I Love You, Stupid!
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"I told you, I was not in the office when they came!" 

A week after, Seona and Haechan are in the meeting rooms, having another mouth fight. And that is not their usual playful bickering. Mark, Jeno, Renjun and Jaemin are worried because that is like the first time they saw the two fighting like that. They followed the two inside the meeting room to do damage control. 

Apparently, Haechan's parents had come to the office, making a scene while Haechan was meeting with a possible investor. And Seona wasn't in her office, dealing with another meeting with another investor. 

"Can't you just do the meetings here then? Do you have to go outside?" Haechan rub his temple, clearly frustrated. 

"They didn't tell you they want to come here and how would I, the one that they clearly hate supposed to know that?" Seona slammed her fist on the table. 

At that, they all grew silent. Haechan swear, he heard something cracked. But Seona looking pissed as ever. He took a deep breath, shooing their friends away. 

"It's fine. Go back to work. I'll deal with this." 

"You sure?" Jeno asked because this is literally their first fight after getting married. 

"It's fine. I'll talk with her." 

The four look at them worriedly but Haechan just brushed them off. Before the four even got to get out of the room, Seona had walked out first, making them startled. 


Haechan tried to stop her but she walked out without looking back. Prompting Haechan to follow her. 

"You guys go back to work. If Johnny hyung ask for us, tell him we got emergency." 

After that rushed talk, Haechan made her way towards the fuming Seona. Since her office room is right in the hallway, their colleagues could see them.

Seona tried to calm herself in front of her door. Haechan step closer to her. 

"I hate you right now." 

"Honey, please..." 

As much as Seona hate it, the nickname that she had grew accustomed to made her calmed a bit. Seona let go of the door handle to glare at her husband. 

"Okay. I'm sorry." 

Haechan, in his most gultiest voice apologise to his wife and he slowly put his hands on her shoulder, squeezing that pair of shoulder. 

That pair of shoulder that he got to not so accidentally hug in the morning. They had made it clear that they won't sleep on the same bed but somehow Seona felt uncomfortable sleeping un his guest room. They had made it a habit that they will sleep on the same bed, with a bolster im the middle. And that didn't really do much justice for their close proximity. 

"I really hate you." 

"Okay. I'm sorry. Really am sorry for lashing out at you. I think we need to talk about this." Haechan fix her hair carefully as his eyes noticing their colleagues are watching them. 

"But not here. Let me get my things. I'm taking you out." He whisper in her ears before purposely placing a kiss on her cheek for display to the eyes of the people watching. 

Seona froze when she felt him kiss her cheek. A week ago, he kissed her on the same cheek and she froze too. She was about to kick him when she heard voices behind her. 

"Oohh...flirting isn't allowed during work hours Mr. Lee." One of their colleageus tease them. 

"At least I am flirting my wife. Well, a wife this pretty, of course I

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So, I am contemplating. I LOVE YOU, STUPID!, is quite different from my other stories. And I actually love making light story without complicated plot. I think I lost hope in me to write.


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definitely gone mad!!!!!!!!!! I love it already. Snotty Haechan and a boss lady? Loves.