone. Could be the side effects of reading stories of him being a jerk back-to-back. Anyway, coming back to the story, poor Jisoo. Being a leader isn't that easy a job. Hopefully, things will go better for her in the future. Will be back later to read more ^^
2034 streak #4
Chapter 7: LoL is Yunho gonna be a jerk throughout the story? And poor NCT boys! Hope they get their lost luggage back. And about their lodging, good thing that they only booked the place for two days. Can't wait to see if the interiors are rundown as well. Will be back later to do so ^^
2034 streak #5
Chapter 6: Ah so Yunho is the one who got tricked? Hahaha poor him! Hope his crankiness is just a temporary one and that he gets over it soon. And Changmin being such a darling! Also is Jisoo really a TVXQ fan in her younger days? Anyway, will be back later to read more ^^
2034 streak #6
Chapter 5: Although I would love to see Yunho be chosen as the leader, I would be equally if someone else gets the responsibility instead and he gets to simply chill in the trip without having to worry about managing the other kids. Anyway, I can't wait to see who was chosen. But will be back later to do so ^^
daedrey #7
Chapter 9: This is a cute story. I can't wait to see all the shenanigans that the cast have to deal with as the crew throws more tricks at them.
2034 streak #8
Chapter 4: Oops! Now I kinda feel stupid for pointing out the unnie thing. But still, what kinda logic is that! I mean Haechan's not yours. Anyway, is Sejeong supposed to be a mean character here? Well, regardless, I'll be back later to read more ^^
2034 streak #9
Chapter 3: Hahaha so my guess was right about TVXQ! But then again it was not rocket science. LoL... Anyway, they are all heading to Iceland? Whoa! Luckily, Jisoo packed a winter jacket but would that be enough? And wonder if the others packed at least that as well. LoL... Anyway, will be back later to read more ^^

PS "unnie" is only used when a younger girl addresses an older one. If it's a younger boy addressing an older girl, then it would be "noona". Here, Haechan called Jennie as unnie. So just thought would let you know.
2034 streak #10
Chapter 2: Wow! What a variety show. Hahaha XD poor members who got tricked. Wait! Makes me wonder. If either Yunho or Changmin is the disclosed member of the show, then that means the other is the tricked one? LoL... No spoilers please. I'll find out for myself. Will be back later to do so ^^