Chapter 4 Seeking Answers

Secret Admirer (inspired by TVXQ’s Wrong Number)

Early the next morning...


Inyeop: Look, I have a plan. The Bloody Pirates and I are going to find this "Secret Admirer" and figure out what his deal is with Yoonjin.


Hyunwook: Good, hey brother-in-law let me know if you need anything.


Inyeop: Thanks.


*Inyeop leaves Happy Mart and heads to Bloody Pirates hang out.




*Inyeop gathers the rest of the gang and discusses the plan.


Gunjoo: I think we should go to the police station and check all of the security cameras; on the streets, local shops, malls?


ShinYoung: I think that's a great idea, don't you think Inyeop hyung?


Inyeop: I think it's good start, let's go there.


*So the Bloody Pirates gang head to the Korean Police Station and talk to the head chief.


Head Chief: Hello, young men, what can I do for you?


Inyeop: We were wondering if you could check all of your security cameras throughout the city for this mysterious guy we're looking for, here's a note of his description. 


Head Chief: Ah, I see… ok let's  go to the computer lab.


ShinYoung: Wow, you have a great set up here, Head Chief.


Head Chief: Yes, we do young man, state of the art, high tech computer system.


Inyeop: Now, can we get to business please?


Head Chief: Yes, of course! Let me introduce you to the head of staff here, Bae HyunSung.


Bae HyunSung: Hello, guys!!! Welcome to the computer lab! I'm the head of staff here, why don't we get started on this investigation shall we?


Inyeop: Yes, please!


Hyunsung: Right this way.


*Hyunsung directs the gang and head chief to his office which had a room with multiple t.v. screens showing different locations of the city from the installed security cameras.


TaeOh: Wow, this looks great!


Shinyoung: I know right!


Inyeop: Ok, guys let's get down to business to defeat this chump.


The gang: YES SIR!


Head Chief: Alright, Hyunsung, show them what you can do.


Hyunsung: Right away, sir! So here we have 20 T.V. screen monitors surveilling the entire city including the local shops, city street markets, and malls. Right here we have a red light, once it lights up it’ll let’s know that there is a criminal on the loose. That’s how we’ll find your “Secret Admirer.


Inyeop: Great, let’s start searching!


*The gang, Hyungsung and Head Chief start monitoring each and every T.V. screen in search of the “Secret Admirer”. It took hours and long nights to find him. Until the red light lit up, everyone woke up and in the center of the T.V. screen they saw a tall man all dressed in black walking towards Happy Mart, Yoonjin was already feeling better and started to go back to work again. They saw him walk towards Yoonjin and he was talking to her, they got into an argument. Unfortunately they couldn't wait to hear what they were saying, but it looked like that Yoonjin was pretty pissed off because the “Secret Admirer” wouldn’t leave her alone, then the head chief called in for backup.


Head Chief: *on radio* Code 10-62 Subject possibly wanted. Get over there immediately!!! NOW!!! Ok, guys let’s go and catch this guy!


*The gang, Hyungsung and Head Chief head down to Happy Mart, there they see a couple of police cars surrounding Happy Mart and police officers standing by with guns locked and loaded ready to shoot down the subject.


Police officer #1: Head Chief, great that you could make it, we have the subject on his knees ready for arrest, shall you do the honors of giving him the Miranda Rights?


Head Chief: Yes, sergeant I do.


*The chief gave the subject his rights and put him under arrest, threw him in the police car and drove him down to the police station and asked him for some questioning.


Inyeop: Um, excuse me Head Chief, if you don’t mind, is it okay if I joined in on the questioning???


Head Chief: Sure, young man, come on in.


*Both the Head Chief and Inyeop went into the Interrogation room to sit down and talk to the subject and find who he is and why he is following Yoonjin and taunting her.


Inyeop: Hey, man reveal yourself!!!! Remove that mask!!!! Remove it immediately!!!!


Head Chief: Ok, Inyeop, it’s Inyeop correct?


Inyeop: Yeah.


Head Chief: Ok, yeah, remove the mask, now!!!


*It took a few minutes, but eventually the subject removed his mask. Inyeop recognized his face…




*Inyeop, he tried to jump over the desk and strangle Eunwoo but the Head Chief pulled him back.


Head Chief: Ok, settle down men!!! Behave yourselves!!! 


Inyeop: Fine, fine. 

*Inyeop and Eunwoo collected themselves and sat back in their chairs.


Head Chief: Ok, now, Mr. Cha Eunwoo why were you taunting Mrs.Yoonjin this afternoon? 


Eunwoo: Because she wouldn’t listen to me, she’s my wife and as my wife she should listen to her husband.


Inyeop: Damn it Eunwoo!!! You’re not her husband anymore!!! *grabs his collar*


Eunwoo: Yes, I AM!!!


Inyeop: You’re crazy man!!!


Eunwoo: Me??? I’m crazy?


Inyeop: Yeah, crazzzyyyy!!!!


Eunwoo: Ohhhh, you’re in for it now!!!! 


*Eunwoo comes over to the desk and starts to punch Inyeop in the face. 


Head Chief: Woah, now that’s way over the line!!! *On the radio* Officers, come in we need back up. This one needs to be locked up for the night. Out and over. 


*The officers come into the interrogation room to arrest Eunwoo and take him to the jail cell and lock him up for the night. Inyeop and the rest of the gang head out home, meanwhile Inyeop stops by Yoonjin’s parents’ place.


Inyeop: Hey, love, I’m here!


Yoonjin: I’m coming!!!


*Yoonjin comes to the entrance and opens the door to Inyeop.


Yoonjin: Oppa! *runs to hug him*


Inyeop: Hey, love! *smiles*


Yoonjin: Come on in, I’m making dinner!!!


Inyeop: Wow, what are you cooking? You know I always love what you cook.


Yoonjin: I’m cooking your favorite, samgyupsal!


Inyeop: Will there be soju?


Yoonjin: Yes there will be. 


*The InJin couple heads inside the house with his arms around her waist. She leans her head on his shoulder enjoying his company.

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2026 streak #1
Chapter 13: Whoa! I knew he was a psychopath but I never thought he would so easily take down a gangster. That's some skills he got there. LoL... Anyway, will be back later to find out what happened to Inyeop.
2026 streak #2
Chapter 11: I'm getting more and more with every chapter I read. How old is Jang Dongyoon? Anyway, why is Inyeop acting like she cheated on him? I mean, Dongyoon is someone from her past before they even dated. Anyway, will be back later to read more ^^
2026 streak #3
Chapter 10: What the! So Eunwoo has killed someone because of his possessiveness? And if that guy is her first love, then I wonder how the killing had happened. So many unsolved questions. Hope they get resolved in the further chapters. Can't wait to read more. Will be back later to do so ^^
2026 streak #4
Chapter 8: Wait! I thought Eunwoo was caught? I'm a bit confused now. And poor her though! Having to experience all those nightmares and stuff. Was he that bad when they were married? Anyway, I hope I get to clarify my doubt soon. And will be back later to read more.
2026 streak #5
Chapter 5: The gang and the police did the investigation together? Hehe the conversation between the chief and the boys were a bit funny. Nonetheless, now that the stalker was arrested right at the beginning, I wonder how the story would go further. He's going to be let out for lack of evidence or something, isn't he? Anyway, will be back later to read more ^^
2026 streak #6
Chapter 3: Why didn't she tell Inyeop about the stalker? Feel like she should have. Also did she recognise that the customer is her stalker? Even with the hood and the mask? Wow! That's some skill though! LoL and that's some crazy ex she got. Poor girl!
2026 streak #7
Chapter 2: Whoa! If I didn't know better, I would have wondered who that stalker was. But still wonder if my guess is right. And it's been way too long since I read a fic in this format. Need some getting used to. Nonetheless, will be back later to read more ^^
Chapter 24: He can still escape from jail tho...should have killed him when they had the chance tsk tsk tsk
Chapter 23: I wonder why her and inyeop broke up in the first place?
Chapter 22: Bruh grab a knife and stab his !! It’ll be self defense so you won’t even get in trouble!!!!