Chapter eight :: Accomodation

Trick or Trip

What was supposed to be a fun and enjoyable show didn't seem to portray any signs of it. The casts are clearly exhausted and cranky after climbing up the five flights of narrow stairs with their heavy suitcases, and to add to that they were super hungry and jet-lagged. The presence of cameras is somehow a blessing in disguise because Jisoo is close to tears, but manage to hold it in because she felt bad for choosing the lousy accommodation for their first night together. To add to their non ending misery, the heaters are faulty, so it means they do not have hot water and the rooms are ice-cold.

"Since they are 3 rooms, we'll divide it this way: Yunho and Changmin sunbaenim will occupy the master bedroom, us 4 girls in the room next to it, and Taeyong and Haechan will have the smaller room." Jisoo tells the casts after everyone finish with inspection of the rooms, or more to complain-as-you-go. The most vocal are definitely I.O.I girls and Jennie.

"I'm going to be sick in this kind of environment, why can't we go to a nice hotel?" Sohye whines.

"The room smells weird, look at those pillows, I'm not gonna touch those let alone sleep on them." Sejeong crosses her arms while making note of the cleanest bed in the house.

"Unnie I need to shower ASAP but there's no hot water, and no hair dryer, and how are we gonna survive with only 1 bathroom for the 8 of us?" Jennies' complaint makes the final blow for Jisoo as she least expects her member to say anything at this moment.

Jisoo's eyes start to tear up as her voice gets shaky as she apologizes to the other 7 people. "I'm really sorry for choosing this horrible place but I'll promise you that we'll go to a nicer place first thing tomorrow morning," she blames herself for trying to be frugal with the expenses, and not being a good leader of the group.

"Jisso ssi, this is just the first day, don't be too hard on yourself. We'll see what we can do tomorrow about the heater, so just let it be for today," Yunho nonchalantly says. He heard all the slightest complains of younger members and have the urge to just smack every single one of them because they ought to be grateful. In his earlier rookie days, he wouldn't even imagine going on an all expensed paid (sort-of) trip outside of South Korea. Such variety shows are only for the super well-known or senior entertainers in the business.

"I think we should all give Jisoo a hand for doing a great job with the given circumstances," Changmin adds. "I know we're all cold and tired so let's just rest for tonight." He goes to the kitchen to use the kettle. That's how they do it during the winter when the're no hot water in their dorm.

"Very well. Then I hope each of you will have a good night sleep. Let's gather at the dining room tomorrow at 10 for breakfast." Jisoo forgot everything that was disturbing her mind and decides to end the meeting.

One by one the camera crews and staffs leave to the apartment unit just below them. There are cameras set up in the rooms, hallways and living area like how they usually do. Na PD makes a final check and returns to the staff's place. Only one youngest staff member stayed back at the casts' apartment and he crashes on the couch.

While the boys already laid on the bed, Jisoo softly knocks on Taeyong and Haechan's room. As she peeps into the room she saw the younger boy already snoring loudly on his bed without changing his clothes.

"Ah, sorry to disturb you, here are my tracksuits and shirts, at least you both have clean clothes to sleep in," she passes two sets of clothes to Taeyong.

"Hope it fits you,"

"Thank you so much Jisoo ssi,"

"Ah, no biggie, goodnight then!" Jisoo bows politely to him but accidentally bumps her head when Taeyong slightly widens the door opening.

"I'm so sorry," he instinctively grabs and rubs her head like she's a child.

"Ah, sorry again," Taeyong realizes there's camera and clenches his fists. No physical contact or whatsoever with someone of the opposite , he reminds himself.

Jisoo was still confused what just happened. She was just saying goodnight when he suddenly grabs her head and messes with her hair while saying sorry. She was probably too lethargic to feel any kind of pain this moment.

"Are you heading out?" Taeyong looks at her donning a thick jacket with a small pouch of cash that she tows around all the time.

"Well, actually yes. I'm getting us food for breakfast,"

Taeyong looked at her like she grew another head. It's almost 2 a.m. and she's about to head out on her own.

"Wait, let me come with you," he quickly puts down the clothes he was holding, and grabs the thickest jacket around, which happens to be Haechans'.

As the two of the were heading out, they bump into Yunho who was browsing on the iPad while laying on the couch. He found out about their plan and decided to head out together. He also reminded them to bring a self cam wherever they go to ease the job of camera crews.

Jisoo is wary of the foreign company with her. She tries to come up with a conversation starter to ease the awkwardness. "You know, this isn't as bad as I imagine," Jisoo suddenly says what was in her mind. She kinda enjoy going on an adventure herself, but the burden of being a leader was too overwhelming for her.

Yunho laughs out loud, "Yea, says the one who shed buckets of tears earlier." He enjoys teasing those close to him. Therefore he's careful about his manner of speech to someone he just acquainted or else it'll come out as rude.

"No offense, but I do look forward to this trip. I'm always stuck in the practice room since trainee times and even now when we don't have any schedule we are still practicing. So to be able to get out of that routine for a while makes me really happy." Jisoo tells no one in particular.

"I guess it's the opposite for me. I'm glad I was dragged into this program without prior notice and it feels like a school trip, being stuck with annoying peers while travelling together," Yunho blurts out. As the leader for the most famous idol group for more than 10 years now, he never get to experience being lead by someone else and seeing Jisoo taking charge of everything today made him realizes deep down what kind of person she really is, which makes him want to support her silently.

"Urm guys, do you even know where you're going?" Taeyong interrupts them after half an hour walking towards who-knows-what.

"I believe there's a 24-hour convenience store around here," Jisoo looks around the place but got confused since the streets look unfamiliar to the ones she saw from the taxi before.

"Let me check," Yunho turns on the iPad he's been holding while the two younger members stare at each other like lost kids.

"I think we're going the exact opposite direction. Let's turn back," he leads the way while the embarrassed Jisoo could only laugh awkwardly at her mistake.

"Give it a week and you'll hear us cussing you out like there's no tomorrow," Yunho says while grabbing Taeyong on his shoulder, sensing the guy was getting agitated.

"Whaatt?" Jisoo hangs open.

Those kids better be thankful for the warm breakfast they gonna have tomorrow morning. Imma shove even the slightest breadcrumbs into their mouth if they waste the precious food we got them at this hour. Taeyong internally says while balancing the heavy bags of groceries on both hands. Jisoo insists of getting ingredients for making a full English breakfast and the two boys could only oblige. He has never been the one to do all these mundane chores because they have managers to do it back in Korea. Who knew preparing one single meal for a group of 8 needs so much work, he thought. With every step he takes he feels even more thankful for his strict yet helpful manager.

The moment they reach their apartment it was already almost 3:30 a.m. Without a word each one of them head directly to their bedroom for a goodnight sleep.



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Chapter 4: NICE ONE
2034 streak #2
Chapter 9: Hahaha it looks like you are torn between making Yunho a jerk or a nice person :P anyway, if it's divided evenly, then I think it's clear that Yunho had to get in this van with the 3 girls. And I couldn't believe I have reached the last updates already. Can't wait to read more. Hope to see an update soon ^^
2034 streak #3
Chapter 8: So Yunho isn't a jerk. Good to know! Hahaha sorry that I'm too hung up on this alone. Could be the side effects of reading stories of him being a jerk back-to-back. Anyway, coming back to the story, poor Jisoo. Being a leader isn't that easy a job. Hopefully, things will go better for her in the future. Will be back later to read more ^^
2034 streak #4
Chapter 7: LoL is Yunho gonna be a jerk throughout the story? And poor NCT boys! Hope they get their lost luggage back. And about their lodging, good thing that they only booked the place for two days. Can't wait to see if the interiors are rundown as well. Will be back later to do so ^^
2034 streak #5
Chapter 6: Ah so Yunho is the one who got tricked? Hahaha poor him! Hope his crankiness is just a temporary one and that he gets over it soon. And Changmin being such a darling! Also is Jisoo really a TVXQ fan in her younger days? Anyway, will be back later to read more ^^
2034 streak #6
Chapter 5: Although I would love to see Yunho be chosen as the leader, I would be equally if someone else gets the responsibility instead and he gets to simply chill in the trip without having to worry about managing the other kids. Anyway, I can't wait to see who was chosen. But will be back later to do so ^^
daedrey #7
Chapter 9: This is a cute story. I can't wait to see all the shenanigans that the cast have to deal with as the crew throws more tricks at them.
2034 streak #8
Chapter 4: Oops! Now I kinda feel stupid for pointing out the unnie thing. But still, what kinda logic is that! I mean Haechan's not yours. Anyway, is Sejeong supposed to be a mean character here? Well, regardless, I'll be back later to read more ^^
2034 streak #9
Chapter 3: Hahaha so my guess was right about TVXQ! But then again it was not rocket science. LoL... Anyway, they are all heading to Iceland? Whoa! Luckily, Jisoo packed a winter jacket but would that be enough? And wonder if the others packed at least that as well. LoL... Anyway, will be back later to read more ^^

PS "unnie" is only used when a younger girl addresses an older one. If it's a younger boy addressing an older girl, then it would be "noona". Here, Haechan called Jennie as unnie. So just thought would let you know.
2034 streak #10
Chapter 2: Wow! What a variety show. Hahaha XD poor members who got tricked. Wait! Makes me wonder. If either Yunho or Changmin is the disclosed member of the show, then that means the other is the tricked one? LoL... No spoilers please. I'll find out for myself. Will be back later to do so ^^