Chapter 21 Be Mine Again

Secret Admirer (inspired by TVXQ’s Wrong Number)

Meanwhile at the police station…


Hwang Inyeop: *slams his fists against the table* Damn it, damn it, goddamn it! What do I do now? My fiancee is in danger and-


*Hwang Inyeop ruffles his hair in frustration 


Taeoh: Boss, we have to do something to save her don’t we?


Shinyoung: He’s working on it you idiot! *whacks Taeoh’s head*


Gunjoo: Can you two shut up?


Hwang Inyeop: We have to attack their old newlywed apartment. She could be there.


Head chief: Bae Hyunsung, can you check the CCTVs to check where they went?


Bae Hyunsung: On it sir! *salutes*


*Bae Hyunsung gets right down to business 


Bae Hyunsung: Inyeop, you were right! They went to the apartment.


Hwang Inyeop: Well what are you waiting for? We have no time to loose. I have to save her.


Head chief: I’ll call for backup as we arrest him. We can’t let him do this to you guys anymore.


Hwang Inyeop: Well Eunwoo, looks like your days are over. Once I’m finished with you, you are going to leave me and my family alone got it? *smirks*




*Eum Yoonjin slowly opens her eyes and wakes up to familiar surroundings. She sits up from the bed and realizes where she’s at. The EunJin couple’s newlywed apartment before they got divorced. Cha Eunwoo is beside her reading a book. 


Eum Yoonjin: Why am I here? What have you done to me?


*Cha Eunwoo notices she’s up and moves closer to her


Cha Eunwoo: You are in our apartment silly. The apartment we moved to when we got married.


Eum Yoonjin: Why am I here? Where is Inyeop oppa?


Cha Eunwoo: Why would you be looking for him when your husband is right beside you? 


Eum Yoonjin: You’re not my husband anymore! I ing divorced you two years ago! I don’t want you in my life anymore! What’s with you? I want my Inyeop oppa! Bring my life back!


Cha Eunwoo: You already have your life back with me. What are you talking about? Besides I can make you the happiest girl in the entire world. What do you say? Will you be mine again?


Eum Yoonjin: NOO!! You’re ing crazy! *slaps his face* I will never take you back! 


*Cha Eunwoo looks back at her with burning anger in his eyes


Cha Eunwoo: How dare you say that to me!! You will be mine again no matter what!


*Cha Eunwoo moves closer to her and she starts to back away from him


Eum Yoonjin: Leave me alone Eunwoo! Stop it!! 


*Cha Eunwoo pushes her against the bed and forces himself on her. She starts to squirm and push him away from her but no use. He’s too strong to her. He slammed his lips against hers and her sides. His hands reach inside her shirt. His breathe on top of hers. His lips forcefully gazing upon her skin. 


Eum Yoonjin: Stop it please…. Please stop…. *tears up*


Eum Yoonjin’s mind: Oppa, where are you? I’m scared… I need you…. Get me out of this hell… 




*Eum Yoonjin sits up from the bed as she covers her body in shame. She’s now tied up on the bed in her lingeries. Cha Eunwoo puts back on his clothes after his business with her. He her hair. 


Cha Eunwoo: Your fiance will never come back for you. Once I kill him, you will stay with me forever and we will be the happiest couple ever. How does that sound? 


Eum Yoonjin: You psychopathic monster! How dare you do this to me?


Cha Eunwoo: I know you will love me again and I’m going to prove it to you. 


*Cha Eunwoo presses his lips firmly against hers one last time before he leaves the bedroom and locks the door shut. Eum Yoonjin bawls into tears scared for her life. All the memories she had with Cha Eunwoo has now been ruined. She felt regret of the relationship she had with him. 


Eum Yoonjin: Why does my life have to turn out this way? Why did I love you in the first place?


*Eum Yoonjin lies down on the bed thinking about the memories she had with him before this hell started in the first place. Tears fall down her face as she ends up fast asleep. Scared of what her future will behold for her with this ex-husband she calls a monster. 

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2026 streak #1
Chapter 13: Whoa! I knew he was a psychopath but I never thought he would so easily take down a gangster. That's some skills he got there. LoL... Anyway, will be back later to find out what happened to Inyeop.
2026 streak #2
Chapter 11: I'm getting more and more with every chapter I read. How old is Jang Dongyoon? Anyway, why is Inyeop acting like she cheated on him? I mean, Dongyoon is someone from her past before they even dated. Anyway, will be back later to read more ^^
2026 streak #3
Chapter 10: What the! So Eunwoo has killed someone because of his possessiveness? And if that guy is her first love, then I wonder how the killing had happened. So many unsolved questions. Hope they get resolved in the further chapters. Can't wait to read more. Will be back later to do so ^^
2026 streak #4
Chapter 8: Wait! I thought Eunwoo was caught? I'm a bit confused now. And poor her though! Having to experience all those nightmares and stuff. Was he that bad when they were married? Anyway, I hope I get to clarify my doubt soon. And will be back later to read more.
2026 streak #5
Chapter 5: The gang and the police did the investigation together? Hehe the conversation between the chief and the boys were a bit funny. Nonetheless, now that the stalker was arrested right at the beginning, I wonder how the story would go further. He's going to be let out for lack of evidence or something, isn't he? Anyway, will be back later to read more ^^
2026 streak #6
Chapter 3: Why didn't she tell Inyeop about the stalker? Feel like she should have. Also did she recognise that the customer is her stalker? Even with the hood and the mask? Wow! That's some skill though! LoL and that's some crazy ex she got. Poor girl!
2026 streak #7
Chapter 2: Whoa! If I didn't know better, I would have wondered who that stalker was. But still wonder if my guess is right. And it's been way too long since I read a fic in this format. Need some getting used to. Nonetheless, will be back later to read more ^^
Chapter 24: He can still escape from jail tho...should have killed him when they had the chance tsk tsk tsk
Chapter 23: I wonder why her and inyeop broke up in the first place?
Chapter 22: Bruh grab a knife and stab his !! It’ll be self defense so you won’t even get in trouble!!!!